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Battlefield 1 |OT| Make War Great Again

I'm not a fan of voting for maps. I have a feeling that it will lead to the same maps being played over and over again. I much prefer a standard rotation.


LOL wrong thread

edit: might as well put something in this post while I'm here.

That patch doesn't really seem to be fixing any of the problems I have with the game.
The sword I get when I spawn as calvary:


The sword enemies get when they spawn as calvary:



Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I'm reposting this from my unsuccessful post on the DICE forums. If someone could pretty please check if the issue occurs for them too that would be AMAZING.

I'm assuming others have noticed this and it's been discussed, but I haven't actually see the discussion anywhere, and Googling the issue is returning no results.

In short: it appears (at least on my end) that Frostbite 3 in Battlefield 1 has at least two shader related issues that are surprisingly 'solved' by implementing TAA.
The two examples I've noticed; shimmering/ghosting reflections, and excessive glow on specular maps.

For the shimmering reflections, it is almost as if the shader without TAA updates slower or more inconsistency and less accurately than with TAA enabled. It is most noticeable on Fao Fortress. Please see this short gif below, the first half with TAA turned off and the latter half TAA turned on. Notice the ghosting reflects, and then more accurate shader update.

The second example, the specular, overly accentuates the twinkling shine we see on wet surfaces, mud, and steel (guns, barbed wire, etc) under direct lighting conditions. In the first image TAA is turned on and the specular maps are rendered appropriately. In the second image TAA is turned off and the specular twinkle is excessively blooming (see wet rocky surface and steel on gun).

As noted with TAA enabled all of these issues are solved. For what it's worth, I'm playing on a GTX 1080, ULTRA settings, with 130% resolution scaling. I've tried tweaking my GPU OC (to check hardware error), rolling back NVidia drivers, turning off resolution scaling, reducing all settings to low, and so on. Absolutely no changes can be noted under any circumstance, indicating that this is a Frostbite 3 renderer issue in particular with how it handles shaders and TAA.

While using TAA is an obvious solution, it's not ideal, as not everybody likes the rather huge amount of sharping TAA introduces and would prefer to play without post processing AA (and rely on resolution scaling to solve aliasing).

Is DICE aware of this, and have they addressed why? Has anybody else noticed, and do they know of a solution I'm not aware of?


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Why would you play without TAA, that shit is godlike

Normally I do not like post processing AA because it inevitably introduces blur and sharpening that in my opinion damages the IQ more than aliasing. I really, really, really fucking loath FXAA and all that shit. HQ SMAA is usually as far as I'll go.

I quite like the coverage of BF1's TAA and agree it looks pretty good, but it also introduces an ungodly amount of sharpening when combined with resolution scaling and I fucking hate that.

I'm playing with TAA because it remedies the shader errors but I'd really rather not, because ultimately the point is that some shaders on my end are broken without TAA and this is the only Frostbite 3 game with this silly issue.


Normally I do not like post processing AA because it inevitably introduces blur and sharpening that in my opinion damages the IQ more than aliasing. I really, really, really fucking loath FXAA and all that shit. HQ SMAA is usually as far as I'll go.

I quite like the coverage of BF1's TAA and agree it looks pretty good, but it also introduces an ungodly amount of sharpening when combined with resolution scaling and I fucking hate that.

I'm playing with TAA because it remedies the shader errors but I'd really rather not, because ultimately the point is that some shaders on my end are broken without TAA and this is the only Frostbite 3 game with this silly issue.

When it comes to FXAA or no AA at all, I'd rather have FXAA tbh. I did notice slight blur at 1080p but at 1440p it seems logical to just have it on all the time.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
When it comes to FXAA or no AA at all, I'd rather have FXAA tbh. I did notice slight blur at 1080p but at 1440p it seems logical to just have it on all the time.

Still a no from me. FXAA objectively in almost every single example blurs the IQ to achieve its results and I personally do not like it. I've always had a huge preference for sharper, clearer textures and assets even if it comes at a cost of aliasing.

I think it's a conditioning from playing so many games over the years on outdated hardware that couldn't implement AA.
I'm reposting this from my unsuccessful post on the DICE forums. If someone could pretty please check if the issue occurs for them too that would be AMAZING.

So you want me to run the game with TAA on and TAA off to see if I notice anything? I also have a GTX 1080 but I run the game in 100 resolution scaling.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
So you want me to run the game with TAA on and TAA off to see if I notice anything? I also have a GTX 1080 but I run the game in 100 resolution scaling.

On my end the resolution scaling doesn't impact the error, so yeah, if you don't mind I'd really appreciate if you could test the issue. Fao Fortress best replicates it, as per the gif, adn the shiny speculars. TAA on/off is the easy way to notice it.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
was there some sort of bolt action rifle deficiency?

It's only Scouts AFAIK. The other ones like Medic don't have a bolt-action rifle, the custom mode that is bolt-actions only isn't in matchmaking/custom games. Operations at 40 players is DEAD on PC (and I don't like 64-player options, too clusterfucky/unbalanced).

