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Battlefield 3 Beta: Info and Meetups [Over]

Can't edit that long post on my iPhone properly...

I agree with some of your annoyances though, not being able to access the menu before spawning is a pain in the arse, especially if you're sitting there mapping keys and someone kills you.

I think that will change though personally...
Ok the health indicator is clearly broken. I had hit indicators come up on when shooting some one at point blank and then when I am dead it's telling me that he has 100% health.


timmytheman123 said:
Anybody else having contoller sensitivity problems? It seems loose compared to bc2.

Edit: it seems too high when scoped/sighted in bur not high enough when hip hiring

meppi said:
Yep. It's actually the one thing that worries me about the game as it doesn't feel like a bug but like it was designed to be like this.

Absolutely hate it.
Still not sure of it's a problem with just scoping in, but it sure looks like they added momentum to the aiming of the guns.
One second it feels like they aren't responding to the pressure you put on the analogue stick, and next thing you know, your sights are swinging all over the place even though you didn't push the stick any harder.
That part is really screwed up, especially since BC2 nailed it.
I think you guys have a point. Now that I think about it, it does seem like the sensitivity seems looser when you ADS. I've turned the sensitivity to I believe halfway on the adjustment bar in the menu screen. From the hip it feels fine but when ADS it does feel a little more looser.

I don't mind the gun sway at all. But I do notice the sens feeling a little more work to handle when aiming down the sight. It felt fine in BC2 though.


Lostconfused said:
Ok the health indicator is clearly broken. I had hit indicators come up on when shooting some one at point blank and then when I am dead it's telling me that he has 100% health.
that's lag, encountered this too, especially on face to face encounters
What was the deal with Caspian Border? I read on reddit that it was going to be the map on Friday. I checked the browser a few times during the day and every server had metro running.

rdrr gnr

These people who play videos games are the product of a failed American public school system. These people need to have their meals spoon fed to them?


ColonialRaptor said:
Personally I completely, absolutely, wholeheartedly disagree. I think they've done a perfect job of evolving the series, obviously they're not going to make it just like Battlefield 2 because it's Battlefield 3, and obviously they have created Bad Company 1 and Bad Company 2 (and other games) since then which all influence the development of the game - personally I think this is an amazing and brilliant rendition of where DICE has come, it's like the absolute of everything that they've done. It's got just enough BF2 and just enough BC2 feeling to please fans of both, but absolutely heaps of new feel to be BF3 on it's own, to me it feels completely different to both those games in enough of a way to be considered the high point of the series for me by far... I doubt that could be disputed.

I don't know if you've had a chance to get on Caspian Border yet, but perhaps that would change your opinion, but I would still feel the same way having only played Operation Metro knowing that these mechanics will be brought to the big wide open battle fields that I know and love... I just can't wait.

Some of the conflicts that I've had in Caspian are just pure sex... better than anything I've experience in any other game before. Those things would have never been possible before without this engine and these graphics and it's all because of the foliage and the way the level works. Being able to hold down the 'forest' position by myself against many more opposition through smart play, and wiping out a squad, getting them pissed off, getting them to come back and expect you to be in the same position but move to another position (it's so good and easy to play stealthy in this game, especially when you use things like the suppressor and various other 'stealth' tactics) but out of range of the flag, let them cap the flag, pick them off again, cap it back, they've spawned while you move again, and pick them off again while they're running around looking for you - rinse and repeat for a whole map. They got me a few times, but I think it must have been 8 guys + against me and another guy at one stage and we held down that forest position by ourselves for the whole map and it was one of the best things I've ever experienced, and that's just a small section of one map.

Then there's the hilltop with all the various ways of attack, flanking and funneling, the tower, the checkpoint, the gas station, they all have their own little 'wars' going on at each one and then the infinite different things in between, and then there is the war going on in the sky with the jets, the vehicle battles between checkpoints, it's just pure unadulterated amazingly awesome... and that's just ONE MAP! We don't even know what the other seven maps are, and then there are the four classic maps being re-made... my god, it is just pure fantasy to think about those BF2 maps with this level of detail, and I just can't wait to play them...

This game is going to own my life... I am not going to cope when the Beta goes away, although I'm not playing it 100% of the time while I'm awake I just like knowing that it's there... <3 and fap fest for BF3 over.

