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Battlefield 3 Beta: Info and Meetups [Over]

Graphically I am not at all impressed (360 version.) What's with the walls appearing almost like a blinding white? I think they overdid the reflection mapping or whatever that is. Gameplay wise seems like the same old thing.


PatzCU said:
TLDR; tone the damage way down

eh? I disagree, the damage model is a good fit for the high recoil of the guns. I think you're exaggerating as well, it's not 1-shot-kill. More like 3+. Plus there have been plenty of situations where I was able to retrieve into cover and throw down a health kit while taking damage.


Trucker Sexologist
Pie and Beans said:
It may be listed as a 'beta' but I don't think anyones fooled as to the purpose of it. Its a glorified demo with that "work in progress" part highlighted, all the while hyping up the game.

Lump someone with Metro and they'll call the game dogshit choke-point sniper camping heaven.

Let someone play some Caspian and they'll hype your game faster than an unlock code for a gold dildo attachment to the SVD ever will.

Hell, I don't think Battlefield even works without vehicles. They're absolutely essential for breaking forward in a mode like Rush rather than some endless sniping stalemate of who see's who first with such low health. Not fun.
I was on a team that steamrolled Metro over and over. I ended up leaving the server because it was so one sided. I can kind of see what they're going for there. You can't run around by yourself in the open. You have to go from cover to cover, use prone, and fight effectively as a squad.
desu said:
Uhm has anyone ever won the last part of metro as defender? Ive seen some really well defenders there but never we were actually able to hold the last part. Seems pretty broken to me...

We lost as attackers once I think, defenders got around every builidng and basically block our path to any m-comm, I think once you lost A you're pretty fucked....because teamates pull back and attackers will corner you.
SapientWolf said:
I knew it was over when the browser hacks came out.

At least we now know how easy it is to make custom scripts for Battlelog!

PatzCU said:
I agree with pretty much all your pros/cons. I'm trying to remember back to BF2 days and how the damage worked out, but I don't remember it being this crazy. I hate to say it, but they really need to scale the damage down significantly. As much fun as we all have playing hardcore on BC2, even that gives you enough of a fighting chance for teamwork to come into play. You can take a shot or two (even on BC2 hardcore) and retreat around the corner, refill on your ammo, refill on your health and then push out again in BC2. In BF3 beta, you get popped once, you are down for the count.

Random damage bug aside, this is 100% factually wrong.
iam220 said:
eh? I disagree, the damage model is a good fit for the high recoil of the guns. I think you're exaggerating as well, it's not 1-shot-kill. More like 3+. Plus there have been plenty of situations where I was able to retrieve into cover and throw down a health kit while taking damage.

Eh? I disagree, with the abundance of latency based issues I'm sure many will encounter. It isn't like damage scales based on your ping, etc. -- while there isn't REAL way around that. I concur on damage needing a slight adjustment. Sometimes I can barely react to a situation because I'm already dead. Different strokes, etc. but this is definitely a Con for me.


yeah ive been on the winning side in Metro as well. i think the map is fun. yes the tunnel is sniper heaven, but a good team can break through no problem.

Rush is a fucking bloodbath anyways. gotta throw yourselves against the wall to break through often times.

the NEED to fix this squad joining bullshit though! they are FUCKING THIS GAME UP by not allowing up greater control over squad building. a lot of the bullshit around building squads seems like its left over from BC2 and the need to fix it.

if there is no way to create a squad and invite people to it in the final game i dont think i can deal with it. doing it all from the main menu is great an all, until the game autobalances you into oblivion.

and if im playing solo, i want to be the squad leader and not have to rely on someone who does not know what the fuck they are doing to spawn on or lead the squad.

i need answers on this, because it will really affect my decision on buying this game when it comes out.
Mr. Snrub said:
At least we now know how easy it is to make custom scripts for Battlelog!

