Pretty much. Nice clip btw, that rifle looks gudDice being Dice
Pretty much. Nice clip btw, that rifle looks gudDice being Dice
I know the game hasn't been out for long, but is it too late to jump in?
I know the game hasn't been out for long, but is it too late to jump in? Looking for another shooter to tide over the Destiny drought and this has really caught my attention.
Why isnt there a community thread for BF!? I want to ignore objectives and not revive fellow GAF members
Man I just had my first game where I realized how stupidly broken shotguns are. I was outgunned with three quick shotgun blasts from seriously like 40-50 yards away.. dude was hiding behind a rock.
Nerf the range please, shutgunners have no place outgunning at medium-long range. No aim necessary. I'd argue the rate of fire is too fast as well.
64-player Operations? Yeah... sensory overload is certainly one way to describe it, seeing as how none of the areas are even close to large enough to properly support 64 people.
Pretty much. Great for immersion, but the gameplay becomes stale quickly. Spawn, sprint forward into the cap zone, die. Spawn, run forward, curse your teammates for being useless, die. It's a case of figuratively bashing your head against a brick wall without pause for upwards of an hour, unless you happen to get very lucky with your teammates or simply play in a group.
If you're on a console then put it in your router's DMZ and never have to worry about ports again.All these disconnections from servers mid match is ruining my enjoyment of the game. NAT types and ports are really not my idea of fun.
84 hours in and havent had a single connection problem yet. Sometimes i need to convince myself i am playing a BF game at launch.![]()
I have no clue what I'm doing but this game is fun. I have been playing conquest mode and just gaining levels. What weapons should I work towards and how do I even do that? I have been playing the typical assault class.
So I went ahead, double dipped and bought a PC copy and Christ, what was I thinking before? 100+ FPS on a single GTX 980 at 1440p and everything cranked to Ultra.
Someone do me a favor, please. When the next Battlefield comes around and I try convince myself that I'll be happier with the Xbox One or PS4 version of the game, someone talk some damn sense into me. This has happened for the last five years now. I always end up with every single version but in the end I'm happiest on the PC version. DICE really is one of the best PC developers out there.
stick with assault and get that rank 10 weapon that thing is nuts
All these disconnections from servers mid match is ruining my enjoyment of the game. NAT types and ports are really not my idea of fun.
Seen quite a lot of people not knowing how to free look on console whist in a plane.
Click the left stick down, hold it down and move the right stick around.
Having 970 kills so far with that thing, I concur.
And that's another win on iron walls. 70-20 I got that do time. Absolute destruction. Yet another map where the opponent didn't break past the church. We are amazing at iron walls and oil of empires.
Our only falters have been attacking on conquer hell and kaiser. Our only losses
16-4 now for ukps4gaf
Once again amazing all round. Squad is brutal.
Servers just died for me. Was doing pretty good when it happened too. GG DICE.
Back up now
I need in on this sometime. All I'm tasting are losses playing solo, they are quite bitter.
I think I've seen this message literally every day
Ps4gaf add luvs_2_Squidge
Every night from ten my man. We smash it.
Cool thanks. What's the gun name? Just curious
What are Nemesis kills?
Some more Martini Henry gameplay, with a bonus dick stabbing at 3.30
Dice being Dice
Just had a match where spawning in the zeppelin automatically killed you. Lame!
Just had a match where spawning in the zeppelin automatically killed you. Lame!
I dislike spawncampers. I dislike them very much.
Such an amazing game, been a long time since I enjoyed a PC game like this!
BUT - after 80 hours I'm starting to crave the new patch, we need it ASAP.
So many things are just not working, from group function to UI to medals to in-game bugs.
So many of my deaths come from not being able to shoot after revive or throwing grenades, from spawning on behemoths and getting instakilled etc.
Please DICE - hurry it up so we can enjoy the game as it is supposed to be.