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Battlefield 3 Beta: Info and Meetups [Over]


Mr. Snrub said:
Ugh. The map is literally no different and has the lame BC2 linear cap points. Hope that's not the Conquest Large version.

If that is the actual layout of metro conquest I will be pretty fucking pissed off. There is absolutely no reason for it not to be an expanded park or expanded streets section, other then not wanting to spend the resources to make a good conquest map.
Mr. Snrub said:
Ugh. The map is literally no different and has the lame BC2 linear cap points. Hope that's not the Conquest Large version.

EDIT: Ticket bleed was server configurable in BC2. Though I guess not on consoles.

It's not. There are only 3 capture points. Large will have 5.


Will Eat Your Children
BF3 crashes every time I try to launch from battlelog on firefox. Anyone have an idea?

edit, debugging gives me this:
Unhandled exception at 0x0044d83a in bf3.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00000000.
Relaxed Muscle said:
*goes to server browser, sets capian filter*

"Holy shit, all fulls!"


"AH! there's a slot in that server!"

*server is full*

- 10 minutes later -


"AH! there's a slot in that server!"

*server is full*

I eventually got in by sitting for 10 minutes clicking on each server and trying to join.


Managed to play only a couple of rounds earlier today, this game feels and looks a lot like BC2 Vietnam.

Also it seems you still have to wait for the next round to start to quit the game, lol DICE.


MisterAnderson said:
What is this fucking bullshit. EVERY time a match ends I get "timed out" and nothing saves.
Leave the server just as the game is about to end. Your stats will save that way.


I'd be in the dick
moonspeak said:
oh boy

870MCS + 12G Slugs

Having some fun with this.
I was on the receiving end of that last night and getting nailed from huge distances. It was BC2 shotgun sniping all over again.
Woorloog said:
Looks like BC2 conquest maps, 3 flags arranged in linear fashion, very tight map...
And i take it over Rush anytime.

This. Probably won't play it much in Conquest if the 8 other maps actually deliver. But looks better than Rush version at least.


RoboPlato said:
I was on the receiving end of that last night and getting nailed from huge distances. It was BC2 shotgun sniping all over again.
Pretty much.

And guess what? On top of that, the Saiga and USAS are back!

Oh joy.

Angry Fork

I'm sure it's been talked about already but how the hell did DICE think that flashlight shit was a good idea? If the enemy is even looking at you your entire screen is blinded. How in the world can you play like that? Shit is annoying.
Kyaw said:
So it's a Conquest map carved out of a Rush map, like Bad Company. Was hoping DICE had realized that's a terrible idea by now. This is especially bad with Metro considering it's essentially a long narrow tube. Only difference between Rush and Conquest will be that...actually, I don't know. Just seems like it'll be the same experience pretty much.


Also I'm gonna go ahead and assume that there won't be a 64 player version of this map.


RoboPlato said:
I enjoy Rush a lot actually, although I've always been more of an infantry player in BF since I suck at driving vehicles. I do really enjoy Conquest but it felt really broken in BC2 so I didn't play it too much. I hope it goes back to BF2 style ticket bleed for BF3. If Rush is as good as in BC2 and Conquest is back to BF2 style I'll be incredibly happy.

I saw a loading screen or something for BF3 that said if you own more than half of the cap points the opposing team bleeds.


Angry Fork said:
I'm sure it's been talked about already but how the hell did DICE think that flashlight shit was a good idea? If the enemy is even looking at you your entire screen is blinded. How in the world can you play like that? Shit is annoying.

I like it, helps me spot snipers.


VibratingDonkey said:
Also I'm gonna go ahead and assume that there won't be a 64 player version of this map.
There will be. The only question is, did Digital Illusions take Metro and just add 2 two capture points for the extra 40-players or did they actually try and expand Metro beyond what we've seen in Rush?


I'd be in the dick
ReconYoda said:
I like it, helps me spot snipers.
That's scope reflection. It looks exactly like the flashlights. I think it should be toned down a bit to differentiate easier. A little dimmer and maybe having it flicker some would help a lot.


PC graphical issues all over ... tons of flickering and bright flashes in my face in the middle of nowhere in maps sometimes.

Makes me sadface.
Angry Fork said:
I'm sure it's been talked about already but how the hell did DICE think that flashlight shit was a good idea? If the enemy is even looking at you your entire screen is blinded. How in the world can you play like that? Shit is annoying.

They do need to tone it down, at least outdoors. But I don't see anything wrong with the concept. It's...supposed to be annoying.

VibratingDonkey said:
Also I'm gonna go ahead and assume that there won't be a 64 player version of this map.

Every map has a 64 player version, and the one in the vid better not be it.

Angry Fork

Is there gonna be text commands in the final game like calling for medic/ammo or whatever? I'm used to TF2 which has lots of options and voice/text related stuff.

Mr. Snrub said:
They do need to tone it down, at least outdoors. But I don't see anything wrong with the concept. It's...supposed to be annoying.
No but you literally can't see anything. If there's an enemy near you with a flashlight you're basically fucked you have to spray and pray if he's looking at you.


bish gets all the credit :)
Not really feeling the map. Way too condensed middle portion and no helicopters or tanks.

Can I still not quit out until the next round loads?


