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Battlefield 3 Beta: Info and Meetups [Over]


SoulPlaya said:
Yeah, I'm playing on 360, and it's relatively ugly, but the lighting looks good imo.
Watching an RPG go down the metro is awesome.

Everything else, though, ugly as shit. The first time i joined a game i couldn't get over how shitty my players arm looked. [holding weapon]


ColonialRaptor said:
What the fark it is easily the best looking game ever released, are you playing on PC?

That's going a bit far. Crysis 2 looks more impressive to me.

The sp will probably look better but the mp isn't exatly mind blowing. The water effect looks pretty bad in particular.


I feel retarded for not spotting until now, and I was spamming the shit out of it in BC2. Damn the people in this game not using this feature. I just played for maybe 20 minutes and it felt so good lighting up the entire team on the radar again.


Not impressed with what I've played so far. Then again I'm playing the 360 version. Where are all the jets and tanks they showed off in the trailer? Maybe this just isn't my style of MP...game felt really slow and plodding to me. I think this demo might have actually dissuaded me from buying the game, unless the single player is REALLY REALLY good.


SalsaShark said:
in other maps

Well if they are going to put out a demo to try and get people to buy the game, they should actually demo a map that has some of the major selling points of the MP. Unless this is strictly being used as a bug/feedback and stress test.


Starting to get Xbox and PS3 servers to show up. It couldn't be though because their limit is 24-players.

henhowc said:
Well if they are going to put out a demo to try and get people to buy the game, they should actually demo a map that has some of the major selling points of the MP. Unless this is strictly being used as a bug/feedback and stress test.

*sigh* people it's a BETA.

Emily Chu

vidal said:
Starting to get Xbox and PS3 servers to show up. It couldn't be though because they're limit is 24-players.


what was that game called that allow PC/ 360/ PS3 to play together ? shadowlands, shadow hearts.... Shadow something FPS


ColonialRaptor said:
Wholly shit... I didn't know this, I only went in once, I hope I don't get banned! I'm not gonna go in again :/

sounds like people are getting banned or something. theres some nice "fuck you ea" threads in the forum. there were people talking about using cheats earlier today in a match i was playing too. thats pretty bad to see cheaters that fast.
also sad to see a massive bronie thread on the forum.

fawaz said:

you have to wait. it can take minutes before it launches. also make sure you're using the beta drivers. the game would fail to load with my old ones.


big_z said:
sounds like people are getting banned or something. theres some nice "fuck you ea" threads in the forum. there were people talking about using cheats earlier today in a match i was playing too. thats pretty bad to see cheaters that fast.
also sad to see a massive bronie thread on the forum.

you have to wait. it can take minutes before it launches. also make sure you're using the beta drivers. the game would fail to load with my old ones.

Beta with no anti cheat software..... yeah theres gona be cheaters. But mostly the cheats have been glitch related so far.


Anyone know how to get smoke grenades? I saw one guy yesterday who used them but he didnt answer when I tried asking him how he got them.
Keasar said:
Anyone know how to get smoke grenades? I saw one guy yesterday who used them but he didnt answer when I tried asking him how he got them.

I just unlocked them and they are amazing. Surprisingly easy to kill people with them as well.

They're one of a few unlocks for the assault class's grenade launcher. Just unlock the noob tube and then rack up kills to unlock the smoke.


sw33tclyde said:
I just unlocked them and they are amazing. Surprisingly easy to kill people with them as well.

They're one of a few unlocks for the assault class's grenade launcher. Just unlock the noob tube and then rack up kills to unlock the smoke.
Aha, so I have to get kills with it? Damnit, and I who hate noobtubing...

Edit: So how many do I have to get with it? Cause killing people with this thing takes quite a while.


ColonialRaptor said:
What the fark it is easily the best looking game ever released, are you playing on PC?
I'm not playing the game, but none of the PC screenshots that have been posted look anywhere close to what was in the trailers. In fact, they just don't look impressive at all to me.


