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Battlefield 3 Beta: Info and Meetups [Over]


Neo Member
So am I reading that OP right? DICE won't be bothering to fix the broken squad system so I can play the beta with my friends and teach them how to play BF? You have to buy the game to get a working multiplayer system? Is that correct? Just wanted to be clear on how insane and oblivious to the damage they're doing to their brand with this. I do understand that it's a beta. But there are baseline functions that need to be working to enjoy this game that should've been guaranteed working before they released this as their first shot against COD. And those functions aren't working.


Since every game includes every mode, including a 64-player Conquest version, I'm really interested in seeing what Operation Metro looks like for that mode. Must be much bigger, and I want to see how the underground portion is used too. Seems like it could be cool combining underground area with the potential for jets and helicopters outside :-D
MrPing1000 said:
So apparently I am talking shit

Nice edit

Breakin my heart, man.

Aeonin said:
I was just think about this and the patch. I could've sworn spotting was so much more effective yesterday versus a couple hours ago. It needs to be a little more pronounced on the PS3, or back to original levels (if the patch changed it).

There was a huge amount of outcry from the community to nerf spotting, so that probably had something to do with it. Here's how it should be working, as designed:

Originally Posted by Demize99
So, a soldier in direct Line of Sight that is spotted will have a 3d red marker. If he moves behind cover or concealment, including vegetation, the 3d red marker will disappear. He will always be on the minimap. Vehicles are always fully 3D spotted, and LOS does not apply since they are larger more important targets with less threats (and it plain did not work to have jets flying around who couldn't see the tank you spotted for him to take out).

This lets you essentially "nudge" your buddy to tell him about a target, or point out a sniper on a hill you see but cannot engage (with your shotgun for example). But it prevents players from using 3D spotting as a wall hack.

Additionally, the primary motivator for the change is that 3D spots that you cannot see are not threats. We noticed that players would focus on 3D spots over everything else, meaning they would ignore people in line of sight. It's far less confusing when the 3D spot on a soldier can only be seen if you can see the soldier.
Massa said:
Game looks straight-up bad on the PS3, huh. What a waste that such a beautiful engine is wasted with this art direction, reminds me of Codemasters with their piss filter.

The blueish tint right its downright ugly.

Caspian is also hurt by the over saturation and the greenish Tan tint throughout the screen.
dLMN8R said:
Since every game includes every mode, including a 64-player Conquest version, I'm really interested in seeing what Operation Metro looks like for that mode. Must be 5-10x bigger, and I want to see how the underground portion is used too. Seems like it could be cool combining underground area with the potential for jets and helicopters outside :-D

This is the 32 player version. Boooriiiiing.


I played the 360 beta then the PC beta and I thought the PC beta was a lot more polished. I saw a lot of glitch kills on both (dudes lying prone half-way out of the floor, camping in badly lit areas, etc.), but it wasn't bad. I hope the final game isn't like this....

Does the player character ever run out of breath while sprinting? I don't think so. I had him running full speed ahead and he apparently never got winded. And he seemed to run way too fast as well.


No, PS3 is pretty bad. Just go to the last outside area and look at the textures on the walls and ground. Shit looks awful.

I've already cancelled my PS3 pre-order.

rdrr gnr

BF3 is losing hype on consoles like a motherfucker. I hope that above described patch is on consoles as well. I know that this notion has been reiterated en masse here on GAF, but goddamn OM is an AWFUL AWFUL AWFUL map. It's BC2: Vietnam maps bad. That first base + prone sets DICE back at least a decade. How is it that they don't have massive amounts of telemetry data and feedback to analyze what constitutes a good map? DICE needs to get their shit together and make a concerted effort to rotate in a new map for everyone. OM doesn't even showcase FB 2.0... it feels like MoH and not BF.

Also, for the sake of science, try patching out prone for a day or two, just to see.
A man can dream, can't he?
Norml said:
Doesn't seem that bad.


That picture doesn't show the low res foliage, the horrible character models, the aliasing, and the framerate.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Will the full game allow anyone to make their own lan/listen/dedicated server or do they still have that "you have to rent one from a list of official server providers" shit?
buhdeh said:
No, PS3 is pretty bad. Just go to the last outside area (3rd set of MCOMs) and look at the textures on the walls and ground. Shit looks awful.

I've already cancelled my PS3 pre-order.