Random damage bug aside, this is 100% factually wrong.

yeah thats total bullshit. i was getting massive amounts of points from healing mates yesterday when i played. tons of people running around with half health bars.


desu said:
Uhm has anyone ever won the last part of metro as defender? Ive seen some really well defenders there but never we were actually able to hold the last part. Seems pretty broken to me...

no because you spawn out in the open so that once the attackers get in the center buildings you're all sitting (running) ducks

but seriously if an attacking team is good enough to take it to the 4th and final set of MCOMs , you're not going to win as a defender:

personally I think the 3rd set is the easiest for the defensive team as they need to cover only 3 entrances which are quite close to each other, so if your defensive team can't even win that set then the 4th set will be a piece of cake for the attackers :)


also the damage model fits the high recoil perfectly imho

plenty of times I made it out with 20% or less health lol ... it's all about surprising your enemies. The one who is least prepared for a confrontation will die 95% of the time no matter guns or perks, which is a lot more than in some other games....

no my only frustration is when you have stupid teammates who are completely unreliable while the opposing team is a slick steamrolling killing machine who give each other perfect cover. you have no chance whatsoever in that case


iam220 said:
eh? I disagree, the damage model is a good fit for the high recoil of the guns. I think you're exaggerating as well, it's not 1-shot-kill. More like 3+. Plus there have been plenty of situations where I was able to retrieve into cover and throw down a health kit while taking damage.

It may take 3+ bullets to drop someone, but I never feel the first 2.


n0n44m said:
no because you spawn out in the open so that once the attackers get in the center buildings you're all sitting (running) ducks

but seriously if an attacking team is good enough to take it to the 4th and final set of MCOMs , you're not going to win as a defender:

personally I think the 3rd set is the easiest for the defensive team as they need to cover only 3 entrances which are quite close to each other, so if your defensive team can't even win that set then the 4th set will be a piece of cake for the attackers :)

Pretty much, but this makes the last section kind of pointless since you get it on a silver plate. All its good for is so that the attackers can polish their K/D ...

Angry Fork

One thing I don't like (just random thoughts right now) are the health packs. Why does he automatically have to throw them on the floor? Every other game lets you take them out then run around and just mouse click where you want to throw it. It's annoying having to reach for the top number in the middle of a fire fight though. I'd rather have it equipped, then run out and press mouse (like defib units) which is much easier than pressing number 3 or 4 w/e the button is.

I'm also not sure how they work exactly. You throw one doen and I guess whoever's hurt within a 5 ft. radius of that gets healed? How do you know how badly you're hurt I don't know which bar says it.


bish gets all the credit :)
are the console versions ever getting a different map?

bigsnack said:
So during the Bad Company releases people wanted more damage, but now people want less, correct?
BC damage was fine. With this, I get alot of "that's bullshit" deaths. They are trying to take down COD though, so it's expected.


Be advised: Game launching is currently disabled due to restart of the Battlefield 3 PC back-end.

Figures... the first moment I finally get to play it, I get that message.

Thanks. It might sound petty, but I know I definitely won't buy BF3 at launch now... we all know how terrible every BF game is at launch.


Bullet damage is close to perfect. Seriously.

Damage based on calibre is NICE.
The enemies don't feel like bullet sponges and you can't insta-kill them like in Hardcore mode.
I like using my various fire modes for various situations.

Sniper rifles are actually pretty powerful. Using them with scopes make you vulnerable so i use them with normal iron sights. Two shots and they are dead. Love the sound too.
The Mk11 sounds like thunder.


desu said:
Pretty much, but this makes the last section kind of pointless since you get it on a silver plate. All its good for is so that the attackers can polish their K/D ...

yup so when on a useless defending team I just pick some silenced gun, sneak back in the subway station and shoot the attackers in the back lol

vidal said:
Well, not completely wrong. Snipers rifles (even with non-headshots) are capable of taking down players in one-shot.

not my sniper rifles :( 2 bodyshots at least, 1 headshot for SV98

1 hit kills means players had already taken some hits


Dice is cock teasing to the max, why they removed the 64p map? didnt even have a chance to play!.
Dice's BF3 the underdogs this holidays? Fuck not, I think they are as disgusting as booby kotex!


alr1ghtstart said:
are the console versions ever getting a different map?

BC damage was fine. With this, I get alot of "that's bullshit" deaths. They are trying to take down COD though, so it's expected.

Different map nah operation metro will be good enough! and I missed the chance to play caspian on PC. :/


Trucker Sexologist
longdi said:
Dice is cock teasing to the max, why they removed the 64p map? didnt even have a chance to play!.
Dice's BF3 the underdogs this holidays? Fuck not, I think they are as disgusting as booby kotex!
Because they can no longer control access to it.
BrLvgThrChmstry said:
Eh? I disagree, with the abundance of latency based issues I'm sure many will encounter. It isn't like damage scales based on your ping, etc. -- while there isn't REAL way around that. I concur on damage needing a slight adjustment. Sometimes I can barely react to a situation because I'm already dead. Different strokes, etc. but this is definitely a Con for me.

