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Battlefield 3 Beta: Info and Meetups [Over]

Mattdaddy said:
Guys I need mental help. I have a gaming PC and I have played the demo on both my pc and my PS3, and while the graphics on the my pc completely oblitered the ps3... Im having way more fun on the PS3. It just feels better. I can't explain it. I'm even considering changing my preorder to PS3. And I upgraded my my pc specifically for this so it's like a 300 dollar game for me that I would be throwing away. I need meds and catscan stat.

I'm just so fucking confused at the wide variety of responses to the console betas

It goes from "Activision has won lol" to "this is better than PC".


If the PS3 version didn't look like so much ass right now, I'd probably stick to that rather than the PC beta in its current state (even though I know I said earlier in the thread that the PS3 would be my primary beta platform).
Anyone else on the PS3 getting the screen turning black and white? It's very annoying when you are down in the tunnels. Had to stop playing because it was stuck on black and white for me. When I would die the screen would change back to color. If I changed kits, it would go back to color, but as soon as I died went straight to black and white.


I had class today and two tests and a bunch of other shit, I ain't got time to play that much.

I did like four matches and got to almost 2, and each match lasted like 10-20 minutes :\


sw33tclyde said:
Micro-UAV 360 gameplay

Interesting.. the M-UAV is listed as 'Not in Beta' on Battlelog, but someone unlocked it and can use it. I'm like 3000 points from unlocking the Mortars on Support class, which are also listed as 'Not in Beta' on Battlelog..

Too bad the servers are down, I'm very curious now!
Wait, Mortar is actually in the beta?
Whoah, i need to start playing Support more then...


Tier Whore
Doc Holliday said:
It's so funny, everyone was raving about the beta for 2 days and all of a sudden boom! Massive complaints lol. Console beta must be really bad.

Not sure but I was not blown away and I play on the pc maxed out. Doesn't feel as cool as battlefield bad company 2 snow map beta...

Emily Chu

you know what I realized that made the game boring ?

Fuck rush and conquest

I just want some good ole Squad Death Match in the Park Area

no objectives just good old killing and shooting things


Neo Member
Does anybody know what the ports I would need to forward would be. On the EA support page, it lists a bunch of ports, but doenst mention specifically for bf3 beta. When I go to connect to a server, it reserves a slot, lunches the game, then exits saying something like "You have been disconnected from the login server".
I cant seem to find any hint as to overcome this when searching for a solution.
Any ideas? Is it a firewall/port forwarding issue do you think? I can login into origin, browse servers ect. , its frustrating that it stops at this.


Is it still possible to play on Caspian (PC)? I haven't been able to play the beta for a little bit and I never got a chance to check it out.
Thorndyke said:
Does anybody know what the ports I would need to forward would be. On the EA support page, it lists a bunch of ports, but doenst mention specifically for bf3 beta. When I go to connect to a server, it reserves a slot, lunches the game, then exits saying something like "You have been disconnected from the login server".
I cant seem to find any hint as to overcome this when searching for a solution.
Any ideas? Is it a firewall/port forwarding issue do you think? I can login into origin, browse servers ect. , its frustrating that it stops at this.

Try disabling UPNP on your router. It's a ridiculous solution, but it worked for me.

I believe if you delete anything after the default stuff in your HOSTS file in Windows, that might help as well.

@Helmholtz Yes, it is. I might be wrong but I think the current password is shoppingcartsareafunride or something similar. It's mentioned a few pages back.


DarkoMaledictus said:
Also what the hell is up with a web interface to start the game????

I don't like it either..

edit: PC beta is buggy as hell, one major gripe I have is when it takes 0.5-1 second for a player to appear on screen when they're in my line of sight.


DarkoMaledictus said:
Not sure but I was not blown away and I play on the pc maxed out. Doesn't feel as cool as battlefield bad company 2 snow map beta...

Port Valdez was a great map. It had a great sense of progression with the 4 stages and the different vehicles for each was a great touch.

Metro is a pretty bad map. Probably one of the worst I've ever played.


Emily Chu said:
I just want some good ole Squad Death Match in the Park Area

no objectives just good old killing and shooting things

That is how most rounds on metro go. Objective is a city in China.


Emily Chu said:
you know what I realized that made the game boring ?

