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Battlefield 3 Beta: Info and Meetups [Over]


a Tip for people who use Recon pls remember to place your Spawn Beacon behind you! ....The amount of times i've walked into walls :(
F#A#Oo said:
I thought they made it so that at close range snipers aren't OHK (thus stopping running and gunning snipers) but after a certain distance they become OHK...

I was OHK lastnight from good distances but up-close 2-3 shots...

There are no one hit kill sniper rifles in the game unless it's a headshot. Just search Demize99's twitter for him batting down fanboy requests for OHK sniper rifles to come back.

There IS a damage bug that makes damage fluctuate and that would explain any body-based OHK's you may have gotten.


Junior Butler
HotHamWater said:
Update #1:


Looks like this is server side and deployed through Battlelog, change log doesn't include the stuff that's been tweaked over the last few days.

Wait, so they're not applying these changes to the beta client, just the final release?
I think the damage is pretty much right on for vanilla. A little higher than BC2, basically where I would have liked BC2 damage to be. At times it seems a little too forgiving, actually.

I've also found all the class abilities useful. Support more for replenishing grenades and rockets than ammo, and the revive ability works like it should. If you see a guy get cut down and just run to revive it shouldn't come as any shock that you get cut down too. It was no different in BC2.


Nabs said:
It may take 3+ bullets to drop someone, but I never feel the first 2.

I think I know what you mean, sometimes you get what feels like an instant death with 3-4 hit screens poping up in rapid succession. Doesn't happen all the time and might have something to do with : "* Fixed a bug where shooting at a moving enemy could cause more than the intended amount of damage."

BrLvgThrChmstry said:
Eh? I disagree, with the abundance of latency based issues I'm sure many will encounter. It isn't like damage scales based on your ping, etc. -- while there isn't REAL way around that. I concur on damage needing a slight adjustment. Sometimes I can barely react to a situation because I'm already dead. Different strokes, etc. but this is definitely a Con for me.

Well latency is always an issue in online games, I suppose if you have a higher damage model than that issue comes more into the forefront. Than again I don't believe developers should have a low damage models for the sole purpose of trying to mask latency issues.

I don't know if you're on a console or not, or if the consoles are strictly P2P if so than I can see where you're coming from, but on PC there are many great and fun shooters that have even higher damage models.

Angry Fork

PaNaMa said:
I don't like being constantly blinded by flashlights from 200 yards that are brighter than a supernova and that my players eye just seem to have no choice but to stare right into it.

I'm half expecting someone to answer my by saying I can unlock sunglasses or something and equip them as a counter to the enemy flashlights!

I don't care what kind of a light you have, flashlight or laser dot, you can't just blind people 100 yards away with it. It doesn't work that way. If anything it should give you a disadvantage to be sporting a big "LOOK EVERYONE HERE I AM" light on your gun.

Right now a dude at 100m with a flashlight on his gun is more effective at blinding you than a truck's high beams at 20 feet, on a deserted road in pitch black conditions. It makes nuclear blasts look like mood lighting.
This is the worst thing about the beta imo. Whoever thought this shit was a good idea is a lunatic. It's okay if it does some kind of small flash or something but if an enemy is looking anywhere near you your ENTIRE SCREEN turns white. You can't see anything. At that point it's spray and pray. So stupid.


Mr. Snrub said:
There are no one hit kill sniper rifles in the game unless it's a headshot. Just search Demize99's twitter for him batting down fanboy requests for OHK sniper rifles to come back.

There IS a damage bug that makes damage fluctuate and that would explain any body-based OHK's you may have gotten.

I see...I hope they change this and implement it like I actually thought they changed it to.

I thought it was just because Metro is so close quarters...meh...just another aspect of the game that detracts away from the experience.


Yay, they are implemeting frame rate stability fixes. My frame rate on Ultra was jumping around so much it was giving me a headache I think (but never dropping below high 50s thankfully).
Mr. Snrub said:
There are no one hit kill sniper rifles in the game unless it's a headshot. Just search Demize99's twitter for him batting down fanboy requests for OHK sniper rifles to come back.

There IS a damage bug that makes damage fluctuate and that would explain any body-based OHK's you may have gotten.

Oh, I kill one guy with the SV98 at close range with one shot so I thought it was like BC2.

Better stay away from the action with a sniper rifle, then....


Trucker Sexologist
longdi said:
master race here. It is like this on Pc, infact i think it may be worse thanks to my hyper sensitive mouse!
Maybe if the other team is really scrubby. Otherwise, you need effective fireteam tactics just to last past the first round.


