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Battlefield 3 Beta: Info and Meetups [Over]


I might only play Back to Karkand when it's released.

Didn't they confirm Sharqui Peninsula? Easily one of my favorite BF2 maps.
G_Berry said:
I'm still in shock that DICE showed off Metro AGAIN as opposed to Caspian Border.

How out of touch are these guys?

My guess is that they didn't want all the PC gamers playing that awesome map with 64 players and showing the huge disparity between the lowly 24 player version on consoles (gotta nab those COD crowd dollars)

Suits would've discussed that in a meeting for sure.

Thinking about it, they're not that stupid. They're just not.

There's some unknown motive to use Metro over Caspian.


Legato.Reborn- said:
Thinking about it, they're not that stupid. They're just not.

There's some unknown motive to use Metro over Caspian.
Bad Company 1 Beta was awesome on Oasis and Ascension. I don't understand the map choice at all here.
sigh I wish the PS3 demo looked like that. Is there any info if the final game will look like this? It looks like crap. Also dunno WTF is wrong but when I try to respawn on the menu sometimes it wont respawn on some of my teamates squad. And when you sprint sometimes it feels like one of his foot getts glued on the floor.


Legato.Reborn- said:
Thinking about it, they're not that stupid. They're just not.

There's some unknown motive to use Metro over Caspian.

Someone said it a couple pages back. To the chagrin of us battlefield fans, CoD is still the go-to game in the genre. BF3 is going to go directly up against MW3 so in order to hemorrhage some of CoD's player base, DICE puts out a map that CoD players will feel comfortable on. If they jumped onto Caspian Border right away, they wouldn't know what to do.


SixStringPsycho said:
sigh I wish the PS3 demo looked like that. Is there any info if the final game will look like this? It looks like crap. Also dunno WTF is wrong but when I try to respawn on the menu sometimes it wont respawn on some of my teamates squad. And when you sprint sometimes it feels like one of his foot getts glued on the floor.
There's absolutely no way the PS3 version will look as good as that.
Legato.Reborn- said:
Thinking about it, they're not that stupid. They're just not.

There's some unknown motive to use Metro over Caspian.

Probably any number of reasons.

Most likely they already had a branched build of Metro from showcasing at conventions to which they could update to before firing off to cert. Easier than say, dedicating precious time to have a dozen devs work on getting a stable console branch with a caspian addition.

Considering the beta was focused on testing their backend and more importantly, battlelog, why would a dev waste time on adding a new map to the build when it isn't a priority to their goals?


sonfrancisco said:
Probably any number of reasons.

Most likely they already had a branched build of Metro from showcasing at conventions to which they could update to before firing off to cert. Easier than say, dedicating precious time to have a dozen devs work on getting a stable console branch with a caspian addition.

Considering the beta was focused on testing their backend and more importantly, battlelog, why would a dev waste time on adding a new map to the build when it isn't a priority to their goals?

Because it's the only chance for the general public to test a game which has made constant attacks on the most famous FPS brand of our time and it was their chance to show new gamers that Battlefield never was and never will be a Call of Duty like game. They did that in the past with maps that showed what Battlefield really is about (vehicles and objectives), but they chose a map that had none of those (okay, objectives are there, in a limited form) and had bugs and glitches that betas never did in the past.

I was in a very very closed Homefront alpha for months and I gave several bug reports - most of the problems I've had there appeared here, in a BF beta, 1 month (!) before release. I know that it's an old build (my EA rep warned me about that) but when you have only one chance to show off a game ,especially in a time like this, you couldn't have done a worse job than this. Making a demo takes a huge effort and it diverts time and manpower from finalizing the product, but if the game was in this state 1-2 months ago, then they should have just gone with a normal demo before release and not this.

It is clear for me that they are still overworked and they don't have the time and manpower to do a total engine and gamechange in the time they were allowed, especially with 3 platforms. You could argue that Xbox 360 and PS3 are old hardware, and, its' not a great example, but look at Rage: for me, BF3 is the first and only game that made me wish for a more powerful console. I have never, ever thought about that before. The console version is simply just a mess: no matter how many hours they put into crunch mode, it's clear that they should have been given more time to polish things: a decent, usual spring launch would have made the game significantly better. And yes, I will still buy it on Day 1: even though I have a lot of negative things to say about the beta, over time, I was able to get past it's problems and enjoy it as it is and I'm sure I will like the full version a LOT better, especially on vehicle oriented maps.

