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Battlefield 3 Beta: Info and Meetups [Over]


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
TheExodu5 said:
Memory usage at 1080p, maxed settings, on a GTX 570:


I have 1280MB of memory to play with. Cutting it close!

We'll see if it becomes an issue in retail... It may not. Out of experience, I find games seem to user more video memory if you have it available. For example, Modern Warfare would use less than the 512MB of VRAM I had maxed out on my 8800GT, but uses up nearly 900MB on my GTX 570.

Thanks <3


has anyone in the beta already given the shotguns a try?

i've seen the 870MCS a few times so i know that's available. i'm curious to see how they feel and perform.
The servers are rather crowded. Hopefully there will be more servers up by Thursday. Otherwise most of the beta testing I see myself doing may look like this...


I started at like 98th in queue.



Press - MP1st.com
Mikey Jr. said:
So BF3 isn't up on the US store?

Ohh thank God. Thought I was the only one. Whew.

So it updates tonight around 5pm est sometime?

Yep. Tried the Asian store and also nothing. :)

So, I take it email receivers need to wait for the PSN Store update, no? :)


PatzCU said:
Dude, you forgot to say "fuck you bitch" at the end.

Was tempted to but then I realized there was nothing I could get out of this tech support person and me getting angry with her wouldn't have achieved anything.

I also just noticed this while checking out the Origin store so I've jumped back into the Origin help line to see what can be done.

Ya no

So if I preordered the ps3 version on origin do I get early access or no...? I preordered it when I saw origin preorders got early access but then never saw anything about the ps3 version and now that I didn't get a code I'm guessing the deal was only for PC preorders... please tell me I don't have to wait another TWO WHOLE DAYS :(


I'd be in the dick
DarkChild said:

I just noticed...Why is sky and TOD in 360 version bright and sunny, and its a bit yelowish on PS3/PC?[/QUOTE]
That's really odd. 360 games are usually more contrasty but that is very different.


RoboPlato said:
That's really odd. 360 games are usually more contrasty but that is very different.
Yea, but its not the contrast, its TOD difference or color grading difference. Shadows, AA, everything is the same but this...weird.


After playing around with this game for a bit, I've come to one conclusion.

I greatly dislike having to use 'Battlelog' in order to play this game.

I think I'd rather play this on a console.


Well with my crappy DSL download speed, even if I were to get a code at this point I wouldn't have much time to play it before the 29th anyway. Thanks EA :|
darthbob said:
After playing around with this game for a bit, I've come to one conclusion.

I greatly dislike having to use 'Battlelog' in order to play this game.

I think I'd rather play this on a console.

whoa whoa whoa, lets not get crazy now.


zephervack said:
whoa whoa whoa, lets not get crazy now.

Perhaps a bit of rage mixed in there.

It's just, why can't I launch the game, and see a nice menu where I get to browse through servers?

I mean, WHY.jpg is this basic functionality, reduced to some clunky 'thing' that I have to use my Internet Browser for?
darthbob said:
Perhaps a bit of rage mixed in there.

It's just, why can't I launch the game, and see a nice menu where I get to browse through servers?

I mean, WHY.jpg is this basic functionality, reduced to some clunky 'thing' that I have to use my Internet Browser for?

Awful concept, awful in reality.

Give me a bootable game with normal menus, friend list and server browser. Thanks.


Axel Hertz
Did they lose the server queue since 4 hours ago?

I was in qeue location 50, then I eventually joined the server. Now, no server says i'm in a queue: they all say "couldn't join, server is full".

Already losing features?


Yeah battlelog is pretty fucking awful.

1.) The server filters barely work, if ever, especially the ones for number of slots free. This one is passable I guess since it's a beta.

2.) Why doesn't it fully query the server list before displaying results? It displays the first 30 or so, and then you have to scroll to query (or at least ping) the servers further down the list. So your initial results after filtering aren't even accurate, because after you scroll, you get hundreds of other servers that get pinged, and then you have to re-sort by ping (assuming thats what you're sorting by) for each block that gets queried.

3.) The inability to change settings from battlelog, or from within the game without having to join a server is ludicrous. So to change any setting I have to join a server, fuck around with my game while providing nothing to help the team I got forced to join, and then when I'm done, disconnect from the server?

4.) I'm not sure if this is a side-effect of removing basic functionality in favor of having a browser-based serve browser...but why is there not even an option to disconnect from a server between rounds? You have to wait for the next round to start before you can press escape to disconnect...or alt+f4.
Almost all of these complaints about Battlelog are beta/bug related. You think an in-game server browser in a DICE beta would be working any better?


Mr. Snrub said:
Almost all of these complaints about Battlelog are beta/bug related. You think an in-game server browser in a DICE beta would be working any better?

Besides point #1, all of the others seem like deliberate design decisions.


Junior Butler
Mr. Snrub said:
Almost all of these complaints about Battlelog are beta/bug related. You think an in-game server browser in a DICE beta would be working any better?

I don't get a lot of the hate, I was a huge skeptic but after using it in Alpha, actually PREFER it.

It doesn't get much easier-open a web browser (utilize a whole 20 MB of RAM, which shouldn't be 1% of your total) browse for servers, join server. And If a friend is playing it's impossible not to notice.


I actually LIKE the concept of battlelog, I think having a browser-based server browser is much better and easier to iterate and improve upon. I just don't think basic functionality should be stripped from the game as a result :/

Ah well, hopefully it improves over time, which it should.


rabhw said:
I actually LIKE the concept of battlelog, I think having a browser-based server browser is much better and easier to iterate and improve upon. I just don't think basic functionality should be stripped from the game as a result :/

Ah well, hopefully it improves over time, which it should.

The only way to improve it is to make it OPTIONAL.

Which, they won't. :'(
I am so disappointed right now.

I feel like I was just baited to sign up for Origin under the promise I would get "48 hrs early beta access" to preorder the digital copy there. It is 130pm PST here in San Diego CA and I have yet to see a code come my way. I have attempted to speak with Customer service on the EA support page on FB as well as Twitter. The customer service on the Origin webstore is pretty much shutdown as I only get the "busy" and "no agents available".

Anyway, time for me to get ready for a long night at work.


Fucking can't play on Xbox. :/ Really want to play this with my friend before I hop over to the PC version. DICE suck so much at this.

At launch:
BC1 Demo unplayable. BC1 unplayable. BF1943 unplayable. Bad Company 2. Unplayable. Get your shit together DICE.


What is a good all in one headset for BF3? I feel as if I need one. Will try again at another sound card in the next week or so. I want a headset that has the Dolby Digital and a microphone attached. DOES IT EXIST?!


Smokey said:
What is a good all in one headset for BF3? I feel as if I need one. Will try again at another sound card in the next week or so. I want a headset that has the Dolby Digital and a microphone attached. DOES IT EXIST?!

Corsair HS1 has been on sale for pretty cheap lately (saw a pair for $40 recently). You could try that.

I use a Sennheiser PC360, which I really like, but I feel I need to EQ the bass down a slight bit in my onboard sound control panel. Speaking of which, you might want to check your onboard sound...the one on my Gigabyte P67-UD4 is quite good, and also offers Dolby Headphone if you wish.


Not being able to change any game settings unless you're actually connected to a server is ridiculous. Thats my #1 complaint so far.

Oh and V-sync doesn't seem work work for me. Anyone else having that issue?
ksimm said:
Noooo 1st CTD. :[

I've had three, but it's such an easy and crisp CTD that I don't really mind too much. I think gutting the game and using battlelog helps out a lot in being able to alt+tab smoothly, and also makes the CTDs a more pleasant experience. They still suck, just to be clear.
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