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Battlefield 3 Beta: Info and Meetups [Over]


Smokey said:
So what's going on with CB? It's unlocked? There's a PW? Just got on GAF a few minutes ago and everything is a blur.

It's still locked, but it seems like EA has no problem with the password being leaked out. It's in this thread somewhere above.

All the servers are full though. I was in queue for a while before I just gave up.

It's still epic though.


aeiko said:
PASSWORD IS: sexyelevator

no point in keeping it a secret lol. theres tons of servers to play on.

Will change at 18:00 CST afaik. Some dev posted that last night, some place. Sadly I don't have a source link anymore.

Rainy Dog

Had some enjoyable games on the PS3 version this afternoon. Starting to unlock more stuff is nice even if half of the weapon attachments seem pretty useless. The BC weapons such as the PP2000 and HK416 look and feel leagues ahead of what they do in BC2.

Has to be mentioned again how damn buggy it is though, unfortunately. Spent half as much time under the map as I did on the terrain above. The controls are glitchy as heck, buttons randomly stop responding, voice chat doesn't work properly, you can't join a match with squad mates as it just splits you up, usually chucking into opposing teams whilst it's at it. The very first PS3 BC2 beta was in a much more polished state than this and that was months away from release.

I'm far from a videogame beta veteran, but it's easily the roughest online beta I've tried. Really does concern me what state the game is going to ship in...


Sn4ke_911 said:
People want to use shotguns on maps like caspian border? wat?

Well, I´m not in the beta, but I DO want shotguns to work better than they did in BC2 for me, where it was a gamble whether I killed people dead in groups or die when someone takes one or more shots to the face point blank, turns and shoots :(

I didn´t even shotgun snipe or use slugs. Most of the time.
So yesterday i played a good 4 hours...

And I cant believe no one has mentioned this, but it feels to me like the movement and overall feel is very heavy, reminds me a lot of Killzone 2. I feel so much slower and less agile than in Bad Company 2, its so different that it doesnt remind me of BC2 at all.

Im not saying this is a bad thing, its just very different, my play style has to change completely to what i was used to.

Something i do not like is that going from prone to crouch and standing up is just too movement intensive, you view shakes and turns automatically, i know it feels more real this way, but to me it totally hurts the gameplay.

It feels like a completely different game, its nice, having to learn all the nuances of a new engine, i just hope they tighten some of its aspects.

Also as said before, i absolutely hate how your team mates can push you around if they get too close to you, sometimes even pushing you out of cover!


zephervack said:
I feel so much slower and less agile than in Bad Company 2, its so different that it doesnt remind me of BC2 at all.

You sure you don't mean MORE agile? You were a walking tank in BC2, couldn't do shit and had to tard-jump over objects. Here you can move at 200mph while vaulting over everything, dive into cover and generally go crazy.


Got in on a UK Caspian server for two rounds and didn't experience a bit of lag unlike all the US servers I've tried.


Sethos said:
You sure you don't mean MORE agile? You were a walking tank in BC2, couldn't do shit and had to tard-jump over objects. Here you can move at 200mph while vaulting over everything, dive into cover and generally go crazy.
I'm guessing he is referring to general movement speed.


Proxy said:
Got in on a UK Caspian server for two rounds and didn't experience a bit of lag unlike all the US servers I've tried.

Same here but i got dc'ed. :(


The killcam camera is too erratic though. I'm sure they've already fixed it.


Anyone else feel releasing this beta to the public tomorrow (on 360 anyways) is a huge mistake? Game is beyond broken.. It is going to get eaten up by the public who assume it is a polished demo.

I love the gameplay but I just spent 30 min talking a good friend of mine off the ledge.. he is a massive BF fan and the beta on the 360 has upset him to the point he is ready to cancel his pre order.

And no he does not have a PC that can handle it sadly.
Got my early access code finally, god damn. Hope I can at least get a couple mins of Caspian in before everything explodes tomorrow.
U2NUMB said:
I love the gameplay but I just spent 30 min talking a good friend of mine off the ledge.. he is a massive BF fan and the beta on the 360 has upset him to the point he is ready to cancel his pre order.
The 360 beta is rough as fuck. If that isn't an older build I don't know how they'll get the game polished in a month.

Not a Jellyfish

but I am a sheep
U2NUMB said:
Anyone else feel releasing this beta to the public tomorrow (on 360 anyways) is a huge mistake? Game is beyond broken.. It is going to get eaten up by the public who assume it is a polished demo.

I love the gameplay but I just spent 30 min talking a good friend of mine off the ledge.. he is a massive BF fan and the beta on the 360 has upset him to the point he is ready to cancel his pre order.

And no he does not have a PC that can handle it sadly.

