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Battlefield 3 Beta: Info and Meetups [Over]

MuseManMike said:
Fuck me. Do people not have work/school? I'm a level 22 and I've put every second of free time I've had into it since launch. (~9 hrs)

Anytime I run into someone like that high of a level in a short of time, I just imagine them as that guy from the South Park WoW episode and it makes me feel much better. lol

Though those guys were on 360 so I imagine that episode except he is on a couch with a controller instead.


Norml said:
Doesn't seem that bad.



If this is the PC version, I hope it looks so much better in person because these screen grabs are on par with the consoles.


People who don't want K:D tracked don't seem to understand how BF works. Even in rush modes tickets are important.


I also really dislike the metro station map... it's cool outside kinda but once you go underground it's pretty lame.
blurrygil said:
FYP. You're simply disagreeing with my statement. To argue your point as "fact" is naive.

However, I see the point you're trying to make and wholly do not agree with it. I feel, in it's current state, BF3 is an unbalanced mess of all assault-style weapons, flashy graphics/text and has issues with it's damage ratio (which has been confirmed by DICE/EA devs and senior testers as bugs) which make the game well inferior to BFBC2.

Class abilities, suppression, etc. absolutely do make a difference. I don't know why anyone can argue that reviving isn't important, that radio beacons are inconsequential, or that giving ammo/locking down a hallway isn't important.

What, specifically, is unbalanced about the weapons? Damage bugs are confirmed, but at this point, we have no way of knowing how prevalent they are. It hasn't been enough to kill my enjoyment of the game.

That's pure hyperbole, mate. Now you're just making unnecessary assumptions.

As to your statement about BFBC2 being more run & gun than BF3: Perhaps it is for you. But as someone who has the preferred method of supporting, staying towards the rear and providing cover, etc...it's just not possible for me to do. BFBC2 makes it great for support. Which I feel contributes more to the spirit of team play and field combat coordination. With ridiculous/random damage along with other various bugs, it's brutal for support-class players. That renders support roles nearly useless to me.

The first day of the beta, the highest scoring player (consistently) on our squad/team was support. I've seen great utilization of just about every class.

Fact of the matter is, Metro is NOT a good map to show the utility of all the classes. Assault will be most important a lot of the time. In Caspian, just about everyone were Engineers, but you also needed Support to resupply their rockets, and Assault to keep the battle going around checkpoints.

As in BF3's current beta state, I disagree. I like the new accessories and options for the weapons. But the weapons themselves aren't enough for me to remotely consider "dramatic" improvement.

Aside from the inconsistent damage, what about BC2 weapons makes them better than BF3? Because I'm not seeing this at all.

I don't even really see the complaints about it being unbalanced, either. There is a huge influx of players who have no idea how to spot, coordinate, and utilize all the classes, plus many are coming from games that essential reward you for running around the map constantly. That doesn't work in Battlefield.


Junior Butler
Oh man had some good times with the EOD bot.

My teammate loaded me down with C4, I set the MCOM with it, then he detonated the C4 when they tried disarming. We managed to take out 3 people and the EOD bot when flying off over the lake lol.


blurrygil said:
That's pure hyperbole, mate. Now you're just making unnecessary assumptions.

As to your statement about BFBC2 being more run & gun than BF3: Perhaps it is for you. But as someone who has the preferred method of supporting, staying towards the rear and providing cover, etc...it's just not possible for me to do. BFBC2 makes it great for support. Which I feel contributes more to the spirit of team play and field combat coordination. With ridiculous/random damage along with other various bugs, it's brutal for support-class players. That renders support roles nearly useless to me.

Its not hyperbole or assumption. Its cold hard fact based on the implementation of the gunplay model they used and other game mechanics. The game is more run and gun because there is no negative in the shooting mechanics for movement compared to standing still or crouched. This tied with the lower bullet damage/hit detection allows for players to run and gun more because there is not as much consequence. Your idea of playing support is completely ironic since you cannot suppress players in bc2 compared to bf3 and you can still perform all those functions in bf3.

The only arguments you have are that bugs make the game worse. You are not comparing gameplay mechanics against each other.


Damn, just went and got a 9000+ point assault-inflated MVP ribbon and still lost. I was mad rushing the objectives, too.
Confidence Man said:
And this is exactly why Rush is so worthless. It sucks as a game type, and because they reuse levels it ruins conquest while it's at it.

Thanks a lot RUSH.



I will rage if the 64 player version doesn't make significant changes to the layout of the map. So fucking lazy.