Neo Member
georgc said:
Does the JavaScript caspian border hack still work? What about the install scrip that the guy made?

Yes, it still works. The best method I've found for getting in a fresh Caspian game:

(Optional) find a server that says it's changing maps, this way you'll get in at the beginning of the game and people are almost always disconnected at the end of the game.

Click the server you want to join

Hit the enter key on your keyboard to attempt to join, this will bring up the password prompt.

Click the password bypass javascript bookmarklet

Hit enter again


You can get about 2-3 attempts per second in this way.
Angry Fork said:
No but you literally can't see anything. If there's an enemy near you with a flashlight you're basically fucked you have to spray and pray if he's looking at you.
I don't mind the enemies blinding you, but your own team shouldn't be able to. They constantly turn around in Metro and dazzle me. Worse than friendly fire!
vidal said:
There will be. The only question is, did Digital Illusions take Metro and just add 2 two capture points for the extra 40-players or did they actually try and expand Metro beyond what we've seen in Rush?
That's why I assumed there won't be, because that would be so very shit. And if there is an expanded area, why wouldn't they use it for 24/32 Conquest?


Angry Fork said:
Is there gonna be text commands in the final game like calling for medic/ammo or whatever? I'm used to TF2 which has lots of options and voice/text related stuff.

No but you literally can't see anything. If there's an enemy near you with a flashlight you're basically fucked you have to spray and pray if he's looking at you.

My feelings too. It's a huge advantage.
Angry Fork said:
No but you literally can't see anything. If there's an enemy near you with a flashlight you're basically fucked you have to spray and pray if he's looking at you.

I know. That's the point. I've never been blinded by an enemy with a flashlight that wasn't aiming at me. Maybe you're experiencing a bug?


VibratingDonkey said:
And if there is an expanded area, why wouldn't they use it for 24/32 Conquest?
I too was wondering that. I really thought Metro Conquest was going to be a different map for both 24 and 64-players. I guess I really have to tone down my expectations for the rest of the maps.


Macattk15 said:
PC graphical issues all over ... tons of flickering and bright flashes in my face in the middle of nowhere in maps sometimes.

Makes me sadface.

Yeah, after playing PC and PS3, I had far less clipping on the console than PC for some reason. But, visual quality, lighting/effects, framerate, of course are vastly superior on the PC. Good thing they're fixing that clipping stuff, not sure why they let this version out in the first place, it's horrible. I was twitching like mad from the clipping with those flashes going on, first time I think ever I felt sick from playing a game.

Very much not impressed with the net code on either thus far, and there's something that's just "OFF" with hit detection in this game. Hopefully retail is a vastly more polished product all around.


woober said:
This was why conquest sucked in BC2... porting rush maps over to conquest. It looks way too linear and not open to flanking tactics.

I love how much of a lazy shit DICE map designers are. They literally just move around the points and call it a day when converting from Rush to Conquest. It never crossed their minds that Conquest fails hard when using a rush layout?


Holy are the console graphics and animation (especially the gun sway) rough. After all the hype about the new engine its pretty disappointing. I would say MAG looks and run better. Pretty fun though but the poorly implemented scope flare needs to be fixed.


Well, Caspian Border was fun while it lasted. Lag makes it borderline unplayable. Once in a while, I'll get a good one, but more often than not it's laggy. Coupled with being almost impossible to get into a match. lol. I'm going back to Op Metro for a bit.


achapel said:
You mean javascript. Ain't no Java in here.

BTW I also worked on something that will keep trying to join a full server for you every 5 seconds automatically. It is not finished by any means, and needs a lot of polish, but the basic functionality works, and a simple refresh of the page will fix any bugs that popup.


Use at your own risk, but there shouldn't be any real risk.

To use it, install it, then you select a server in the server browser, click the big join button on the right, if its full you will get the error, but then the auto join button will show up. Click that and it will continue to try to join or stop when you click stop. If you get in a game it wont keep trying. It is for those times when there aren't any servers with good pings that you can get into easily, and this allows you to set it and forget it until you get in. At least until they setup queues or something again.

This is just stupid they are validating a password in javascript javascript. Its just a plain javascript function that does a ajax call to check if the password is correct. but because the entire check is done in this function you just overflow it with another function ;)

to the other guy yea it still works. If they want to fix this they need to rewrite there entire validation and move it to the backend.
How on earth did they manage to make the beta ridiculously buggy when the alpha was hardly buggy at all?

Falling out of the map, weird ragdolls, a dead guy talking and shoot being a particular highlight.
Any network gurus have any advice for me? There are two of us who want to play together on the same network but when one of us is in a game and the other joins the first one gets a server timeout. We have UPnP enabled, both wired, etc... This is on the PC as well.

Don't know if it has anything to do with this but when we play games on the 360 the first one to play gets an OPEN NAT and the second one to play gets a MODERATE NAT. We're kind of assuming our PC problems may be related to NAT since we have these NAT problems on the 360 as well.


MrPing1000 said:
How on earth did they manage to make the beta ridiculously buggy when the alpha was hardly buggy at all.

Yeah I'm wondering that also. Looks like DICE has been busy adding bugs rather than fixing them. It's no joke that the alpha was almost bug free compared to this.
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