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Battlefield 3 Beta: Info and Meetups [Over]


Announced PC lead platform.
DICE " Yeah, were gonna deliver" (Summary of promoting the game not there actual words)

PErson inquires about ingame ping being visible?
"Well look into it"

It's 2011, this is like essential in knowing if you're lagging out due to ping or if the server is crying/dying. Also, it's a general curiosity thing.
Why wasn't this on the mandatory check list of being implemented?

Going from the beta and toning down destruction compared to bfbc2, and hiding suppression fire for performance reasons I feel the game has been tied down and had it's purity/innocence forcibly taken away.

DICE are awesome developers IMO it's just that the goods are sloppy and they treat the userbase like whinging demanding immature children when we are the ones that make it possible for there line of work to exist and pay there salaries.

We co-operate and inform them of bugs like they ask during beta 'testing'
Yet, come final release and even months past final release they've like fixed 1% of issues and move on to make DLC and MOH.

Times passes, the scars begin to become less hideous and you deal with it.... Then you're greated with a goober in the face, exclusive skins for xbox360 for months... No announcement of it being released on PC?
Have they also worked on correcting lots of the bugs/exploits mentioned countless times in there forums over the previous months?
They've been working on a new game, and the only other content is maps and skins they want to sell you. Anything broken, remains broken.

Also, no disrespect, but I remember Zhinto from BFBC2, the dev who mostly
(exclusively?) played the xbox version...... Yay! :| That guy has some ego problems with the way he addresses the fanbase.
Glad the dedicated console player was basically head in charge of implementing fixes and now he can hopefully bring his console crappiness to this supposed pc lead platform bf3 game.

In breaking news, I think a flicker bug free seizure-less black flickering fix for bfbc2 is coming out in 2017 from ATI....


SalsaShark said:
Yeah just read and confirmed that HUD size depends on resolution, and that's beyond silly and sounds like console-version residues. Hope they fix that before release. Im playing at 1360x768 but im not 5 feet away from the screen DICE :/
You can adjust your hud, goto the options menu and the last option on the left, something visual (cant remember what it was called), will let you adjust the egde of the hud. I moved mine to the very edge of the screen. 1080p here
Saw a guy with this for his level:


I'm assuming he hit level cap? Anyone know what level cap is? Is the five on the emblem skill level?


Downloaded the PS3 beta just for the heck of it. Holy carp I'm addicted. But I haven't played a competitive online game in a long time.

edit: lot of weird visual bugs though.


PaleFolklore said:
Saw a guy with this for his level:


I'm assuming he hit level cap? Anyone know what level cap is? Is the five on the emblem skill level?
I'm guessing level 50 maybe? By 45 you get Colonel and the eagle.
I would imagine it's fairly easy to stat pad in some of the unofficial servers, that might be how people are leveling so quickly.

Or they could just be playing alot, I'm level 19 after around 6 hours play.


God damn this game,

Whoever designed the UI for pc should be shot.

Honestly, I have to load up a browser to launch a game? SO STUPID.

OK. Edit

I gave it another shot, kinda growing on me now.


ConvenientBox said:
God damn this game,

Whoever designed the UI for pc should be shot.

Honestly, I have to load up a browser to launch a game? SO STUPID.

One of the few who dislikes it? I thought it was pretty streamline when I used it in the alpha/now.

Makes for easy alt+tabbing.


Bruiserk said:
One of the few who dislikes it? I thought it was pretty streamline when I used it in the alpha/now.

Aspects of the design "look" nice, but I can't change settings while a game is loading, and every time the browser notifies me of a new email, it minimizes the game...

Playing for an hour now and i'm already turned off it. It was a better experience on the 360 for me at least. Gonna give it another chance.
I know it's a beta, but if this isn't drastically improved by the time it ends, I will be cancelling my pre-order. I never expected to be so disappointed. I can't even play this anymore right now. I'll fire it back up after a patch or some kind of update.
AnEternalEnigma said:
I know it's a beta, but if this isn't drastically improved by the time it ends, I will be cancelling my pre-order. I never expected to be so disappointed. I can't even play this anymore right now. I'll fire it back up after a patch or some kind of update.

