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Battlefield 3 Beta: Info and Meetups [Over]


djm said:
I believe the negativity is coming from a lot of people thinking DICE should have used Caspian Border as the default beta map, because it showcases the true Battlefield experience much better.

the first part of the level is not good (I feel the last stage is poorly designed as well). all I hear from the alpha and beta is people complaining about it. and it not only doesn't have vehicles it's also missing destruction, which is why people are getting the feeling it's like a medal of honor level, the game that most people didn't like
Nirolak said:
Yes, they felt it wasn't a good gameplay moment for the person who gets hit.

Whut... ? Isn't getting hit by a grenade PRETTY similar, regardless of whether it's been cooked or not? You should at least be able to par-cook them; maybe just a drizzle of olive oil, sauteed in a pan with garlic and shallots. Bon appeBOOM!


Relaxed Muscle said:
Park section is the most wide one and it's still camp fest, actually subway it's easier to go by if you're with a good team.

it's because the entire level is full of bushes and other objects that can't be destroyed

Emily Chu

sk3tch said:
I think that's the point. You aren't full-screened in some game. You're free to use your PC while you get your game configured. When it's FULLY setup - click, click, BOOM. I don't understand why everyone is so anti.

exactly why look at some boring loading screen when you can have be in the browser doing whatever you please ?

I've always hated in game menus and server browsers, basically I hate loading a game from the desktop icon when the browser/ webpage it loads instantly and I can just hop on a game in seconds vs minutes

say origin is already in the back ground, and the web browser is up

you click the battlelog bookmark,

1 click

click quick match

2 clicks

click join game

3 clicks

boom game

the last click isn't even nessacary if there were more servers

boom 2 clicks and your in

in less then 15-20 seconds

I am actually glad they used metro as the beta map.

It better demonstrates glaring issues with the weapon balance and weapon damage in this game.

Weapon damage is way too high for assault rifles,Carbines, bolt action rifles , pistols and smgs.

Weapon damage on some lmgs is a bit weak compared to rifles, shotgun buckshot needs more range, slugs are too powerful.

Weapon recoil is so inconsistent too.

M4 firing while standing has far less recoil then a m249 while prone and with the bipod on.

Gunplay in this game reminds me of MOH this is horrifying.
SapientWolf said:
I actually don't think it loads all that fast. It just feels that way because you get to surf the net while it's loading instead of looking at a loading bar slowly fill up.
In that case it's kind if ingenious. It's use tricks us into not thing about the load time. I guess it's kind of working sine load time hasn't been mentioned that often.
anybody else getting the "you have lost connection to the host" error right before the round is complete? It has happened to me a few times and I do not get my stats for everything I accomplished during the round.
Emily Chu said:
exactly why look at some boring loading screen when you can have be in the browser doing whatever you please ?

I've always hated in game menus and server browsers, basically I hate loading a game from the desktop icon when the browser/ webpage it loads instantly and I can just hop on a game in seconds vs minutes

say origin is already in the back ground, and the web browser is up

you click the battlelog bookmark,

1 click

click quick match

2 clicks

click join game

3 clicks

boom game

the last click isn't even nessacary if there were more servers

boom 2 clicks and your in

in less then 15-20 seconds


i lold


soulassssns said:
anybody else getting the "you have lost connection to the host" error right before the round is complete? It has happened to me a few times and I do not get my stats for everything I accomplished during the round.

EVERY SINGLE TIME IM STILL LVL1. Why does it even say "SAVING" when your at the deployment screen...


How are you guys saying it looks like shit on the 360?

I was just watching that 360 video in HD and it looked great. For the consoles.


Gvaz said:
How are you guys saying it looks like shit on the 360?

I was just watching that 360 video in HD and it looked great. For the consoles.

It looks like shit in motion. So many graphical glitches... its UGLY.


LevityNYC said:
too lazy to search..does the ps3 version look or run better than the 360 version?

It is functioning better, you get in to a game instantly, little to no lag and stable frame rate.

Not bad at all.