PaNaMa said:
I don't like being constantly blinded by flashlights from 200 yards that are brighter than a supernova and that my players eye just seem to have no choice but to stare right into it.

I'm half expecting someone to answer my by saying I can unlock sunglasses or something and equip them as a counter to the enemy flashlights!

I don't care what kind of a light you have, flashlight or laser dot, you can't just blind people 100 yards away with it. It doesn't work that way. If anything it should give you a disadvantage to be sporting a big "LOOK EVERYONE HERE I AM" light on your gun.

Right now a dude at 100m with a flashlight on his gun is more effective at blinding you than a truck's high beams at 20 feet, on a deserted road in pitch black conditions. It makes nuclear blasts look like mood lighting.

Are you sure that's a flashlight? It can also be reflection from a scope. Either way, when I see a light from that far a distance I just shoot at it. Doesn't blind me at all, more of a "hey, i'm over here! shoot me" type of thing.


Junior Butler
HotHamWater said:
What? Afaik it's been applied to servers, hence the whole restart thing.

From the post

This blog post is the first in a series of posts that will outline some of the changes we are making in the final game thanks to your feedback and participation in the Open Beta.

Angry Fork

iam220 said:
Are you sure that's a flashlight? It can also be reflection from a scope. Either way, when I see a light from that far a distance I just shoot at it. Doesn't blind me at all, more of a "hey, i'm over here! shoot me" type of thing.
He's not talking about that that's scope reflection. Some people unlocked flashlights as attachments and they're like 18 wheeler high beams. Whether your teammates or enemies have them if you get anywhere near them and they look in your direction your entire screen turns white. It's ridiculous.
belvedere said:
From the post

haha what the fuck. I thought 90% of the reason for using the browser based server browser was so that they could update servers all the time, as opposed to constant client updates.

Rainy Dog

iam220 said:
I think I know what you mean, sometimes you get what feels like an instant death with 3-4 hit screens poping up in rapid succession. Doesn't happen all the time and might have something to do with : "* Fixed a bug where shooting at a moving enemy could cause more than the intended amount of damage."

Definitely know what you're getting at. Again, MOH was similar in that respect. Almost seems like the first couple of bullets hover onto you, wait for the rest to catch up, then bam, nail into you all at once. So it sometimes feels like just one bullet taking you out.

That's something that COD gets right in my opinion. On the one hand, I can feel the feedback of every single one of my shots connect with another player to the point where I actually stop firing to save bullets as I know I've got them. And on the other hand, I can feel the impact of each bullet hitting me so I pretty know whether I'm done for or can react or get into cover, and all within a few split seconds.
Angry Fork said:
He's not talking about that that's scope reflection. Some people unlocked flashlights as attachments and they're like 18 wheeler high beams. Whether your teammates or enemies have them if you get anywhere near them and they look in your direction your entire screen turns white. It's ridiculous.

Is still a great sign on the ass saying:"I'm here, asshole shoot me!" for whaever uses it. Is not like it dosn't have a dissaventage.
bigsnack said:
So during the Bad Company releases people wanted more damage, but now people want less, correct?
BC1 took way too long to kill people!

BC2 was fine, and this is fine too. i can't imagine hardcore in BF3 though! golden gun mode!


Angry Fork said:
He's not talking about that that's scope reflection. Some people unlocked flashlights as attachments and they're like 18 wheeler high beams. Whether your teammates or enemies have them if you get anywhere near them and they look in your direction your entire screen turns white. It's ridiculous.

Yeah I know, I just haven't seen anyone use the flashlight at that range with any kind of effectiveness. Even up close its very far from your entire screen turning white. It's what I'd expect if someone was to shine bright tactical flash light in my face, no where near say a flashbang in cs/cod. Maybe there's a bug/driver issue that's messing that feature up for some people making it brighter than it should be?


no Dice definitely turned up the pacing of BF3 with the high damage. You can talk about team work but it is still the 1-2 shots that are needed to killed be killed and respawn. Terrible.
If anyone is interested on the innards of the beta in regards to weapons, damage, etc., follow @Demize99 on twitter. Some recent info:

Bug that causes a chest damage multiplier--this probably explains some of the complaints about dying too quickly.

Beta has inconsistent damage for ALL weapons.

Headshots aren't giving correct damage, either.

