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Battlefield 3 Beta: Info and Meetups [Over]


Dreams of a world where inflated review scores save studios
after playing the 360 demo i have to say its time for next gen.


benevolent sexism
TeethMummy said:
Whoa, graphical problems? PS3 version looks great, did I miss something?

Just played PS3 version and I was very surprised by how ugly it is even though my expectations were modest. Looked no better than Modern Warfare and runs at half the framerate. And I am not a big COD fan or anything like that. This is seriously a bad first impression for Battlefield though. If I wasn't aware of the game's pedigree, if it was just a random FPS, I'd be saying WTF is this horrible looking game? As it is I'm just saying why is this game so bad looking on consoles?


Ive come to realize that i really like this game. Everything feels right to me. But Metro is already getting old. The bugs are really annoying and i have had to suicide many of times to get out of the bottom of the map. Still, its really a lot of fun. I have played a decent amount of BC2, and i already prefer the feel of BF3.
Not having much fun with the game. 90% of people that kill me are prone where I can't see them. Really difficult to make out enemy players amidst the environments. No SFX or directional arrows when I get shot either.
The Xtortionist said:
Not having much fun with the game. 90% of people that kill me are prone where I can't see them. Really difficult to make out enemy players amidst the environments. No SFX or directional arrows when I get shot either.

Yeah, I've noticed that too....LOTS of camping. It sucks because the size of the map encourages it


The random disconnects and timeouts wouldn't bother me so much if it weren't for the fact that I unlock 50 different things in one match only to have to do it all over again. When this game launches, there are going to be people who have their stats randomly wiped for no reason and that will suck.


Stallion Free said:
Really? Slower than the current state would be awful. It's fine progression as is.

I can only assume. I hit level 18 in a matter of 5 hours (and that's with God knows how many points lost to servers dying). It took me 40 to do that in BC2.
Heavy said:
Quick impressions after a few games:

* Somehow I'm running on high with my 5770 and getting an average of 30+ fps, and this is at 1080p. The game looks really good.

* The destruction is really disappointing and I know someone said it's not fully implemented but still, it's nothing special. I like how it says on the front page "UNRIVALED DESTRUCTION!"... yeah, no. Red Faction Guerrilla is like light years ahead of this.

* Got the 360 controller working and instantly started playing much better and just having a lot more fun. Felt so much more comfortable, felt easier to move and navigate the environment, felt easier to use the various weaps and gadgets, just a lot better. The weaker aim doesn't outweigh the benefits for me. One pretty big issue is there's no sprint (hold)? You run around so much in these huge areas and have to keep the left stick pushed down. No vibration, either. Maybe I forgot to set it

- The subway and city parts of the Metro map are fantastic.

- That flashlight attachment is OP.

- It's hard to see enemies sometimes... you get shot at out of nowhere. Decent amount of camping.

Still don't know how to get Caspian Border working and I tried rygar's method. CTRL+SHIFT+J then launcher.verifyPassword = function(game, gameServerGuid, plaintextPassword, callback) { callback(true); } then enter over and over? Nothing happens
How did you get the 360 controller working?


The more I played this beta the worse it looked graphically. There's literally not one graphics component that is a stand out. A lot of horrendous components though. Hope the single player looks much, much better than the mp.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
I unlocked squad perks

Have Squad Flak on, hopefully it is beneficial to me and my teammates


What's the cheapest I could build a desktop from scratch that runs this game well on med-high settings? Not everything maxed out, just good enough.
Heavy said:
Just make sure it's turned on before launching the game.
Wait really, I don't even have to do anything in the menus? Weird, I swear mine was on before launching the game but it didn't register anything in game...I'd try again but can't join a server for the life of me atm. It's nice knowing that it's supported though.


So how do I go about getting in the same squad as a friend? I made a party with us in it, joined a game, and were in seperate squads. Couldn't switch squads in game either...


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Also LOL at all those who run around with flashlight + laser sight in the Park/Daytime, thanks for giving away your location

It's amazing in the subway/ticket station areas

Gotta love blinding the ever living shit outta the enemy, and getting multiple kills

People gotta learn, press up to turn it off/on, use it to your advantage, keep it off, get into position, see enemy, turn it on, blind them, get kill repeat process


maybe its because ive been spoiled by gears 3, but damn the graphics on this game (360 version) is absurd. im extremely dissapointed , i was looking forward for this game all year long! damn, i don't even plan on getting MW3 but im def gonna check that out.



