Man, I've become addicted to operations so much so that conquest has become boring for me.
Conquest is just a big TDM.
Rush, Ops and Domination is fun but Conquest and WP is meh at best.
Not to mention Conquest takes WAY too long.
Man, I've become addicted to operations so much so that conquest has become boring for me.
Believe me, I know you can spam "request order". I fully utilize that option but it's completely futile.
Believe me, I know you can spam "request order". I fully utilize that option but it's completely futile.
That it is. And they also refuse to promote anyone else so they can set orders, most of the time.
Conquest is just a big TDM.
Rush, Ops and Domination is fun but Conquest and WP is meh at best.
Not to mention Conquest takes WAY too long.
Man, I've become addicted to operations so much so that conquest has become boring for me.
Same. I love the concept behind Operations, but I think it leaves a lot to be desired. I don't like being forced to attack or defend, for example. Conquest actually lets you choose. I'm also not a huge fan of how meat grinder-ish and spammy Operations often feels since so many players are crammed into such a small section of the map. For me, it's just way too linear and restrictive to feel like a proper Battlefield experience. Conquest is still the bread & butter, but so few people work together it can be super hit-and-miss. Sometimes it's untouchable, and others you could swear you're just in a mindless TDM romp with a few flags strewn about (Suez almost always results in this).Maybe I haven't given Operations enough of a chance. I just can't play anything other than Conquest right now, I love it. I'll admit I haven't played more than a couple matches of Operations.
Guys I've never played a Battlefield game's multiplayer just bought this on PC I would appreciate some tips.
Press V to change firing modes. The starting Medic rifle defaults to semi-auto, but you can switch to full-auto to give you a better chance in CQB. (I thought it was semi-only for the longest time!)Guys I've never played a Battlefield game's multiplayer just bought this on PC I would appreciate some tips.
I use it. Crazy OP gun. I kind of feel bad using it. I won't be surprise if they nerf it.
Damn I've been using that shotgun since launch. It's a beast for sure. I hope they don't get crazy with shotgun nerds. Most games don't give them the range they need. They should fuck your shit up.
Guys I've never played a Battlefield game's multiplayer just bought this on PC I would appreciate some tips.
best way to get 10 dynamite kills?
They most likely will nerf it, but in doing so totally ruin it by nerfing it too much.
But until then, it's so great to use.
Filthy filthy Jesus-10
Throw and detonate.
I need to make another Gif now :3I cleared a room with it with 4 enemies in there trying to capture a flag. Tossed a gas grenade, waited a second then rushed in. Got 2 in one shot, proned, shot one then shot the 4th one on the ankle. LOL.
Not much else to itbest advice using the dynamite!
You will die alotGuys I've never played a Battlefield game's multiplayer just bought this on PC I would appreciate some tips.
Conquest is just a big TDM.
Rush, Ops and Domination is fun but Conquest and WP is meh at best.
Not to mention Conquest takes WAY too long.
+1 for 40-player Operations. Still chaotic, but you actually have space to flank.
Throw and detonate.
That's the 'secret' of every Battlefield, it's nothing new. 64 players servers is crazy chaos that it is spectacular, but it doesn't play well. The moment you are trying to actually capture the objectives instead of shooting enemies, or flanking, or do something interesting, you can't, as there are enemies everywhere. It's all a grind.
Gameplay wise lower player count servers are much better, it's more fluid, more interesting, with more chances to shine.
No, pigeons is TDM. CQ is where the strategic aspect of BF shines.Conquest is just a big TDM.
Rush, Ops and Domination is fun but Conquest and WP is meh at best.
Not to mention Conquest takes WAY too long.
Anybody here with a PS4 want to group up and play operations?
I'm ShadowSwordsmen on PSN.
best way to get 10 dynamite kills?
I'm just about to go to bed, but I'm up for playing tomorrow. My username is Lukas_Japonicus
Anyone else who wants to play, feel free to add me.
No, pigeons is TDM. CQ is where the strategic aspect of BF shines.
No that's small team based TDM with birds while Conquest is massive TDM with a few flags thrown in for good measure.
Only thing that requires strats are Ops and Rush at 40 player count. 64 is too many people to play any sort of strategy.
Yes?You're wrong.
AT suicide mine run FTWJFC
Sometimes I wonder if people actually realize that it is POSSIBLE to take a fucking tank out as a foot soldier
Swear to god as soon as people lay eyes on one they just lie down and give up
Like, it's not hard at all
Choose assault, shoot the tank with rockets, blow it the fuck up
Sometimes I wonder if people actually realize that it is POSSIBLE to take a fucking tank out as a foot soldier
Swear to god as soon as people lay eyes on one they just lie down and give up
Like, it's not hard at all
Choose assault, shoot the tank with rockets, blow it the fuck up
I use it. Crazy OP gun. I kind of feel bad using it. I won't be surprise if they nerf it.
Except when you're in the tank you'll be swarmed by an entire squad of assaults with anti-tank grenades and rockets. This game and the people that play it are paradoxical like that.
Got half of mine trapping hallways in the Argonne Forest bunkers and waiting for the enemy. Got the other half sneaking up behind oblivious snipers lying down and hard scoping on hillsides, and dropping dynamite on their backs instead of dogtagging way to get 10 dynamite kills?