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Battlefield 3 Beta: Info and Meetups [Over]


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
yeah baby, 128 players on metro. Oh wait :( that sounds like the definition of hell.
Momo said:
I don't understand what I am looking at.

I don't know what's going on, but these servers are popping up, apparently EA are shutting them down. Points to a possible leak? Maybe a bug? Who knows
Why do I keep dying in one-hit from almost every gun in the game? Very frustrating to constantly get one-hit by AKs and sniper. Is this an issue on my end? I don't seem to ever kill anyone in one hit, but it happens to me very often - even with the SMG.

Also - flashlights are complete bullshit. I have not used them, but can you not turn them off? I hate being surrounded by squad mates who are blinding me. Just seems like it will be a griefing tool once the game is released.

Will vegetation destruction be in the final code? Seems stupid that you can't even destroy shrubs in this when you could destroy so much more in BC2.

Some of the battle dialogue is a bit crude and reminds me of the shit little kids and bigots are always spewing over their open mics - we just need a few racial slurs in there. Stay classy Dice.

Overall, this Beta has not impressed me and the map does nothing to emphasize the things that make Battlefield good. Based on this slice of game play I may actually hold off on getting this until we get feedback on the retail version and detailed impressions of the retail state of MP.


Ive put shots into enemies where it shows I hit them and then when I die they still have 100% health. This game has a ton of rubber banding bullshit even when I join servers with 30 ping. Netcode is complete shit, and im willing to bet it will be shit on release because this is DICE. They never have good netcode in their games.
Corky said:
yeah baby, 128 players on metro. Oh wait :( that sounds like the definition of hell.

! Geez - I hope that isn't the case. I would like to see what the conquest layout looks like. Metro is a pretty shitty design for rush and I can't imagine conquest being an improvement.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
the_prime_mover said:
! Geez - I hope that isn't the case. I would like to see what the conquest layout looks like. Metro is a pretty shitty design for rush and I can't imagine conquest being an improvement.

I think somebody has simply been tinkering with server settings. Doubt that dice would actually support 128 matches, and on metro of all maps for that matter.


the_prime_mover said:
Why do I keep dying in one-hit from almost every gun in the game? Very frustrating to constantly get one-hit by AKs and sniper. Is this an issue on my end? I don't seem to ever kill anyone in one hit
This is actually server side packet method. It's same with Crysis 2. You only see them shoot when they kill you to preserve dataflow, when actually they are spraying bullets like mad at you. It has it's ups and downs.
raphier said:
This is actually server side packet method. It's same with Crysis 2. You only see them shoot when they kill you to preserve dataflow, when actually they are spraying bullets like mad at you. It has it's ups and downs.
What? No way. That sounds like the dumbest decision ever. Considering the fact that it makes suppression even more retarded since you don't know if some one is firing at you to suppress you, derp.


Lostconfused said:
What? No way. That sounds like the dumbest decision ever. Considering the fact that it makes suppression even more retarded since you don't know if some one is firing at you to suppress you, derp.

Angry Fork

raphier said:
This is actually server side packet method. It's same with Crysis 2. You only see them shoot when they kill you to preserve dataflow, when actually they are spraying bullets like mad at you. It has it's ups and downs.
raphier said:
This is actually server side packet method. It's same with Crysis 2. You only see them shoot when they kill you to preserve dataflow, when actually they are spraying bullets like mad at you. It has it's ups and downs.

Oh wow


Genuinely can't understand the apathy towards this beta, despite the bugs it's fantastic in my opinion. Speaking purely from a gameplay perspective it's just glorious, feels so tense and chaotic. Even Metro, which I didn't really enjoy in the Alpha is playing decently now.

Think destruction is great too, not as immediately obvious as BC2 but very detailed. I'm constantly amazed when I get somewhere in the Subway and there's a wall missing that I've not seen destroyed before. Less predictable than BC2.


Lostconfused said:
What? No way. That sounds like the dumbest decision ever. Considering the fact that it makes suppression even more retarded since you don't know if some one is firing at you to suppress you, derp.
It's dynamic and very subtle preservation. Ofcourse you see suppression. But sometimes like in heated 2-on-2 you spray two magazines worth of ammo and he shoot's two bullets. And as a result you collapse. You know what I'm talking about? Yeah, some of his shots (and your shots for him) don't register for animation.

Metalmurphy said:
That's completely false. You see people shooting all around you. All the shots. Hell you can hear gunshots all around the map even in the distance.

The bullet damages are bugged, it's as simple as that.
Ofcourse you do. This is more when you fight head-to-head with someone. It's not that of a prevalent issue. It's not that bad as you think. It just creates an illusion as if you were one-shot killed.
raphier said:
This is actually server side packet method. It's same with Crysis 2. You only see them shoot when they kill you to preserve dataflow, when actually they are spraying bullets like mad at you. It has it's ups and downs.

