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Battlefield 3 Beta: Info and Meetups [Over]


0 framerate lag on caspian 64 players, but lots of server/network lag kinda annoying

Question: i can never remember do i want to turn vertical sync on or no?


vaelic said:
two entirely different teams working on SP and MP. they have plenty of MP resources

I never bought that excuse...and above all it seems like a huge waste of resources.

If the MP beta is buggy than clearly not enough time and resources have been thrown at the MP...


Battlefield 3 "Final Hours" Press Event said:
list of improvements I noticed from the beta:

Operation Firestorm – Conquest (Xbox 360)

•A linear map with three flag captures, desert setting, like a cross between Arica Harbor of BFBC2 and Gulf of Oman of BF2.
•Each team has a plethora of vehicles including 2 jets, 2 choppers, tanks and jeeps.
•All flag captures are in the middle of a giant oil refinery spanning most of the map. The refinery contains a lot of tall structures, ladders, cranes, and construction buildings. Great for snipers.
•Though scaled for consoles, map still felt really large. I never once hit the boundaries while flying a jet. Map’s size slightly smaller than Heavy Metal.

Grand Bazaar – Rush (Xbox 360)

I’m not as big a fan of rush, but this map was really fun!
•Middle Eastern setting, lots of alleyways, quick corners, rooms and offshoots to get to the objectives. Found myself a little backwards at times which made it feel less linear.
•Impressive ambient lighting from porch lights and sun, great atmospherics made the city feel life-like.
•Map seem to turn directions as objectives were taken

Caspian Border – Conquest (PS3)

•Though DICE has said the map has been scaled down to fit consoles still, felt very large. Environment looked the same as PC, objectives seem closer than the PC counterpart, that’s really the only difference.
•Lighting effects were phenomenal on this map. Found myself blinded by the sun more than once in a dogfight.
•24 players still felt really fun on this map. I didn’t find myself having to search for people to kill.

New improvements since the beta:

•First thing I noticed on the consoles were the graphics. They looked much better than the beta. Textures were smoother, character movements were much more fluid, and environments seemed to have more warmth to them. Also, the lighting was more dynamic, atmospherics more gritty and present, things just seem to run smoother on this build. All the frame rate issues, glitches, pops and sound drops of the beta were nowhere to be found. Bach reiterated that the beta was already a month and a half old before it was launched because of the time it takes to certify for release. It’s amazing how much polish they were able to put on the game since the beta.

Gameplay changes:

•When placing a spawn beacon or a enemy motion sensor as a sniper, the devices would appear red indicating that it could not be placed in that location. When the device could be placed, it would turn yellow. Very helpful visual cue as the beta gave no cue.
•Your player screen loses color saturation as a new visual indicator (besides the timer) when you go out of bounds.
•Same sort of visual indicator as the out of bounds screen appears but with blood surrounding it when you’re low on health.
•Hit boxes were dramatically improved. My bullets didn’t magically go through enemies’ torsos.
•When running as the assault/medic class, the visual indicator of an incapacitated teammate is more prominent with a circle surrounding the defrib symbol now.
•Jet stick controls on console are similar to BF1943 on console. If you don’t prefer those controls, they are completely customizable. Also, when your jet is low on health, it becomes a little more difficult to control until it is completely incapacitated and falls from the sky. Y (or triangle) switches between your heat-seeking missiles and your cannon. R-bumper (or R1) deploys smoke.
•Flying choppers felt almost exactly like BFBC2. Was able to fly right away.
•Changing views in the vehicles has been moved back to the R-stick much like BFBC1 unlike up on the D-pad on BFBC2.
•Parachutes take little longer to deploy than BFBC2, and while in the air they are a little harder to control to your destination.
•Death animations look more realistic. No more funky physics where their body flies 30 feet across the screen after being killed. Player’s eyes are closed when they die.
•Knifing animation looks a lot better, especially when knifing someone on the ground.
•Frostbite 2 was in full effect in terms of destruction. Buildings were tumbling down, everything was being destroyed around me in most every map I played.
•The amount of damage it takes to kill an enemy on regular mode seems a little less than the beta.
•I was able to equip the knife on the PS3 build. Not sure about the Xbox 360.



F#A#Oo said:
Seriously it's time for DICE to go back to not having single player in their battlefield games...

The MP would be soooooooooooooo much better if they just stopped forcing single-player onto the buyers of BF series.