Shotgun Frag ammo WILL be balanced in final game, enjoy it while you can :)

One hit kill sniper rifles (other than headshots) are BUGGED

And I was wondering about this/thought it was kinda cool: the Magpull/correct way to hold a foregrip



gtvdave said:
I miss Caspian Border already! That map shows what I am expecting from true sequel to Battlefield 2. Really want to see how will Commo Rose work out.

Here are some moments of me playing it yesterday :(


what game are you playing? Is that the new warhawk?

Some people are really complaining and missing the point of a Battlefield game...Alot of not very intelligent things being said.


iam220 said:
Are you sure that's a flashlight? It can also be reflection from a scope. Either way, when I see a light from that far a distance I just shoot at it. Doesn't blind me at all, more of a "hey, i'm over here! shoot me" type of thing.

Sometimes it's a laser sight. Either way, it's effectiveness from long range is not just OP, it's plain old silly if you ask me. Clearly our marines/troops should just send flashlight teams into the afghani caves to blind all the helpless taliban fighters! Oh no, a flashlight 100 meters away! I'm Blinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnddddddddddd!!!!! Please look after my family and tell my wife I love her, etc.

Even at 30 or 40 feet it shouldn't BLIND you unless it's the highest powered flashlight of all time, 2) your rods and cones are super light sensitive 3) soldiers are not deers in headlights.

In my own exaggerated way, I guess I'm trying to say I understand what they are going for, but IMO it's overdone and silly in its current implementation =)


PaNaMa said:
Sometimes it's a laser sight. Either way, it's effectiveness from long range is not just OP, it's plain old silly if you ask me. Clearly our marines/troops should just send flashlight teams into the afghani caves to blind all the helpless taliban fighters! Oh no, a flashlight 100 meters away! I'm Blinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnddddddddddd!!!!! Please look after my family and tell my wife I love her, etc.

I'm honestly not getting that. at all. At 100m its just a small bright light (about half an inch in diameter on my 23"). Soooooo far from blinding. As I said, maybe something else is going on here, like a bug, post a screen shot if you get the chance.
Yeah, I wanna screenshot of these 18-wheeler highbeams at 200 meters.

Great vid, gtvdave. I was gonna purchase Fraps this weekend to make a GAF Battlefield Moments vid, but alas :-\


iam220 said:
I'm honestly not getting that. at all. At 100m its just a small bright light (about half an inch in diameter on my 23"). Soooooo far from blinding. As I said, maybe something else is going on here, like a bug, post a screen shot if you get the chance.

100m is an exaggeration. More like 100 feet, lets say.


Junior Butler
HotHamWater said:
haha what the fuck. I thought 90% of the reason for using the browser based server browser was so that they could update servers all the time, as opposed to constant client updates.

That can't be true, can it?

Surely they're not planning on not planning on patching the beta client.


PaNaMa said:
100m is an exaggeration. More like 100 feet, lets say.

hehe that's like 1/3rd :p

So we're in agreement than that at 100m (METERS!) the flashlight is not only useless but a hindrance?

edit: actually not completely useless, as my buddy and I were discussing yesterday this can open up new strategies where you'd use your flashlight from a distance to draw enemy fire and have your sniper squad mates pick em off.

As for flashlight brightness, I find it reasonable, I had a guy shine it at me at about 15 feet away and THAT was quite bright but I was still able to take him down :)


I'd be in the dick
Mr. Snrub said:
If anyone is interested on the innards of the beta in regards to weapons, damage, etc., follow @Demize99 on twitter. Some recent info:

Bug that causes a chest damage multiplier--this probably explains some of the complaints about dying too quickly.

Beta has inconsistent damage for ALL weapons.

Headshots aren't giving correct damage, either.

Shotgun Frag ammo WILL be balanced in final game, enjoy it while you can :)

One hit kill sniper rifles (other than headshots) are BUGGED

And I was wondering about this/thought it was kinda cool: the Magpull/correct way to hold a foregrip

QUOTE]Really good info about weapon damage, etc. Outside of IQ issues on PS3, those would be my biggest complaints.


raphier said:
Hmm...Is commorose in or why I can't seem to find it anywhere :/. Actually I have zero idea how spotting works.
Commorose is not in the beta.

Look at someone, hit Q. Congrats, you just spotted them.


It took a while, but I was able to play some games last night on the PS3 and 360. Looked fine, not as bad as I expected. There were moments where the texture streaming needed to catch up, but the bigger issue was the animation glitches and horrible clipping everywhere.

Eager to see how the final build compares.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Anyone else having serious problems getting on any server? Tried about 10 so far and none allowing me to get in.
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