Part of what I enjoyed and what made BF2 so great is the sense of freedom you feel. You don't have to always shoot someone to have fun. When I first stepped into Caspian Border... I just stared in awe. I watched jets in a dogfight, rolled over the hills going top speed with the jeep, and after unlocking the EOD bot for the engineer class, I really feel like the variety of stuff is there to keep things interesting.

A friend of mine unlocked the MAV (mobile uav) and mobile spawn point, both of which I feel will make conquest mode very dynamic. Imagine leaving a spawn point at certain hotly contested flags. When the enemies think they have captured it, you spawn right back in and take the control point from them. It's hard to put everything into words, but some of the gadgets you get and conquest itself is something you have to try for yourself.


nismogrendel said:
What was the deal with Caspian Border? I read on reddit that it was going to be the map on Friday. I checked the browser a few times during the day and every server had metro running.
If there was no credible source attached to that claim you read, then it was bullshit.

Deleted member 81567

Unconfirmed Member
Due to my idiotic overhyping now I feel disappointed with the beta.


SalsaShark said:
Game's alright, feels like a better BC2 (wich i guess i should expect) and less like BF2. Beta is glitched to hell though, and that's expected but still a shame. Half the players were getting stuck into the prone animation and sliding through the map, lol. I dont think i'll be playing too much of it, but i have to say finding servers in Brazil and Chile was a nice surprise.

Yeah. All the animations glitches just suck. The rag-doll physics are total shit right now. Some guy was rushing me with his knife out and I blasted him with my shotgun. The guy flew towards me... it's a beta though. To be expected.

I found flash lights blinding me in mid-day light to be pretty ridiculous. I'm glad there is all kind of restrictions on spotting now. The cool down sound is fucken annoying though. I wish there was some kind of icon instead.

I ended up toning my settings and I'm pretty happy with the results. Mostly 60 FPS with some dips in the open city section (I really want to see how it does in more open maps).

Textures on ultra, everything else on high, no AA, medium post processing AA and SSAO off (I don't even notice this unless I'm standing near a wall).
ncsuDuncan said:
I was having trouble with this too, the EA Profile page just wasn't responding.

What finally worked for me was clicking on the "Forgot Password?" link on the Battlelog page.

I'm trying to do the set password after hitting "forget password" and no matter what I type in as my new password it keeps saying "At least 1 uppercase char required" even if it has an uppercase character...Sometimes it will also say "At least 1 number required" even though there's a number in it also...what. the. fuuuuuuckkkk.


Khal_B said:
Is it possible to form a squad with your friends? And if so, how do you go about it?

Once you're actually in the game? Nope. I've had some luck leaving a squad and then joining right away when my friend tells me there's a spot open in his squad, or vice-versa.


Dr Eggman said:
Due to my idiotic overhyping now I feel disappointed with the beta.

dont feel too bad. ea and dice have been hyping this game to hell and back but in reality it needs to be delayed until around march 2012. it needs a ton of work.


i don't know if anyone else has mentioned it yet, but dice should be praised for the loading times between rounds. barely there. hopefully it'll be that quick or close in retail whenever you actually change maps.


big_z said:
dont feel too bad. ea and dice have been hyping this game to hell and back but in reality it needs to be delayed until around march 2012. it needs a ton of work.
I hope they iron out most of the problems by launch but I seriously wouldn't mind the game being delayed till March. I'd be disappointed but I'd rather be disappointed now then get a super polished game come March then be disappointed in the game later this month and hope that patches will take care of stuff.

Then again, it is a beta. Most of the problems could be taken care of already. In spite of some issues with the beta deep down I enjoy the game.
I wonder if the tacked on single player campaign stole some development time and resources from the only part of the game that matters. It's a main line Battlefield game, they dont need any singleplayer.


I know it's apparently the shittiest version, but I'm enjoying this on 360 *shrug*

Feels like BC 2, though that's not a bad thing for me personally.
I H8 Memes said:
I wonder if the tacked on single player campaign stole some development time and resources from the only part of the game that matters. It's a main line Battlefield game, they dont need any singleplayer.

From what I played of Caspian Border, I disagree.


big_z said:
dont feel too bad. ea and dice have been hyping this game to hell and back but in reality it needs to be delayed until around march 2012. it needs a ton of work.

Opinion of game based on beta = needs more work.

Of course it does, this version does not reflect the current build status of the game (from the horses mouth) and there is a large day one patch to be implemented.

This release is obviously for sever stress tests (s lot of the issues with the beta are server side based) and funnily a lot of the problems people have with metro seemed to vanish on caspian border.