95% of people are purchasing BF for MP...and not to sound arrogant but if we are stumping up $$$ for the product they are making to us they need to listen up and cut the crap...we are not interested in single-player...don't try and sell us on it...don't go to the media giving them single-player content to feed to us.
I'm actually looking forward to the single player to see what DICE pulls off. I already know the MP will be great, lets see how DICE has improved in single player after the Bad Companys and Mirror's Edge.
F#A#Oo said:
Seriously it's time for DICE to go back to not having single player in their battlefield games...

The MP would be soooooooooooooo much better if they just stopped forcing single-player onto the buyers of BF series.

95% of people are purchasing BF for MP...and not to sound arrogant but if we are stumping up $$$ for the product they are making to us they need to listen up and cut the crap...we are not interested in single-player...don't try and sell us on it...don't go to the media giving them single-player content to feed to us.
Are you me? No? Ok then. I love SP in COD & BF. You dont speak for all of us, mmmkay.
Caspian was pretty laggy, but it's a fun map that reminds me of why I love Battlefield. Big map with lots of destruction, vehicles, and uses for my engineer. Spotting and Stingers become a necessity with all of the choppers and jets buzzing about.


So is every map lagging? That's what some guy in chat said. Felt like every time I took two steps the game would rubberband me back a few inches. Basically unplayable.
So does the server browser not let you filter for maps and stuff yet? Every time I press to filter for Caspian the checkbox doesn't actually fill. So I refresh the page until I find one.
Ezduo said:
So is every map lagging? That's what some guy in chat said. Felt like every time I took two steps the game would rubberband me back a few inches. Basically unplayable.

i tried a handful of servers. All of them I had low ping but was rubberbanding all over the place.


Felium Defensor
Tried Caspian earlier today. Then my machine froze mid-match and had to hard reboot. :/
The map is pretty big. I like the hills; good sniper spots all around. Can get crazy though with jets/choppers/jeeps/soldiers rushing capture points. Good stuff.
Some servers are lagging despite the low ping. I think this game might actually be very demanding hardware wise even for dedicated servers and some of them are struggling. I found that the Multiplay.co.uk servers never lag for me.
Metalmurphy said:
Some servers are lagging despite the low ping. I think this game might actually be very demanding hardware wise even for dedicated servers and some of them are struggling. I found that the Multiplay.co.uk servers never lag for me.
I3D servers all lag. Multiplay indeed don't.
Metalmurphy said:
Some servers are lagging despite the low ping. I think this game might actually be very demanding hardware wise even for dedicated servers and some of them are struggling. I found that the Multiplay.co.uk servers never lag for me.

I was gonna ask for europeans servers that don't lag...., I'll try them later.


aka andydumi
Nostalgia~4ever said:
um what, IGN said firestrom was bigger than caspian. What is it?

They seem to be different sizes based on console/PC. So Caspian on PC could be bigger than console Firestorm. Just like Firestorm on PC may be bigger than console Caspian.


Calibur said:

I will be blown away if this news is true regarding the polish post-beta. Of course, I'm on PC, so I don't really care from that standpoint, but I would love for this game to do well on consoles. Very excited to hear about some of the other multiplayer maps! CAN'T WAIT to get home from work and try out Caspian.


Lol Playing on the PC with my DS3 best of both worlds, till I jump in a vehicle and the aiming goes super fast, any way to fix this?


Trucker Sexologist
Vire said:
Battlefield 3 Multiplayer is Fun - When it works...

And a comment by Jeff Gerstmann


"Starting to get a weird NBA Elite vibe off of this recent Battlefield 3 coverage."

For those who are unaware, NBA Elite was canceled right before release due to technical problems.

I asked Battlefield 3's executive producer Patrick Bach about the technical difficulties we were having, and he was very straight with me. He acknowledged that there was something "very flakey" going on with the PC game at this event, and that if that kind of thing was the norm, that they would not have shown the game at all. "It's super embarrassing," he said. "We have not seen this before. So we need to figure out what it is. We had a QA connecting problem in Romania for instance, we don't know if that has anything to do with it, or if it's driver versions, or the connection in the building."
I can't make any broad statements about the technical sturdiness of Battlefield 3, other than to express the doubts raised by my experiences at yesterday's demo. I sat down and spent an entire day playing a game that consistently froze and crashed, booting me to the desktop, where I had to reconnect using its odd browser interface. Several times I would start a match, get an enemy in my sights and kill him… only to have his body do a lag-freeze and refuse to go down before being dropped back to the desktop. It was beyond aggravating, and it wasted a huge amount of time.
Yeah, not even the beta is that buggy for me. Looks like a configuration issue.


played caspian
well, at least I remember now why I hate big maps in BF since BF2
running around 5 min trying to find someone and getting sniped by a guy prone in the bushes isn't my idea of fun
and don't say squad spawn when everyone in your squad is also doing the "lets wait for someone to run by" by the first flag or waiting at base for the jet -.-
back to metro it is
Vire said:
Battlefield 3 Multiplayer is Fun - When it works...

