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Battlefield 3 Beta: Info and Meetups [Over]

Gav47 said:
Does anyone else find that having to wait to respawn in order to quit makes this game incredibly hard to put down. Pretty sneaky DICE.

Yes. Very annoying. Worse is that when you hit spawn, it 'saves' the game, yet the stats don't save when you disconnect.
Server update.

We have distributed a server side update with the following changes:

- Terrain destruction disabled, because it causes problems with people crawling around under the map. We have a proper fix for this in the retail game, but chose to simply disable it for the OB
- Preround is fully activated: 8 players required to transition from preround to in-game; when 8 players are reached, the start-timer is set to 10 seconds
- Fixes for the most common game server crashes reported over the past 48 hours
- Fixes for end-of-round progress reporting to Battlelog (so players will see their progress more detailed on Battlelog)

The RSPs have been instructed to deploy before Fri Sep 30th, 0800 UTC (when it impacts players the least).

Downtime should be minimal.

Well, that's one way to fix it for now.


dogmanstaruk said:
More realistic I guess. I don't mind it and it shouldn't effect your k:d ratio as everyone is in the same boat.
I'm not super great at fps games but I'm pretty competent about putting the reticule to the guy's head and pressing LMB I think, except when I get excited and don't burst and lay on at close range lol

Not doing too well with this though.

*spawn, looks around*
*spawn, runs towards teammates, I guess someone was hiding in the bushes*
*gets shot at, a second later turns around*


Asskicker064 said:
That's really fucked up.
Here's a longer version with some more details that I posted on Reddit:
I was granted early access to the Battlefield 3 beta, and had recorded a few videos of the game to show my friends. I recorded my first time flying in a jet (which was horrible), and uploaded it to maybe get a few laughs out of them.

I went on to the video page a few minutes ago and noticed that it now had a "As Seen On:" label below the view count. I found it odd since my videos are barely ever watched (the video only has a few hundred views). I thought that maybe someone posted the link to it on a forum or something, so I went to the website to find that it was an Italian video game news site, that was posting video footage of the Battlefield 3 Beta.

After a few minutes of searching, I found a link to what might have been my video. I clicked on the link, only to be faced with an IGN style "Whole page is an ad click the upper right-hand link to move on" web page. I reached the actual video page, clicked play, and then sat through an Audi Ad (which plays every time you re-watch the video, even if you don't refresh the page).

Sure enough, it was my video, hosted on their site, playing with their proprietary video player. My username was clearly visible in the video.

I think it's pretty neat that my video was noticed, but the fact that they basically stole it, uploaded it as their own, and are making money off of it bothers me a little. I know the video technically isn't "mine" (since I didn't make Battlefield 3), but are they really allowed to do this? If they aren't, is there anything I can do?

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
For people still not convinced this is beta...

simple question

What would you want fixed first ?
IMO squad next a hotfix ASAP
And the glicth with ppl going underground and haxxxing

Plz keep in mind this is a beta version of the game. and it does not represent the final product, its just so we can test and find the BIGGEST bugs.

Graphics are nerfed down
Many features are still missing and so on

DICE is updating the game every day, like 2day there has been 2 updates already... be patient people :)

Also check this post from my mate TheseusKhan if having issues starting game or getting dced:
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/forum/threadview/2826551518944983784/ [battlelog.battlefield.com


Doc Holliday said:
For people still not convinced this is beta...
People are concerned because the game is supposed to come out in a month. Some of these problems could(should) have been discovered in small scale internal testing.


I'd be in the dick
darkwing said:
so the graphics are nerf down for the console too?
I was just going to ask the same thing. It's pretty obvious that there's no or minimal AA on PS3 and they're supposedly using MLAA. I hope they aren't just saying that and it's only for single player. If they can fix that and the tearing then it'll be gorgeous.


ugh, this is fucking annoying me as hell.
Is there a way to turn your teammates' nametags back on?

I could see everybodys name earlier today but not anymore. I'm teamkilling lots of people because of that, I hope it's not a serverside setting.
A lot of my complaints now seem to be less of the actual game and more of the menu stuff. They should have just kept BC2's weapon and kit menu. It was quick and easy to use and I can't go into options when i want to. Just annoyances like that, I hope are ironed out in the final game.


Is there supposed to be a way to see what server your platoon members are in ? otherwise what is the point of a platoon? Do we really have to manually add everyone in the platoon to our friends in order to play together?


Stallion Free said:
IGN has done that multiple times with GAF content.
Was there anything done?

I mean, I know the video isn't technically mine since I didn't make Battlefield 3, but it kinda irks me that I was psyched that my video had more than 12 views, they are making money off of it.