If you were reading forums all over the net, the beta really achieved one thing: it got a LOT of people asking themselves if they really want to purchase it day 1, which, would one think, is the total opposite of the effect one would expect from a promotional tool. Doesn't matter if its a beta or a demo. And the problem just got worse with their traditionally awful PR and communication: the hacked-server ban messeage, the months of silence about the start of the beta, the Battlelog news (especially the what is a beta column, which was simply ridiculous) and the shunning of the console versions.


ive never played the BF series, but playing this demo and seeing shots of Caspian without being able to play it has just made me drop 20$ on BF:BC2
Deadly said:
There's absolutely no way the PS3 version will look as good as that.
Im not asking if they will look like the PC, I know it wont. What Im stating is if the graphics and lighting in the Beta are Alpha stage. Its blurry and doesnt look as sharp and many other games Ive played.


Trucker Sexologist
Legato.Reborn- said:
Thinking about it, they're not that stupid. They're just not.

There's some unknown motive to use Metro over Caspian.
It's not really unknown. This generation of mainstream gamers doesn't have the patience for a traditional BF experience. Metro is pretty much a non-stop firefight. I don't even think 64 player Karkand was that fast paced.


Tunavi said:
Found a glitch where a teammate was having a seizure. My roommate and I thought it was hilarious. 360 version, have you guys seen this glitch yet?

Here's the video
That's the dead body glitch. Whenever you see an enemy's body doing that. Shoot it to death (again lol). They look dead but arent.....really, they're running around the map as an invisible player (and they dont even know it). You cant shoot at the invisible player and kill him, you have to seek out his body and shoot it to death (again).

So when people yell out YOU'RE A GLITCHER! then now you know why. It's because you were invisible to them and they see your dead body laying somewhere in a killcam lol.

Found out how all that worked myself :D
I was telling Chmstry, earlier, that it actually sounded like a really fun game mode.


alright i'm done with this beta and i'm uninstalling it.

this lag is making it unplayable for me. really fun otherwise but i'm just hoping they can fix that shit. Dark Souls is out today anyhow so i'm good.


Legato.Reborn- said:
Thinking about it, they're not that stupid. They're just not.

There's some unknown motive to use Metro over Caspian.

They don't have to be that stupid when EA will be that stupid for them. Metro was picked to show CoD gamers that BF can do CoD gameplay, it is fairly obvious. They've already got the bf players on board, why cater to them?


SixStringPsycho said:
Im not asking if they will look like the PC, I know it wont. What Im stating is if the graphics and lighting in the Beta are Alpha stage. Its blurry and doesnt look as sharp and many other games Ive played.

i would hope dice would at least add the missing light bloom and greatly reduce texture pop-in on the 360 version.

whats the reason behind the console versions being limited to 24 players?


Neo Member
blargh, battlelog maintenance :(

ColonialRaptor said:
I'm sure the Mobile Spawnpoint is great in Conquest, but I think it's OP in Rush

I agree. It's also kind of superfluous since you can already spawn on any squadmate. I wouldn't be surprised if they nerf it by making it easier to spot.
I'm sure the Mobile Spawnpoint is great in Conquest, but I think it's OP in Rush, using this thing I can just own the shit out of the enemy by constantly staying behind their lines, it's just way too powerful, never mind the fact that people are too stupid to find and destroy it when you keep spawning behind them and shooting them in the back, but not once was my team been defeated while I'm defending using this tactic today, especially when I was coaching the other players in my squad to join me, we pushed them back in the first section so that they couldn't even get up to the objectives, it was madness.


Finally had some time to play and I am loving it. Playing on the pc and after hearing the rebelFM battlelog impressions I was not looking for forward to using it. I am in love with it though. It's so fast to refresh and I really liked the party system and that it has voice chat.

If anyone here listens to rebelFM you might want to skip this weeks episode. Full of misinformation about battlelog and lots of complaints that are weird. Saying level design is as bad as medal of honor when they have only played 1 map.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
posted this in the performance thread but just in case. Those new AMD Rage drivers really boosted my bf3 performance by a pretty hefty margin.


