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Battlefield 3 Beta: Info and Meetups [Over]

Damn, I really get that Battlefield 1942 feeling when playing on this map. Which is very positive.

A question: will upgrading my pc to 8GB ram instead of 4GB make a lot of difference when playing this game?
Xux said:
I think a better solution would just be to balance them.

Or get rid of unlocks completely and have everything available at the start
and not charge for it
. 'Course, if they did that, a lot of people wouldn't have a reason to even play.

The best solution was to have flares unlocked from the start. Jets are still vulnerable even with them due to their long re-use time. Someone coming into the game late has an incredible/insane hard time killing anyone in jets without the flares.

eravulgaris said:
Damn, I really get that Battlefield 1942 feeling when playing on this map. Which is very positive.

A question: will upgrading my pc to 8GB ram instead of 4GB make a lot of difference when playing this game?
Probably would make no difference at all.


Trucker Sexologist
ItWasMeantToBe19 said:
How can I get to the point where I don't suck at B3? I'm posting 3-13 KDs (not a perfect measure of skill at all, but it demonstrates how terrible I've been playing)
Learn the maps and be aware of your surroundings. Also, your K/D doesn't matter if you're clutch. I'd rather have a good team player on my side than an efficient lone wolf or camper. I've lost so many games because people just refused to move up.
Ezduo said:
I haven't played since this afternoon. I assume most servers are still unplayable?

can't speak for everybody but I have not had any luck finding a stable server. i am hoping it is something that can be fixed before release.


oke, finally got to play the beta on my new rig

i5 2500K
8 gig RAM
Asus GTX 560 ti factory clocked gpu to 900mhz and memory to 4200mhz

now a couple of minutes into the game I suddenly get issues; models collapse, I get polygons or black bars/black polygons that warp from the center of the screen to various models around me.

I run the beta drivers, (should be the logical cause)
I also ran the asus overclock tool to check the temps on the card when playing the game and it did not went higher then 65 degrees Celsius so I doubt it has anything to do with heat.

anyone know any solution to these issues??


but ever so delicious
The UMP is a fun OP weapon, Although it does make me feel like i'm just playing COD with all the constant running and shooting.

I'm enjoying caspian but i don't use any of the vehicles. It's safe too say i'm too chicken since i have no idea how to really use them correctly.
EVIL said:
oke, finally got to play the beta on my new rig

i5 2500K
8 gig RAM
Asus GTX 560 ti factory clocked gpu to 900mhz and memory to 4200mhz

now a couple of minutes into the game I suddenly get issues; models collapse, I get polygons or black bars/black polygons that warp from the center of the screen to various models around me.

I run the beta drivers, (should be the logical cause)
I also ran the asus overclock tool to check the temps on the card when playing the game and it did not went higher then 65 degrees Celsius so I doubt it has anything to do with heat.

anyone know any solution to these issues??

Same hardware. Similar problem with Caspian. Boo.
EVIL said:
oke, finally got to play the beta on my new rig

i5 2500K
8 gig RAM
Asus GTX 560 ti factory clocked gpu to 900mhz and memory to 4200mhz

now a couple of minutes into the game I suddenly get issues; models collapse, I get polygons or black bars/black polygons that warp from the center of the screen to various models around me.

I run the beta drivers, (should be the logical cause)
I also ran the asus overclock tool to check the temps on the card when playing the game and it did not went higher then 65 degrees Celsius so I doubt it has anything to do with heat.

anyone know any solution to these issues??

I have the same video card and had this same problem, I scaled the graphics back to high and those problems went away.


Is there some required steps to play besides downloading the beta for console? I can't seem to find any games. Matchmaking just quits and sends me back to the mulitplayer menu.

PS3 didn't even ask me for username password like Xbox did. Am I missing something?


Caspian Border is much better than Operation Metro, but one thing is immensely bothering me: I can't invert/uninvert the flying controls. As it is now for me, when flying a jet if I move my mouse up my nose tips down. I don't want this. I want the nose to tip up if I move my mouse up, yet changing the flying controls in Options between normal and inverted has no effect.

