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Battlefield 3 Beta: Info and Meetups [Over]


MrPing1000 said:
How on earth did they manage to make the beta ridiculously buggy when the alpha was hardly buggy at all?

Falling out of the map, weird ragdolls, a dead guy talking and shoot being a particular highlight.

Yea, I never had any issues with the Alpha. Now I can't even get into a game.
vidal said:
I too was wondering that. I really thought Metro Conquest was going to be a different map for both 24 and 64-players. I guess I really have to tone down my expectations for the rest of the maps.
Was hoping that too. Suppose there's still a slim chance for the 64 player version, but yeah....

Well, at least five of the other maps are guaranteed to be alright so far. Back to Karkand pack and Caspian.


RoboPlato said:
Made a US PS3 platoon. I know the emblem sucks but I couldn't figure out how to change the color of just half of the circle.


Thanks, once I'm able to create an Origin acct, I'll be on there. Stupid thing isn't letting me in though. Keeps saying I have the wrong password. I try to reset password and it says its in Server Maintenance Mode. Ugh.

Edit: Its so funny seeing dead bodies just sliding all over the place. So weird. And they really have to disable Teammate Moving when you bump into them. People keep putting me out in the open.


So I can't join a server. It keeps trying to join, but nothing happens. More people seem to have this problem though. Is it firefox related?


Rubixcuba said:
I get to the loading screen and then, bam.

The graphics card crashes.


Edit: I'm rocking a ATI 6950 1GB

I was having that same problem (same card but 2gb)
Display driver would crash.

Had to put in the ol' 5850 :(


2San said:
So I can't join a server. It keeps trying to join, but nothing happens. More people seem to have this problem though. Is it firefox related?

Nope. I've tried firefox and chrome and I still can't join a game.


I'd be in the dick
Mulligan said:
I wonder how much the console version will be improved graphically before launch..? hopefully by a fair amount
I still have faith. The Operation Guillotine 360 footage looked amazing and a couple gaffers who played at TGS said that it looked the same on PS3. Let's hope that this is just an old build and the graphical differences are because of that and aren't single player versus multiplayer changes.


Tokubetsu said:
Nope. I've tried firefox and chrome and I still can't join a game.

Yea had the same problem, someone at EA renamed the directory where your game is installed to Bèta Battlefield 3 you need to rename it and change some stuff in your registry

What helped for me on my x64 PC is the following :

Due to the è in the folder name the game won't start and generates an Application Error in the event viewer.

To change this on x64 systems :

1) Goto the folder where Origin installed BF3 Beta (C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Bèta Battlefield 3)

2) Rename the Bèta Battlefield 3 folder to Beta Battlefield 3

3)Start regedit , browse to the following key :

Change the GDFBinary & InstallDir paths to C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Beta Battlefield 3

Try to launch the game, should work.. i am happy as a puppy now Hope it works for you 2

Remember this works on x64 systems!

got it from here http://forums.electronicarts.co.uk/battlefield-3/1432752-win7-x64-bf3-exe-crash-fix.html


I'd be in the dick
Evolved1 said:
gunsway is soooo much better in BC2.
The gunsway was really distracting in BC2 for me. It doesn't help that I have a shitty LCD and the image ghosted the whole time. BF3's is a huge improvement.


MrPing1000 said:
How on earth did they manage to make the beta ridiculously buggy when the alpha was hardly buggy at all?

Falling out of the map, weird ragdolls, a dead guy talking and shoot being a particular highlight.
While the beta is extremely buggy...I woudlnt dare go as far as to say the alpha was hardly buggy at all. Not being able to ADS and being blocked by invisible fallen trees were pretty common in the alpha.

But still Alpha > Beta


Jesus, every single time I start a game, I can't believe how rough and "jerky" the animations feel. You get stuck everywhere, you seem to stick to every single rock. Hit animations are atrocious, no ragdoll feedback when you hit someone.

Yeah, ANT animation...


Geez, is there really no way to see the entire map layout? That was fine and all in Rush when the points were all close to each other in Metro, but I just played Caspian Border on a laggy European server and still have no clue what the map layout is like. All you can see is the layout immediately surrounding your spawn points, and your minimap.

There's gotta be a full map view somewhere, and if there isn't they need to implement it. I don't know they didn't just keep the deployment screen from BF2 where you could just see the entire map and pick and choose your spawn point from across the entire map.


ape2man said:
Yea had the same problem, someone at EA renamed the directory where your game is installed to Bèta Battlefield 3 you need to rename it and change some stuff in your registry

What helped for me on my x64 PC is the following :

Due to the è in the folder name the game won't start and generates an Application Error in the event viewer.

To change this on x64 systems :

1) Goto the folder where Origin installed BF3 Beta (C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Bèta Battlefield 3)

2) Rename the Bèta Battlefield 3 folder to Beta Battlefield 3

3)Start regedit , browse to the following key :

Change the GDFBinary & InstallDir paths to C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Beta Battlefield 3

Try to launch the game, should work.. i am happy as a puppy now Hope it works for you 2

Remember this works on x64 systems!

got it from here http://forums.electronicarts.co.uk/battlefield-3/1432752-win7-x64-bf3-exe-crash-fix.html

Yea, saw that. Still doesn't work =/


eternaLightness said:
I wish you could slide down the escalator like in Mirror's Edge. I always get the feeling it's going happen but then it doesn't :(
Haha, the animation is good enough! Now I'm going to want the same thing. :(

As far as everything else goes, it's pretty damn rough right now. It's BF3 though, shit's going to get together pretty quickly I'd imagine.