DICE Bazajaytee said:
If you continue going on the servers over and over then it is a choice you are making on your own accord. Especially now you have been informed of the situation.
Yes, the people who have read that post have been informed. When you inform everyone in a way that can´t be avoided, say an annoying pop-up, then you can say everyone has been informed.
Keasar said:
Aha, so I have to get kills with it? Damnit, and I who hate noobtubing...

It's great for clearing rooms. And the second unlock is the 40mm darts.. which I had a blast with. If you like shotguns in this game you'll adore the darts. ;)

Edit: I'm not sure how many kills you need, as it isn't listed anywhere in-game or on Battlelog. Just keep grinding away and you'll get them eventually, they're next after the darts.

Edit2: Actually looking at my stats, I have 22 kills with the noob tube - 2 of which were smoke iirc. So I'd say it takes 20 kills to unlock the smoke.


for me, the fun in this game is finding a way around the "campers" and then raping them from behind, slaughtering the whole team just about.


Can anyone here link me to an unofficial server. I'm really hoping Caspian will put my faith back into Battlefield 3 again.


Max said:
It's saying every single game is full for me now, anyone else? 2/32...

Beta Battlelog is Beta.
Well, I had the only server ingame that worked and no one would join it. It even had 20 people at one point and they all raged on one side after we whooped them, lol.


Keasar said:
Aha, so I have to get kills with it? Damnit, and I who hate noobtubing...

Edit: So how many do I have to get with it? Cause killing people with this thing takes quite a while.
Noobtube? Do you mean the Pro-pipe?
No not serious I hate that shit


Can't get matchmaking to work and I just got a Battle Report from 2 days ago even though 1) I didn't play the demo 2 days ago and 2) the report is for the 360 version when I'm logged in with an account that is PC only. Wut.


Getting PC errors, can't even launch the game. A generic game error was reported, please try again. ( code: 1 )
Noisepurge said:
But you can't deny that a hyped beta like this isn't doing the job of a glorified demo as well. And this close to releasing the actual product.

Slapping the Beta Tag on your Demo is cost efficient and allows you to use the ever trusty: "It's just a Beta"TM Excuse.

And even the Beta Excuse doesn't make Metro suddenly a good map.

BTW anyone else noticed the cheap cutout shadow gradient around the gun? Just select the SV98 and go prone. While crouching forward you should notice the hovering shadow around the edges of the gun... looks comically bad.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
It's impossible to camp

Sooner or later you will get killed

Campers are those people that stay @ same position for the whole game go 12-0 and think they are god's gift to the human race for being so 1337

Smart BF players weed out the scrubs and own them, I make it my personally duty to go stab these mofo's who just sit on a hill think that is what it means to be Recon

Recons first and foremost are suppose to call out enemies, alert the front lines, which way enemies are approaching, so the team can shift defense towards that area
The are suppose to lay suppressive fire in the vicinity of enemies or help one of their teammates run away from ambush
Most importantly you should be trying to nullify their Recons and pushing the enemies towards the area were the front line can attack and kill them

The only thing that sucks about this is the lone wolf approach is so embedded into the gaming culture, you rarely get any teamwork done

I literally go out of my fucking way to get teammates revive them, heal them, ammo them up, every time I spawn, I always get to choke points, drop what ever class I am supplies and move forward

Remember DEFENDERS defend, they are not camping, they are protecting the MCOM's, they can't just run around like headless chickens so you attackers can rack up kills because you have an infinite supply of kills, while defender just need to knock a 100 of you out and game over

If anyone camps it's the Attackers, go figure
5+ think their super snipers and fire their M11 Mods with ACOG's from the crater hole and stay there, while Defenders get upset and move up to meet and wreck them, and take away any area that they had and get them to push back out to starting positions

I wish squads worked, I wish mics worked, cause with 4 smart BF players, you can takeover the whole fucking game
The squad perks are so beneficial for the whole squad, 1 with sqd flak, 1 with sprint, 1 with sqd ammo, and 1 with sqd explv

Meaning all of you will be running with all 4 perks activated making all 4 of you fucking powerhouses

