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Battlefield 3 Beta: Info and Meetups [Over]


Is this on EA's end or mine?

"You were disconnected from the login server."

Match making finds me a game, says joining and gives me that message. Been trying for close to 3 hours.


Menelaus said:
This doesn't make old hardware magically run awesome looking games well. Sorry, but it's the truth, dude.

Also, lower your res a bit, might help.
No but low should run better than this. I'm using...11.9 ati drivers

Angry Fork

okay so I tried it out some more, played on Metro, and this shit is fucking awesome. It has tons of potential as long as you play with people who care about winning and playing as a team and shit. (Do agree the open field part of Metro is annoying, but I love the underground)

It still sucks playing on all low and only getting 40fps or so, but I'm really considering getting a new vid card for this. The people I was playing with were doing the objectives and moving forward as a team etc. it was great. My game just kind of closed for some reason though out of nowhere so I figured I'd post about it here.

I don't have the money for a 400$ card right now though but damn I want to max this thing out and play it at 60fps.

edit - I haven't updated my drivers maybe that'll help, but I heard that makes fps worse sometimes I'll try it anyway.
Oh am the only one who likes Metro too? I always liked Rush mode as it had a narrative quality to it and I enjoyed the variety of locations (outside, in a tightly packed station with some open areas, and open areas with buildings). I do love the crap out of Caspian too.


Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Oh am the only one who likes Metro too? I always liked Rush mode as it had a narrative quality to it and I enjoyed the variety of locations (outside, in a tightly packed station with some open areas, and open areas with buildings). I do love the crap out of Caspian too.

I don't mind Rush mode at all, but I think Metro is just a bad map.


Holy SHIT the sound in this game is amazing. I just switched from speakers (Logitech Z-5500) to headset (Corsair HS1) and it's so so much better, night and day.

Bob White

On metro. Yes, everything pass the first part is amazing. But the first part is the first part. Hard as fuck to pass it on offense. And if your team likes to camp, you will never get to see the other sections while on defense. Add the fucking quick sand ground plus password on caspian = WTF?


Gvaz said:
This runs like dogshit on my system on low everything:

Phenom II X3 720 oc'd to 3.7
8gb ddr2
1GB HD4890 @ 1920x1200

it's also not letting me do this resolution and 60hz, just 59 hz because that's what windows think's it is because it's stupid.

Just so you know 59.99hz will be reported as 59.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Yep, got home, download the beta on my 360, can't even connect to EA Online.

A whole bunch of us here wanting to play, and I can't even see what the actual game looks like on my monitor.
I'm having some issues with Live in general. I don't see any new messages or invites despite people telling me they've sent them. It is only when I sign out and back in again do I see them in my inbox.

Angry Fork

Checking newegg right now to see if there's some good deals I really want a new vid card now =( What vid card can max this out and run at 60fps? And do you think there'll be thanksgiving/christmas deals for them?


Angry Fork said:
Checking newegg right now to see if there's some good deals I really want a new vid card now =( What vid card can max this out and run at 60fps? And do you think there'll be thanksgiving/christmas deals for them?

What is your monitor's native resolution? That's the most important part really.


Angry Fork said:
Checking newegg right now to see if there's some good deals I really want a new vid card now =( What vid card can max this out and run at 60fps? And do you think there'll be thanksgiving/christmas deals for them?

I would wait for the full game to judge if you need a new card or not.


Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Oh am the only one who likes Metro too? I always liked Rush mode as it had a narrative quality to it and I enjoyed the variety of locations (outside, in a tightly packed station with some open areas, and open areas with buildings). I do love the crap out of Caspian too.
Metro is not bad for Rush, i think i like it more than most BC2 Rush maps.
The problem is, Rush is not Battlefield...
Caspian should've been on consoles as well, along with Conquest (even if the map's scaled down and has only 24 players).
Actually i should get a proper gaming PC and ditch console gaming... or at least playing BF3 on consoles...


The connection with EA Online was lost. Console beta am cry.

Work, dammit!

