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Battlefield 3 Beta: Info and Meetups [Over]


The server disconnects are pretty damn frustrating when you want to unlock stuff. I must've lost a good 5 levels or so of XP


I'd be in the dick
upJTboogie said:
I have the PS3 beta downloading now, so how is this beta on consoles?
There are major tearing and aliasing issues and a bunch of weird, minor bugs on PS3 but aside from that the game is phenomenal. Definitely one of the best MP FPS I've ever played. As long as you're prepared for some obviously beta jankiness at times, it's fantastic.
Skirn said:
Is there no way to re-bind the left and right mouse buttons?

I'm used to having crouch on the left mouse button and not as a key on the keyboard. Felt really awkward.
What kind of goofy backwards ass controls you using son?! This is a first time hearing of anyone using that setup. But hey more power to you


Press - MP1st.com
upJTboogie said:
I have the PS3 beta downloading now, so how is this beta on consoles?

Very mixed. Some are reporting it's unplayable due to lag, etc. While others are saying it's fine.

Me? Playing on the PS3, hanged once, but so far nothing major. No lag, no nothing. Although gun mechanics and suppression fire does take some getting used to.

Oh, and it's a bitch playing against people who has way more scopes, etc. than you. :)

No one really revives and spots. :( But that's to be expected...

Overall, I'm really liking it. Doesn't feel at all like BC2. Well, some do...but it's more refined.
RoboPlato said:
There are major tearing and aliasing issues and a bunch of weird bugs on PS3 but aside from that the game is phenomenal. Definitely one of the best MP FPS I've ever played. As long as you're prepared for some obviously beta jankiness at times, it's fantastic.

It is probably sad but I have come to just accept "beta jankiness" in full retail games anymore... My standards are rather low haha.

Angry Fork

RoboPlato said:
Same here. I revive and heal so much that I'm usually in the top 3 in the game even though my K/D sucks. It's weird to see so many people playing assault but no one actually healing.
I hate people like this. This shit drives me off the wall when medics or people are near you and they can take 2 sec to heal you but they don't they keep fighting and then they die. I rage so much because I pretty much do nothing but heal in FPS but everyone just wants to up their k/d ratio.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
-Yeti said:
Played my second match before work. It was my first time actually starting in the first area, and boy is it buggy out there. I get major screen tearing, flashing black and yellow screen, major clipping into the ground and sometimes I even fall through it. Framerate gets way bad too.

I honestly don't know how these things will be fixed in time for release. This beta should have taken place back when the alpha took place.

EDIT: I should point out that I'm playing the 360 version.

hopefully its an older build....


I dunno if it's my connection or lag on the game's part but I feel like I'm getting dropped a bit too fast lately. It feels like I get a shot once and I'm already down. I also feel like 90% of the head on confrontations I face I lose. It's like "h'okay... apparently your M9 pistol beats my M416. Nice."

And I get a few instances where I'll shoot someone, get hit markers, they down me... and on the killcam they still have 100% health.


this is on PS3 btw
excaliburps said:
Very mixed. Some are reporting it's unplayable due to lag, etc. While others are saying it's fine.

Me? Playing on the PS3, hanged once, but so far nothing major. No lag, no nothing. Although gun mechanics and suppression fire does take some getting used to.

Oh, and it's a bitch playing against people who has way more scopes, etc. than you. :)

No one really revives and spots. :( But that's to be expected...

Overall, I'm really liking it. Doesn't feel at all like BC2. Well, some do...but it's more refined.

RoboPlato said:
There are major tearing and aliasing issues and a bunch of weird bugs on PS3 but aside from that the game is phenomenal. Definitely one of the best MP FPS I've ever played. As long as you're prepared for some obviously beta jankiness at times, it's fantastic.
Sounds great, downloading slow for me :/ 6%.


Angry Fork said:
I hate people like this. This shit drives me off the wall when medics or people are near you and they can take 2 sec to heal you but they don't they keep fighting and then they die. I rage so much because I pretty much do nothing but heal in FPS but everyone just wants to up their k/d ratio.
A solution: Every weapon of of Soldier needs at least one revive to unlock.

Seriously, does this happen on PC as well? On consoles it's not a surprise, people haven't grown up with BF2... People didn't revive others that often in BC2 either, in my experience. There were times i was going to play as a gunner but ended up only reviving people because no one else did.
RoboPlato said:
Same here. I revive and heal so much that I'm usually in the top 3 in the game even though my K/D sucks. It's weird to see so many people playing assault but no one actually healing.