RoboPlato said:
That looks like a decent layout for Conquest. It'll be interesting to see how an infantry only conquest game will work.
Looks like BC2 conquest maps, 3 flags arranged in linear fashion, very tight map...
And i take it over Rush anytime.
Hope they don't fix the zombie ragdoll bug, it's pretty good. Sometimes you'll come across the corpse of a teammate slouched around on the ground, only he's got a friendly indicator above him and is still alive.lIt's a bit like the zombie bug in BF2, only the ones I've come across have all just lied on the ground, not yet sure if they can stand up and run around or if they're affected on their end at all.

See if I can remember to try out MSI Afterburner's video capturing if I come upon it again.

Bunch of other weird animations glitches going on as well.


Kyaw said:
I think it's too linear. You will only be going back and forth like most BC2 CQ maps...
Hey, at least you go both ways, unlike in Rush.

I really hope Consolized variants of maps like Caspian are not limited to 3 flags, or even worse, are that linear.


I'd be in the dick
Woorloog said:
Looks like BC2 conquest maps, 3 flags arranged in linear fashion, very tight map...
And i take it over Rush anytime.
I enjoy Rush a lot actually, although I've always been more of an infantry player in BF since I suck at driving vehicles. I do really enjoy Conquest but it felt really broken in BC2 so I didn't play it too much. I hope it goes back to BF2 style ticket bleed for BF3. If Rush is as good as in BC2 and Conquest is back to BF2 style I'll be incredibly happy.


RoboPlato said:
I enjoy Rush a lot actually, although I've always been more of an infantry player in BF since I suck at driving vehicles. I do really enjoy Conquest but it felt really broken in BC2 so I didn't play it too much. I hope it goes back to BF2 style ticket bleed for BF3. If Rush is as good as in BC2 and Conquest is back to BF2 style I'll be incredibly happy.
What is different in ticket bleeds? I've played BF2 but not enough to see the difference... Speed?
Woorloog said:
Hey, at least you go both ways, unlike in Rush.

I really hope Consolized variants of maps like Caspian are not limited to 3 flags, or even worse, are that linear.
I was in a Caspian server earlier with 32 players and it felt pretty damn empty.

Some good tweaking will be in order for consoles, I think.


I'd be in the dick
Woorloog said:
What is different in ticket bleeds? I've played BF2 but not enough to see the difference... Speed?
It was really slow in BC2, even when your team controlled all of the points, so it basically just became a TDM since that was the only way to drop tickets quickly.
well looks like DICE has their hands full for another 3-4 months to iron out the worst bugs.

I blame EA for rushing it in october, the original reveal said november.


RoboPlato said:
It was really slow in BC2, even when your team controlled all of the points, so it basically just became a TDM since that was the only way to drop tickets quickly.

Yeah... ticket bleed needs to go quite quick if you have the majority of the flags captured.

It is tweaked in Caspian Border though.


I'd be in the dick
Kyaw said:
Yeah... ticket bleed needs to go quite quick if you have the majority of the flags captured.

It is tweaked in Caspian Border though.
Good to hear. I haven't played Caspian yet since I'm on PS3.

Mr. Snrub said:
Ugh. The map is literally no different and has the lame BC2 linear cap points. Hope that's not the Conquest Large version.
I'm sure that's not the Conquest 64 version. It's a linear map and infantry only so I assume that's why it seems so close to the BC2 style.


Woorloog said:
Hey, at least you go both ways, unlike in Rush.

I really hope Consolized variants of maps like Caspian are not limited to 3 flags, or even worse, are that linear.

They will be three flags. At least that limitation doesn't carry over to the PC as in BC2, because 3 flags blows more than Rush.

There are a lot of things in this game that are just bad design decisions.

1. Health is far too low, and is what Hardcore mode should be? How could the health possibly be any lower in Hardcore anyway, you already die in like 3 shots. The side effect of this is the medic kit is useless because you almost never survive getting shot at as you did in BF2. The rechargeable health delay is good, but the Health idea was stupid and pretty much makes Hardcore mode irrelevant.

I get people who wanted lower health than BC2, but that's why they made Hardcore.

2. Jet unlocks are idiotic. Jet missiles have to be unlocked, so pretty much whoever unlocks them will dominate over and over until they have far more unlocks than anyone else. Why don't they just make firing a tank gun an unlock also?


Is there anyway to create a game so I can play somekind of tutorial or something before jumping into the action....when I finally got into a game,our team won but I had 0 kills and 7 deaths and had no clue what was going on...seriously,I didn`t even see who killed me the 7 times,where they where etc etc...is this normal for a noob like me lol...oh and one of the first chat text I saw was someone saying noobs suck lol.

I really want to be at least decent at this after a while.
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