And that's besides missing the point: BF4/Battlelog had the ability to show you how far/close you were to meeting the community objective requirements. This outing: No such thing. It's the same with the medals/ribbons: You get told your objective and outside of the "current objective" on ONE medal, you can't see how far you are from getting that objective outside of like 5 seconds on spawn. And if you want others, tough shit.

It's bad UI design.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I like the server browser but yeah, the UI is a turd and missing so many basic features that I'm fairly positive BF4 had at launch.
On my end the resolution scaling doesn't impact the error, so yeah, if you don't mind I'd really appreciate if you could test the issue. Fao Fortress best replicates it, as per the gif, adn the shiny speculars. TAA on/off is the easy way to notice it.
Okay. Will do once I have time. Is there anything specific you want me to check out? Like a similar spot like what you posted?


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Okay. Will do once I have time. Is there anything specific you want me to check out? Like a similar spot like what you posted?

Nothing overly specific. If you don't have the time or can't be arsed no pressure, but yeah. Really it comes down to those two things mentioned in my post; glowing specular maps on certain surfaces, and some reflection shaders blurring while in motion. Fao Fortress is just the easiest example, as it makes heavy use of cheap reflections and is the clearest culprit, and the rocky ocean shoreline has a specular map in most weather conditions.
It's been like 2 months since I last played and my server browser still doesn't work. Doesn't matter if I play on PC or PS4, none of my filters save and it shows servers that I didn't even set a filter for.

Just got kicked out of my first game back, too. "Lost connection to EA servers" Ok
It's only Scouts AFAIK. The other ones like Medic don't have a bolt-action rifle, the custom mode that is bolt-actions only isn't in matchmaking/custom games. Operations at 40 players is DEAD on PC (and I don't like 64-player options, too clusterfucky/unbalanced).

And that's besides missing the point: BF4/Battlelog had the ability to show you how far/close you were to meeting the community objective requirements. This outing: No such thing. It's the same with the medals/ribbons: You get told your objective and outside of the "current objective" on ONE medal, you can't see how far you are from getting that objective outside of like 5 seconds on spawn. And if you want others, tough shit.

It's bad UI design.

it was a joke about there already being too many snipers


Has there been a thread about what the consensus is on everyones favorite Operation?

For the longest I thought Iron Walls was my personal favorite, but the past few times I have played it Kaiserschlacht has been my go to, and it is really fighting Iron Walls for that top spot.

What does everyone else think? I am curious.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Whatever the first one is. If only because I want to play the second map.


Has there been a thread about what the consensus is on everyones favorite Operation?

For the longest I thought Iron Walls was my personal favorite, but the past few times I have played it Kaiserschlacht has been my go to, and it is really fighting Iron Walls for that top spot.

What does everyone else think? I am curious.

Iron Walls is the best by far.


I like the server browser but yeah, the UI is a turd and missing so many basic features that I'm fairly positive BF4 had at launch.

I don't understand how that works. Why wouldn't you look at something that worked great on a previous title and just roll it over to the next game?

The "career" thing in game still says COMING SOON for Hardline. Yeah right.


I mostly play TDM, but team balancing has to be fixed. I know from the big servers it is just as bad or worse there. It's one thing I hope the Feb patch does something for....


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Watch this:

Your K-Bullets can do 30 damage total. From hundreds of meters away. If he hides and repairs you have done your job by taking him out of action for the next 30-60 seconds. More than enough time to take an objective.

This is going to be tough to say without coming across as a douche or lecturing, but i think every class and especially the sniper class needs to carry anti-tank measures. Especially after the addition of anti-tank crossbows for support and medic classes. Medics should carry medkits and revive syringes so they can be exempt but everyone else should have anti-tank weapons. Those satchels do 40-50 damage and Kbullets can finish off tanks easily.

I usually only play Operations which means the tanks have to deal with 20 people all converging on one or two locations. I hardly ever see people go 40-0 because whenever I see a tank, i forget about everything else and just focus on it. Two anti-tank grenades and one light anti-tank grenade can do 50 damage. Then i have 4 rockets that do 18 damage each. Even if i die after the first three grenades, i know that he will go back and heal for the next 30-60 seconds giving us time to regroup.

That's all well and good. And trust me, I understand the sniping benefits on tanks as I prefer the Tank Hunter Kit from the Battlefront classes over all others but that doesn't negate my point: Anti-tank gameplay is simply unfun. Just last night I was in a Windmill on whatever that first map in the left-most operation is, tank comes to B first set. Threw two anti-tank grenades right on it. RPG/prone (while fucking about with crouch to get the fucking thing to fire. #ThanksDICE) all my ammo: Disabled at most.

You know what happens? Does the enemy get out? Does the tank stay disabled?

Nope, they get to use their special ability to instantly knock the disabled out and then self-repair enough to back up and go back to their spawn to completely repair. No getting out, no ability to steal it and then repair it myself. Nothing.

That's not fun. Then you have the tanks or artillery trucks that sit in their spawn and KDR farm because that's more effective than getting into anti-tank ranges and there is NOTHING assaults can do because LOL RPG NEEDS TO BE PRONE TO FIRE.