The_Player said:
Had you say that a month earlier, I would have laughed at your face. But now, I kinda agree with this statement.

Yup. To a casual gamer, MW3 will be eons better. 60FPS, none of these graphical glitches. I'm so disappointed. The next generation of consoles can't come soon enough.

T.M. MacReady

Man I am loving this. Played a few rounds tonight, got up to Level 3. I have zero PSN friends playing this, so if any gaffers with headsets wanna jump online, my psn tag is the same as my username here.


LevityNYC said:
Yup. To a casual gamer, MW3 will be eons better. 60FPS, none of these graphical glitches. I'm so disappointed. The next generation of consoles can't come soon enough.
But the graphical glitches are probably going to be sorted out before launch >.<


Bob White said:
It's the park part most people hate. Near impossible sometimes for the offense, boring, bush crawling, quick sand floor bullshit THAT so happens to keep you from playing the awesome subway and city parts. Long story short, games end in the park part way too often.

The park is hilariously easy to assault and the subway is hilariously easy to defend.

Competent team vs. competent team, the game will end on the second set of objectives in favor of the Russians every time.

Rygar 8 Bit

Jaguar 64-bit
judging the full game off a beta that is a old build and of a horrible map/ game mode is not very fair the caspian border that ive played has fully redeemed the beta give it a shot if you havnt
Quick impressions after a few games:

* Somehow I'm running on high with my 5770 and getting an average of 30+ fps, and this is at 1080p. The game looks really good.

* The destruction is really disappointing and I know someone said it's not fully implemented but still, it's nothing special. I like how it says on the front page "UNRIVALED DESTRUCTION!"... yeah, no. Red Faction Guerrilla is like light years ahead of this.

* Got the 360 controller working and instantly started playing much better and just having a lot more fun. Felt so much more comfortable, felt easier to move and navigate the environment, felt easier to use the various weaps and gadgets, just a lot better. The weaker aim doesn't outweigh the benefits for me. One pretty big issue is there's no sprint (hold)? You run around so much in these huge areas and have to keep the left stick pushed down. No vibration, either. Maybe I forgot to set it

- The subway and city parts of the Metro map are fantastic.

- That flashlight attachment is OP.

- It's hard to see enemies sometimes... you get shot at out of nowhere. Decent amount of camping.

Still don't know how to get Caspian Border working and I tried rygar's method. CTRL+SHIFT+J then launcher.verifyPassword = function(game, gameServerGuid, plaintextPassword, callback) { callback(true); } then enter over and over? Nothing happens


Is it me or is the sound seriously down graded? Like when i knife the window of a house you hear an echo and everthing now all you hear is the knife tip the glass and it shatters.

Also when ever me and my bro party up and we join a match we're on seperate teams. Whats up with that?

Edit: This time we're all on the same team but in completely different squads. WTF?
markot said:
But the graphical glitches are probably going to be sorted out before launch >.<

You keep telling yourself that. I also don't understand how people shit on COD for being more of the same when BF is following the same mold.


Okay, just played some Caspian Border. Wow...I'm speechless. Huge map, looks amazing...just blows metro out of the water in every respect. I really hope they open this to everyone, because it just sold me on the game (not that I hadn't already bought it :p).


Ace_235 said:
Is it me or is the sound seriously down graded? Like when i knife the window of a house you hear an echo and everthing now all you hear is the knife tip the glass and it shatters.

Also when ever me and my bro party up and we join a match we're on seperate teams. Whats up with that?

Edit: This time we're all on the same team but in completely different squads. WTF?
yup, the party squad is borked, don't worry it's just a beta


SUBZERO-08 said:
I'm not on my gaming PC right now, and only played one match earlier, but is the Commo Rose implemented yet?

no. q will "spot" an enemy under your crosshairs, or it will tell your squad to attack a target under your crosshairs.

It is a commo daisy at this point.


MikeE21286 said:
Some dude that just killed is already level 19....... This is why I'm not great at multiplayer shooters
People have been playing this for 3 days now, the right class you level up very quickly. He could have as little as 4 hours in the game.
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