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Battlefield 3 Beta: Info and Meetups [Over]


For people who are having trouble entering servers, do you guys have the +5 player slots in the filter checked? I don't seem to have as many problems as everyone here is mentioning and think that may be part of the reason.


So Im behind the times.. whats up Caspian Border? I saw it on the server list last night but every one was password protected.. now they are gone.

Really wanted to try it.. not a fan of rush and no vehicles.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
woober said:
For people who are having trouble entering servers, do you guys have the +5 player slots in the filter checked? I don't seem to have as many problems as everyone here is mentioning and think that may be part of the reason.
Has nothing to do with it, unfortunately.


gtvdave said:
I miss Caspian Border already! That map shows what I am expecting from true sequel to Battlefield 2. Really want to see how will Commo Rose work out.

Here are some moments of me playing it yesterday :(


Oh god the sound! You don't really realize how important sound is until you play a game that does it as well as bf3.

achapel said:
On the pc all you have to do is alt+tab to the browser and click close game.

Alt+f4 works better.


Schmitty said:
There needs to be a quit button in the post game lobby.
On PC? Alt-F4




Bruiserk said:
THIS. 1000xTHIS. what's worse is that you still have to spawn after the map loads before you can quit.

I already didnt get this in BC2. I am not sure how this could go by unnoticed for so long, or they are just plain stupid.


Eric WK said:
I still don't understand why DICE doesn't do this. One of the most annoying things about Bad Company 2.

Didn't make a damn bit of sense to have to wait for the next round to load before exiting. Can't believe they never changed that.


Schmitty said:
There needs to be a quit button in the post game lobby.

YES! Why can't the implement a proper lobby, or at least let us quit without having to load the next game. What often happens is half of a team leaves and it's unbalanced.


Spl1nter said:
Are you guys playing on consoles because the game is not like that at all.

If you've played BFBC2, I don't know how you couldn't see the massive differences. I suppose they are to be separate games. But with BFBC2 setting a solid bar in the form of balance, for me, I'm not enjoying BF3beta. And this has me worried about diving in, full-on.

PaNaMa said:
I don't like being constantly blinded by flashlights from 200 yards that are brighter than a supernova and that my players eye just seem to have no choice but to stare right into it.

I'm half expecting someone to answer my by saying I can unlock sunglasses or something and equip them as a counter to the enemy flashlights!

I don't care what kind of a light you have, flashlight or laser dot, you can't just blind people 100 yards away with it. It doesn't work that way. If anything it should give you a disadvantage to be sporting a big "LOOK EVERYONE HERE I AM" light on your gun.

Right now a dude at 100m with a flashlight on his gun is more effective at blinding you than a truck's high beams at 20 feet, on a deserted road in pitch black conditions. It makes nuclear blasts look like mood lighting.

I noticed this as well. Quite annoying. If it's meant for just affect, it's affecting more than it should.

Relaxed Muscle said:
Is like some of you guys are playing a different game.

Everyone has different impressions, mate. Mine just aren't as rosey as everyone else's. Trust me, I've played a metric-f**kton of BFBC2. And it's day one betas were by far more enjoyable than this, for me at least.

Tallshortman said:
Sniper rifles must have a damage bug because there's definitely some 1 hit body shots I've seen.

Stone-cold fact: I was sniped in the legs being prone and letting them hang from around a corner with full health ----> dead. Confirmed it seeing where the bugger was on the kill cam. Really made me "WTFF" out loud. :-/

The Faceless Master said:
BC2 was fine, and this is fine too. i can't imagine hardcore in BF3 though! golden gun mode!


Mr. Snrub said:
If anyone is interested on the innards of the beta in regards to weapons, damage, etc., follow @Demize99 on twitter. Some recent info:

Bug that causes a chest damage multiplier--this probably explains some of the complaints about dying too quickly.

Beta has inconsistent damage for ALL weapons.

Headshots aren't giving correct damage, either.

Shotgun Frag ammo WILL be balanced in final game, enjoy it while you can :)

One hit kill sniper rifles (other than headshots) are BUGGED

And I was wondering about this/thought it was kinda cool: the Magpull/correct way to hold a foregrip


This explains alot then. Please fix for production, DICE.

The Faceless Master said:
iirc, the actual phrase was "terrible choice for a beta map, this is like if the BC2 beta map was Nelson Bay Conquest"

I stand/type corrected! ;-)


Metalmurphy said:
What's this new patch? Got nothing on Origin.
I'll add them to the OP, but the ones from today are as follows:

Patch said:
(Not a complete list – for up to date news, visit the News section in Battlelog)
* Fixed occasional client crash when reviving.
* Fixed killcam showing glitched area under map if your killer is dead.
* Issue with spawning on dead squad mates fixed.
* Fixed a bug where shooting at a moving enemy could cause more than the intended amount of damage.
* Crosshairs for shotguns have been replaced with a new, thinner, art.
* A subtle low health screen effect has been added.
* Tweaked scores of Medals and Service Stars.
* Tweaked the Rank progression.
* Pushing prone on console will not play the animation twice.
* Fixed loss of Squad Leader after EOR at some times.
* Framerate stability fixes.
* The 3D spotting icons has been tweaked to better match the target’s visibility. Icons will show frequently less on mostly obscured targets.
* Fixed issue with crosshair disappearing after round transition.
* Fixed issue with crosshair disappearing after trying to deploy while the countdown timer still active.
* Squad list now shows specializations chosen, VOIP activity and dead squad mates.
* Non working options in squad menu fixed: "Private" flag and "Switch Teams".
Patch said:
We have distributed a server side update with the following changes:

- Terrain destruction disabled, because it causes problems with people crawling around under the map. We have a proper fix for this in the retail game, but chose to simply disable it for the OB

- Preround is fully activated: 8 players required to transition from preround to in-game; when 8 players are reached, the start-timer is set to 10 seconds

- Fixes for the most common game server crashes reported over the past 48 hours

- Fixes for end-of-round progress reporting to Battlelog (so players will see their progress more detailed on Battlelog)

The Server Providers have been instructed to deploy before Fri Sep 30th, 0800 UTC (when it impacts players the least).
Patch said:
Time for today's first Battlelog update starting in around 30 minutes. Downtime is expected to be up to 30 minutes.

Fixes include:

• Improved cancel state in Game Manager when joining servers with Quick Match

• Server Browser filter is now open by default, and Battlelog saves the state of the filter for the user

• Made sure we don't send -1 ping sites to Blaze, this to ensure that people don't get ping errors when trying to matchmake

• Added an error message for users with passwords containing non-alphanumeric characters to the Gate page - these users can't play due to a URL bug that's being fixed in our systems. We will ask you to change password before logging in.

• Improved default listing of servers in Server Browser to render servers with even more slots available
Server Restart said:
So Ladies and Gentlemen!

For your playing experience we are going to restart the servers to improve stability and connectivity to the game servers.
Downtime for each platform will be 5 minutes but may take slightly longer.

We are restarting the Xbox 360 Servers first, following PlayStation 3 and also PC to follow.
We´re terribly sorry for the inconvenience :)


I'd be in the dick
Nirolak said:
I'll add them to the OP, but the ones from today are as follows:
It's cool that these updates are coming to all three platforms. I love when client side updates can go into effect. It's a lot nicer.


Playing my first match.

I think this game made me realize I need glasses. I can't see very well and my TV isn't that far off.


blurrygil said:
If you've played BFBC2, I don't know how you couldn't see the massive differences. I suppose they are to be separate games. But with BFBC2 setting a solid bar in the form of balance, for me, I'm not enjoying BF3beta. And this has me worried about diving in, full-on

I don't know in what context are quoting what I said because im responding to someone saying the bf3 is just run and gun and that class abilities, spotting, suppression, don't make a difference which is proposterous.

Bc2 is a lot more run and gun than bf3. It is also in no context balanced. The only way you could propose the game is balanced is by saying the imbalanced op aspects balance each other out. Bf3 once the bugs are sorted out will wonderful balance because it's based on dices most balanced game, 2142.

In terms of gunplay, bc2 features a simplistic, easy, boring gunplay model. Bf3 has improved on that dramatically.

Look I love bc2. It's a very fun game but it doesn't hold anything to a traditional battlefield game


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Its pretty cool/impressive that they can disable terrain deformation just chaing the servers config.

rdrr gnr

Just some thoughts... some objective, others not so much...

  • Spotting is a non-entity on the console side at least. It exhausts too quickly and given the ubiquity of foliage and other forms of cover, it disappears immediately. It makes the game even more of a camp-fest (yeah, yeah it's BF, I know).
  • Need to be able to quit WHENEVER ONE WOULD LIKE.
  • Calm down on the insane camera movement when vaulting or changing positions, it's a little jarring and unnecessary.
  • The unlock system is absolute inflated garbage. The point quota to unlock the next item in a given class is massive -- solely for the purpose of adding "value." I get that BC2 blew its load a little too quickly, granting no incentive to continue playing after one's final unlock, but this is ridiculous. There are so many scopes, items, and guns that shouldn't stretch it out to such a degree. I'm not the world's greatest player, but I pull good scores consistently and it's still daunting. The actual leveling rate (your rank), however, is spot-on.
  • The menu system on the console side is rare case of a straight PC to console port. It is so blatantly clear it favors a mouse, that it's ridiculous. Simplify and improve customizing weapons and selecting kits for consoles. (Give (Square and X) and (Cross and A) dedicated functions for scrolling through menus.
  • Nerf the goddamn flashlight. It's like looking into the fucking sun. And it's just asking to be used to grief teammates.
  • Fix the usual beta issues: lag, framerate, tearing, matchmaking, squads, vote to kick, quick mute options -- etc.
  • Toggle options for the HUD. I don't need to be fucking told (and by told I mean a stupid graphic that takes up 90% of my screen) what I just unlocked or what ribbon I got because I'm not a fucking child. This isn't CoD.
  • Don't track K/D in the scoreboard in game.
  • I want an on-screen indicator of the arming function so I can be looking somewhere else while arming. I know that the indicator is always on-screen as it is now, but I'd like a small little bar at the bottom of my screen regardless.