I forgot Assault was the healing class when I was first playing today. Getting pretty close to unlocking the defibrillators I think. Edit: Wait! Is revive default? Or do I have to earn them because I'm only throwing out the med packs so far.

Haven't played much of the PC version yet because of Battlelog but once I'm in a game with friends on the 360 it's a blast. While only one level gets old, it's nice that we can stay in the same game round after round.


Played on PS3 for the better part of this morning.

Is there anywhere online where I can see the control scheme? I have no clue how to either revive (I have the defib) or spot.


I'd be in the dick
Aeonin said:
Played on PS3 for the better part of this morning.

Is there anywhere online where I can see the control scheme? I have no clue how to either revive (I have the defib) or spot.
Revive is right on the d-pad to equip, R1 to revive

Spot is select when facing someone. Select will also mark a priority objective when you're squad leader and you'll get bonus points whenever someone in your squad does something near that objective.


RoboPlato said:
Revive is right on the d-pad to equip, R1 to revive

Spot is select when facing someone. Select will also mark a priority objective when you're squad leader and you'll get bonus points whenever someone in your squad does something near that objective.

Thanks Robo! I don't know how the hell I was supposed to get that just from the beta. But now that I know, I can't wait to try it out (gosh, this control stuff should be in the OP).

As for glitches. The one I get alot is unable to aim via L1, blue screen of fuzziness, and I saw someone shoot me through the floor once - was a little p.o'd on that one. Oh and please DICE fix the mobile spawn point placing with the Scout class, its so clunky and messed up. I'd like to know that I can't put one down if I've already got one out, instead of the animation happening again and again with no avail.


Really like the sniping. Just feels right. Only played Recon and Engy so far, but digging it. Metro's kinda meh but still fun for the most part.


Aeonin said:
Thanks Robo! I don't know how the hell I was supposed to get that just from the beta. But now that I know, I can't wait to try it out (gosh, this control stuff should be in the OP).

As for glitches. The one I get alot is unable to aim via L1, blue screen of fuzziness, and I saw someone shoot me through the floor once - was a little p.o'd on that one. Oh and please DICE fix the mobile spawn point placing with the Scout class, its so clunky and messed up. I'd like to know that I can't put one down if I've already got one out, instead of the animation happening again and again with no avail.

I get this on the PC as well.


moonspeak said:
I dunno if it's my connection or lag on the game's part but I feel like I'm getting dropped a bit too fast lately. It feels like I get a shot once and I'm already down. I also feel like 90% of the head on confrontations I face I lose. It's like "h'okay... apparently your M9 pistol beats my M416. Nice."

And I get a few instances where I'll shoot someone, get hit markers, they down me... and on the killcam they still have 100% health.


this is on PS3 btw
Its getting really laggy like that across the board. Its like that on PC too.
Game isnt doing a good job of letting you know that you got hit. Maybe its registering all the bullets at the same time. Game is just really laggy and super buggy right now.

Its not even fun right now, it's really just pissing me off right now with all this lag and falling through the ground bullshit. I'll wait until they update


SUBZERO-08 said:
Is the open beta up on PC yet?
yup all day.

Mafro said:
Is anyone else having the problem where player names aren't showing up above your team's heads? It's really annoying not being able to instantly tell if someone is on your team or not.
just fugin shoot. that's what I do!


Is anyone else having the problem where player names aren't showing up above your team's heads? It's really annoying not being able to instantly tell if someone is on your team or not.


Press - MP1st.com
This most likely has been talked about before, but spot overheating is a bit too much, no?

I get that they don't want to abuse/spam the feature but every time I press "spot" I hear that beeping sound. Although I do admit I'm used to the BC2 method of spamming spot until a triangle appears sometimes. :)

Also, for those who didn't know, holding the melee button will make you equip the knife and be able to run around with it.

For the life of me how do bipods actually deploy? I press L1 while prone and it deploys sometimes and sometimes it doesn't. I have yet to mount it on a table or counter top yet.


EU GAF platoon needs a better logo :D

Beta runs pretty good, but I'm so tempted to pull the trigger on a second 560 Ti now.