Also, does anyone have the password for the PC Caspian Border servers, if they're still up? I'm downloading the PC Beta now and would love it if someone could PM me the password.


Typical EA anything. I can't log onto their servers and from what I read here the game/beta is buggy as shit. My experience with EA games is that they rarely update with fixes. Now, they may do that right off with this game due to it's profile, but I wouldn't expect much thereafter. "Above and beyond the call" ... Yeah right! There's a reason 2 Call of Duty games hold the first 2 spots on Xbox Live ... They're better!

Angry Fork

rabhw said:
What is your monitor's native resolution? That's the most important part really.
I run all games on 1920 x 1080 including this beta I'm pretty sure that's the monitors native res as well. Maybe I should lower the resolution and I might be able to get 60fps with higher other settings but it's hard to go back to 720p after playing in 1080p.
Gvaz said:
This runs like dogshit on my system on low everything:

Phenom II X3 720 oc'd to 3.7
8gb ddr2
1GB HD4890 @ 1920x1200

it's also not letting me do this resolution and 60hz, just 59 hz because that's what windows think's it is because it's stupid.

That's odd. I have a similar setup but my X3 CPU is only at 3ghz, I only have 4GB ram with a 560 ti and I get anywhere from 30-60 fps at 1680x1050 with everything on high and a couple settings at max.

I was really pretty surprised at how well it runs, even on Caspian border which hovered around 30.


I'm finding the whole 'the connection with EA Online was lost' issue with the 360 a bit of a joke.

On the 27th, the service was plagued with these errors.

On the 28th, everything was working silky smooth and I assumed the server issues had been sorted.

Now the 29th and the beta's doors have been opened wide and here we are again. DICE and EA should have had this locked down well in advance of this beta. Considering alot of people will be using this as a basis on whether to buy the game or not, its not doing a good job of selling itself.

Also, yes, fully aware its a beta and all, but your average Joe wont appreciate the differences between a demo and a beta test and will base their decision on whether to buy the game on their experience thus far.


Q1ller said:
Typical EA anything. I can't log onto their servers and from what I read here the game/beta is buggy as shit. My experience with EA games is that they rarely update with fixes. Now, they may do that right off with this game due to it's profile, but I wouldn't expect much thereafter. "Above and beyond the call" ... Yeah right! There's a reason 2 Call of Duty games hold the first 2 spots on Xbox Live ... They're better!

Interesting post in an obviously pro battlefield camp...


ACE 1991 said:
Haha this thread is classic NeoGAF. Game is the savior of multiplayer shooters, and now after actually playing the damn game it somehow doesn't live up to the utterly ridiculous level of hype. As a BF2 vet, I, for one, am having a shitload of fun. Are there issues? Of course there are, BF2 had tons of them. I'm really not all that worried.
It was my savior of multiplayer shooters but they changed so much and reverted from their initial promise that I played in the alpha.


trainspot said:
what is the deal with this caspian bordeR? who the fuck have set the paswsword up, i ask huh?

you sound really angry so I'll help you out, caspian border was never intended for the public but the password for the servers keep getting leaked and you can find it in places like reddit


Q1ller said:
Typical EA anything. I can't log onto their servers and from what I read here the game/beta is buggy as shit. My experience with EA games is that they rarely update with fixes. Now, they may do that right off with this game due to it's profile, but I wouldn't expect much thereafter. "Above and beyond the call" ... Yeah right! There's a reason 2 Call of Duty games hold the first 2 spots on Xbox Live ... They're better!
>_<? Rarely update fixes in an online mp game? And based on a beta?



Seems like I'm in the vast minority, but I haven't really experienced any glitches (360 version). Or at least nothing serious.

Three times now when going prone my screen flashed this weird yellow color, but other than that, nothin'.


Here's a free tip for those having trouble: If you want to live longer and get more kills, stick together. You don't even have to be in a squad, just stick together with members from your team, specially in the first area of Metro Rush. Exorcise yourself from those CoD demons! :)
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