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Battlefield 3 Beta: Info and Meetups [Over]


wow, what a shitty way to handle criticism, what's the point of hiring a community manager that has no concept of what good PR is
If you can't handle criticism well, don't respond to critiques and opinions.

And Any news on Caspian?
What a way to defuse this beta hype by removing its best map.


Tbh I would not want his job...

Who wants to sift through thread after thread of bitching and moaning...with only a handful of comments that get posted that are actually of any value...


Alright, so got into some games tonight on U.S servers with 60 ping. Hit detection was spot on and MUCH improved from alpha. I was going 19-5 and 19-11 on my last two games.

Most of my deaths though I was not feeling and here is why:

Often I would die from spawning---no not on my team mate. I understand the risk of spawning on a buddy and getting zapped, but I was back in our spawn, moved a foot forward and was getting popped as a defender. I would like 3-5 second spawn invincibility if I pick base so I don't get destroyed by some guy who managed to sneak his way into a corner of our spawn point out in the open so he can snipe away like a mad man.

My second reason for deaths, and the one that pissed me off so much in alpha, but I figured would be solved by beta.... team mates who spawn on me PUSH my mother fucking body out of my spot I'm in as prone. Jesus christ I want to just chuck my keyboard at the wall when I'm on a 7 kill streak stopping the enemies from fusing an objective, and then my squad mate pops on me, pushes me out of my secure snipe spot, and boom a RPG hits me, a sniper hits me, or some guy with a M16 pops me. IF I'M PRONE I SHOULD BE AN UNMOVABLE ROCK BY MY TEAM.

Also, did they change the laser sights since alpha? They blind the SHIT out of me, and no I don't mean the flash lights. Freaking ridiculous that even my team mates red laser sights also blind the crap out of me.

As for general feedback I feel it's nearly impossible for the attackers to win on the beta map if the defenders are even halfway decent. When I defend I can lock down key chokes without any issues and when I'm sniping it's...well like this:



MiloFoxburr said:
Most BC2 maps were pretty crap, I love the game but I only ever played 2-3 maps in it.

Which maps were "crap"?

I certainly wouldn't say Metro is better than any of BC2 maps...

It's clear that Metro is more of a "interesting concept/idea" that became reality but the finished product in terms of what it offers gameplay-wise is pretty rubbish...


zlatko said:
As for general feedback I feel it's nearly impossible for the attackers to win on the beta map if the defenders are even halfway decent. When I defend I can lock down key chokes without any issues and when I'm sniping it's...well like this:
Momo said:
Just played 6 rounds or so.

The first 5 rounds my team was utterly dominated. We slowly started learning, then on the 6th game playing as defenders we stopped the attacking team at objective B at the first hurdle. It was masterful how we chocked out that point against superior players by just using some teamwork and sticking to our jobs.

Momo said:
Haha my k/d ratio is 0.25. Stinking up the NEOGAF platoon stats since 2 hours ago :p

living proof


F#A#Oo said:
I smell a CoD player who supports linear corridor maps as opposed to open maps...hmm...

Metro is far bigger and open than any COD map.

I just hope the pc community doesn't shun maps like these and rush like they seemed to do with BC2.


I don't know... does anyone else feel bored while playing the beta in its current state? I don't know if it's a more thrilling experience on the PC version because it can support more players, but I think the map is far too big for 24 players and I find myself wandering about minutes at a time with nothing to do.


NBtoaster said:
Metro is far bigger and open than any COD map.

I just hope the pc community doesn't shun maps like these and rush like they seemed to do with BC2.

COD maps are designed for up to 18 players...

BF maps up to 32-64 players....(not on console ofc)


Now that I´ve the 4x Acog on the American Medic kit the game is much more enjoyable. We won the round I got it as attackers and, for whatever reason, were attackers again in the next round. I was in the upper middle points wise and had an even kill-death ratio, but now I have to eat. Got almost as much points in one rounds than the hour before combined. Kinda stupid that weapons get upgraded on kills, not class points, IMO.

Still, it´s almost laughable how many points you get, or at least the amout of notifications. Shoot at group of guys with teammates close "Enemy down, headshot, supression kill assist, squad heal, squad heal, squad spwan on you, kill assist, enemy down".

Kill ten guys and heal a few people (not revive!) and you walk away with 2k points or more.


Tiduz said:
does voicechat work on ps3?

it didnt work for me 2 days ago and made the game not fun.