That's completely false. You see people shooting all around you. All the shots. Hell you can hear gunshots all around the map even in the distance.

The bullet damages are bugged, it's as simple as that.


Arnie said:
Genuinely can't understand the apathy towards this beta, despite the bugs it's fantastic in my opinion. Speaking purely from a gameplay perspective it's just glorious, feels so tense and chaotic. Even Metro, which I didn't really enjoy in the Alpha is playing decently now.

Think destruction is great too, not as immediately obvious as BC2 but very detailed. I'm constantly amazed when I get somewhere in the Subway and there's a wall missing that I've not seen destroyed before. Less predictable than BC2.
I want one more map and another mode at least. Just wish there was more really.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Arnie said:
Think destruction is great too, not as immediately obvious as BC2 but very detailed. I'm constantly amazed when I get somewhere in the Subway and there's a wall missing that I've not seen destroyed before. Less predictable than BC2.
There are like 5 of the exact same looking walls that I always see destroyed in the underground area. It's not enough to really effect any gameplay.

I personally don't give a shit about destruction, but I could see why people would be disappointed after all of Dice's hype.


Momo said:
I want one more map and another mode at least. Just wish there was more really.
I can agree with that, would love some proper Conquest action. Still, I'm having more than enough fun on Metro Rush, which is something I didn't think I'd say after the Beta.

Playing on 360 too. Visually I'm again going to go against the GAF grain and say I'm impressed.

Stallion Free said:
There are like 5 of the exact same looking walls that I always see destroyed in the underground area. It's not enough to really effect any gameplay.
That's just ridiculous.

On the second set of MCOMS, in the subway, there's a room on one side of a small open square, opposite the escalators. This room is often used as a stronghold for attackers just before the two MCOMS so they can keep a forward line of attack, however I ran in that room thinking I could do just this and the wall was completely blown out, meaning I was completely unprotected and open to enemy fire.

It completely changed the flow of the map by making what would normally be a safe haven for attackers deep behind enemy lines an open kill zone.


Lol watching my brother play; last part of Metro, his teammate is just planting c4 in the building above A, half the building is destroyed lol.


Stallion Free said:
I was talking about the actual subway tunnels.

And I have only seen the wall you described in second set destroyed, everything else seems to be invincible.
True. It's certainly not consistent, which can be slightly frustrating, but on the whole I do find the destruction to be more than adequate at changing how the game plays. Another example being the toilets by A in the same set of MCOMs. They provide good cover to defenders or attackers looking to guard their charge, that is unless you destroy them.


Anyone else having crashes with BF3 beta and the new Nvidia drivers? My overclock was rock solid, never had any problems with all the benchmarks, Crysis games, The Witcher 2 etc. So I don't know what the problem is.
Arnie said:
Genuinely can't understand the apathy towards this beta, despite the bugs it's fantastic in my opinion. Speaking purely from a gameplay perspective it's just glorious, feels so tense and chaotic.

I like to play it, my only complaints at this moment comes from game breaking stuff, such as falling through the ground(shooting people from underground), being unable to arm or disarm the M-COM's and such. These just get me killed and they ruin the gameplay.

I'm fine with visual glitches and balancing issues as they can and will be addressed even after final release.
Metalmurphy said:
You could completely destroy some buildings in the Caspian Border map.

I think you'll see types of maps. BC2 type maps with smaller buildings like Caspian border and Metro type maps with larger buildings like Metro.

Angry Fork

I just tried out the PS3 version and it's not bad at all imo. The graphics obviously suck compared to PC, there's jaggies some pop in on minor objects but it plays/runs well and seems to be locked at 30fps. Consoles are old hardware now that's about as good as it gets with a game of this size.

Maybe it was worse before the update but right now it's pretty good imo for anyone who only has consoles. Have been mainly playing the PC version though I haven't tried after the update about to now. I'm glad they took out the terrain destruction so hopefully people won't get stuck under the map again.


Roche178 said:
I appreciate the beta and everything but I'm pretty sure Dice hired a troll to manage their community, he's just so damn annoying sometimes.

He must be a noob, hasn't developed the thick skin you need for that role. People with experience in that position realize that a significant portion of your audience will ALWAYS be unhappy, regardless of how well the organization you represent is doing.

Once you know that you don't let those people get to you. Interact with the open-minded/positive, casually ignore everybody else with a blanket response that points them towards customer service or a support forum. :) Never, ever lose your shit, especially not in what is effectively print that is online accessible for potentially forever.

Not only is the customer not always right, a significant portion of them are batshit crazy.