Is anyone else experiencing this?


he's Virgin Tight™
Damn, the PS3 jaggies are so vivid I feel like I can cut myself with them

And that tearing....

Hmm, are these things better in the 360 edition?

Bob White

Anyone know how to fix the insane sensitivity on the 360 controller when used on PC? All the vehicles and pretty much uncontrollable.


Bob White said:
Anyone know how to fix the insane sensitivity on the 360 controller when used on PC? All the vehicles and pretty much uncontrollable.

Lol I asked the same thing, I have to switch to my mouse


Bob White said:
Anyone know how to fix the insane sensitivity on the 360 controller when used on PC? All the vehicles and pretty much uncontrollable.

I'd like to know this too. Aircraft seem fine but tank guns are nearly impossible to aim.


Okay, now I'm really getting tired of the VO, "Be advised, spotted an enemy sniper on the other side of the map that's completely irrelevant to you. Over."

Unless that shit that's being spotted is in my line of sight, don't broadcast it.


There's a pretty big and bad glitch at Hillpoint on Caspian, you can glitch through the rocks and stay there, pretty much being able to defend that point on your own.


my pc specs are around the minimum requirements(slightly better video card) and even with everything on low i average 24fps in caspian. with new pc tech coming soon im not sure i can bring myself to build a new rig. looks like i might have to go console :(


Anyone else getting huge lag and freezing in Caspian Border? Its making it unplayable for me.. :( When I first start its smooth and fine, then it just goes to shit, stuttering, freezing, etc. ARG

Metro runs fine.
zedge said:
Anyone else getting huge lag and freezing in Caspian Border? Its making it unplayable for me.. :( When I first start its smooth and fine, then it just goes to shit, stuttering, freezing, etc. ARG

Metro runs fine.
It took me 5-6 tries to find a game that (1) doesn't lag, (2) doesn't crash and (3) doesn't boot me. But it was fun after that!


I've been using a 360 controller for jets and helos and it controls great for me. I was always a terrible pilot in BF2, but I'm racking up kills like crazy in this. Probably due to all the new players not familiar with jets. A few thoughts.

-Jets and Helos really suck until you unlock stuff. Pretty lame to have your chopper downed by a tank taking pot shots at you with it's MG.
-Getting shot/missile locks from everywhere on the map is really aggravating. Plus almost everyone has stingers unlocked now from grinding on Metro.
-Helos tend to roll over or get pushed into the ground when they get shot by jets, it's really weird. It's not like you're disabled and lose control, it's like at 85% health and you're suddenly eating dirt.
-Sniping from the tower to the checkpoint, hilarious!
-Damn fun all around.

Really re-hypes me for launch.

Angry Fork

gonna go against the grain here and admit that I like metro way more than caspian right now. Caspian feels like it's filled with a bunch of headless chicken retards who don't know/care how to capture a point or work as a team. Metro is much more guided with actual points to capture one after another. All of the matches i've been in they've worked as a team and it's really fun when it all comes together.

caspian does look and feel amazing though. the map is huge, the explosions/sounds feel so real. jets flying right over you and helicopters crashing etc. it's all really awesome i wish my video card were up to snuff so i could run it on high/ultra with good framerate. But in terms of gameplay and having fun I like metro more.


I think Metro is actually the better map. CB is just a giant bowl, a giant bowl made more shooting down helicopters. /grumble

There are only a few spots where you can hide behind terrain, pop up for your attack and then duck back down and even in those spots you're still visible to the jets who'd love to kill a near stationary helicopter instead of chasing another jet with his guns only to have the guy crash at the last minute so you don't get any points.

Giving stingers to engineers has turned the balance of power upside-down. Fixed SAM sites can be avoided, or specifically targeted and destroyed to allow you to control a zone. When every bush could hold an engineer with a SAM though, it is a completely different ball of wax.

Very disappointed with this map.

Oh, and framerate with most stuff on medium at 1080p is pretty good on a 4870. If people are having problems with better cards maybe they're CPU-bound.
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