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Battlefield 3 Beta: Info and Meetups [Over]


Add more U.S. servers for fuck's sake, DICE. Fuckin amateur hour over here and it's not even at the open stage yet.


The sniper scope reflection has to either go, or be very toned down. I shouldn't be seeing the reflection off a sniper scope inside the tunnels. I should only be seeing the reflection of the sniper scope if the sun is actually reflecting off of it.

The flashlights look really dumb too. I shouldn't be blinded by a flashlight outside.


Spl1nter said:
I will crack my computer in half if they dont fix the squad system.
Yeah not having a method of building your own squad is just piss poor development planning by DICE. It's a feature in EVERY BF game since BF2 and there is absolutely NO reason DICE should have overlooked that if this game was truly built "for PC".

More and more signs are pointing to this game being a rush release. Halo/Gears/COD fanboys are going to have a field day once the Open Beta goes live. EA/DICE just look stupid at this point after all the smack talking they've been throwing at COD.

amrod said:
I hate the game browser... I hope they get rid of this webcrap and put a in game one in
Honestly, I prefer the Battlelog to one of DICE's server browsers. DICE has never had a functional server browser within 2 weeks of release and I like being able to browse websites/other programs w/o needing to alt-tab like other games.


Pookaki said:
This beta is not representative of the product as it stands now. You really think they said, "Hey its Beta day, lets just shove out a build of our code right now!"


This beta build is WAAAAY older than 3 days I'd wager that this beta is a few weeks newer than the Alpha. I'd put my left testicle on that.

Even if that's the case, there is no time to respond to consumer feedback. That's the point of a proper beta. This is nothing more than a glorified demo. Look at a recent case of Gears of War 3 - the beta came out MONTHS and MONTHS before the game so that they could make the proper adjustments. Based on what I've played this feels like a really rushed product between guys falling through the floor, enemies warping, constant disconnects and weird graphical particle effects. If they are trying to swoon and win over Call of Duty fans - this won't make the strongest first impression.
TheExodu5 said:
The sniper scope reflection has to either go, or be very toned down. I shouldn't be seeing the reflection off a sniper scope inside the tunnels. I should only be seeing the reflection of the sniper scope if the sun is actually reflecting off of it.

The flashlights look really dumb too. I shouldn't be blinded by a flashlight outside.

I don't think it's meant to be portrayed realistically, mainly just as a way to combat camping since you can go prone now. Flashlights though I can agree with.


Just did another game on Caspian. Spent the whole round on top of the giant antenna sniping people hahaha. Man this map is AMAZING. It's really a completly different game compared to Metro.
DTKT said:
Yeah, both the blind from flashlights and laser dots need to go or be toned down.

The blinding from the flashing lasers is a feature/point of the attachment and would still make sense in any environment from a realism standpoint. Obviously a blinding flashlight in daytime doesn't.
Game feels a lot like BC2, but there are differences. Guns have more recoil in 3, grenade arcs are changed and no stupid ass siren when you team gets down to 20 tickets. I like it but I still find Battlefield to be the most frustrating when it comes to online shooters.

PS - People still need to learn how to freaking spot. Even if I have a terrible round I still come in second overall. Just jam on the select button people. It's free points!


Pookaki said:
This beta is not representative of the product as it stands now. You really think they said, "Hey its Beta day, lets just shove out a build of our code right now!"


This beta build is WAAAAY older than 3 days I'd wager that this beta is a few weeks newer than the Alpha. I'd put my left testicle on that.

If that is true then that must also mean that it is way newer than the Alpha, yet still as buggy. ;)

This is DICE, don't expect everything to work the first day, week, month, or even year. Telling people it is just a beta to ease their fears is just setting them up for disappointment.


Trucker Sexologist
amrod said:
I hate the game browser... I hope they get rid of this webcrap and put a in game one in
Pretty sure it would be even worse. Plus, it makes it easy to organize pick-up games on a forum without dealing with friend lists.


Bethesda Community Manager
Seems like the password being passed around doesn't work on the Caspian servers with open slots. Did it get changed a second time?


eternaLightness said:
I don't think it's meant to be portrayed realistically, mainly just as a way to combat camping since you can go prone now. Flashlights though I can agree with.

It doesn't really combat camping. It just makes sniping completely pointless.

At the very least, you should only see it if they're aiming near your head.


I played Metro last night and then I got into passworded Caspian Sea!


Seriously. Caspian sea is the REAL Battlefield. Jets, Helicopter, Jeeps, full scale map, etc.

P.S. How do you get a full image of the map? Pressing "M" only brings up the rinky dinky medium sized map.


AW YEAH. Got my first kill on a jet. Pretty awesome, game spawned me inside the jet and I just took off. :) Pretty fun! By the way, is there going to be a way to put vehicle controls on Inverted without changing everything? Tanks are so much better with a control for me.