The game goes gold in a week. This is a marketing tool for their game, not a beta. Expect the game to ship with these game-breaking bugs until DICE finally shuffles out a patch.


ColonialRaptor said:
When I try and load a Metro Conquest map it just loads up a Black screen, nothing works... weird.
InfectedZero said:
Same happens to me. :( I really want to see how conquest plays out with Metro.
If you can still hear things you should still be able to join. Your hud is just invisible but if you click around you'll actually hear the sound effects from switching tabs and such, just click in the bottom right area where the deploy button should be and you'll spawn. Thing is, you won't have a hub there either. I don't know how and I assume it's just dumb luck but eventually the hub might come up and you'll be able to play normally. The server will probably crash at the end though.


InfectedZero said:
Can you take a screenshot of the map for metro conquest? I just want to see the lay out.
It's the same as rush. Well, actually it's smaller than the rush version, the entire first area before the subway is cut. The US forces spawn at the beginning of the subway. There are three flags, one near the second m-comm stations in the middle area between the tracks, the second up near the third m-comm stations outside of the ticket booth (the flag for this one actually clips through the roof, looks stupid and by looking at it aren't easily able to tell who has control of it), and the final out in the open near the final m-comm stations at the restaurant.


Jack Scofield said:
The game goes gold in a week. This is a marketing tool for their game, not a beta. Expect the game to ship with these game-breaking bugs until DICE finally shuffles out a patch.
Where did you hear/read that?
purple cobra said:
Where did you hear/read that?

If it is coming out on the 25th then it needs to be in production really soon. It takes about 3 weeks to get the discs pressed, boxed, and shipped out to stores.


I H8 Memes said:
If it is coming out on the 25th then it needs to be in production really soon. It takes about 3 weeks to get the discs pressed, boxed, and shipped out to stores.
Gotcha. I forgot it's coming near the end of the month.


Dreams of a world where inflated review scores save studios
this game need at 3 more moths of polishing. thats what they get trying to compete with CoD.


ColonialRaptor said:
When I try and load a Metro Conquest map it just loads up a Black screen, nothing works... weird.

The one time I had black screen doing toggling to windowed and back to fullscreen with alt-enter fixed it.
Ezduo said:
It's the same as rush. Well, actually it's smaller than the rush version, the entire first area before the subway is cut.

Haha. Not sure what to say about this. That's one less Conquest map to play then. DICE map design seems to get worryingly worse, even when it comes to Rush.

BC1->BC2->MoH->Vietnam, it's as if they wanted to force meatgrinders and chokepoints down our throats. But hey, "intense & tight infantry gunfights" is what sells games right?
Is it too hard to ask for Conquest maps which are not 3 flags in straight line, each separated by 2 chokepoints?

I just pray that the 7 other maps are like Caspian Border, at this point in time I'm not even asking for huge BF2 maps with 7 flags anymore, just don't give us any other Conquest map with a crap layout like Operation Metro.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Jack Scofield said:
The game goes gold in a week. This is a marketing tool for their game, not a beta. Expect the game to ship with these game-breaking bugs until DICE finally shuffles out a patch.
Unless Dice guys are lying they are saying it's an older build and many of the bugs are fixed in retail already.


1. Hype the game as a second coming of jesus
2. Copy CoD SP model, disregard what Battlefield is all about.
3. Have a broken ass MP with crappy CoD inspired rush levels as a beta. Maybe a couple of proper BF maps in release(who knows at this point? No show has not increased my confidence)
4. Set hard deadline to beat MW3 release date
5. Release game with disappointing corridor SP and broken MP. Bugs galore.
6. DA2 of FPS'es

I hope i'm wrong, i really hope :) Battlefield 2 is my all time favorite FPS, but i really don't have any confidence with this anymore... Nothing that they have showed of SP has impressed me and this beta is awful in many ways.


