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Battlefield 3 Beta: Info and Meetups [Over]

So, yeah. Performance basically runs from ASS all the way up to MEDIOCRE on the 360. After my first game, which I entered into relatively easily, it probably took me a collective 20-30 minutes to get into another. Absolute bollocks.

Of what I did play, though, I enjoyed it; mostly due to just missing the Battlefield style of gameplay for a while now. Going to this from the buttery smooth GoW3 sure was a shock, though.


Lost connection to EA server over and over again. I can't even get in a game, I've played 5 mins, crashed and haven't been able to get in since. I know this is a beta but the BC2 beta ran flawless and this game comes out in less than a month. This us quite frankly the worst beta I've ever played so far. I'm playing on the 360 btw.


just played a couple of hours of Caspian with a friend from DICE.... its SOOOOOOO much better than metro its not even funny! they need to make it public ASAP in order to restore faith in the faithless amongst you.
vidal said:
That's what I keep wondering. But I don't remember Port Valdez being ass with the PC beta.
Well I played Arica Harbor in the PS3 beta before. From what I remember I was playing it at the same time as I was playing Uncharted 2 and I liked BC2 way more. So I have no idea if I just need to get used to BF3 or what.


Cuban Legend said:
i have unlocked the suppressor and shit like 5 times in a row now with all the crashes.
PC version? Maybe it's just me but instead of using the server browser I used the quickmatch option and the game stopped crashing at the end of every round.


jet1911 said:
PC version? Maybe it's just me but instead of using the server browser I used the quickmatch option and the game stopped crashing at the end of every round.
Yeah, but we have like 15 people to get into a game :(


So I finally got into a Caspian server and it's a massively laggy mess for everyone there. You can't even walk in a straight line because the game will have you flipping out going every which direction.

Come on EA, stop fucking with us and just make Caspian part of the full beta with no password...
Dice should have outsourced the "Beta" to Epic.

In all seriousness, though, they've really dropped the ball. I think, for most people, prior to this horrible beta, BF3 would have been a blind purchase; a safe bet full of guaranteed fun and value.

Now, though... It's actually made me yearn for the franchise of which I've grown the most tired...


The Last One said:
C'mon Dice, I wanna play this shit on 360... Bring the servers back.
Same. I'm playing it on my PS3 now, but I'd rather thy fixed the 360 one since I have more unlocks on there...


This beta is very rough... Hopefully its equally as old.


Played around a bit. Since I don't normally play multiplayer PC shooters. I'm wondering if the game is bad or the problem lies with me. The performance is crappy though choppy framerate all over even on medium settings. Is it possible to use the 360 controller? It doesn't seem to recognize mine.

The BC2 sold me on the game. Wondering whats up this time. :|

Relaxed Muscle said:
I'm getting some blickering like green flashings on PC, just like in the PS3 beta, I'm alone?
No I had this as well. I figured it's was because I didn't clean install the drivers. It went away after toying around with the graphics settings.


mickcenary said:
Now, though... It's actually made me yearn for the franchise of which I've grown the most tired...
This isn't already CoD? Insanely high damage and no recoil (3 hit kills when it's almost impossible to miss? I'm dead before even know I've been shot at.), tons of camping, no one playing the objective, and a poorly designed linear map.


Played for about an hour.

The game is fantastic. Runs very well, aside from standard beta lag.

I think the reason most people are questioning the beta is because of the map choice. Metro is not a good choice to show the world your game.. Very newbie unfriendly and grossly encourages sniping.

Then it goes underground and it's another COD close quarters clusterfuck.

Just wait till we get Karkand. Then all will be well :)


Seeing a game maxed out looks great, but I will say I am a little disappointed, I expected more. Crysis 1 modded is still by some margin the best looking game out there. 4 years and counting...

Angry Fork

DarkChild said:
Seeing a game maxed out looks great, but I will say I am a little disappointed, I expected more. Crysis 1 modded is still by some margin the best looking game out there. 4 years and counting...
I'm kind of wondering what makes this game so demanding as well. There's probably tons of little things I don't know about that are added to the game but I tried it on Ultra (only got 15fps lol) and it looks good but like not some ground breaking omg shit the way Crysis was. I'm wondering what options and little things in particular are the ones that make a big dent in the performance, like anti-aliasing is usually the biggest one so maybe it's that and a few other things.
vidal said:
That's what I keep wondering. But I don't remember Port Valdez being ass with the PC beta.

Nah BC2 Beta was much more polished in every aspect : full destruction was there, squad system was working almost flawlessly (it's just impossible to in the same squad as your friends in this beta). Even the real beta that took place 4 months before the game release, on Arica Harbour, was impressive. And that's putting inside picking an infantry only map for a Battlefield demo.

I think DICE possibly should have skipped releasing a demo altogether because I'm not sure this is going to attract the CoD crowd and I'm pretty sure many people who were on the fence are less than impressed by the state of the beta.

BF3 was riding an incredibly positive wave thanks to trailers and behind closed doors previews, their marketing campaign was working well but somehow this beta is sorta derailing the hype train.


Yeah there's a lot of small things to fix.

But at least it doesn't make my computer BSOD 15 minutes in every time I play. *COUGH*BC2WHYDOYOUSTILLDOTHIS*COUGH*


What's the difference between open beta and demo? Lower expectations? ;-) I wish I could say I was impressed but I wasnt (PS3). I love the BF games but after playing that boring Metro map and seeing the same old BF2 screen tearing all over my 400hz tv I can safely move this game to the back of a long list of titles I'm buying over the next two months. With Dark Souls, Batman, Uncharted, Skyrim, and MW3 dropping I gotta draw the line somewhere. Whoever decided to "lock up" the good map obviously doesn't work for the marketing department.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
It's so funny, everyone was raving about the beta for 2 days and all of a sudden boom! Massive complaints lol. Console beta must be really bad.
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