Getting closer to level 30. But fuck the last part of metro, its the worst shit ever. Did anyone from the designers/map builders ever test their map until the last point once? Its just ridiculous how broken the last part is.

Woo-Fu said:
Not only is the customer not always right, a significant portion of them are batshit crazy.

Sure that, but they released the beta with so many fucking bugs, lots of them werent even in the alpha and the rest of decision around the beta (no caspian border, password shit) and so on are simply stupid.


So does anyone know if we'll be able to choose our own squads in retail? At this point, I don't want to buy the game if I can't choose to play with my friends.

Angry Fork

Wthermans said:
So does anyone know if we'll be able to choose our own squads in retail? At this point, I don't want to buy the game if I can't choose to play with my friends.
This is stuff DICE needs to answer in full imo I don't know why they don't just tell people unless the full game might not have these kinds of features and they want to avoid chaos which is kind of a deal breaker.


Angry Fork said:
This is stuff DICE needs to answer in full imo I don't know why they don't just tell people unless the full game might not have these kinds of features and they want to avoid chaos which is kind of a deal breaker.

Communication with Dice/EA is just plain horrible, but well nothing new.


I'm already kinda sick of Metro... I mean I still enjoy Port Valdez even to this day and I played it alooot during beta... Must be the lack of vehicles


The only thing that needs fixing and no one is mentioning other than myself is how your squad mates when they spawn on you push you 5-10 feet forward, and if anyone is by you and your models touch/collide, then you start being bumped away.

This shit is driving me insane as a sniper. If I'm in prone and someone on my team nudges me I should NOT MOVE and remain a solid rock. I've seen people both in alpha and here in beta who will purposefully push me out from my cover so they can take my sniping spot after I'm on a hot streak.

Deadly said:
I'm already kinda sick of Metro... I mean I still enjoy Port Valdez even to this day and I played it alooot during beta... Must be the lack of vehicles

Atleast port Valdez didn't had that shitty ground bug.
raphier said:
Ofcourse you do. This is more when you fight head-to-head with someone. It's not that of a prevalent issue. It's not that bad as you think. It just creates an illusion as if you were one-shot killed.

So they, preserve dataflow when it actually matters but they don't for all the other people that aren't even near you? How does that make sense?

They've already stated that bullet damages are bugged, that's where the 1 hit kills are coming from.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
See this is what I don't get, people can tell me that this is an old build ( and I seriously doubt that it's an OLD build, it's recent if anything we're not talking e3 2010...) as much as they want, but that still doesn't make me feel better over the fact that the game is like 3 weeks away. Everything about the game is broken. Hopefully they frontloaded their resources in single player and plan to fix all of these bugs before the the game is out.


I'm liking the game overall, just not sure why they only included rush mode. It's the worst mode IMO and once the game does release it'll be conquest 24/7.

Angry Fork

Damage needs to be nerfed so fucking bad. You always die in 1-2 shots it's ridiculous. Anyway for people who don't believe me about the stupid flashlight, this is what I see EVERY single fucking time I see an enemy with a flashlight.


edit - Don't know how to resize =( will try to change it now so it's not so big.

k made image smaller. There's no way you can kill an enemy when that shit is in your face you have to spray and pray.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Angry Fork said:
Damage needs to be nerfed so fucking bad. You always die in 1-2 shots it's ridiculous. Anyway for people who don't believe me about the stupid flashlight, this is what I see EVERY single fucking time I see an enemy with a flashlight.


edit - Don't know how to resize =( will try to change it now so it's not so big.

k made image smaller. There's no way you can kill an enemy when that shit is in your face you have to spray and pray.[/QUOTE]


here you go

edit : wops , you fixed it already :)


Yup, agreed!

Flashlights are fucking annoying and overpowered.
They need to be nerfed. Can't imagine what they will be like in night maps.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Kyaw said:
Can't imagine what they will be like in night maps.
Probably amazing, especially if there are nightvision goggles.

All they gotta do is switch the blinding of friendlies to only happen in hardcore mode, in normal mode the blinding effect should be off.


Angry Fork said:
Damage needs to be nerfed so fucking bad. You always die in 1-2 shots it's ridiculous. Anyway for people who don't believe me about the stupid flashlight, this is what I see EVERY single fucking time I see an enemy with a flashlight.

If it only were the enemies. There is always a squad member blinding me with the damn thing.


Stallion Free said:
Probably amazing, especially if there are nightvision goggles.

All they gotta do is switch the blinding of friendlies to only happen in hardcore mode, in normal mode the blinding effect should be off.

So i will see just blinding white in my NVG? No thanks.
I do like the idea of it being non-blinding to friendlies in normal mode.
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