Tier Whore
Doc Holliday said:
Unless Dice guys are lying they are saying it's an older build and many of the bugs are fixed in retail already.

Lying... would be very stupid to test old code and as we know this is a demo it would be even dumber to show old code...very poor marketing skills!
Mendelevium said:
Joined one of those conquest servers on metro, had a good game, disconnected. I joined a official server and I find out all my stuff is gone. My xp was set back to -290000. I am very sad right now.

"-290,000 / 20,000 - 310,000 until rank up"

Congrats. You're gonna get banned for something that DICE didn't fix.


Doc Holliday said:
Unless Dice guys are lying they are saying it's an older build and many of the bugs are fixed in retail already.
The rebelfm guys have played the latest build and say it's just as fucked up. They still plan on buying the game but they are very concerned about it considering it's set to release in a few weeks.
The game needs to be delayed simple as that.


My gosh I suck at this. So they only way to get better is just keep playing? Kinda new to Kb/m controls. Keyboard is hard for me lol.
Darkkn said:
1. Hype the game as a second coming of jesus
2. Copy CoD SP model, disregard what Battlefield is all about.
3. Have a broken ass MP with crappy CoD inspired rush levels as a beta. Maybe a couple of proper BF maps in release(who knows at this point? No show has not increased my confidence)
4. Set hard deadline to beat MW3 release date
5. Release game with disappointing corridor SP and broken MP. Bugs galore.
6. DA2 of FPS'es

I hope i'm wrong, i really hope :) Battlefield 2 is my all time favorite FPS, but i really don't have any confidence with this anymore... Nothing that they have showed of SP has impressed me and this beta is awful in many ways.

You're wrong. You don't know what made DA2 such a shitty game in first place.


Press - MP1st.com
wiggleb0t said:
Announced PC lead platform.
DICE " Yeah, were gonna deliver" (Summary of promoting the game not there actual words)

PErson inquires about ingame ping being visible?
"Well look into it"

It's 2011, this is like essential in knowing if you're lagging out due to ping or if the server is crying/dying. Also, it's a general curiosity thing.
Why wasn't this on the mandatory check list of being implemented?

Going from the beta and toning down destruction compared to bfbc2, and hiding suppression fire for performance reasons I feel the game has been tied down and had it's purity/innocence forcibly taken away.

DICE are awesome developers IMO it's just that the goods are sloppy and they treat the userbase like whinging demanding immature children when we are the ones that make it possible for there line of work to exist and pay there salaries.

We co-operate and inform them of bugs like they ask during beta 'testing'
Yet, come final release and even months past final release they've like fixed 1% of issues and move on to make DLC and MOH.

Times passes, the scars begin to become less hideous and you deal with it.... Then you're greated with a goober in the face, exclusive skins for xbox360 for months... No announcement of it being released on PC?
Have they also worked on correcting lots of the bugs/exploits mentioned countless times in there forums over the previous months?
They've been working on a new game, and the only other content is maps and skins they want to sell you. Anything broken, remains broken.

Also, no disrespect, but I remember Zhinto from BFBC2, the dev who mostly
(exclusively?) played the xbox version...... Yay! :| That guy has some ego problems with the way he addresses the fanbase.
Glad the dedicated console player was basically head in charge of implementing fixes and now he can hopefully bring his console crappiness to this supposed pc lead platform bf3 game.

In breaking news, I think a flicker bug free seizure-less black flickering fix for bfbc2 is coming out in 2017 from ATI....

zh1nt0 is Matros, a CM not a dev and he plays on the PC.

Maybe he could have addressed the forums better, but it's funny to see people bashing BF3 when they pledged allegiance to it and will give their firstborns to play the beta just a few days ago and now hate everything in the game.

Faction specific unlocks? One of the features requested by the fanbase to add diversity to the factons is now considered a bad move by some people?

