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Battlefield 3 Beta: Info and Meetups [Over]


Metro sucks, or perhaps its the fact rush sucks lol. Highlight for me was the tunnel firefights and the pretty lighting.

I managed to get into one Caspian game and that was pretty amazing! The scale is great, map is clearly huge in scope compared to anything in Bad Company 2.

Need to play more but so far I cant see myself putting time into Rush.

My huge issue currently is the mini map, its awful. Even when you press M its hard to see and gain a sense of where you are in retrospect to the capture points, it needs work.


SapientWolf said:
I don't think that 24 player Caspian will represent the map very well.
It doesn't but i really want to see how it plays with 24 players and how it works, is FPS an issue on consoles on bigger maps etc.
Besides, as far as i know, Conquest maps are scaled down for consoles. As long as they don't make them linear 3 flag maps...


woober said:
o_O What kind of monstrous control setup do you use? How do you shoot?! I haven't tried it but rebinding the knife worked for me, so I'm assuming you can.
Yeah, my control setup's a bit unorthodox. I shoot with the right mouse button and usually crouch with the left.

Guess it's as good a time as ever to rewire the brain to use CTRL (or whatever) for crouching instead. :lol


VibratingDonkey said:
Haven't unlocked a lot of stuff yet so haven't tooled around with loadout customization much, but that seems needlessly convoluted. You get this screen showing all the classes and slots, but then you have to enter separate submenus for each class to actually change anything.
This is my least favorite part so far. They use a very odd button layout for changing your kits on consoles. I think it's left stick to switch between the 4 classes, then R1/L1 to switch between rifle/sidearm/gadget, then B to bring up the list of options for that slot. It's really weird and I find myself hitting A constantly to "confirm" something which usually makes me prematurely spawn with the wrong stuff equipped

And I had no idea about the other aspect how you can put up to 3 things on your primary gun until an hour played. I know about it now and won't forget, but still.

dmg04 said:
Anyone on the 360;
When you're above ground, does your game flash black, white, yellow constantly???
Constantly, no. But I definitely know what you're talking about.


VibratingDonkey said:
UI stuff in general is pretty dumb.
  • For some reason inbetween rounds you have to wait 30 seconds, during which all you can do is watch your stats and progress for the round. If this waiting period truly is necessary, at least allow me to use that time to do stuff instead of just sitting there waiting for the clock to run down. Put some of that Battlelog social stuff in there. Allow me to customize loadouts. Change settings. Something.
  • No distance indicators for objectives. Would be useful.
  • Unless I'm missing something you can't tell how broke a vehicle is unless you're in it.
  • The map is splendidly useless. On the spawn screen I have no idea if it's a good idea to spawn at one location or another as I can't get an overall view of the entire map. And I don't know why they went with this abstract shapes or empty blue void nonsense visual style. While it looks very pretty, it's supposed to be a functional tool for players not an art exhibit.
  • Haven't unlocked a lot of stuff yet so haven't tooled around with loadout customization much, but that seems needlessly convoluted. You get this screen showing all the classes and slots, but then you have to enter separate submenus for each class to actually change anything.

Totally agree.

The UI is absolutely awful. At least, you can pick weapons directly from the spawn screen now. But, to change attachments, you need yo load up the customization screen. And every time you click on something, there is that really annoying TV static effect on the screen.

I usually don't care much about interface but that stuff is downright horrible.


I love the bipod and tactical flashlight. Feels good when you mow down 5 guys in a row. For all the faults that this game has, DICE managed to get the gameplay right, which matters a lot.
Ysiadmihi said:
I like the recoil. It's not DoD levels of awesome but at least it's not like BC2.

Yeah, really hope they don't tone it down, it actually requires active user participation to control it, esp. with the AK's.

Eric WK

ii Stryker said:
If the 360 were the lead platform I'd want to see Caspian in the beta. But after playing OpMetro there are too many bugs with this 360 build and we don't even have any vehicles.

There are no vehicles on PC Metro, either. It's a function of the map, not the platform.
Has the destruction been toned down a lot since BC2? Seems to me like not even half the shit is destructible, whereas BC2 almost everything was...
Quick question, sorry if it's been answered already. I have seen people posting match results screenshots from Battlelog. Is this only available for PC players? I am playing the beta on 360 and I can't find this anywhere.


darkwing said:
does the squad system even work in the console? on the PS3 our party keeps on being separated , sometimes to the enemy team, and mics don't even work , good thing this is a beta right?

It's not working for me too. I have tried a few times with some friends.
Hope it's working properly on the final version.


woober said:
I absolutely love the sound of the jet rumbling down the runway and then hearing the complete silence as it lifts off into the air. Sound is amazing.
I know, it's so amazing.
Foliorum Viridum said:
It's a shame the jet kinda "pauses" before it blows up.
Agreed, wish it was smoother.


digita1alchemy said:
Quick question, sorry if it's been answered already. I have seen people posting match results screenshots from Battlelog. Is this only available for PC players? I am playing the beta on 360 and I can't find this anywhere.
Yeah, PC only right now.


gl0w said:
It's not working for me too. I have tried a few times with some friends.
Hope it's working properly on the final version.
Well, those are just issues which sadly come with a beta.
Off course this kind of stuff will be fixed when the game releases.

I did get to play with a buddy, while talking to each other on our iPods, since the chat system didn't work like it should.
But this was after failing to team up and having the PS3 version crash nearly a dozen times in the process.
So the best way to do it is just play by yourself for now.
desu said:
Man, I am reviving my ass off but Ive been revived less than 5 times in the whole beta.
Well, it doesn't help that people have to unlock the defib first. Also, it's a lot more risky trying to revive people in BF3 since you can die pretty quickly.


CrookedRain said:
Well, it doesn't help that people have to unlock the defib first. Also, it's a lot more risky trying to revive people in BF3 since you can die pretty quickly.
Yep, I've revived maybe two persons and been revied thrice so far. Ability to cancel revive is great, i hated it when i couldn't change my weapon because someone kept reviving me in BC2.


Speaking of reviving, do people have to accept it or something now? I swear only about 1 in 3 actually go through, but I don't know if it's lag or beta bugginess or what.

edit: ^^^^ I guess so.


I'd be in the dick
desu said:
Man, I am reviving my ass off but Ive been revived less than 5 times in the whole beta.
Same here. I revive and heal so much that I'm usually in the top 3 in the game even though my K/D sucks. It's weird to see so many people playing assault but no one actually healing.
Played my second match before work. It was my first time actually starting in the first area, and boy is it buggy out there. I get major screen tearing, flashing black and yellow screen, major clipping into the ground and sometimes I even fall through it. Framerate gets way bad too.

I honestly don't know how these things will be fixed in time for release. This beta should have taken place back when the alpha took place.

EDIT: I should point out that I'm playing the 360 version.
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