I totally agree. I get in situations a lot where i come face to face with a guy, fire and see the "x" that I hit, only to have the enemy kill me and his kill cam says he's at 100% health.

I don't think it should be upped a whole bunch . . . maybe like 15-25%.


alr1ghtstart said:
are the console versions ever getting a different map?

BC damage was fine. With this, I get alot of "that's bullshit" deaths. They are trying to take down COD though, so it's expected.

Insta death Insta respawn! Ripping off and trolling COD at the same time.
My opinion of Dice or Dicks is down after the crap they throw at me.


Yeah the damage index is more about who shoots first this time around. I can't ever react to it unless he missed by 2 mm.

Especially when we two meet in the alley, it gets wild wild west over there.


PatzCU said:
I wrote this in an email chain to my BF3 buddies, but figured it might be constructive here:

I agree with pretty much all your pros/cons. I'm trying to remember back to BF2 days and how the damage worked out, but I don't remember it being this crazy. I hate to say it, but they really need to scale the damage down significantly. As much fun as we all have playing hardcore on BC2, even that gives you enough of a fighting chance for teamwork to come into play. You can take a shot or two (even on BC2 hardcore) and retreat around the corner, refill on your ammo, refill on your health and then push out again in BC2. In BF3 beta, you get popped once, you are down for the count.

Not only are you down for the count, but you are likely not getting revived either. Why? I had Defibs for the entire night last night and every attempt I made to revive the team, I died instantly because the same prone asshole that took out 3 people in front of me in 1 clip proceeds to take me down before I can revive. My biggest gripe so far is with the damage models. As it stands now, it really doesn't matter at all what class you are, you won't stay alive long enough for the class perks to make a single difference.

Assault/Medic - Healing doesn't matter, you are dead in 1 shot. Revives are impossible to pull of because you die in 1 shot.
Support - You'll die before you need ammo. Even if you don't die, everyone starts off with like 5 clips. Suppression is an awesome idea, but even the support guns 1 shot people so really you are killing more than you are suppressing a position.
Engineer - Tough to say as we haven't played with vehicles yet.
Recon - Seems pretty good actually. I like the mobile spawn points. Sniper rifle lens glare needs to be toned down.

If they scale down the damage to BC2 levels, i think the game will be incredible. Also might be nice to put in significant movement penalties for prone positions. As of right now prone players can rotate 360 degrees as if they were standing. Moving into/out of prone is also basically as quick as running.

This has turned into a completely unstructured critique so I'll stop now.

TLDR; tone the damage way down, fix squads, fix server browser.

As far as damage, etc goes...you've pretty much summed it up better than I ever could.

bigsnack said:
So during the Bad Company releases people wanted more damage, but now people want less, correct?

In a ways, yes.

Initially in BFBC2, players would take like 8-12 hits to be downed...which was ridiculous.

It's more than just "lowering the damage", however. It's about balancing the weapons properly. I have no qualms over a shotgunner putting me down in a single proper shot, mate. But when I spawn and get gutted by some really random from-the-hip fire in a dark tunnel, it just comes off as unbalanced to me.
vidal said:
Well, not completely wrong. Snipers rifles (even with non-headshots) are capable of taking down players in one-shot.

Yeah, only until certain distance, same as BC2, but at mid range and longer it takes 2-3 bullets.


raphier said:
Yeah the damage index is more about who shoots first this time around. I can't ever react to it unless he missed by 2 mm.

Especially when we two meet in the alley, it gets wild wild west over there.
Not unless your using a shotgun, that things a beast, It says theres a sound suppressor unlock for it :O
Update #1:

* Fixed occasional client crash when reviving.
* Fixed killcam showing glitched area under map if your killer is dead.
* Issue with spawning on dead squad mates fixed.
* Fixed a bug where shooting at a moving enemy could cause more than the intended amount of damage.
* Crosshairs for shotguns have been replaced with a new, thinner, art.
* A subtle low health screen effect has been added.
* Tweaked scores of Medals and Service Stars.
* Tweaked the Rank progression.
* Pushing prone on console will not play the animation twice.
* Fixed loss of Squad Leader after EOR at some times.
* Framerate stability fixes.
* The 3D spotting icons has been tweaked to better match the target’s visibility. Icons will show frequently less on mostly obscured targets.
* Fixed issue with crosshair disappearing after round transition.
* Fixed issue with crosshair disappearing after trying to deploy while the countdown timer still active.
* Squad list now shows specializations chosen, VOIP activity and dead squad mates.
* Non working options in squad menu fixed: "Private" flag and "Switch Teams".