I can't wait for BF3, I love Objective based games, I love teamwork, I love working together and getting the WIN which is the most important part in any game
I'm DAY 1, hopefully I see some of you on the Battlefield on the PS3, cause I'm ready


GraveRobberX said:
The only thing that sucks about this is the lone wolf approach is so embedded into the gaming culture, you rarely get any teamwork done
But we're GAF. If GAF plays with GAF we can have excellent teams.
Mr Sandman said:
Figured out how to attach the grenade launcher to the gun: just choose the underslung rail with the grenade launcher equipped. Pretty obvious, but I didn't read the underslung description. :p I think it makes switching to it and back to the rifle quicker, which can be worth giving up the foregrip for. Either way I love how you can attach it or not.
Oh wow!


GraveRobberX said:
It's impossible to camp

Sooner or later you will get killed

Campers are those people that stay @ same position for the whole game go 12-0 and think they are god's gift to the human race for being so 1337

Smart BF players weed out the scrubs and own them, I make it my personally duty to go stab these mofo's who just sit on a hill think that is what it means to be Recon

Recons first and foremost are suppose to call out enemies, alert the front lines, which way enemies are approaching, so the team can shift defense towards that area
The are suppose to lay suppressive fire in the vicinity of enemies or help one of their teammates run away from ambush
Most importantly you should be trying to nullify their Recons and pushing the enemies towards the area were the front line can attack and kill them

The only thing that sucks about this is the lone wolf approach is so embedded into the gaming culture, you rarely get any teamwork done

I literally go out of my fucking way to get teammates revive them, heal them, ammo them up, every time I spawn, I always get to choke points, drop what ever class I am supplies and move forward

Remember DEFENDERS defend, they are not camping, they are protecting the MCOM's, they can't just run around like headless chickens so you attackers can rack up kills because you have an infinite supply of kills, while defender just need to knock a 100 of you out and game over

If anyone camps it's the Attackers, go figure
5+ think their super snipers and fire their M11 Mods with ACOG's from the crater hole and stay there, while Defenders get upset and move up to meet and wreck them, and take away any area that they had and get them to push back out to starting positions

I wish squads worked, I wish mics worked, cause with 4 smart BF players, you can takeover the whole fucking game
The squad perks are so beneficial for the whole squad, 1 with sqd flak, 1 with sprint, 1 with sqd ammo, and 1 with sqd explv

Meaning all of you will be running with all 4 perks activated making all 4 of you fucking powerhouses

I can't wait for BF3, I love Objective based games, I love teamwork, I love working together and getting the WIN which is the most important part in any game
I'm DAY 1, hopefully I see some of you on the Battlefield on the PS3, cause I'm ready
Agree with you on all points.

This is why when I'm on squad that plays like a team, I enjoy the most. Even if my stats in that round are shit (good chances are they wont be), it still gives me more pleasure than going a lone wolf on disjointed squad and get great stats.

Btw, is there an official keyboard layout? How can we change the bindings? Thanks.


MuseManMike said:
I'll probably send some gaffers FR on PS3 when the game comes out.
I play on PS3, I'm not particularity good, but I learn fast. I've gone from the fat kid no one chooses to a decent productive member of a group. Even defended an objective almost all by lonesome and won a game for my team.


NBtoaster said:
Gotta say I like the feel of the default sniper without the scope. 2 quick shots, and you're dead.
I forgot which scope it was, I think the x8, but I hate how it removes all vision but the scope, I hate that, whereas the x4 you can see more of your surroundings.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
kitch9 said:
I'm sorry, but what the fuck are you on about?

Sometimes if an enemy zooms past you, you can kill them just by shooting at their feet when you are in a prone position, and it sometimes it registers with a crosshair signifying it as a headshot, hope that is what he's talking about

Your bullets just hit the edge on the back of the boot

Anyone getting the feeling that your hit-box is trailing you?, Shooting Latency

Remember this in BFBC2

Shooting Latency

Trailing Hit-Box

Sometime people die around corners, with my bullets, and I have died many times to the same thing
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