Speaking of ranks, what's the eagle one? I saw someone by the name of Tripwyre (made me thing of the RO2 folks).
the menus are not designed well, which makes playing the game frustrating. Gameplay is fun though, aside from being buggy which I assume will be fixed in the final version. Also I wish the squad system was better. I want there to be a list of squads that I can choose to join or make a new squad. My friend and I were never able to get into the same squad in our games.

REV 09

360 version doesn't like me. Played it once yesterday morning. Couldn't connect last night and I now get an "unknown error" now.

EA has completely fumbled their run at cod. Even when you get in, the beta is in poor shape. The bugs and glitches make it difficult to really get into what's there.


Makes you how much time they've wasted on a singleplayer campaign mode that most of us won't spend more than a day with. The game doesn't even have squad functionality on a par with BF2 yet.
Im guessing it wont happen, but if Xbox doesnt get Caspian then this beta will leave such a bad impression. A battlefield beta without any vehicles what so over makes no sense at all.

Also why lock off the most interesting map on the PC beta? I dont get why the servers where password protected and why they made such a big deal of keeping it exclusive?


I'd be in the dick
bobs99 ... said:
Im guessing it wont happen, but if Xbox doesnt get Caspian then this beta will leave such a bad impression. A battlefield beta without any vehicles what so over makes no sense at all.

Why lock off the most interesting map on the PC beta?
Demize99 confirmed that the console version will not be getting Caspian.
RS4- said:
Speaking of ranks, what's the eagle one? I saw someone by the name of Tripwyre (made me thing of the RO2 folks).

Eagle insignia = Colonel - so rank 45 and above. I am currently 47 or 48 and it looks like the eagle stays for anything upwards of 45. At least in beta. Any further promotion is displayed with a higher number under the actual eagle. So an eagle with a 2 is lvl 46 or 47 (not sure if it starts with 1 or 2). Not sure if they will keep it that way for retail. Feels a little bland in the higher ranks.

And before feels the urge to comment on that - yes, I know, I play a lot. I am already getting a lot of stupid comments ingame. It's also about points per minute, though and I have been in Alpha and closed Beta so I had plenty of practice and insane amounts of points per match during most matches against new players.
RoboPlato said:
Demize99 confirmed that the console version will not be getting Caspian.

Odd decision there. Why lock lock off the map with the vehicle combat I wonder. Surely if they can have that map in the PC beta its not that far off running on the 360 BUT I am curious why even on the PC they made it so restrictive.


bobs99 ... said:
Odd decision there. Why lock lock off the map with the vehicle combat I wonder.

I'm thinking the console version of Caspian might not be so hot. Putting it up in the beta would do more harm than simply throwing the boring Metro map up there.


SapientWolf said:




The color is better on PC there.I kinda hate the bluish color because it's too close to the players name and MCOM.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Can someone explain this to me :

If you fire continuously with let's say a machine gun and suddenly stop and reload the transition animation is very jittery, has anyone else noticed it? Just go ahead and try it out, pick the support class and fire away 20-30 bullets and immediately reload and notice how the gun / hands everything just vibrates and looks like it's running at 20fps ( fraps still show a rock hard 60 )


I'd be in the dick
Corky said:
Can someone explain this to me :

If you fire continuously with let's say a machine gun and suddenly stop and reload the transition animation is very jittery, has anyone else noticed it? Just go ahead and try it out, pick the support class and fire away 20-30 bullets and immediately reload and notice how the gun / hands everything just vibrates and looks like it's running at 20fps ( fraps still show a rock hard 60 )
It happens on PS3 too. Just some more beta weirdness, I guess.
Ysiadmihi said:
I'm thinking the console version of Caspian might not be so hot. Putting it up in the beta would do more harm than simply throwing the boring Metro map up there.


Well it shows how close to being done BF3 is when they cant even get a map of a suitable size that supports vehicle play in the console beta. Or is this a sign of things to come with the full release. BF3 on console would suck if the maps are too large for the player count.

Essentially BF3 cant compete with CoD in terms of just having people run around shooting eachother. Its the Jets and vehicle gameplay in general they should promote and im kind of worried that gameplay will not work very well on the maps on console. hmm.
Played the beta yesterday.

This is the game gamers have been championing for years now? Does nobody remember how much fun 1942 use to be? This BFBC/MOH ripoff is, well, a BFBC/MOH ripoff. Thanks for the Beta, Dice. Saved me money.
Oh man, this game is fucking great. I'm honestly a little baffled by all the negative responses. As a console gamer whose BF experience has been BFBC - BF1943 - BFBC2, this is by far my favorite iteration of Battlefield yet.