Doc Holliday said:
posted this in the performance thread but just in case. Those new AMD Rage drivers really boosted my bf3 performance by a pretty hefty margin.
I hope others find the same thing because that could help me out a lot. I have decent settings right now but could go higher as long as I can keep the big drop areas at 30. It's so low out in the park and it's fine everywhere else including Caspian.


In contrast, this is how I play the game.





Ha ha ha ha ha.


Laptop with i5 2540m & GT 540m 1GB, everything low except textures on high.



man HUD scaling to resolution keeps pissing me off. I can get the game to look like that but the HUD is 5 times bigger. That shit just doesnt happen with other games, fix it dice!


Quick melee question folks.

I've knifed quite a few people in the beta, yet when I look at the dogtags I've captured there is none listed.

Are the servers not tracking captured dogtags or is there some way you need to perform teh melee to register the tag?

This is on the 360 btw...


I am not Max
ColonialRaptor said:
Here are some of my beautiful shots of the Caspian Landscape... I picked out all of the ones that I felt looked the absolute best.

They have been Re-Sized to 1280x720 from 2560x1440, click on each image to see the original size.
Specs and monitor? I'm saving up for whatever you have.

I need to play the game like this.


Something I wonder is, why the hell include Caspian Border in the open beta client when we arent supposed to be playing it anyway? Just give some seperate client to those "priveliged community members" who are going to try Caspian and shit like password leaks would have never happened and Zh1nt0 would have never had to complain about it.


Ubersnug said:
Yup, you can choose from teh ones you have unlocked in the battlelog.
Thought so! I unlocked a few, couldn't find the customization in game... Inconsistency between game/battlelog FTW...


Ubersnug said:
Quick melee question folks.

I've knifed quite a few people in the beta, yet when I look at the dogtags I've captured there is none listed.

Are the servers not tracking captured dogtags or is there some way you need to perform teh melee to register the tag?

This is on the 360 btw...

doesn't matter anyway though, everything is going to be reset but yup sometimes stats/records don't record


I found metro to be enjoyable but , there's not much destructible stuff in it (only at the last defense point where the building face is able to be destroyed).


bigswords said:
I found metro to be enjoyable but , there's not much destructible stuff in it (only at the last defense point where the building face is able to be destroyed).
Seems to me like pretty much all the walls around most of the objectives can be destroyed by RPGs.
Regarding the PS3 Platoon, i think the member cap is at 100 members. We are currently at 64.

If it gets full, i will start to remove players that have not been actively playing. And after the retail release if you start to play it again, you should apply back to the posse :D


Press - MP1st.com
Noisepurge said:
Regarding the PS3 Platoon, i think the member cap is at 100 members. We are currently at 64.

If it gets full, i will start to remove players that have not been actively playing. And after the retail release if you start to play it again, you should apply back to the posse :D

What are platoons for and can I be in more than one? :) I know it makes you get EXP for the entire team or something, right?

I can't wait to see the retail release. I'm one of the few (6-8 mil) players who loved BC2 as well. Now that the senior DICE people are working on BF3, it's going to spawn-rape BC2 and use it as its Gustvitch!

Yeah, beta is buggy and all but DICE generally makes great games. People seem to forget that...I can't even think of a bad BF game made by DICE. Closest one could be the BF abomination early in the 360's cycle...anyone remember it?
excaliburps said:
What are platoons for and can I be in more than one? :) I know it makes you get EXP for the entire team or something, right?

I can't wait to see the retail release. I'm one of the few (6-8 mil) players who loved BC2 as well. Now that the senior DICE people are working on BF3, it's going to spawn-rape BC2 and use it as its Gustvitch!

Yeah, beta is buggy and all but DICE generally makes great games. People seem to forget that...I can't even think of a bad BF game made by DICE. Closest one could be the BF abomination early in the 360's cycle...anyone remember it?

Platoon is a BF3 term for a clan or a group. I don't think you can get any bonuses from it, just make it easier to play with other gaffers and compare skills on the Stats page. (http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/platoon/2826550451864093185/stats/)

And yes you can be a part of several platoons.


How do I get to play with someone in our gaf platoon?
How to set it up on ps3?
What to do?

This question may be irrelevant now, bacause we are still in beta...or is it?

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