Snipers given less priority and taking out the sniper-shotgun ultimate weapon? Yep, people are bitching about it too.

Everyone wanted prone in BC2, DICE said they tried it but it didn't work as well. Now people are bitching about one of the things they requested for the most?

The kicker, people bitching about BUGS in a beta. Yes, people seem to think that betas should be like retail games...Sigh.

I get that things might have been communicated better, but this is a damn old beta! Just think of it this way, didn't people BITCH a ton when the BC2 beta came out? DICE fixed most, if not all the problems, right? Yeah, movement is still clunky from time to time, stats reset but the overall game is relatively bug-free and enjoyable (taste in BF games subjective but you know what I mean).

Wait for reviews from publications you trust, or seek feedback from trusted friends and see what they have to say.

I actually like the beta and the fact that Lars Gustavsson and the other senior DICE people who worked on BF2 are the ones mainly handling BF3 is quite apparent and that's going to be something special...at least from what I know. I mean has DICE made a crappy BF game yet? No, BC2 is not crap! Contrary to what a lot of PC players think. :)

Bottom-line, wait for the final retail version and see how thing go. Judging games based on an old beta build is like saying you didn't want to sleep with someone because they were ugly when you were kids. Get my point? This is also one of the major reasons why devs shouldn't do a beta unless it's really a glorified demo. =)


Dreams of a world where inflated review scores save studios
have you played the 360 version? looks like crap, nothing like the pc version. theres no way in hell they are going to fix the graphics among a bunch of other stuff


but ever so delicious
I just hit rank 22 and got the new shotgun. It sucks some serious ass and i have to unlock everything for it? I can't automatically use 12g slugs, I'm stuck with buck.

Fuck that shit. Back to the 870


Darkkn said:
1. Hype the game as a second coming of jesus
2. Copy CoD SP model, disregard what Battlefield is all about.
3. Have a broken ass MP with crappy CoD inspired rush levels as a beta. Maybe a couple of proper BF maps in release(who knows at this point? No show has not increased my confidence)
4. Set hard deadline to beat MW3 release date
5. Release game with disappointing corridor SP and broken MP. Bugs galore.
6. DA2 of FPS'es

I hope i'm wrong, i really hope :) Battlefield 2 is my all time favorite FPS, but i really don't have any confidence with this anymore... Nothing that they have showed of SP has impressed me and this beta is awful in many ways.
Have you played Caspian Border? It's fucking incredible man.
Played a game for almost an hour. It was weird, there was a guy messing with the damage making it either take a whole clip, or one bullet. Then he added more tickets which practically restarted the game. And on the last ticket, the game crashed.

Makes me so angry.

avatar quote
Ezduo said:
If you can still hear things you should still be able to join. Your hud is just invisible but if you click around you'll actually hear the sound effects from switching tabs and such, just click in the bottom right area where the deploy button should be and you'll spawn. Thing is, you won't have a hub there either. I don't know how and I assume it's just dumb luck but eventually the hub might come up and you'll be able to play normally. The server will probably crash at the end though.

Quoting this because it's what works.

Yo Gotti

I feel pretty bad for DICE about the reception this beta is getting.

I really hope they clean it up and we end up with a good, proper BF on consoles, and I'm convinced after playing that they haven't made anything like a "COD Clone" like some people seem to be saying(which I also don't get, it plays nothing like COD).

I just find it really hard to believe they can fix all of these issues before launch later this month.


Tier Whore
excaliburps said:
The kicker, people bitching about BUGS in a beta. Yes, people seem to think that betas should be like retail games...Sigh.

Dude a beta is done months before release, not 3 weeks, anything so close to D day s just a glorified demo...
So i'm hearing that this game needs to be delayed?

Gee, I wonder why there isn't a Modern Warfare 3 open beta..because people would just say the same thing about that. A beta was a bad idea for them, good idea for us because now we know how bad BF3 is right now.

It just really really needs a delay.

"Above and Beyond the Call" my ass.
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