I've heard people within my squad talking, so I assume that it works (On PS3 ofc).
NBtoaster said:
I just played a round or 2 of BC2 and now I remember why I don't like it. It's pretty clear to me how much more refined BF3's gameplay is, and how much better even op metros design is than the majority of BC2s maps.
I agree, the gun play in BC2 never felt right to me, the weapons felt too floaty. BF3's feels really good though. I also don't understand the reason people are saying metro's map design is shit, I can understand them wanting a different experience than it gives but I think from a level design standpoint it is fine. The third capture point especially feels really well done, the way it plays out when you have 2 even teams who are at least semi-decent is great.
Liquid Helium said:
I agree, the gun play in BC2 never felt right to me, the weapons felt too floaty. BF3's feels really good though. I also don't understand the reason people are saying metro's map design is shit, I can understand them wanting a different experience than it gives but I think from a level design standpoint it is fine. The third capture point especially feels really well done, the way it plays out when you have 2 even teams who are at least semi-decent is great.
Because an infantry only map isn't really a battle field map. That and tons of narrow corridors.
F#A#Oo said:
Which maps were "crap"?

I certainly wouldn't say Metro is better than any of BC2 maps...

It's clear that Metro is more of a "interesting concept/idea" that became reality but the finished product in terms of what it offers gameplay-wise is pretty rubbish...

Actually sorry, looking at the map list I liked more Maps than I thought lol. Really hated Nelson Bay and a couple of others though. I think my hatred of Nelson Bay might of tainted my memories of the maps in general.


Game just exits randomly however usually on spawn with no error code... Just crashes/closes...
Lateset ati drivers with correct 11.10 bf3 drivers and all upto date on bf3 beta (3gb patch ensures confidence that the engine may possibly have horrible patch implementation or it's just due to it beign beta)
GPU and CPU temps all fine.

Can only imagine crunch time for getting the full game out will be hard, sloppy, followed by mass burn out from the dev team and staff allocated to other projects and like 2 random people left to patch/fix the rest of the game ala bfbc2 after it's went gold.

In an ideal world:
*I'd love to hear about dedication towards future support and not just promoting what DLC you'll be flogging in a few months time.....
I don't mean facebook, twitter and other social integration rubbish, I mean actual patches and corrections.

*Tell us how has punkbuster has improved & why it'll keep the playing field fair because PB site looks like it's a $2 operation and history has proven it's banned a lot of people but it's also near-useless. They aren't open for job applications, they sned automated replied emails when you give them an addy directed to a site that sells bfbc2 cheats thus bypassing the lousy anti-cheat client. They don't amend it or update the database. How do these people still have jobs?

*Working closely with ATI/Nvidia with drivers

*Tell people that Q is used to spot people ffs!

*Jewelers polishing away at the potential jewel.

*Not keeping people in the dark about patches/fixes. Ignoring a customer would result in a loss of sale in a retail store, yet once you've got our money in the digital game world you can basically tell us to go blow our selves and there is little recourse.

*Acknowledge and admit bugs you're aware of & actually tell us which once you're working towards fixing & let us know which ones you're ignoring instead of keeping people hopes up.

*Actually listening to reported bugs/glitches brought up in BETA and correct those issues. NOT the bfbc2 way where the beta bugs were and are still in it 2 years later.

*DICE wont immediately start work on a MOH basically leaving 1 person left to fix bugs present in BF3.

*I'm wrong and DICE will do a fantastic job providing after sales support and punkbuster will improve incredibly. ATI and Nvidia drivers 100% solid for both single and mult gpu. More blood..... This is a battlefield right? yeah a g rated battlefield by the looks of things.


i'm going to give this game a few more chances but im honestly not enjoying it at all. might help if they had a better map than metro, which is honestly terrible.


Chinner said:
i'm going to give this game a few more chances but im honestly not enjoying it at all. might help if they had a better map than metro, which is honestly terrible.

I'm still going to buy it, but yeah, Metro is really awful imo. Especially that terrible Subway portion. And like others have said, it's really easy to defend if you work well together. I'm more of a Conquest guy, so I guess it doesn't matter a whole lot, but the map is just not that good.
This game still uses 100% of my CPU all of a sudden and is performing horribly. No idea why.

To compare, I just played The Witcher 2 on max settings and it used 68% of my CPU and ran like a dream.

I have no idea why BF3 has decided to break for me, but it has.



This game runs pretty damn good on my GTX460 OC and 2500k i5. Even my laptop could run it so I can play when I visit my parents, so I don´t need to talk to them XD

Graphics of course are pretty sweet. Sound is amazing. Gamneplay is awesome. But there is one thing that had me excited.

Under options. You can choose which monitor the game should use when it goes fullscreen <3
I always game on my secondary monitor which is my 50 inch Panasonic Plasma. Now I don´t need to change it to primary. Comfy couch mouse+keyboard gamning truly makes PC gaming the master race.
Love you DICE!

