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Battlefield 3 Beta: Info and Meetups [Over]

red731 said:
How do I get to play with someone in our gaf platoon?
How to set it up on ps3?
What to do?

This question may be irrelevant now, bacause we are still in beta...or is it?


you can't do any of these things yet :D
darkwing said:
so you need a PC nearby for the console versions?

Well, i don't think DICE has said anything regarding console versions of Battlelog. I assume you will need a PC to do these things. (or the PS3 browser)

But, i hope and assume also that console versions of BF3 will know what platoons you are in and show the people in it on your friendlist ingame and allow you to join games etc.

On the PC the online Battlelog allows you to instantly join games and such cool stuff.


I played the beta for the first time on my PS3 last night and had some impressions after playing a couple games:

1. "Ew"
2. "WTF?"
3. "Am I playing the right game?"

Going to give it a couple more plays this week before I decide to pre-order or not. As of now I'd rather wait X amount of months until shit gets fixed.


Neo Member
X-Frame said:
I played the beta for the first time on my PS3 last night and had some impressions after playing a couple games:

1. "Ew"
2. "WTF?"
3. "Am I playing the right game?"

Going to give it a couple more plays this week before I decide to pre-order or not. As of now I'd rather wait X amount of months until shit gets fixed.

Dont base your preorder on a "Beta" WHich is essential just a stress test anyway.

This game will be amazing.


Played it for the first time last night, its BF. Was tough but fun as I expected. Although I was high as fuck so I cant remember much. Will play again tonight!


Noisepurge said:
Does anyone have any opinions on why you should use the Muzzle break instead of a Silencer? They both weaken the damage :/

It removes muzzle flash, doesn´t it? The only reason for that would be really, really dark night maps, I guess, where you can stalk around in the dark and kill unseen. Silencer would be for brighter maps, where you can better hide by silently killing from behind a bush or rock or shooting people in the back without anyone noticing.


DICE wanted to make even more unlocks for XP whores.


Binabik15 said:
It removes muzzle flash, doesn´t it? The only reason for that would be really, really dark night maps, I guess, where you can stalk around in the dark and kill unseen. Silencer would be for brighter maps, where you can better hide by silently killing from behind a bush or rock or shooting people in the back without anyone noticing.


DICE wanted to make even more unlocks for XP whores.

sometimes i notice snipers have a bright white flash. its either muzzle flash, a flashlight, or reflections of the sun. im preeeeetty sure its muzzle flash
Binabik15 said:
It removes muzzle flash, doesn´t it? The only reason for that would be really, really dark night maps, I guess, where you can stalk around in the dark and kill unseen.

And this is why i would use a silencer as it also eliminates any muzzle flash.

mcrae said:
sometimes i notice snipers have a bright white flash. its either muzzle flash, a flashlight, or reflections of the sun. im preeeeetty sure its muzzle flash

all sniper scopes beyond 6x zoom have a white glare on them.


Binabik15 said:
It removes muzzle flash, doesn´t it? The only reason for that would be really, really dark night maps, I guess, where you can stalk around in the dark and kill unseen. Silencer would be for brighter maps, where you can better hide by silently killing from behind a bush or rock or shooting people in the back without anyone noticing.


DICE wanted to make even more unlocks for XP whores.
I had one experience where seeing someones muzzle flash actually made a difference. There was a sniper hiding behind the smoke that pops up after the subway opens up. You couldn't see him but he was firing randomly at one of my teammates and his muzzle flashes lit up the smoke like the sun. I spotted for him and emptied a full clip into the smoke and ended up killing him. Was pretty badass and I imagine a tiny taste of whats possible in the full game.
F#A#Oo said:
How do I change my image in battlelog? I signed up to gravatar...but I still have the default pic...

It really irritates me that I have to sign up for some other service just to change a damned avatar...


Neo Member
F#A#Oo said:
How do I change my image in battlelog? I signed up to gravatar...but I still have the default pic...
once you upload an avatar to your gravatar account it should update autmoatically. it doesn't update straight away though. i think it took an hour before my battlelog updated with my new avatar.


Noisepurge said:
And this is why i would use a silencer as it also eliminates any muzzle flash.

all sniper scopes beyond 6x zoom have a white glare on them.

is it just always present? do you have to be within a certain field of vision perhaps?


Snkfanatic said:
It really irritates me that I have to sign up for some other service just to change a damned avatar...