Wow, overreact much? Jeez
buhdeh said:
No, PS3 is pretty bad. Just go to the last outside area (3rd set of MCOMs) and look at the textures on the walls and ground. Shit looks awful.

I've already cancelled my PS3 pre-order.

Yeah, that's a great reason to cancel a pre-order.


I played the PS3 beta for a bit yesterday. How is it possible that Bad Company 2 looks better than BF3? My mind does not comprehend this.


Neo Member
buhdeh said:
No, PS3 is pretty bad. Just go to the last outside area (3rd set of MCOMs) and look at the textures on the walls and ground. Shit looks awful.

I've already cancelled my PS3 pre-order.

And I thought my post was gonna be seen as an overreaction. Whew. Good riddance and enjoy COD on the same engine for the 5th year in a row.
MuseManMike said:
BF3 is losing hype on consoles like a motherfucker. I hope that above described patch is on consoles as well. I know that this notion has been reiterated en masse here on GAF, but goddamn OM is an AWFUL AWFUL AWFUL map. It's BC2: Vietnam maps bad. That first base + prone sets DICE back at least a decade. How is it that they don't have massive amounts of telemetry data and feedback to analyze what constitutes a good map? DICE needs to get their shit together and make a concerted effort to rotate in a new map for everyone. OM doesn't even showcase FB 2.0... it feels like MoH and not BF.

Also, for the sake of science, try patching out prone for a day or two, just to see.
A man can dream, can't he?

Love all the console prone rage. We need a prone BF3 "Problem, Console-GAF?" pic.


buhdeh said:
No, PS3 is pretty bad. Just go to the last outside area (3rd set of MCOMs) and look at the textures on the walls and ground. Shit looks awful.

I've already cancelled my PS3 pre-order.

What makes you think the final game will look like this?

Some of you people are jumping to conclusions here.


I'd be in the dick
Mr. Snrub said:
Love all the console prone rage. We need a prone BF3 "Problem, Console-GAF?" pic.
I love prone on console, I don't get the anger about that. I understand the disappointment with the visuals but the actual gameplay is fantastic and prone is an incredibly important part of that. Crawling under tons of fire on base 3 and reviving people is one of the most intense and fun experiences I've ever had in a game.


RoboPlato said:
I love prone on console, I don't get the anger about that. I understand the disappointment with the visuals but the actual gameplay is fantastic and prone is an incredibly important part of that.

i agree, there's nothing like an enemy stepping over you while you are lying on the bushes, i got my first dogtag that way lol


RoboPlato said:
I love prone on console, I don't get the anger about that. I understand the disappointment with the visuals but the actual gameplay is fantastic and prone is an incredibly important part of that. Crawling under tons of fire on base 3 and reviving people is one of the most intense and fun experiences I've ever had in a game.
Wait, yeah, what? People are raging about prone? It's great, imo.


Its so frickin' cool going to attack MCOM 'A' on Op Metro - sneaking in the bushes, putting down a mobile spawn point, sneaking up and catching defenders off guard, finding and destroying their mobile spawn point - then just keeping that puppy beeping till its out. Great times.

...I should really see what 'B' is all about.


well i have been playing the ps3 version for a few hours and its the most fun i have had on an fps for ages, whilst the moment to moment gameplay isn't as frilling as cod the fact that teamwork is encouraged and actually has great benefit is just a buzz. Sniping so much more fun than. cod and the back and forth dynamic of a close match as well as classes all being viable and fun to use and actually useful i think i have my MP game of the year, can't wait for more maps and to actually try some vehicles :)

generally i'm a lot less conscience of my K/D ratio and find myself not caring as long as I do lots of spotting and capturing although I think I have been positive most of the time, wow this games is going to be great can't wait.


Played on all ultra settings last night, the game is really pretty :D I'm excited for release.

There are some serious bugs in the game though... I must have fell through the world 5 times

rdrr gnr

CrazedArabMan said:
Eh, still doesn't beat the level 50 and 41 I saw yesterday.
Fuck me. Do people not have work/school? I'm a level 22 and I've put every second of free time I've had into it since launch. (~9 hrs)


Spl1nter said:
I don't know in what context are quoting what I said because im responding to someone saying the bf3 is just run and gun and that class abilities, spotting, suppression, don't make a difference which is proposterous an opinion.

FYP. You're simply disagreeing with my statement. To argue your point as "fact" is naive.