Now please connect my PS3 account to my PC account so I don´t need to unlock everything twice.


That zinto post is actually from before the beta, just so you guys know. It was about the whole OMG BETA WHEN phase was going on.


Was there an update on the PS3 version? or is the game just getting buggier, it wasn't like this yesterday but now the terrain deformation is awful today, i keep falling though it and getting killed by the terrain! :(


Foliorum Viridum said:
This game still uses 100% of my CPU all of a sudden and is performing horribly. No idea why.

To compare, I just played The Witcher 2 on max settings and it used 68% of my CPU and ran like a dream.

I have no idea why BF3 has decided to break for me, but it has.


BF3 & BFBC2 utilizes 100% cpu also on my i5 750 @ 3.5, which kinda indicates the engine was built around the strengths of the consoles and frostbite 1.5 or 2.0 o whatever is possibly doing the same.


Sorry if this has been posted in previous pages, but is anybody else getting password errors?

I can't log in to BF3 because I get an error stating they are having problems with password's that contain special characters, and mine does.

They have a message saying the fix for this is to update your password to something without special characters, but when I try to update my password I just get a system error.

Anyone know of a fix for this?
So far I gotta say that OP Metro is probably the worst Rush Map I've played. It's a mess. And I know that this is a complaint that is specific to consoles, but the graphics are really weird. On one hand you have great animations and some nice lightning, on the other you have blocky ass environments, and interiors that look cheap as hell (especially on the last set of M-Coms.) then there are some instances where you have to wonder if DICE has just discovered speculars for the first time. In particular the floor on the subway plattforms looks like it's been polished and waxed to perfection much like early xbox games overdoing the vaseline on surfaces look.

Gameplay seems to be ok for the most part (except for some very poor hitboxes at times), and since this is a beta I'm not going to nitpick on all the technical issues, but honestly I am not impressed with it, and certainly not with the map.

If all goes well I'm going to build a new PC early next year, and I'll just get it for that then.


zh1nt0 said:

(Not a complete list – for up to date news, visit the News section in Battlelog)
* Fixed occasional client crash when reviving.
* Fixed killcam showing glitched area under map if your killer is dead.
* Issue with spawning on dead squad mates fixed.
* Fixed a bug where shooting at a moving enemy could cause more than the intended amount of damage.
* Crosshairs for shotguns have been replaced with a new, thinner, art.
* A subtle low health screen effect has been added.
* Tweaked scores of Medals and Service Stars.
* Tweaked the Rank progression.
* Pushing prone on console will not play the animation twice.
* Fixed loss of Squad Leader after EOR at some times.
* Framerate stability fixes.
* The 3D spotting icons has been tweaked to better match the target’s visibility. Icons will show frequently less on mostly obscured targets.
* Fixed issue with crosshair disappearing after round transition.
* Fixed issue with crosshair disappearing after trying to deploy while the countdown timer still active.
* Squad list now shows specializations chosen, VOIP activity and dead squad mates.
* Non working options in squad menu fixed: "Private" flag and "Switch Teams".

I would love to see an update console beta with all these changes!

zh1nt0 said:
Destructive Buildings (Console)

The destruction is the same on console and PC.
You won't be able to take down buildings in multiplayer as that would mean levelling a whole city. You can however take out large parts of buildings and possibly destroy smaller buildings in other maps but you will have to wait and see those maps.

I think DICE overhyped the Destruction in this game, most of the mass Destruction will be taking place in single player. :(
playing it right now, seems well done., Metro at least. I'm having some issues with key bindings though since it won't accept my mouse key for jumping

also, how do you take screenshots?


Calibur said:
I think DICE overhyped the Destruction in this game, most of the mass Destruction will be taking place in single player. :(

I think it was pretty cool on Caspian. When every round started you could see people running tanks through buildings, shooting down walls, in their own base. Just to try it out, and it looked pretty awesome to me.
Either the shotgun is very overpowered or I am actually good at the game, I think over powered part is the most likely though, was pretty average before that but with shotgun I can just rush around killing everyone with one shot kills.

Anasui Kishibe said:
playing it right now, seems well done., Metro at least. I'm having some issues with key bindings though since it won't accept my mouse key for jumping

also, how do you take screenshots?

You can't bind mouse buttons for some reason. :/

Screenshots : use fraps or something like it.


Does anyone else have problems changing their graphic settings? I put everything on low but it doesn't seem like it's at low
thank you very much, BBB. Shucks though because I cant adapt to a online FPS without right mouse jump :/

and I noticed a screenshots folder....uhmmm
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