Ratsofatsorat said:
Seems like the password being passed around doesn't work on the Caspian servers with open slots. Did it get changed a second time?

The password only works with the North American servers. I was able to get into 3 games tonight by spamming a server for like 5 min lol. It will tell you on the left side if your password is wrong. If it just tells you that the server is full then you pass is good, you just have to be patient and hope for a free slot.


Also, is there a way to run around with a medpack? Now, everytime I use one, It just auto drops it. Incredibly annoying.
Heysoos said:
AW YEAH. Got my first kill on a jet. Pretty awesome, game spawned me inside the jet and I just took off. :) Pretty fun! By the way, is there going to be a way to put vehicle controls on Inverted without changing everything? Tanks are so much better with a control for me.

Where are the jets (or any vehicles for that matter?) Do I have to fanagle my way onto one of those caspian servers to see that?


thanks for the laugh
jets are hilariously slow. it's like flying a 21st century sopwith camel.

amrod said:
I hate the game browser... I hope they get rid of this webcrap and put a in game one in
this is gonna shock some people, but i'm really not offended by it. might even go so far as to say i like it.

i've always been a big proponent of pc gaming's open air environment. everything i could ever want is just an alt-tab away and i have no desire to go back to using something as gummy, claustrophobic and fundamentally broken as dice's previous server browsing efforts.

putting it on the desktop is clean, utilitarian and has really impelled dice to make the game as nimble as possible when it comes to alt tab-in-tab out play, something a rabid multi-tasker like myself can really appreciate.

this is all subject to change, perhaps when i'm switching servers with frequent abandon the lack of an in game browser really will start to chafe.


unagisensei said:
Where are the jets (or any vehicles for that matter?) Do I have to fanagle my way onto one of those caspian servers to see that?

Yeah, vehicles are only available in Caspian Border during the beta. There was an APC in Metro, but they took that out. Not sure why.

By the way, are Caspian Border screenshots alright to post? I got a good few shots, but I don't wanna get in trouble. :)


I like battlelog too. It just needs some fine-tuning. It is already much, much better than what usually ships with a DICE game.

Gamespy in BF2 never got fixed because of a disagreement between the two companies.

Thing is, the meta stuff was going to have to be in a browser anyway. With that in mind, I like having all of it in the browser, at my fingertips, from pretty much anywhere.


Can't wait to try th PC version.

Man, the ps3 beta. Omg. It's hard to describe. Um ok here it goes...wow feels like a crap port on weak consoles compared to the proper game which is PC only.

I mean based on videos alone, pc runs and looks way better. The ps3 beta or should I say console version is looking hella downgrade from BC2. Maybe the games is too ambitious which runs fine on pc but console version looks inferior and plays worse too.

Reminds me of BF Modern Combat on ps2. Graphics looks washed out and graphics look inferior. Like sorta like the consoles have hit their "ceiling" for performance and graphics which I know it ain't the case. I'm just sayingtm this port on consoles is gonna be bad. I don't play a ton on PC but I'd rather play it there me thinks.

I know I haven't played the pc version and I shouldnt be saying all this but this demo has left a bad taste in my mouth. I think EA is trying to push the game but their port is lacking on consoles already. May cancel preorder.


thanks for the laugh
Woo-Fu said:
Thing is, the meta stuff was going to have to be in a browser anyway. With that in mind, I like having all of it in the browser, at my fingertips, from pretty much anywhere.
that's what put me off in the first place. i couldn't give two fucks on having my server browser moonlight as some social networking parasite, i just like the equilibrium it reaches with my natural desktop environment. it's very "pc" in all the ways that gfwl is very "console".

Eric WK

Cruzader said:
Can't wait to try th PC version.

Man, the ps3 beta. Omg. It's hard to describe. Um ok here it goes...wow feels like a crap port on weak consoles compared to the proper game which is PC only.

I mean based on videos alone, pc runs and looks way better. The ps3 beta or should I say console version is looking hella downgrade from BC2. Maybe the games is too ambitious which runs fine on pc but console version looks inferior and plays worse too.

Reminds me of BF Modern Combat on ps2. Graphics looks washed out and graphics look inferior. Like sorta like the consoles have hit their "ceiling" for performance and graphics which I know it ain't the case. I'm just sayingtm this port on consoles is gonna be bad. I don't play a ton on PC but I'd rather play it there me thinks.

I know I haven't played the pc version and I shouldnt be saying all this but this demo has left a bad taste in my mouth. I think EA is trying to push the game but their port is lacking on consoles already. May cancel preorder.

Yeah, I spent some time with the PC beta the past couple days and just started playing on 360. Man, the difference is MASSIVE. In a lot of ways, this looks worse the Bad Company 2 and just completely lacks polish on console.

I hope it's just symptomatic of an old build and that it will be sorted out by release, but man, I'm worried.


aka andydumi
I played tonight for about an hour.