Fuck rush and conquest

I just want some good ole Squad Death Match in the Park Area

no objectives just good old killing and shooting things

Call of Duty is in that direction -------->



hwalker84 said:
I still don't understand the web interface. Its absolutely horrible. Is it like this in the retail?

Yes and it owns, have you ever suffered through DICE's previous attempts at a server browser? At least this one can be tweaked and updated without having to release a 2gb patch for it.


hwalker84 said:
I still don't understand the web interface. Its absolutely horrible. Is it like this in the retail?

What's not to understand? It works, it's sleek, it has everything you need and more.

The hate for battlelog is something I will never understand.
Had an odd moment where my framerate just crashed to around 15 fps for a solid minute or so. It then returns to normal after that, anyone else having this issue?


G_Berry said:
What's not to understand? It works, it's sleek, it has everything you need and more.

The hate for battlelog is something I will never understand.
Why does anyone like launching a game from a web browser?

The concept blows my mind and the shitty implementation of it blows it even further.


Damn, there may be some ugly shadows and ish here and there in the PS3 version but wow is it fun.

Really good gameplay, and the physics and gunmotion is similar to killzone on the ps3 but feels a bit...better. Good shit.


hwalker84 said:
I still don't understand the web interface. Its absolutely horrible. Is it like this in the retail?

I don't think you're trying to understand.

Here are the main points:

A. It works.
B. It works better than any previous DICE server browser.
C. It makes going from the desktop to a multiplayer match faster than ever before.

Take off those OMG change is bad goggles and give it a chance.

This game has 99 problems but a browser aint one.

Emily Chu

G_Berry said:
What's not to understand? It workst's sleek, it has everything you need and more.

The hate for battlelog is something I will never understand.

Yeah it runs on chrome or ff just click on a server click join

Boom your in

No fussing with akward im game menus that suck ass

Plus neogaf and the inter net is right there in the browser
Woo-Fu said:
I don't think you're trying to understand.

Here are the main points:

A. It works.
B. It works better than any previous DICE server browser.
C. It makes going from the desktop to a multiplayer match faster than ever before.

Take off those OMG change is bad goggles and give it a chance.

This game has 99 problems but a browser aint one.

D. It takes up more resources by loading a bunch of plugins you wouldn't normally have or use compared to if they would have made it a standalone program instead. It's a bad choice and bad change.


Gvaz said:
Why does anyone like launching a game from a web browser?

The concept blows my mind and the shitty implementation of it blows it even further.

I've got a browser open 100% of the time I'm using my PC. Switching to the battlelog tab and hitting list servers and then join matches is the easiest and quickest I've ever gotten into a pc multiplayer match.

I think a lot of people are just knee-jerking and like to cry more than they like to play.


bluerei said:
It takes up resources by loading a bunch of plugins you wouldn't normally have compared to if they would have made it a standalone program. It's a bad choice and bad change.

Oh no, it takes a few mb of the several gig of ram you have!


Gvaz said:
How are some people almost level 20? No lives go
I'm almost lvl 30 (edge of 29 right now)
I havent even been able to dedicate myself to the game either :(

If I wasnt so busy with shooting videos and editing then I would probably be up in the higher 40's like a few others I saw

Emily Chu

[QUOTEe from a web browser[/I]?

The concept blows my mind and the shitty implementation of it blows it even further.[/QUOTE]

Because its faster then starting up the game cold? My web brorwser is open.all the time forging running in the back ground clikc b log and jump directly to server


bluerei said:
D. It takes up more resources by loading a bunch of plugins you wouldn't normally have or use compared to if they would have made it a standalone program instead. It's a bad choice and bad change.

Actually it doesn't. Any resources the tab in your browser takes up the client would have to take up to do the same work. TANSTAAFL.

It is a great choice and a great change.

Pro tip: You don't even need the browser once the game is launched. If that tiny bit of ram/scheduling is critical to your life, close the browser. Then you'll be able to switch to obssessing about the resources that Origin consumes. Oh noes!


I'd be in the dick
Gvaz said:
How are some people almost level 20? No lives go
It's been out since Tuesday and if you play well as a team it's not hard to level up. I'm level 14 and haven't even been able to play all that much and I'm not the best player, either.


Is it just me or does Operation Metro run worse than Caspian Border? I find myself having to turn down some settings towards the end of Metro.
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