However, I see the point you're trying to make and wholly do not agree with it. I feel, in it's current state, BF3 is an unbalanced mess of all assault-style weapons, flashy graphics/text and has issues with it's damage ratio (which has been confirmed by DICE/EA devs and senior testers as bugs) which make the game well inferior to BFBC2.

Spl1nter said:
Bc2 is a lot more run and gun than bf3. It is also in no context balanced. The only way you could propose the game is balanced is by saying the imbalanced op aspects balance each other out. Bf3 once the bugs are sorted out will wonderful balance because it's based on dices most balanced game, 2142.

That's pure hyperbole, mate. Now you're just making unnecessary assumptions.

As to your statement about BFBC2 being more run & gun than BF3: Perhaps it is for you. But as someone who has the preferred method of supporting, staying towards the rear and providing cover, etc...it's just not possible for me to do. BFBC2 makes it great for support. Which I feel contributes more to the spirit of team play and field combat coordination. With ridiculous/random damage along with other various bugs, it's brutal for support-class players. That renders support roles nearly useless to me.

Spl1nter said:
In terms of gunplay, bc2 features a simplistic, easy, boring gunplay model. Bf3 has improved on that dramatically.

As in BF3's current beta state, I disagree. I like the new accessories and options for the weapons. But the weapons themselves aren't enough for me to remotely consider "dramatic" improvement.

Spl1nter said:
Look I love bc2. It's a very fun game but it doesn't hold anything to a traditional battlefield game

Again, purely an opinion...which is fine. But I find BFBC2 to be superior in the series. Bottom line.

MuseManMike said:
Just some thoughts... some objective, others not so much...

  • Spotting is a non-entity on the console side at least. It exhausts too quickly and given the ubiquity of foliage and other forms of cover, it disappears immediately. It makes the game even more of a camp-fest (yeah, yeah it's BF, I know).
  • Need to be able to quit WHENEVER ONE WOULD LIKE.
  • Calm down on the insane camera movement when vaulting or changing positions, it's a little jarring and unnecessary.
  • The unlock system is absolute inflated garbage. The point quota to unlock the next item in a given class is massive -- solely for the purpose of adding "value." I get that BC2 blew its load a little too quickly, granting no incentive to continue playing after one's final unlock, but this is ridiculous. There are so many scopes, items, and guns that shouldn't stretch it out to such a degree. I'm not the world's greatest player, but I pull good scores consistently and it's still daunting. The actual leveling rate (your rank), however, is spot-on.
  • The menu system on the console side is rare case of a straight PC to console port. It is so blatantly clear it favors a mouse, that it's ridiculous. Simplify and improve customizing weapons and selecting kits for consoles. (Give (Square and X) and (Cross and A) dedicated functions for scrolling through menus.
  • Nerf the goddamn flashlight. It's like looking into the fucking sun. And it's just asking to be used to grief teammates.
  • Fix the usual beta issues: lag, framerate, tearing, matchmaking, squads, vote to kick, quick mute options -- etc.
  • Toggle options for the HUD. I don't need to be fucking told (and by told I mean a stupid graphic that takes up 90% of my screen) what I just unlocked or what ribbon I got because I'm not a fucking child. This isn't CoD.
  • Don't track K/D in the scoreboard in game.
  • I want an on-screen indicator of the arming function so I can be looking somewhere else while arming. I know that the indicator is always on-screen as it is now, but I'd like a small little bar at the bottom of my screen regardless.

I cannot disagree with a single thing on this list.

Just to touch on things: Many of my opinions are based SOLELY on the 360 BETA AND THE ONE MAP PROVIDED.

It's a buggy mess, we're ALL aware of this. It's unbalanced, I know.

But as far as the platter that has been served and revealed to me by Chef DICE? Do not like. I'm not changing my preorder or crying for a petition or any of that garbage. However, I am currently sorely disappointed. At best, I'm 50/50 on the game. It has me a little worried, but I also have a ton of confidence in DICE.

I'm reserving my fears on them trying to pander to the COD crowd. Because that is a game I precisely do not want...

Now, off work and getting some pints!


Metalmurphy said:
That picture doesn't show the low res foliage, the horrible character models, the aliasing, and the framerate.

Still looks very close in this screen.I'm not convinced PC looks so much better in those from the screens I have seen.

Just saying its not bad.
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