Mixed feelings. On one hand, it performs beautifully on my aging 4890 at 1080p. Everything high with 4xmsaa and 16xaf and a solid framerate.

On the other hand, the animations are not as smooth as BC2. And I had to turn off the motion blur, it was weird when turning quickly. And as many others said, there are quite a few flashing and clipping issues. And weird lighting discrepancies between environement/characters.

For a beta, its OK, but they need to fix a lot before going to release.
-Pyromaniac- said:
So will this be available midnight at any timezone or is this a mid day tomorrow type of thang?

Early access started around 5 am PST IIRC. That is when I would expect DICE to open the floodgates as it was supposed to be a 48 hours advantage.
Evolved1 said:
wat? lol...
The mouse sensitivity. For mounted MG's, turrets etc. In BF2 you can change the sensitivity separately for helis, jets, tanks, boats, jeeps. In the BF3 beta there appears to be nothing beyond the overall sensitivity. Maybe I missed something.

The jeep turret is painful to operate.
Also the reticle is huge. Is the bullet spread really that asstastic? Almost feels like you'd be better off bailing out and using your firearm if that's the case.


AndyD said:
I played tonight for about an hour.

Mixed feelings. On one hand, it performs beautifully on my aging 4890 at 1080p. Everything high with 4xmsaa and 16xaf and a solid framerate.

On the other hand, the animations are not as smooth as BC2. And I had to turn off the motion blur, it was weird when turning quickly. And as many others said, there are quite a few flashing and clipping issues. And weird lighting discrepancies between environement/characters.

For a beta, its OK, but they need to fix a lot before going to release.

There are two things that are really annoying with the animations.

First, the ANT animation thing was bullshit, even BC2 felt smoother than this. Ragdolls are spinning around, legs and arms bones don't really bend, they feel like sticks attacked to each other instead of a complete skeleton. Spotting someone moving across terrain is kind of akward to look at. The mounting animation is messed up.

Overall, it feels extremly janky. I can't believe I'm comparing this to BC2 and thinking that BC2 was smoother.

What the hell DICE...

Yo Gotti

Played some more Xbox 360 beta.

1. Like people have said, flashlights and sniper glare are really weird. The sniper glare almost helps the snipers as opposed to helping you spot them because you can't fucking see the sniper the glare is so bright on the lens. Ass backwards.

2. Some serious hit detection issues. More than twice I've had the drop on a guy who was behind cover, bead on his head, emptied nearly half a magazine of rounds through a red dot scope straight into the guys upper body and have 0 hits register. I shot at a guy for nearly 15 seconds from a vantage point above him only for him to spot me and turn around to kill me in 3 shots.

3. More pop-in glitches. Saw 3 guys crouching in mid field for some reason, aim down the sights and shoot a whole mag, miss all of them... wtf? Get a little closer while reloading, a fucking stone barricade pops into view... No shit. I could see the guys through the barricade. Worst part of this is if I took a couple steps back, the barricade disappeared again, so they literally have it set up somehow so that certain assets just don't show if you're too far away from them.

4. Walking/sprinting/movement weirdness. A couple of times I've come out of prone position to find my character bouncing up and down and or slightly vibrating whenever I walk or run, then when I go prone again I can see under the map. The only way to fix this is to sprint and then jump so I disconnect myself from the map and land on my feet. Also noticed an inconsistent registering of the "Sprint" command, sometimes it just won't sprint until I stop moving completely then start again.

5. This isn't a glitch at all but why are the console versions so damn washed out color wise? The game has an overly "blue" hue to it that seems to be missing from the PC versions. Makes the game look way worse and also starts fucking with the image quality when trying to see things far away as everything starts blending together in a weird blue/gray hue.

I still had a ton of fun playing the game but damn if these glitches aren't breaking the experience and my opinion of DICE's Q&A. I held out on buying Gears 3 for this as I'm not trying to own every online FPS this year so I hope they get this patched up quickly.


Moaradin said:

Out of anything, animation is definitely not something I expected people to complain about lol.

Wow. that's fucking insane. That's some of the best animation I've ever seen.


So what are the chances that the 360 mess will be fixed for the retail product? Any twitter quotes from DICE on the 360 version?


aka andydumi
Moaradin said:

Out of anything, animation is definitely not something I expected people to complain about lol.

Everything looks so good, when soldiers glide around and move all stiff and choppy it is more noticeable for some reason. I don't know what it is about it, but I noticed it right away. And I played BC2 all last week to satisfy my wait for BF3. It just felt like in BF2 the models and the environements work together, here the models stand out in an odd way.


Flying a jet is a fucken nightmare in this game. I knew giving engineers stinger missiles was retarded but at level 2 even more so. Now I get shot down in 2 seconds and its kind of pointless to go in a jet. Also we have to unlock IR flares and Missiles is just too stupid. So if I fly a jet with someone with those 2 unlocked I have no chance in hell even if im the superior pilot.
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