For all its issues I find the game to be very enjoyable with a lot of potential and with a later build, ironed out server issues and further updates down the line it can only get better.


Fjordson said:
I know it's apparently the shittiest version, but I'm enjoying this on 360 *shrug*

Feels like BC 2, though that's not a bad thing for me personally.

Thats the thing, to me it bears very little resemblance to Bad Company.
I just wish they would open up Caspian Border for open play. I suspect the lag problems on it were due to people hammering the few Caspian servers with requests.

Jburton said:
Thats the thing, to me it bears very little resemblance to Bad Company.

The gunplay feels much closer to MOH. A lot of action and some really satisfying recoil. Puts a premium on good aiming and firing shots conservatively. I like it a lot. BC2's aiming and recoil were way too forgiving.

rdrr gnr

MuseManMike said:
This defies fucking logic.
It's just the game reminding you that your team mates are complete morons and will be entirely useless at best and hindrance at worst. You should stop worrying about it so much.
Yeah it really sucks when you are prone in a subway car trying to stay half in and half out the car to aim down the subway while people keep spawning on you and shoving you out of the train car.


It's too bad, but this beta has really turned me off to this game. Oh well, there are tons of other great titles coming out this fall.


Uninstalled last night and re downloaded today, played a few rounds just now, have to say it seems to have improved a fair amount since I last played. Framerate was better, less glitches, less lag, my team was owning. Bottom line is I had fun, despite everything. Just wish I got to play Caspian one more time.


Jburton said:
Thats the thing, to me it bears very little resemblance to Bad Company.
Hmm. I don't know, it's been a long time since I've played BC 2 so perhaps my memory is cloudy. Just seems like it. But like I said, definitely not a bad thing for me.

Hell, I actually like Operation Metro as a map. Maybe I'm just crazy :p


jokkir said:
It upsets me that you can't kill people with the defibrillator

I know how you feel man :( I was left standing behind a player with my defib in one hand and my penis in the other..then it got shot off :(

Been doing good lately. LMG is pretty devastating when attacking. Controlled bursts and flanking goes a long way.


I H8 Memes said:
Yeah it really sucks when you are prone in a subway car trying to stay half in and half out the car to aim down the subway while people keep spawning on you and shoving you out of the train car.

Fucking this!!


Okay, a corpse was sliding on the ground and "shooting" at me. There was no gun attached to it but it was shooting at me because gun sounds came out of it.


TheJerit said:
i can't believe i just gave him a page view.....

yeah but this guys video reflects how a lot of people are feeling about bf3. this is worse than beta rough and thanks to developers like activision that put out demos as betas people have high expectations.

this beta test is going to bite them in the ass hard. the game needs to be delayed, fixed and polished followed by a pre-release fina build demo to win back people.

WTF someone has the highest rank in the beta already. (360)

I just don't see how...

probably ran off to a corner with some friends to do the revive and kill thing over and over.
It is shocking how much better the pc version looks vs the ps3 version. After playing the pc version for a while and then hoping on the ps3 version to play with some friends, I felt like I was playing a ps2 game.

rdrr gnr

big_z said:
yeah but this guys video reflects how a lot of people are feeling about bf3. this is worse than beta rough and thanks to developers like activision that put out demos as betas people have high expectations.
this beta test is going to bite them in the ass hard. the game needs to be delayed, fixed and polished followed by a pre-release fina build demo to win back people.
This man speaks gospel.

Eric WK

gibon3z said:
Been doing good lately. LMG is pretty devastating when attacking. Controlled bursts and flanking goes a long way.

Dude, don't make me start posting 60+ kill matches.

This should do for now, I would think:

big_z said:
yeah but this guys video reflects how a lot of people are feeling about bf3. this is worse than beta rough and thanks to developers like activision that put out demos as betas people have high expectations.

this beta test is going to bite them in the ass hard. the game needs to be delayed, fixed and polished followed by a pre-release fina build demo to win back people.

I would love that. Delay the game. Polish the crap out of it. Release it early next year.

Edit - Eric do post :) I'm always up for watching a good match.


El'Kharn said:
I know how you feel man :( I was left standing behind a player with my defib in one hand and my penis in the other..then it got shot off :(
Are we sure it can't kill people or if it not killing people is a glitch? If you go to the Weapons and Equipment tab under your stats and scroll to the bottom you'll see the defibrillator has a kills tracker.
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