Looks like this is server side and deployed through Battlelog, change log doesn't include the stuff that's been tweaked over the last few days.


I think a lot of people saying Battlelog VoIP is broken don't realize that it's push-to-talk by default. My friend and I spent a while trying to get things working, only to later realize that it was working the entire time. Left-shift is the default PTT key, but you can configure it in Battlelog.



blurrygil said:
As far as damage, etc goes...you've pretty much summed it up better than I ever could.

i agree with him too. class abilities, spotting, suppression all useless. It is all run and gun and respawn so you can level up, all the positive reinforcement crap. This is not BF imo. I had a much more enjoyable BF2 beta than this.


dLMN8R said:
I think a lot of people saying Battlelog VoIP is broken don't realize that it's push-to-talk by default. My friend and I spent a while trying to get things working, only to later realize that it was working the entire time. Left-shift is the default PTT key, but you can configure it in Battlelog.


Why would anyone want to use Battlelog VoIP? You have to be friends with the person, meaning you can probably just use a better voice solution (Vent/TS3/Mumble/Skype/two soup cans).


longdi said:
i agree with him too. class abilities, spotting, suppression all useless. It is all run and gun and respawn so you can level up, all the positive reinforcement crap. This is not BF imo. I had a much more enjoyable BF2 beta than this.

Are you guys playing on consoles because the game is not like that at all.


Spl1nter said:
Are you guys playing on consoles because the game is not like that at all.

master race here. It is like this on Pc, infact i think it may be worse thanks to my hyper sensitive mouse!


PatzCU said:
I wrote this in an email chain to my BF3 buddies, but figured it might be constructive here:

I agree with pretty much all your pros/cons. I'm trying to remember back to BF2 days and how the damage worked out, but I don't remember it being this crazy. I hate to say it, but they really need to scale the damage down significantly. As much fun as we all have playing hardcore on BC2, even that gives you enough of a fighting chance for teamwork to come into play. You can take a shot or two (even on BC2 hardcore) and retreat around the corner, refill on your ammo, refill on your health and then push out again in BC2. In BF3 beta, you get popped once, you are down for the count.

Not only are you down for the count, but you are likely not getting revived either. Why? I had Defibs for the entire night last night and every attempt I made to revive the team, I died instantly because the same prone asshole that took out 3 people in front of me in 1 clip proceeds to take me down before I can revive. My biggest gripe so far is with the damage models. As it stands now, it really doesn't matter at all what class you are, you won't stay alive long enough for the class perks to make a single difference.

Assault/Medic - Healing doesn't matter, you are dead in 1 shot. Revives are impossible to pull of because you die in 1 shot.
Support - You'll die before you need ammo. Even if you don't die, everyone starts off with like 5 clips. Suppression is an awesome idea, but even the support guns 1 shot people so really you are killing more than you are suppressing a position.
Engineer - Tough to say as we haven't played with vehicles yet.
Recon - Seems pretty good actually. I like the mobile spawn points. Sniper rifle lens glare needs to be toned down.

If they scale down the damage to BC2 levels, i think the game will be incredible. Also might be nice to put in significant movement penalties for prone positions. As of right now prone players can rotate 360 degrees as if they were standing. Moving into/out of prone is also basically as quick as running.

This has turned into a completely unstructured critique so I'll stop now.

TLDR; tone the damage way down, fix squads, fix server browser.

I don't like being constantly blinded by flashlights from 200 yards that are brighter than a supernova and that my players eye just seem to have no choice but to stare right into it.

I'm half expecting someone to answer my by saying I can unlock sunglasses or something and equip them as a counter to the enemy flashlights!

I don't care what kind of a light you have, flashlight or laser dot, you can't just blind people 100 yards away with it. It doesn't work that way. If anything it should give you a disadvantage to be sporting a big "LOOK EVERYONE HERE I AM" light on your gun.