Again: DICE needs to rethink the entire sandbox if they're going to include vehicles but not have the vehicles come into ranges to make anti-tank gameplay worthwhile AND beneficial. Because at this point, I'd rather they spam the maps with Tank Hunter kits. At least then I could 2-4 shot tanks to death and guarantee they can't run.

lol these squad spawns are so broken.


To be fair, I've had the opposite happen. Spawn into a tank right as it's getting destroyed. Don't get knocked back to starting spawn. I spawn where the tank died and get mown down by the infantry that the tank didn't even bother to kill. #ThanksDICE


After playing the game for a few days, I'm not sure I like it.

Cons: Campaign is laughably short, each story is so short that it doesn't allow the characters to evolve enough for you to like them or to make the story interesting. I wish there were less steps for me to click to respawn, can't it be immediate? I'm not talking about the respawn timer. Progression system makes me not want to progress, I'm not falling in love with the maps, bayonet charge where you run faster than light is fucking retarded and last but not least, fucking gas grenades. This game could be called Gas Grenade: The Game. Seriously every fucking corner of the map spammed with gas grenades, you can't see shit in this game and you can't even aim down the sights half of the time due to the gas grenade mask. It's just not fun.

Pros: Gameplay is amazing, guns feel great, game feels fluid. 60hz tickrate on PC is amazing, I never had to deal with dying behind corner, I never said wtf how did I die instead everything makes sense and you learn from your deaths.
new weapons for tsnp confirmed

Ribeyrolles 1918, RSC 1917, Lebel Model 1886, Chauchat, Sjögren Inertial, and the MLE 1903 Extended

on that note, im curious why the dlc rollout has taken so much longer than in bf3 or 4--we were already on our 3rd bf4 expansion in march 2014


new weapons for tsnp confirmed

on that note, im curious why the dlc rollout has taken so much longer than in bf3 or 4--we were already on our 3rd bf4 expansion in march 2014
I would guess would be to absolutely ensure that BF1 was not broken as fuck at launch. But yeah, the content drought is apparent.
That's all well and good. And trust me, I understand the sniping benefits on tanks as I prefer the Tank Hunter Kit from the Battlefront classes over all others but that doesn't negate my point: Anti-tank gameplay is simply unfun. Just last night I was in a Windmill on whatever that first map in the left-most operation is, tank comes to B first set. Threw two anti-tank grenades right on it. RPG/prone (while fucking about with crouch to get the fucking thing to fire. #ThanksDICE) all my ammo: Disabled at most.

You know what happens? Does the enemy get out? Does the tank stay disabled?

Nope, they get to use their special ability to instantly knock the disabled out and then self-repair enough to back up and go back to their spawn to completely repair. No getting out, no ability to steal it and then repair it myself. Nothing.

That's not fun. Then you have the tanks or artillery trucks that sit in their spawn and KDR farm because that's more effective than getting into anti-tank ranges and there is NOTHING assaults can do because LOL RPG NEEDS TO BE PRONE TO FIRE.

Again: DICE needs to rethink the entire sandbox if they're going to include vehicles but not have the vehicles come into ranges to make anti-tank gameplay worthwhile AND beneficial. Because at this point, I'd rather they spam the maps with Tank Hunter kits. At least then I could 2-4 shot tanks to death and guarantee they can't run.

To be fair, I've had the opposite happen. Spawn into a tank right as it's getting destroyed. Don't get knocked back to starting spawn. I spawn where the tank died and get mown down by the infantry that the tank didn't even bother to kill. #ThanksDICE

I really wish they would buff the rocket gun :/ Tank players should fear a good assault with that gun. Currently like you said its just not fun to fight a tank, doesnt matter if alone or with others.
If the tanks gets away he will just use the cheap self repair shit. (Dont get why this is in the game at all)

Tankgewehr should be a loadout weapon for the Assault. Its just laughable how much this elite kit is on the map. Once per map? lol

new weapons for tsnp confirmed

on that note, im curious why the dlc rollout has taken so much longer than in bf3 or 4--we were already on our 3rd bf4 expansion in march 2014

Because BF4 wasnt really finished when it launched. It was a rushed game. And one pack was just "remakes" of BF3 maps.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
I don't want the anti tank gweher gun on every map or sector. It's way too powerful and can snipe tracks from a mile away. Rocket gun is fine as well. You are not supposed to take out a tank all by yourself. You can do 18*4 damage with Rocket gun and 20*3 damage with two anti tank grenades and one light anti tank grenades. That should be enough to take out a tank anyway. Yes you will die before you get all your shots off but you have 19 other people on your team to finish it off.

I just finished the anti tank medal last night and despite not being able to finish off like ten tanks, i got the final part done in a few operations rounds. You just need a good team.

Again if you have forced them to go back and heal up you have done your job. At least in operations that require tanks to capture certain flags, the camping tanks and those who run away don't help at all.

I do agree with disabling the vehicle movement when you actually disable it. It's insane that you get the bonus for vehicle disabled and they drive off anyway. Like wtf is the point of disabling it then?

I won like 11 operation rounds in a row last night playing as support. These LMGs have insane range. I can't believe i have been playing as assault all this time.
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