Played a few rounds on Metro and won every time offense & defense. I don't see any issue with the leveling or unlocks, after 6 rounds I was rocking optics / lasers / heavy barrels / fore-grips. Felt good man. I think the tactical lights & lasers are a cool addition. The scope glare seems good too. You do go down a bit quicker than in BFBC2, but I was able to escape death about as may times as I got shredded, so in the end it felt 'fair' if that makes sense. Maybe it's the funneling nature of the Metro map, but I really liked the intensity of the matches I was in. There's a nice balance between being terrified of exposure, while needing to push forward to win.

Graphically I was expecting much worse based on GAF's comments. Playing late last night on 360, framerate & network performance was great. There's a host of strange glitches and some missing alpha effects (lens glare spots / indoor light coronas) but hopefully that's due to it being in beta. Some of the physics glitches are hilarious. Seeing your teammates leaning into turns when running is awesome. Dashing and then diving into cover prone is awesome. Mantling is awesome. The whole animation package & virtual body feeling is just really well done. The new lighting model is really gorgeous. The textures are the only sore spot, they're either lower resolution than in BFBC2, or they're missing detail maps (cloth weave, surface grain, etc.) Either way, as long as the obvious glitches are fixed -- like falling through the fucking earth -- this will be a fantastic looking game.

Then there's the sound. The goddamn sound in this game is bar none the best in the business. Playing through my Astro A40s, it's incredible. The echoing cracks of gunfire in the subway, your teammates shouting, the bullets whizzing by and shattering the tiles around you, the perspective and spatial awareness, it's absolutely perfect. War Tapes 4evr and evr.

I can't wait for the final game. Until then, some fixes I'd like to see:

Please let us customize the HUD. Opacity, elements, feed, etc. I want it minimal or I want it gone.
Please remove the K/D ratio on the scoreboard. This is Battlefield, promote teamwork through points.
Please revisit the menus, the navigation is completely unintuitive. Button functions should be consistent layer to layer, the way it operates now is baffling.
Please revisit the killcam. I don't even want one, but they've got it so close to the model of your killer that it's worthless (and ugly.)
Please consider extending spotting duration. It does seem less effective than in previous games, though with the quicker kills times, maybe that's for the better.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
RoboPlato said:
It happens on PS3 too. Just some more beta weirdness, I guess.

Ah ok, though I faintly remember there being something similar in BC2 retail.
Is it a bug when the audio seems so quite that you cant hear anything but gunshots. There seems like theres no ambient noise at all sometimes. Even the comm chatter goes totally silent during those times.


Mr. B Natural said:
Played the beta yesterday.

This is the game gamers have been championing for years now? Does nobody remember how much fun 1942 use to be? This BFBC/MOH ripoff is, well, a BFBC/MOH ripoff. Thanks for the Beta, Dice. Saved me money.
all these based on 1 map/mode? and it's a beta too


PjotrStroganov said:
MX 518 thumb buttons are useless here. Hope it will be fixed in the final version.
Drives me crazy. I normally use mousewheel click to ironsight and right mouse button to melee. You would not believe the number of times I've ironsighted into someone at point blank thinking it was knife.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Mr. B Natural said:
Played the beta yesterday.

This is the game gamers have been championing for years now? Does nobody remember how much fun 1942 use to be? This BFBC/MOH ripoff is, well, a BFBC/MOH ripoff. Thanks for the Beta, Dice. Saved me money.

Been playing since 1942, the game feels ALOT better than 1942 and BF2. I loved those games but man those game had some of shittiest hit detection ever.

Also Lets say the retail game ships, its great, are you gonna say "fuck you dice, Beta sucked, keeping my money"

Some people are so strange.
blazinglazers said:

Pretty much agreed 100%.

ChiefEdiri said:
Looks better, but it's not a mind-blowing difference from what I am noticing(except for jaggies).

Texture work is also better, but not by much.

The beta is locked at medium settings, regardless of the video options. Setting to ultra improves a few things, but in the beta config file, the scale for settings goes from 1-5, and the game can't get any higher than 3 for a lot of them.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Veritas_ said:
Drives me crazy. I normally use mousewheel click to ironsight and right mouse button to melee. You would not believe the number of times I've ironsighted into someone at point blank thinking it was knife.

I always set my RB to crouch, and middle for ironsight/zoom :/ It will be fixed in beta. Non of the mouse Bindings work.
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