M.D said:
I already hate this map.
There's something about It...

Yeah, not a fan of it anymore myself. It was OK at first, but now it's just meh.

Takes a longish time to unlock weapons it seems, or, at least the weapons I want to try lol.


Is there anyway to choose which squad you're going to join or are you stuck in whatever squad the game puts you in?


MuseManMike said:
Just some thoughts... some objective, others not so much...

  • Spotting is a non-entity on the console side at least. It exhausts too quickly and given the ubiquity of foliage and other forms of cover, it disappears immediately. It makes the game even more of a camp-fest (yeah, yeah it's BF, I know).

I was just think about this and the patch. I could've sworn spotting was so much more effective yesterday versus a couple hours ago. It needs to be a little more pronounced on the PS3, or back to original levels (if the patch changed it).
Mr. Snrub said:
For now, no. They'd have to be insane not to include this in the final, though.
A friend found that if you try and switch a team knowing that you will be denied due to balance(so be careful), you will be placed in the same squad as your party(space permitting).


MuseManMike said:
Just some thoughts... some objective, others not so much...

  • Spotting is a non-entity on the console side at least. It exhausts too quickly and given the ubiquity of foliage and other forms of cover, it disappears immediately. It makes the game even more of a camp-fest (yeah, yeah it's BF, I know).
  • Need to be able to quit WHENEVER ONE WOULD LIKE.
  • Calm down on the insane camera movement when vaulting or changing positions, it's a little jarring and unnecessary.
  • The unlock system is absolute inflated garbage. The point quota to unlock the next item in a given class is massive -- solely for the purpose of adding "value." I get that BC2 blew its load a little too quickly, granting no incentive to continue playing after one's final unlock, but this is ridiculous. There are so many scopes, items, and guns that shouldn't stretch it out to such a degree. I'm not the world's greatest player, but I pull good scores consistently and it's still daunting. The actual leveling rate (your rank), however, is spot-on.
  • The menu system on the console side is rare case of a straight PC to console port. It is so blatantly clear it favors a mouse, that it's ridiculous. Simplify and improve customizing weapons and selecting kits for consoles. (Give (Square and X) and (Cross and A) dedicated functions for scrolling through menus.
  • Nerf the goddamn flashlight. It's like looking into the fucking sun. And it's just asking to be used to grief teammates.
  • Fix the usual beta issues: lag, framerate, tearing, matchmaking, squads, vote to kick, quick mute options -- etc.
  • Toggle options for the HUD. I don't need to be fucking told (and by told I mean a stupid graphic that takes up 90% of my screen) what I just unlocked or what ribbon I got because I'm not a fucking child. This isn't CoD.
  • Don't track K/D in the scoreboard in game.
  • I want an on-screen indicator of the arming function so I can be looking somewhere else while arming. I know that the indicator is always on-screen as it is now, but I'd like a small little bar at the bottom of my screen regardless.

Spotting: Remember that whenever the spotted player goes behind a wall or any surface on your sight, the apotting mark disapears, but it stays in the map. And I'v seen that in the map it lasts almost like in BC2.

Quit when we like: please!!!

The HUD: Sometimes my screen is full of playernames and "you kill someone" and points messages... it is more blinding that the flashlights on the weapons, hehehe.

Don't track KD: In BC2 it was really cool to see somone with many points. You didn't know if it was for killing or capturing or saving... you only knew that for his points maybe he was a good player.

The Menu: In PC is really good. In consoles is confusing and tiresome.


i just encountered a funny bug where a squadmate's body was floating around on the ground back to the spawn area, funny thing was i was able to spawn on it lol


Game looks straight-up bad on the PS3, huh. What a waste that such a beautiful engine is wasted with this art direction, reminds me of Codemasters with their piss filter.
Well, I'm glad I took the time to play Caspian one last time yesterday before going out. Hopefully, they'll bring the Caspian servers back at some point.

Ran into a bug yesterday where our squad had 5 people in it and I could spawn on any of them. It makes me wish it was actually possible to have squads of more than 4 people.


Massa said:
Game looks straight-up bad on the PS3, huh. What a waste that such a beautiful engine is wasted with this art direction, reminds me of Codemasters with their piss filter.

I'm finding that everything within about a 20 foot radius of you look... ok. Anything outside of that is a hazy, jaggy mess. I really hope this is just the product of the "beta" because BC2 is leagues better looking than this, at least on PS3.


Really enjoying the Beta.

Some parts of the graphics on PS3 .. (360 as well) on Metro are poor (art direction plays a part).

Solid framerate (PS3), zero connection issues & excellent sound.

Gunplay is excellent, the mods for the weapons are really cool and some of the firefights I have had have been epic.

The hype has bred a lot of disappointment for some, it looks as good as I thought it would on MP on consoles, single player will look far better, the tunnel sections on the consoles give a glimpse of the potential for the engine ......... gameplay is excellent, its quick, fluid and engaging.

Day One for me and I am looking forward to the game even more than I had been.

Pre-order still stands.

Level of hype = Level of disappointment for some.

p.s. tearing on PS3 has been way exaggerated!
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