Totally agree...

It does say you can automatically sign in if you have a wordpress account...I dunno if that helps people...it didn't for me...


Noisepurge said:
the sniper glare is always visible. this is made to balance out the sniper class.

i was under the impression the glare would only start to become visible if the sniper sits in the same location for a while...i.e camps! at the moment the glare is visible while the sniper runs around, its really not very well balanced.


Arcipello said:
i was under the impression the glare would only start to become visible if the sniper sits in the same location for a while...i.e camps! at the moment the glare is visible while the sniper runs around, its really not very well balanced.

Long as you use 4x or lower scopes there is no glare at all.
Arcipello said:
i was under the impression the glare would only start to become visible if the sniper sits in the same location for a while...i.e camps! at the moment the glare is visible while the sniper runs around, its really not very well balanced.

Yeah i meant it shows when the sniper uses the scope. You can run around with the weapon lowered and the glare is gone. But as soon as you take aim you will be more visible. (unless using a 4x scope or lower as said before)


Noisepurge said:
And this is why i would use a silencer as it also eliminates any muzzle flash.

Hm, then maybe the silencer is broken? I´ve only played with a silencer a bit, didn´t notice the lack of muzzle flash.

I think the scope glare should only appear after a kill without moving around or something, right now snipers are seen to easily. It´s not like they´re wookies as in BC2 (but a ghille suit in the new engine would be badass looking, I´d say). Then again, why am I complaining about visible recons, that makes it easier to send them a rocket, hehe.

I have the Stinger unlocked, but I haven´t tried it, is it super ineffective against infantry or something?

PS: How exactly do you get the squad wipe bonus? Do you have to kill the last currently living squad member, or everyone from a squad once or what? In my glorius hallway rampage game I got the Squad Wipe Ribbon and I don´t even know why.
Binabik15 said:
PS: How exactly do you get the squad wipe bonus? Do you have to kill the last currently living squad member, or everyone from a squad once or what? In my glorius hallway rampage game I got the Squad Wipe Ribbon and I don´t even know why.

Kill the last living member of said squad. I've done it twice by killing only one person who happened to be the last person alive in their squad.



Being the squad leader is fun. There's no additional pressure (since anyone can spawn on anyone) and you get random points the whole match for looking at an objective and hitting the spot button at the start of each phase.


360 squad management(before finding a match) and party stuff is completely bonked in the beta. Anyone else having issues with this?


When we are at it -
aiming down the scope and pressing select to spot is breaking my arms and finger.

How do you guys do it with you being pissed at that?


Settings wise, what has little to no impact on performance? I've successfully set my textures to high, keeping shadows on low, looking to set shaders to medium, AA post to high and keep my 30-40fps.
red731 said:
When we are at it -
aiming down the scope and pressing select to spot is breaking my arms and finger.

How do you guys do it with you being pissed at that?

Years of practise!

And i'm quite sure the unseen snipers will be more balanced out in larger open environment maps. The Metro one is a pretty lousy map to demonstrate Battlefield since the distances are really short and there are no vehicles or buildings.


edit: i mean in a situation like this in BF2, a glaring sniper scope does give you atleast a fighting chance against that enemy sniper.

Emily Chu

darkwing said:
so you need a PC nearby for the console versions?

srsly who doesn't have a laptop, netbook, smartphone, tablet, PS3 browser, desktop, thats rated M over 18?
if you only own a 360 how are people even on GAF?

PC or some form of internet on 24/7 365


is now taking requests
ultron87 said:
Being the squad leader is fun. There's no additional pressure (since anyone can spawn on anyone) and you get random points the whole match for looking at an objective and hitting the spot button at the start of each phase.

Is there anything more to do as squadleader?
Emily Chu said:
srsly who doesn't have a laptop, netbook, smartphone, tablet, PS3 browser, desktop, thats rated M over 18?
if you only own a 360 how are people even on GAF?

PC or some form of internet on 24/7 365

Yes but we still can't join PS3 games through our PCs and use other ingame community features.


BrLvgThrChmstry said:
Kill the last living member of said squad. I've done it twice by killing only one person who happened to be the last person alive in their squad.


Ah, that´s quite easy, then.

