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Battlefield 3 Beta: Info and Meetups [Over]


CozMick said:
EA/Dice have made a terrible mistake in my opinion on the choice of map on consoles.

Everyone and there dog will be comparing this game to Call of Duty and the linear designed map and lack of vehicles does nothing to separate it.
+ A campers paradise... which is unfortunately a bit true.

I'm still pretty iffy on prone coming back but I think that's mainly because it's on rush and when you're on the defensive side... well you're kind of encouraged to basically camp and defend the mcoms. And with the addition of prone then you have more obligation for that.

I've run into countless bushmonsters and corner campers in the beta so far. :/

I really hope conquest mode isn't as bad because I'm gonna have little to no desire to do rush mode when the game comes out.
Imp the Dimp said:
Has anyone spottet the PC beta anywhere? Will it appear automatically on my Origin "My Games" list once it's up?
NZ 1:00 am 30th
Aus 10:00 pm 29th
Sweden 2:00pm 29th
GMT 12:00 noon 29th
US Eastern Standard Time 8:00 am 29th
CST 7:00 am 29th
PST 5:00 am 29th

assuming all local time.


sigh, done playing the waiting game when they're flipping the switch for europeans and aussies but not americans.

bed time.


No PC yet



do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
omnomis said:
Just forked this beast into my PCI-E (replacing an XFX HD 5870), just finished uninstalling Catalyst Control Manager, installing nvidia drivers now...


My body is ready.

Nice, hows the performance with that card...Whats your setup...rather can you just post in this thread.

It makes life easy for me/everyone to compare specs and see how the Beta will run.

Skel1ingt0n said:

i7 930 @ 3.4
GTX 570 @ 830core/2200mem
10K RPM Velociraptor

Running with everything maxed/ultra, 4x AA (32x with Forceware, but doesn't seem to be working), 16x AF, 50% Motion Blur, HBAO on, v-sync off. EDIT: Running at 1920x1080.

Hovered in the 48-58 range, with quite a few drops to the high 30s. Never once dropped below 30fps, except for when recording with FRAPS.

Wow so a GTX570 at stock-ish clocks is able to run this game on Ultra at 30_ fps forever? @1080 of course.

Do you mind also posting in this thread.

Just so i/we can see where this GTX570 scores.

Rainy Dog

Mr Sandman said:
Can you unlock an IR scope for the ARs in the beta?

Yep, I unlocked one for the M416 yesterday. There's so many attachments per weapon, almost overwhelmingly so actually. The usefulness of some seem questionable too. Also unlocked a 6x scope and bi-pod for the M416... Turns it into an auto sniper rifle. Too much recoil and spread to be used at full-auto, however.
Beta hasn't even been unlocked for everybody yet and already I'm seeing teams with half their guys sniping from their deployment smh. It's like the Battlefield version of throwing up a white flag


If they are going to release the password themselves anyway, why not just remove it and release the map for everyone? It's a pain in the ass to get into one of the conquest servers right now.
Spookie said:
Dear GAF:



This. This does not help your team mates.

What I love more than that is a sniper scope gleaming at you and the dude is from your own team aiming right at you, you can't tell if it's an enemy or not. Almost team killed him multiple times.
Played a few games of the PS3 beta.. I don't know what people were expecting, technically is decent for the hardware, the animation is so good. When we play other maps with more vehicles and destruction it will be more impressive. Lots of glitches anyway. And the gameplay is very decent, the higher recoil compensates the minor health compared to BC2, and the movement speed is slower. People ranting about the campers, its exactly the same that BC2 or other battlefields, you'll always have those assholes who only sit in their place without giving a damn about the team. And the map is far more balanced that in the Alpha, thats for sure. I'll probably get the PS3 version first to play with my brother & majority of my friends, and later the PC version to play the awesome 64 players Conquest.

And where is the PC open beta? I need to try my GPU in Caspian Border :D.
Ah the bugs on the PS3 (and apparently the 360) version.. Generally these 'BETA's are earlier and even more polished, used more for balance and load testing, not repeatedly falling through the geometry.

Shall wait and see, looking forward to trying out the PC version later, and the 360 version with my crew.


FGMPR said:
yes please. Publicly releasing the password was surely the first step to this. I want some Aus Caspian servers up!

Where is the beta going to be in Origin, will it appear in my games list or under free games?

[EDIT 1: And yeah, some Aussie BF 3 servers would be amazing.]

[EDIT 2: I also can't log into Battlelog. Something must be happening.]
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