Right now a dude at 100m with a flashlight on his gun is more effective at blinding you than a truck's high beams at 20 feet, on a deserted road in pitch black conditions. It makes nuclear blasts look like mood lighting.
vidal said:
Well, not completely wrong. Snipers rifles (even with non-headshots) are capable of taking down players in one-shot.

No, that's the same damage bug--they specifically stated over and over that there are no OHK sniper rifles, unless it's a headshot.

longdi said:
i agree with him too. class abilities, spotting, suppression all useless. It is all run and gun and respawn so you can level up, all the positive reinforcement crap. This is not BF imo. I had a much more enjoyable BF2 beta than this.


This forum sometimes, man.
blurrygil said:
But when I spawn and get gutted by some really random from-the-hip fire in a dark tunnel, it just comes off as unbalanced to me.

Thats has nothing to do with balance, that's just shitty luck and happens in pretty much any game when you spawn near an enemy.


longdi said:
master race here. It is like this on Pc, infact i think it may be worse thanks to my hyper sensitive mouse!

Than honestly you are playing like an idiot. You can't just lone wolf. You need to move up together in a squad. Battlefield is not about run and gun. It's about controlling areas of movement which this game does very well. Doesn't mean you cannot run and gun. But it's all within that general context

Rainy Dog

All this talk of the damage model... I'm keeping my eyes firmly on the denkirson boards for some real numbers.. That's the only place that properly dissects these things and Den's weapon charts are a godsend.

Alot of people tend to exaggerate these things. Misinterpretation due to lag and hit detection also plays a huge factor. I remember everyone saying that the guns in Medal of Honor killed in 1-2 shots and the damage model was even higher than COD when in fact all automatics in MOH actually vary between 5-9 bullets to kill. It was the general lack of recoil that made the guns so lethal in that where as there's no questioning there's plenty of recoil/deviation in BF3.

From my experience with the beta, I'm expecting a similar damage model to MOH but with much more detailed and varied handling characteristics of spread, spray and movement penalty's whilst firing, like BC2. If you look at the actual damage values of BC2, that didn't have a much different model than MOH but had much poorer hit detection which meant it felt like it took a fair few more shots to kill.

Denkirson's weapon charts are here if anyone's interested in a look.


I've only seen run&gun if one team totally dominates the other

as long as they're sorta equal and the players know what they are doing, the full arsenal of guns and perks is being used :)


PaNaMa said:
I don't like being constantly blinded by flashlights from 200 yards that are brighter than a supernova and that my players eye just seem to have no choice but to stare right into it.

I'm half expecting someone to answer my by saying I can unlock sunglasses or something and equip them as a counter to the enemy flashlights!

I don't care what kind of a light you have, flashlight or laser dot, you can't just blind people 100 yards away with it. It doesn't work that way. If anything it should give you a disadvantage to be sporting a big "LOOK EVERYONE HERE I AM" light on your gun.

Right now a dude at 100m with a flashlight on his gun is more effective at blinding you than a truck's high beams at 20 feet, on a deserted road in pitch black conditions. It makes nuclear blasts look like mood lighting.

yeah, those flash/laser lights are more deadly than your gun lol

Not a Jellyfish

but I am a sheep
Wow someone calling spotting pointless? That is ridiculous. haha

When you are in a squad that all spot enemies you pretty much know where half the other team is at all times. Love it!
longdi said:
i agree with him too. class abilities, spotting, suppression all useless. It is all run and gun and respawn so you can level up, all the positive reinforcement crap. This is not BF imo. I had a much more enjoyable BF2 beta than this.

LOL no.

Radio bacon it's useless?

Spotting is key as BC2, it might be not as important in this map

And yesterday I hold 3 guys in the subway tunnel with supression shots, basically they couldn't advance for like 1-2 minutes....if only my teammates helped me.

Lot of supression fire fights in subway area, specially on PC.

Is like some of you guys are playing a different game.


Junior Butler
Decided to download the PS3 version to give it a go compared to PC.

Other than the expected clunky controls (stab is R2 wtf?) it looked and played great. For a console MP game of it's size/scope and destructibility, it looked damn good.

I don't know what people are bitching about.


Mr. Snrub said:
No, that's the same damage bug--they specifically stated over and over that there are no OHK sniper rifles, unless it's a headshot.

I thought they made it so that at close range snipers aren't OHK (thus stopping running and gunning snipers) but after a certain distance they become OHK...

I was OHK lastnight from good distances but up-close 2-3 shots...
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