I feel anyone who is playing the 360 beta and has decided to cancel their pre order is overreacting, it has some buggy issues right now but I am sure a patch will be ready close to release.


Foliorum Viridum said:
Try to join a server and it should happen automatically if it's full.

Gonna hop back in to Caspian in a minute I think!

It doesn't happen automatically for me. Just says server is full and that's it.


Backfoggen said:
Got my early access code finally, god damn. Hope I can at least get a couple mins of Caspian in before everything explodes tomorrow.

The 360 beta is rough as fuck. If that isn't an older build I don't know how they'll get the game polished in a month.

I would think it has to be going gold right now... if not already behind. Perhaps they are having cert issues with MS and maybe Sony as I have heard it is a tad rough there also.

But giving this to the general public? Yikes get ready for the internet to eat it alive in its current state. Technically its really rough.

Gameplay though I love it.. very smooth and much better than past console BF games.

Not a Jellyfish said:
I feel anyone who is playing the 360 beta and has decided to cancel their pre order is overreacting, it has some buggy issues right now but I am sure a patch will be ready close to release.

Keep in mind though.. they are trying to overtake COD or at least put a dent in that beast. Releasing this to "new" BF fans is not a good idea. We all understand the broken things will be fixed but not the average gamer.


So, 360 beta is still fucked? If me and a friend tried joining a match together it would just fail and kick us to the menu. It's pretty annoying. Then there's everyone else coming in tomorrow. Way to go DICE.
Sethos said:
Which also felt a lot more sluggish in BC2.

hmm to me it feels like the complete opposite, even on Conquest i used to just run around with my Recon spotting chaps and moving pretty freely in BC 2.

Yesterday while playing BF3 i just had to stop and start walking and try not to run as it put me in danger, i just feel like coming to a complete stop after running takes a lot longer and leaves you exposed way more, this is not a bad thing, i just have to get used to it.

In the other hand, it is also possible that in BC2 im completely aware of the map layouts and enemy placements as i have played that game so much, so i know where i can run and where i cant, maybe its just that. I need some map layouts of Metro and Caspian to study.


Heysoos said:
So, 360 beta is still fucked? If me and a friend tried joining a match together it would just fail and kick us to the menu. It's pretty annoying. Then there's everyone else coming in tomorrow. Way to go DICE.

At least you guys have a menu.

We PC players have a website.


zephervack said:
hmm to me it feels like the complete opposite, even on Conquest i used to just run around with my Recon spotting chaps and moving pretty freely in BC 2.

Yesterday while playing BF3 i just had to stop and start walking and try not to run as it put me in danger, i just feel like coming to a complete stop after running takes a lot longer and leaves you exposed way more, this is not a bad thing, i just have to get used to it.

In the other hand, it is also possible that in BC2 im completely aware of the map layouts and enemy placements as i have played that game so much, so i know where i can run and where i cant, maybe its just that. I need some map layouts of Metro and Caspian to study.

Ok so thats a different thing. The actual movement of your soldier is a much smoother in BF3. Everything from getting over stuff to just basic weapon movement is much better now. But if you are saying the game itself lends to a slower pace. Get down and hide / camp then BC2 you may have a point. I however was running around last night without too many issues (well falling through the map every 5 minutes does not count).


Just had a go of Caspian, and it sure is intense! It has a nice lot of bugs mind you.
You can't beat 64 player conquest. :]

Edit: strange doesn't show up on my battlelog, I guess either because I was booted out of the server or Caspian isn't logging???
Just had a GREAT game on Metro because I can't get back into a Caspian server.

It is a pretty shit map, but when you're on a good team that knows how to attack it's really fun. I was holding down one of the MCOM stations in the toilet as people just flooded through both doors. I killed about 8 people before I finally died. It's definitely got some potential for CQC.

But yeah, I wish I was playing Caspian again!


Backfoggen said:
The 360 beta is rough as fuck. If that isn't an older build I don't know how they'll get the game polished in a month.
Wait, so what are the issues? This is the first I'm hearing of it.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Just played a bunch of Caspian Border. My god, it is so amazing. Biggest multiplayer map I think I've ever played. It's just massive. And I was averaging between 35 and 50 fps despite it being outdoors, despite all the explosions and physics and 64 players... It's awesome.

Some screens:

Jet flyby in the glare of the sun.

Trees toppling over due to explosions and gunfire.

Some guy barrel-rolling a tank and then crashing it into a tree. I... don't know.



Jeep catapulted hundreds of feet into the air due to an explosion.

Up close look at a jet.
It seems like you can't have more than 100 people in a platoon, so sorry for everyone who can't get in. (Not that platoons do anything at the moment.)


Menelaus said:
how the heck do you queue up for a full match?

Some full servers allowed me to queue, others didn't.

The only Caspian server that had a working queue for me was the "64 Player Public" one.
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