Finally home and got the game installed. Need more GAFers for Origins!
Suggestions on the best medic gun? I've reached medic rank 3 and unlocked a couple of new guns but I'm not really liking any of them so far.
Dump until you can no longer dump no more. My absolute peak moment in BF1 so far.
I love the viability of smoke and gas
I don't know how you make a game this beautiful and don't put in a Photo Mode. Come on, DICE.
I don't know how you make a game this beautiful and don't put in a Photo Mode. Come on, DICE.
Aren't they doing this with a spectator mode?
Idk but I feel like exactly for that reason all weapons and classes feel the same this time. Anyone else? I mean I had fun in the last 6 hours, but I feel like they strongly focused on catering to the cod audience with the gunplay and hp/shots to die rate. Oh Bf1943, why were you so perfect?
Suggestions on the best medic gun? I've reached medic rank 3 and unlocked a couple of new guns but I'm not really liking any of them so far.
Suggestions on the best medic gun? I've reached medic rank 3 and unlocked a couple of new guns but I'm not really liking any of them so far.
The hp/shot ratio is the nearly the same it has been for most battlefields. The automatic weapons are even weaker. At 25+ meters the LMGs take 6 shots to kill. At 40+ meters the SMGs take 8 shots. DMRs are 3 shots to kill, same as all other battlefields.
K could be wrong there, but I mean look at the medic weapons firing rate. If you know to handle your controller there just isn't much difference to smgs.
Guys, I'm trying to increase my rank in medic so that I can buy the cool guns. However, for some reason my medic rank is still zero even though my overall rank is 8 and I have been healing and respawning people like crazy. I've put in about 10 hours into the medic class and still rank zero, how are people advancing and getting the good guns?
Aren't they doing this with a spectator mode?
Spectator mode is coming soon for pretty screens.
I wouldnt recommend the game. Its still the same battlefield type MP. SP is just an extra addition IMO. You should buy a battlefield game because of the MP.
Yeah, I figured as much. I was positive that's the answer I'd get.
I'm just going to play it for the five hour campaign, mostly, and maybe try a bit of multiplayer before returning it. I wouldn't buy it to keep it. At least, it'd have to amaze me to keep it.
The weird thing? I loved and couldn't get enough of 1942, and really liked Bad Company too. Its campaign was awesome.
40 man Operations is the pinnacle of BF1
Reposting this as I'm still having this problem, can anyone shed some light?
I'm level 28 overall and have only played medic and assault or spawned in a vehicle. I'm level 5 medic and level 3 assault, so I have to assume your class levels go up much more slowly than your overall level. I've played Conquest almost exclusively FWIW. On the page, I have about 145,000 medic score and 95,000 assault score. I'm guessing if you look your class scores will be fairly low so you just need to get more points while playing medic. Get kills, capture/defend flags, and use your class abilities and you should increase your level.
The UI lag is aaaaawful. What the hell is this?
Yup I had the same experience today. Just a bunch of people running around in the open.Tanks are definitely a bit OP at the moment. My last Conquest match earlier tonight I went 55 and 3. Although I'm sure some of that is partly due to the flood of new players today, who don't know how to deal with tanks yet.
Yeah I had a lot of enemy infantry just running out in the open directly in front of my tank.Yup I had the same experience today. Just a bunch of people running around in the open.
They're not OP though. A light tank and two assault soldiers wrecked me in about 5 seconds in one of my games.
The game auto locks the squad if you are playing with a friend. That's why there are alt of 2-3 people in a locked squad. I don't think many people know this.Alright, I've got a bone to pick with people in squads.
Specifically in Pidgeons of war. Please DO NOT LOCK a squad (unless of course its full). It's so frustrating to see 4 squads, 1 full and locked (fine), 1 with 2 members locked. Another with 1 player locked. And the last one with about 2 maybe 3.
This doesn't help the spawning thats necessary for getting closer to the objective. So annoying especially since we lose by 3 whole pidgeons.
Also for thgot frustrated with the medals. It's not so hard, you dont need to do all the tasks in 1 match except the one that says 'kill 5 in 1 life with x weapon' that can be challenging. Already 1 for medic.
Trophie didn't pop for medic rank 2, even though I am medic rank 5 now. Hmm