Hayvic said:
It's not starting. Either through Quickmatch or the server browser. The game manager just says "joining server" and then nothing. Why?

MNC said:
Is anyone's game called Bèta Battlefield 3?

This has to be the biggest fuckup of the year by EA. Some languages in Europe spell the Beta with an è. After I updated my game, the folder was called that.




This is fucking ridiculous EA.


Hope this helps.


Playing this on the PS3. Metro is probably the worst map they could have selected for this beta. It's pretty poor in terms of its layout and design, and it does nothing to show off what makes Battlefield such a great series. Caspian should have been the beta map for all platforms. There are no vehicles, little destruction, nothing but linear choke points, etc.

Visually it's decent and you can see certain areas where it's ahead of BC2, but overall it looks like a step back. It's really rough on the consoles, lots of glitches, tearing, sound crackling, ugly textures, shadow problems, movement glitches, etc. I know this is a beta, but I was far more impressed with the quality of the BC2 beta. Hopefully most of this stuff gets upgraded and fixed for the console versions. I'll just assume this is a very old build and things will improve quite a bit. The equipment and kit selection menus are another step backwards. Also while playing Metro I swear somebody who was laying prone shot me through a rock. I'm not mad though, I'm sure he just had magical bullets equipped.

In the end, it's Battlefield and I'll buy it. I've put hundreds and hundreds of hours into this franchise so a rough beta that has an average map won't turn me off. Afterall it is a beta, so this stuff is expected. I guess some are just worried a little since it's so close to launch and it still appears this rough on consoles. The weapon sounds and overall sound design is awesome. But seriously Dice. Caspian for everyone via an update. That map has it all and shows off why people love BF. Metro will likely have the opposite effect.

Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go put a stupid amount of time into this beta.
Foil said:
Also while playing Metro I swear somebody who was laying prone shot me through a rock.

You swore right. You can actually shoot through all the boulders on Metro. Try it for the lulz after you've spotted someone.


Just played the PS3 beta for about 6 whole minutes. I haven't played a FPS on PS3 with a regular controller in a long time. It's strange to think of how weird Move used to feel, and now I can't really play with a controller.

Graphics look...ok I guess. Gonna come back to this in a little bit and play more but I'm starving.


Put your snobby liquids into my mouth!
Tried the PS3 beta. Not bad, but not impressed, where are the vehicles? I guess the map they choosed for the beta doesn't have vehicles, but why did they do that? vehicles are the selling point of this game for me.


Can somebody PM me the latest Caspian password? I tried Gaogaogao, videokilledtheradiostar and Appletini but they don't work anymore.



DKnight said:
Tried the PS3 beta. Not bad, but not impressed, where are the vehicles? I guess the map they choosed for the beta doesn't have vehicles, but why did they do that? vehicles are the selling point of this game for me.
Beats me. Caspian with Conquest should've been the beta map and gamemode on all platforms.


Here's my major complaint so far about BF3: Why does my gun take up so much screenspace? I'm an arms length from my pc I don't need hugeass fucking UI elements (at lower resolutions) nor do I need huge gun displays to know what the hell I'm using.

Here is an example of what the gun looks like at 1920x1200 in red. The inverted selection is the size the gun SHOULD be taking up instead. (I realize the inverted aspect ratio is not 1:1 but whatever, for the sake of the display)

The corrected size is much less obnoxious and doesn't block your view nearly as much.

Other issue I noted was (and sorry I didn't get a clear shot of this at the time, was kind of multitasking) but as you can see, the gun is actually in two pieces and the front of it is just...floating in front of it.... the player isn't even holding the front of the model.


This image also extends my first complaint, look at how fucking large the UI elements are at 720. This is absurd.

To summarize: the guns take up 1/4 of your screen space when it should be more like 1/5 or 1/6 of your screenspace. UI elements do not shrink properly proportially to your resolution, meaning at lower resolutions you have tons of ui elements that distract you rather than inform you and it feels like I'm trying to look past shit that's getting in the way.
ugh, just changed my FOV to 90 in the settings and now I can't load a game up. Changing it back to 70 doesn't change anything either, knew I shouldn't have fiddled with it, damn you curiosity!
I'm getting some blickering like green flashings on PC, just like in the PS3 beta, I'm alone?

DKnight said:
Tried the PS3 beta. Not bad, but not impressed, where are the vehicles? I guess the map they choosed for the beta doesn't have vehicles, but why did they do that? vehicles are the selling point of this game for me.

The worst thing is BC2 beta and demo on PS3, had large maps full of vehicles. So is not consoles fault.....

Some Battlefield moments videos had a lot of vehicles going on....

I don't know what are they trying to do, because COD kids will likely not like the game anyway....


I do enjoy the lighting engine, but seriously this fps kills me and I have no money with which to upgrade. Maybe in a year or two.
Can someone please explain me how to actively select a certain squad or form a proper squad to play with your friends instead of using the random find squad option? Am I completely stupid or is that not possible at all?


Dinosaur Tamer said:
Can someone please explain me how to actively select a certain squad or form a proper squad to play with your friends instead of using the random find squad option? Am I completely stupid or is that not possible at all?
You don't. There simply isn't an option right now.
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