If you have to get even a quarter of the medals in this game for trophies or achievement my heart will go out to all the trophy whores. Look at them. "Jet Service Medal: Spend 20 hours in jets", "MVP Medal: obtain the MVP ribbon 50 times", "spend 50 hours as Recon/Assault/Engineer/support", "Nemesis Medal: obtain the Nemesis ribbon 50 times", "spend ten hours in stationary weapons", "obtain teh M-Com Attacker Ribbon [=destroy 3 m-coms in one round]" etc, etc.

I got the M-Com Attacker pin twice in BC2, it´s pretty hard to blow up 4 m-coms (half the m-coms in a map) in one roundwithout cheap tacits, especially when other people try to blow them up as well. 3 should be easier, but I´m sure not going to hunt medals in this game.Being MVP 50 times with 64 player games should be quite the challenge as well.

Noisepurge said:
And i'm quite sure the unseen snipers will be more balanced out in larger open environment maps. The Metro one is a pretty lousy map to demonstrate Battlefield since the distances are really short and there are no vehicles or buildings.

And that really sucks, I love blowing them up or repairing them! Engi 4 life!

Angry Fork

I can't check battlelog for these kinds of options right now so maybe someone else can confirm. Is there a way right now to start a party with a friend or follow them into rooms? Or a way to manually get into their squad? If not will this stuff be in the final game?


Lostconfused said:
Yeah I only spawned as an engineer once in this beta and that was by accident.

There´s still a lot of fun to be had by shooting rockets down narrow halls and into tiny rooms, but yeah, bring back the vehicle!


I can only judge based on the screens on the last page, but it looks like they really nailed the feeling of looking up in the sky and seeing jets whizzing past. It looks so convincing in screens.


When you're controlling the EOD bot, how do you switch out from it after you activate it? BTW, that thing is great for sneaking in and arming/disarming M-Coms, saved a few games that way.
Noisepurge said:
Does anyone have any opinions on why you should use the Muzzle break instead of a Silencer? They both weaken the damage :/

Binabik15 said:
Hm, then maybe the silencer is broken? I´ve only played with a silencer a bit, didn´t notice the lack of muzzle flash.

Muzzle Break eliminates the flash but decreases damage and increases recoil, right? Suppressor eliminates the flash but your rounds travel a good deal slower and do less damage at long range.

Arcipello said:
i was under the impression the glare would only start to become visible if the sniper sits in the same location for a while...i.e camps! at the moment the glare is visible while the sniper runs around, its really not very well balanced.

Noisepurge said:
the sniper glare is always visible. this is made to balance out the sniper class.

Woo-Fu said:
Long as you use 4x or lower scopes there is no glare at all.

Scope glare appears for ANY scopes 6x and above and is directional-based, meaned they have to be aiming in your direction. It doesn't kick in after a certain amount of time, it's always there.


Khal_B said:
When you're controlling the EOD bot, how do you switch out from it after you activate it? BTW, that thing is great for sneaking in and arming/disarming M-Coms, saved a few games that way.

Press E like you are leaving a vehicle.


Junior Butler
Pennybags said:
Is there any way to regain control of it without picking it back up and redeploying it?

Hit 4 (special kit) then left click (fire). You pull out your Gameboy deal and take control.
Quick question. Anyone else has the "problem" that the veteran status is displayed wrong? I have status 4 (which is the correct number) when I check at the Bad Company 2 site - but only 2 in Battlelog. I play both games on the PS3. It is only a minor issue but if there is again a free weapon for veterans I would like to get it aswell.


JaggedSac said:
360 squad management(before finding a match) and party stuff is completely bonked in the beta. Anyone else having issues with this?

Yes, everyone is. Won't get fixed until the full release, so don't expect to be able to play with friends without a major hassle. We had to spend 45 minutes once backing out and joining games until were able to play together. Couldn't even get in the same squad still though.


Junior Butler
vaelic said:
Here is a BF3 feedback thread that needs to be bumped repeatedly and signed. It looks like squad management isn't something the devs intended to include in the final release. There are 53 pages to the thread at this point. Let's do our part to keep our server and TS3 fun and effective.


There's no way they intend on leaving the current automatic squad management system.

At least I hope not. Surely not.

No way.


Horse Detective

Why the long case?
Need some advice from the PC aficionados...

I have been playing bf3 on a resolution lower than 1920 by 1080, on my 2010 i3 iMac...

If I wanted to build a pc capable of playing it on the highest resolution, with no graphics issues, what hardware should I buy, + costs, etc.

I would google this, but the information seems a little dated...
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