The more I play the more I'm enjoying the beta even with all the bugs and glitches. The PS3 version runs pretty well, it's just really rough around the edges with a few spotty spots I hope they fix up. Visually it's pretty darn average. I like the addition of prone and the new spotting system, but the way grenades work just feels really off to me. I stand by my previous comment that Dice needs to let everyone (PC/PS3/360) in on Caspian Border. That map looks great and really shows off what people love about Battlefield.

Either way I like it, even if Metro is a pretty poor map overall. To me this beta feels like it's from a game that should be launching in March 2012, not in a few weeks. I have no idea how they're going to get everything up to par in such a short period of time.
lol I almost got knifed by a guy at the antenna but I shot him and my person says "if u dont watch it next time were gonna get gutted by one of those motherfuckers...

I wish they'd come up with a better way of identifying enemies and allies. I shot an ally like ten times today because I couldn't see the tiny blue dot over his head. And I stared at an enemy for like twenty seconds without doing anything because he was positioned so that there was someone else's name floating over him and I thought he was an ally.
Every singly game I played in the last 4 hours has crashed at the last second of the game. It just kicks me. I am still on rank 2 and I am not able to earn any points.
played the ps3 version a bit... its more battlefield which is awesome because I love me some battlefield.

There seems to be a great deal more texture pop in and low res stuff then there was in BC2 but the level is definitively more complex then most in BC2 and the lighting is a massive leap up and the sound is great as is expected from Dice. frame rate seemed to keep up as well.

oh and I <3 shotguns.

Angry Fork

mickcenary said:
Spanks, man. Wow. Quite the expensive Xbox :)
Steam sales make up for it in the long run imo, and you get to play games with 60fps and 1080p. Once you experience high end PC you'll never want to go back. I've kept my PS3 for the exclusives but I'd never think of getting a multi-plat on it again.


JPBrowncoat said:
Is anyone having trouble mapping things to a mouse? I like putting jump and crouch on it but they won't map.

I had to use the software that came with my mouse to map the mouse buttons to actual keys and then configured those keys.
It's like impossible to get into any of the caspian servers today... fark me

and to top that off there is only one AU server... I want to play it with decent ping just to see what it's really all about...
Caspian is so goddamn good. Decided to be an asshole, equipped my stinger and went and sat on the middle platform of the antenna. Spent a good 10 minutes picking every enemy jet/chopper out of the sky before one pilot realized what I was doing. So he started making a beeline straight for me, buzzing the shit out of the platform. I ended up parachuting off and getting him with a rocket as I landed.

Had much more luck finishing games today, it seems. Some Metro servers are completely shagged though, the falling through the earth shit is only on some of them.
bluerei said:
People sniping with the ump and an acog. All the benefits of sniping without the lens reflection at full auto. This is dumb.
Ump is that good? I've been killed by it a lot but damn!

And is it just me or do head shots not kill in one bullet?
ColonialRaptor said:
Ump is that good? I've been killed by it a lot but damn!

And is it just me or do head shots not kill in one bullet?

Just you cause I've been getting mad headshot kills with one bullet. But yeah, UMP should not be that powerful at that range. People killing outside by hip spraying. It's too accurate.
Woo-Fu said:
People crying about camping might want to play a game that doesn't have defenders.


Seriously, dude. It's not even that difficult to find them thanks to spotting, scope glare, red dot sight, and/or kill cam.

Rygar 8 Bit

Jaguar 64-bit
Rygar 8 Bit said:
just open chrome and do this

ctrl + shift + J

then copy and paste this and hit enter: launcher.verifyPassword = function(game, gameServerGuid, plaintextPassword, callback) { callback(true); }

itll bypass the password and you can just keep hitting enter over and over till you get in

a quote of a quote of myself


Mr. Snrub said:

Seriously, dude. It's not even that difficult to find them thanks to spotting, scope glare, red dot sight, and/or kill cam.
What's spotting? I can't see or haven't seen any scope glare, and barely any red dots, and kill cam is absolutely useless because why would you stay in the same place more than a few seconds?

I find that seeing bullet smoke is 100 times easier than any of those things you mentioned.

Angry Fork

Mr. Snrub said:

Seriously, dude. It's not even that difficult to find them thanks to spotting, scope glare, red dot sight, and/or kill cam.
1. Spotting isn't in beta, at least I haven't been able to use it.
2. Scope glare does nothing if they're far away they already have you in their sites, not to mention if they're in a spot that can't be flanked and the only way to kill them is facing them head on.
3 and 4 = same as 2.

You basically have to switch to sniper just to take them out, then by the time you die and switch back to assault/other class he runs back to his camping spot again.

Campers fucking suck. I'd rather the game implement some kind of thing where if you stay in one 5 ft. radius spot for more than 30 sec your health deteriorates. Just something that makes them move so they can't lay down in bushes like little bitches.
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