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Battlefield 3 Beta: Info and Meetups [Over]





erage2772 said:
This is the worst customer service ever. It looks like they were just sending me premade statements and then just close it on me. I am beyond pissed that I was treated like that. Sure I dont get in 48 hours early but they treat customers like this? Provided the pic I sent to her

Kinda makes me hate this capitalist world


I'm trying to find the perfect mix of AA but the large maps will make anything look jaggy I guess since it's a mile out...lol

Edit: Add me on Battle Log under the name "Demolitio".


I thought you could access people's games through the platoon feature but I guess not...

It should make things easier to play with your 'clan'.

Since you can't I'm just gonna add a bunch of people from the platoon, I want to play with some gaffers.


shagg_187 said:
Ones that said that Caspian Border is not in the beta, get ready to eat crows...
I recall a few people here saying that it was definitely in a little while back. Those guys are pretty damn smart... :p
ColonialRaptor said:
Just finished updating, and I must say this, ever since I updated to the megaupload drivers my computer has felt like a buggy bitch, but now with these new ones, it feels back to normal.

I'm about to log in and play a game and will report back with results soon.

So it made the framerate about 25 - 40% better, but the flickering was about 500% worse... absolutely unplayable...


Pookaki said:
any tips on actually joining a game?

I'm running Origin and Chrome in admin mode. and im just stuck at joining server.

A friend was having this issue earlier, he restarted his PC and everything worked fine.


Stantron said:
Wow, first time playing a PC shooter. I suck using the keyboard WASD for movement so bad. It feels so unnatural. My left hand is constantly wondering what button does what. Ahg, this is gonna take some practice.
Stick with it, man. It'll be second nature before you know it, and you'll never want to play a shooter any other way.
Looking at the stats site there are soooooooooooooo many different dog tags. Its awesome that they have special ones for the games you played so I have 1943, 2, 2142, and more. I wasnt that hyped on the PS3 version before the day but I'm so there day 1 for sure now.


ColonialRaptor said:
11.10 from Megaupload to new 11.10 from AMD's website, there is a 110kb difference in file size.
Hmmm I'm using the ones from AMD's site and I do experience some flickering (single 6950) especially in the subway section, been thinking of using 11.8 but I guess performance will be worst.


shagg_187 said:
The pirate ship. Drinking some Colada. Sipping over at the Caspian Border.
I feel bad for the people there since it seems to be on fire on one side...lol

Just like BC2. Best ambiance ever...


So is there no way to pick your own squad anymore? All I see the ability to do is to have the game automatically assign me one.

I'm also annoyed that the classes of your teammates still aren't shown anywhere on the spawn screen. I would have hoped they changed that from Bad Company 2.


shagg_187 said:
Made my mind up. Keep it to yourself people. Remember, DICE is awesome and their trust is awesomer!
Ohhh, nah dont do it! If they have something big planned for us later today then this could ruin it.


ok cough up the caspian border password......whoever has it :]. apparently it leaked via someone's battlelog page and is *out there*


So....Caspian Border....great map, or great map?

For what it's worth, I don't know what I could say about it that you couldn't have learned from the trailers.
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