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Battlefield 1 |OT| Make War Great Again

Can someone explain how I am supposed to raise your class vs your general level? I don't see a class meter of progression at the end of match screen like BF4.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Can someone explain how I am supposed to raise your class vs your general level? I don't see a class meter of progression at the end of match screen like BF4.

It's hidden in the customize and soldier tab. You can see the actual score/level-up requirement score in the solider tab.

Basically you have the 4 infantry (Assault, Support, Medic, Recon) and Tank/Planes (Pilot) with the Horse (Cavalry) and the Battlepickup Heroes (Elites) to level.

Scores in one of them DO NOT carry over to the others. So if you're riding the horse and get scores despite spawning as a Recon, you don't get score to recon.

Though weirdly I got score in the train for Assault. So the Train/Plane broken shit in operations MAY count toward infantry classes. YMMV.


need serious tuning of my controls. Did fine in BF3/4 and Hardline but shooting around like blind without hitting anything in BF1. Doesn't help that L2/R2 zoom/shooting throws me still off.


Ugh, finally finished the Icarus medal. Hard to get anything done with the fighter plane I feel, got half my kills from trench darts. (Git gud time)

Bomber's my plane of preference. Not only very helpful to the team obviously, but usually there's enough time to switch seats to the back gun and tear through an attacking plane, killing it with 50 hp to spare.

Data Ghost

Loving BF1 but its making me want to go back to BF4. Im not a World War fan and prefer a modern setting, but most of all I miss the helicopters!


Just had my best ever match.

* Conquest
* Sinai Desert
* On my own (even though I set my squad to open)
* Tank

What happened next was a rabid spree of driving back and forth between A,B,C and E, setting the objective for each, capturing them all, more often than not solo cannon blasting the shit out of folks, hiding for repairs, etc. Was such a thrill.

Ended up coming top by a considerable distance 47-2 with 22k points - next highest on either side was 16k. We won too due to the constant holding of all the mentioned capture points.

I had my cake and ATE the fuck out of it too.


The post match loading and stay screen has really deteriorated for me over the last few days. Very slow, nothing seems to load properly, just a bit unpolished.


Loving BF1 but its making me want to go back to BF4. Im not a World War fan and prefer a modern setting, but most of all I miss the helicopters!

I agree. I never flew helicopters but I always loved to hit a ride to move around the map quickly. There's no equivalent in BF1.


I love the operation mode in this game.

I just keep playing Ballroom Blitz over and over again.

Those poor Doughboys.

Although I did load up B4 for the first time in two years as well today and had an awsome couple of hours in Metro grenade spamming the fuck of people, hilarious fun.


Fear my clubbing skills! 20th place worldwide. :D


i'm such a sucker for statistics. Pleasantly surprised that I'm doing so well on the leaderboards!



Hollywood Hitman

Gold Member
Are you guys having an issue where after Conquest it isn't loading stats for the match? Is there anywhere to check out our last matches on the site or app?
Are you guys having an issue where after Conquest it isn't loading stats for the match? Is there anywhere to check out our last matches on the site or app?

Same thing's been happening to me constantly! Glad it isn't just me. The only way I've found to fix it is to click Continue, then click Previous Round to go back to where you just were. When you go back, the stats should finally show up (although sometimes it seems to take like ~5 seconds).


There is really no point to play defense really on Operations. You get a shit ton less points. Even of you win. And playing attacker is ten times more fun.


Fear my clubbing skills! 20th place worldwide. :D

i'm such a sucker for statistics. Pleasantly surprised that I'm doing so well on the leaderboards!

I just checked, I'm top 5% in Support, would be proud, but there is like three guys world wide that plays support haha ;).


There is really no point to play defense really on Operations. You get a shit ton less points. Even of you win. And playing attacker is ten times more fun.
Attacking is a lot of fun when hou have a good Squad/team around you! Otherwise its very frustrating.


LOL, people still jump out of their tanks while attacking on rush, you basically lose the match if that happens. We played a match on Monte Grappa, the tank driver jumps out and gets killed, his smoking tank is immediately snatched & repaired, they don't make it past the first set and get pushed back into their own spawn.

If you're attacking on rush, die with the tank.
I'm just popping in to say Suez, Sinai and the medal system are god awful. Rest of the game is pretty good though, I think it may be better than BF4 but I also think I'm just burned out on the Battlefield formula.

Been playing and loving the franchise since Bf2 but in the past few years I've started to drift closer to tighter, smaller mp shooters like Overwatch.


Attacking is a lot of fun when hou have a good Squad/team around you! Otherwise its very frustrating.


I agree, it can be awesome but me and my friend who mostly play by ourself and nine times out of ten finish in the top spots win or loose finds it so frustrating when the team just sucks.

The worst is when people spawn in on tanks and get destroyed in two seconds, it's not that hard to survive in an heavy tank. We played almost all night today and some matches were god awful haha. But can't win em all.
Also, if you're the type of jerk that insists on using the spawn for a light tank on Suez, congrats on losing the match for your whole team. I always do my best to claim it first as a heavy tank with extra seats.
Human stupidity at its finnest.

Anyhow, does anyone know how to report this idiot? And, really Dice? Didn't cross your mind that morons would put swastikas everywhere?



Default attack plane is the best for hunting infantry. And the tail gun is handy to kill fighters on your ass since it's ridiculously strong.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Seriously funniest moment ever for ps4 gaf.