And a comment by Jeff Gerstmann


"Starting to get a weird NBA Elite vibe off of this recent Battlefield 3 coverage."

For those who are unaware, NBA Elite was canceled right before release due to technical problems.

Elite's cancellation probably had a lot more to do with the game being really awful. It was meant to be a reboot since the Live name was ruined.
Only 3 flags on conquest for console?!? I shunned conquest in BC2 because of this. This saddens me.

Still, i'll give it a proper go. Its just too hard to resist JETS!!!


Junior Butler
Enosh said:
played caspian
well, at least I remember now why I hate big maps in BF since BF2
running around 5 min trying to find someone and getting sniped by a guy prone in the bushes isn't my idea of fun
and don't say squad spawn when everyone in your squad is also doing the "lets wait for someone to run by" by the first flag or waiting at base for the jet -.-
back to metro it is

How did you cope long enough to produce this thought provoking post?


Enosh said:
played caspian
well, at least I remember now why I hate big maps in BF since BF2
running around 5 min trying to find someone and getting sniped by a guy prone in the bushes isn't my idea of fun
and don't say squad spawn when everyone in your squad is also doing the "lets wait for someone to run by" by the first flag or waiting at base for the jet -.-
back to metro it is
This poster right here is why DICE made Metro the beta map.
ii Stryker said:
Only 3 flags on conquest for console?!? I shunned conquest in BC2 because of this. This saddens me.

Still, i'll give it a proper go. Its just too hard to resist JETS!!!
Damn, is this true? What a stupid decision. It's not like the consoles can't handle five flag Conquest mode. Stop fucking over the console crowd, DICE. It's where you're going to make most of your money anyway.


Jack Scofield said:
Damn, is this true? What a stupid decision. It's not like the consoles can't handle five flag Conquest mode. Stop fucking over the console crowd, DICE. It's where you're going to make most of your money anyway.

It probably has more to do with the 24 max player count and having everyone spread over 5 flags. It'd probably be tough to find people to shoot at.
caspian looks so great. These pics are from high settings: (not ultra)





Lol sniped a fucker off the antenna just now he took a good 3 seconds to hit the ground, best part was watching him hit so much shit on the way down


Finally played Caspian. God, it is glorious. The game finally clicked with me when I was charging the Checkpoint cap, seeing tanker trucks blowing up in big balls of flames while jets were roaring overhead. That is Battlefield. This game isn't about picnics in the park.


Damn idiots. This is the map they should have led this Beta off with. Felt and played like a BF game and was finally able to rank up as I was able to actually play it like I was accustomed to playing a BF game. I was so close to canceling my preorder but this map did the job.

Its going to be rough though on maps with aircrafts as half the damn team was waiting around for one.


News to me on IGN that if you install BF3 on consoles you get high res textures, very nice.

"There's a voluntary install on the 360," Liu said to GamerZines. "I think Rage did it as well, where you can install content to stream higher res textures.

I just want to play this game with fucking vehicles, they couldn't have chosen a worse map to show off BF3 on consoles.


LQX said:
Its going to be rough though on maps with aircrafts as half the damn team was waiting around for one.

That really is idiotic since they were all probably beaten by people spawning in the plane. I quite like that option.


Now I am starting to love the game. Metro left a bad taste in my mouth, Caspian however washed that right out.

Looks amazing, and those sound effects!
However, the lag is terrible. Reminds me of BF1942 when someone would run the carrier up on land, or if a 56.6K player joined the server with 800 in ping. :p

Hopefully they will get that fixed soon.
Forsete said:
Now I am starting to love the game. Metro left a bad taste in my mouth, Caspian however washed that right out.

Looks amazing, and those sound effects!
However, the lag is terrible. Reminds me of BF1942 when someone would run the carrier up on land, or if a 56.6K player joined the server with 800 in ping. :p

Hopefully they will get that fixed soon.

i dont think it is the lag, I had 22 in ping, it is just that the servers are not good enough to handle the action.
Forsete said:
Now I am starting to love the game. Metro left a bad taste in my mouth, Caspian however washed that right out.

Looks amazing, and those sound effects!
However, the lag is terrible. Reminds me of BF1942 when someone would run the carrier up on land, or if a 56.6K player joined the server with 800 in ping. :p

Hopefully they will get that fixed soon.

You need to join a server from a different provider.
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