PS. Let me join it MetalMurphy ;)


Jburton said:
Battlelog, platoons, search, enter NeoGAF, select NeoGAF Europe PS3

When searching for NeoGAF I get two results: [GAF] NeoGAF Europe and [GAF] NeoGAF. Both show up as PC Platoons.


My initial impressions of the PC beta are positive. I have issues/questions though...

My friend and I sent friend requests to each other on Origin... where do we see/accept them??

Every name you have ever thought of on the internet has already been used on Origin.

Needs a static minimap option. Battlefield staple. And definitely what I'm used to.

Needs a squad viewer. Random-squad-join-only is bullshit. Even if I got into a match with a friend, I doubt we could even get into a squad together.

This has voice chat, right? Couldn't find a button mapping for Push to Talk.

Couldn't map my middle click to anything. Grrr.

Fullscreen mode cancels to Windowed mode if anything even blinks on your monitor. I have notifications for Pidgin that make it cancel all the time. Did not happen in BF2 (and no I'm not talking BC2).

Dear god there better be a way to change settings without being in the middle of a match in the full game. A non-browser-based Server browser would be nice too.

So, there's no health bars in this game right? :( I'm used to BF2. Also I wish I new what my clip size was. I kept seeing 31/72 and thinking I needed to reload.

How does spotting work these days? I hit Q and nothing happened. In BF2 you hit Q and a menu popped up around your reticle. If you just clicked right away you would spot anything in your reticle. If you couldn't see them but you knew something was there, you could scroll through some options and manually sight something (put a static icon on the map).

Do I have to unlock defibs? How do medkits work? Can I just keep throwing them out forever?


EatChildren said:
Thanks guys. I shall continue to keep my pre-ordering postponed, unless the beta really impresses.
It looks like a DRM feature to me, since you have to launch it through a browser (wtf is that shit)


C_H_T said:
Why does R3 fuction as the crouch/ prone? and not circle.
It's more tactical and that's how it was in earlier PS3 BFs.

I don't like reviving in this game. I never know how much time I have left to save the wounded, and if it even works the first time. I just run to a guy and paddle him multiple times until he either dies or gets revived.


- The game feels and plays a lot like BC2, not necessarily a bad thing because I liked it.
- The game is incredibly jaggy and does not feel smooth at all, bad again, BC2 had this as well (but it is worse than BC2).
- Holy shit people die fast, atleast you don't need a whole clip for 1 person like BC2. A good thing.
- Map is pretty cool (outside part)

- Graphics are pretty meh, atleast they feel pretty bad after playing Gears 3... Inside the metro looked pretty shitty imo.
- Crouch/prone at right thumbstick? Annoying.
- I need to try vehicles
- Game is OK, but I expected more. It doesn't feel that much better than Bad Company 2...

I played it on X360, I can imagine it's way better ont he PC.


C_H_T said:
Why does R3 fuction as the crouch/ prone? and not circle.

Isn't that so fucking annoying?

Also please fix the run DICE, I swear 50% of the time I'm futzing with trying to sprint. If it failed to sprint and you keep walking, you can't sprint until you stop moving completely. Terrible! But I assume it will be fixed. Its just that you can so tell this comes from the PC scene, all the menus and controls for menus are just wrong.


wtf is up with the squad BS? Half the time I get "failed to join the squad" then the other half it puts my teammate on the other team or not on my squad entirely.
How do I take screenshots again? And how to enable FPS?
Use the free download of Fraps.

Any idea when I press the Get It Now button for the beta on Origin, it just leads me to the My Games page and doesn't actually download anything?
Dreaver said:
- The game feels and plays a lot like BC2, not necessarily a bad thing because I liked it.
- The game is incredibly jaggy and does not feel smooth at all, bad again, BC2 had this as well (but it is worse than BC2).
- Holy shit people die fast, atleast you don't need a whole clip for 1 person like BC2. A good thing.
- Map is pretty cool (outside part)

- Graphics are pretty meh, atleast they feel pretty bad after playing Gears 3... Inside the metro looked pretty shitty imo.
- Crouch/prone at right thumbstick? Annoying.
- I need to try vehicles
- Game is OK, but I expected more. It doesn't feel that much better than Bad Company 2...

I played it on X360, I can imagine it's way better ont he PC.

Right analog for crouch/prone is pretty damn useful, since that's the layout that I use in COD.
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