My boy snipes the driver of an airship, chases a tank armed only with a hammer to the point it retreats, the driver abandoned ship, my boy steals the tank and fully heals it.

We win on iron hills defending having only lost the church.....

Ps4 gaf is now 8-2 on operations. See you tomorrow at ten boys

Dude, that was a blast playing with you guys today. That steam roll through the desert maps was amazingly fun and tense.

Capturing that last sector point with 0 lives left was tense as hell!
I'm fucking DONE

joined a game on sue for rush. 5 snipers on our team

I get the tank, fight my way to bomb. 3-4 people spawn in with me, some of them snipers, getting out, running away from the bomb doing god knows what

Get out myself, plant it, die.

What the fuck is wrong with people. I want to reach through the screen and punch them


WTF. I can be capping flags, shooting folks, spotting shit and only on 400-500SPM. What the hell.

That's just what happens when I am playing with a really good squad. Me and a friend are sitting at 72% win percentage and a 3rd guy I have played a lot with has 80%.

We are just wrecking shit because one good squad can carry a team very hard.

Should mention that we have barely played any CQ, have mostly played Operations, Rush and some War Pigeon with a few CQ games here and there.


Had 2 great moments today

The first was killed a bomber with my Automatico. He must have been on 1 HP

The second was smoking a windmill and running inside, dropping dynamite and detonating it for a 8 man kill


I'm fucking DONE

joined a game on sue for rush. 5 snipers on our team

I get the tank, fight my way to bomb. 3-4 people spawn in with me, some of them snipers, getting out, running away from the bomb doing god knows what

Get out myself, plant it, die.

What the fuck is wrong with people. I want to reach through the screen and punch them

Thats why i am happy that i am on console and not PC. Otherwise i would go mental in chat 50% of my time lol.
Thats why i am happy that i am on console and not PC. Otherwise i would go mental in chat 50% of my time lol.

this happened on PS4 man >_>

I seriously wanted to hurt these people. I was astonished. I joined in mid game and NO ONE is trying for the objective. Literally people counter sniping each other. I toss in smoke to make a push but get caught, but NO ONE is by my side.

Spawn in tank to make a push, had a sniper spawn on me, bails out halfway to the objective to snipe. Asshole.

More spawn in, IM ON TOP OF THE FREAKING OBJECTIVE, cleared as much as I could (5-6 kills). Im getting battered, spamming "GET OUT" in commo rose and "GO GO GO"

FREAKING NOTHING. And then they all stagger out, and just dip. I have no idea what the hell they were all doing, but they just did not give a damn. Probably bailed because my tank was nearing death, but I kept it alive as best I could.

I immediately rage quitted and turned it off after planting it myself and not having any cover. Like I cant even enjoy the game knowing I get shit like that and dont want to try again. I like this game, but I think Im just freaking done with team shooters like this.

Overwatch, Siege, Last of Us, Uncharted. They are all perfectly fine and the communities are incredibly team oriented. Battlefield, somehow, attracts the biggest assholes.

Hollywood Hitman

Gold Member
Yea I'm not a fan of snipers. There's something about them that bug me so bad, they are so content just sitting there out of the action with that random head shot. So boring and so unhelpful


The worst part is that even if you have half the team full of snipers, no one uses the damn flares to spot people.

It's like they are actively trying to get as little points as possible.
Ps4 Gaf finished for the night UK. Smashed the fuck out of a few. Making tanks retreat with an attack from a hammer using guy...

Ended so far total of 11-3 for gaf

More tomorrow at ten guys

Hollywood Hitman

Gold Member
The worst part is that even if you have half the team full of snipers, no one uses the damn flares to spot people.

It's like they are actively trying to get as little points as possible.

Yea, I'm always running around thinking damn it's like nobody spots, I mean it's the least snipers can do but I think they are just greedy and want the kills for themselves


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
LOL, people still jump out of their tanks while attacking on rush, you basically lose the match if that happens. We played a match on Monte Grappa, the tank driver jumps out and gets killed, his smoking tank is immediately snatched & repaired, they don't make it past the first set and get pushed back into their own spawn.

If you're attacking on rush, die with the tank.

That's the rule in general on all modes. But it seems some folks don't get it. I stole a tank in Operations before. Problem is, people don't understand that support is the new Engineer so if you ask "can some one repair me?" 99% of people are dumb fucks with the stupid ass mortar equipped and go "wut? You can't repair with X?" NO BECAUSE I'M NOT THE FUCKING PILOT. *foams at mouth*


I love this so far on PC. My biggest gripe is that we can't customize our kits outside of the game in the menu system (or using android app)
Just had my best ever match.

* Conquest
* Sinai Desert
* On my own (even though I set my squad to open)
* Tank

What happened next was a rabid spree of driving back and forth between A,B,C and E, setting the objective for each, capturing them all, more often than not solo cannon blasting the shit out of folks, hiding for repairs, etc. Was such a thrill.

Ended up coming top by a considerable distance 47-2 with 22k points - next highest on either side was 16k. We won too due to the constant holding of all the mentioned capture points.

I had my cake and ATE the fuck out of it too.

This is the way to enjoy it even if you don't have squad around you. Most times I prefer my teammates leave me alone and capture another objective while I'm in a tank since I do what you mentioned as well.

Looking at my bf stats, I do a lot better on foot than any vehicle, tank included. I only wish I had support throwing ammo at me when I play assault so I can demolish all enemy vehicles without running out of anti tank supplies and being caught with nothing in front of a tank
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