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Battlefield 3 Beta: Info and Meetups [Over]

ColonialRaptor said:
Battlefield Moment:

Two tanks were fighting it out, I was support, has my gun mounted on bipod, all of a sudden two jeeps rock up with two guys in each, just as that happen a heli rolls in and pops the enemy tank with it's rockets in a big boom, I'm focussing my attention on the four guys trying to make their way in from the jeeps, they haven't spotted me but I move into a good prone position to cover their entry, stupidly they all run towards the capture flag in single file basically lining up for me, moments later a jet flys by and knocks out the heli and another dude comes parachuting down for our team just as the dudes on the other team round the corner where I'm lying in ambush, this attracts their attention just enough because they think they can knock him out of the sky as he chutes down, dirty bastards, I open fire and pop pop pop, knock down three of them my clip is empty however so I switch to the pistol as I jump up, the fourth guy had run past my line of fire, all of a sudden he's right in front of me, how he's gotten so close I have no idea but he's there, I quickly side step and start firing my pistol bang bang and he's down and my screen is a bit red and I'm breathing, I must be close to death, thinking phew that was close, maybe I hit him with a few rounds on the first volley with my machine gun? All of a sudden, I can't move, I shout out loud in surprise as I'm grabbed from behind and a guy stabs me in the heart and steals my dog tags... There was a fifth guy! So that's how he got so close to me, the fourth guy who came up to my face wasn't the fourth guy at all, the fourth guy is this mofo that killed me... ARG!!

All of this happened in probably less than 1 minute. Amazing, only in battlefield.

Quoting my battlefield moment story for the next page because I think it's cool.

computers putin' said:
More like stop camping and help your team play the objective

I dislike this comment, it's not right. Recon are part of the game, sniping is not camping, don't you think that sniping and killing guys that are potentially going to kill the guys on your team who might stop the other guys from doing the objective is part of helping the objective? THAT is their purpose to help the objective... if there are TOO many snipers, then yes that can be bad, but saying that they are camping and that they shouldn't do it... is just balls, they are in the game, they are part of the game, and they SHOULD do it because I sure as well want a good few snipers on my team watching my back and killing any dudes around me as I go for objectives. A good squad should always have a sniper sitting back and covering their arses as they move forward, spotting guys around them and killing anyone as they move forward. This is how the recon class words, but he has to camp in a good spot to do so, it is a part of the damn game man... At least, that's how I think a recon should be working.

If you're just sitting at the back of the map in a bush by yourself and not doing anything, camping... well then, I suppose that's wrong, but even still it's part of the game and killing guys on the other team still helps the objective and the purpose of the game so give snipers a break guys.

PS. I don't play recon.


The_Inquisitor said:
Yeah I am trying to decide between PC and 360.

I have many RL friends getting it on 360. However I have a 560Ti and i5-2500, which I am sure is enough to get close to maxing this at 1680x1050. What do I do GAF?
Playing with friends will make the game much more enjoyable than better/more eye candy. That's the reasoning I use when faced with the same dilemma, anyways.


thanks for the laugh
The_Inquisitor said:
Yeah I am trying to decide between PC and 360.

I have many RL friends getting it on 360. However I have a 560Ti and i5-2500, which I am sure is enough to get close to maxing this at 1680x1050. What do I do GAF?
find new, superior friends.

i suggest you check out the nearest games workshop and leather trenchcoat stores.

ColonialRaptor said:
Quoting my battlefield moment story for the next page because I think it's cool.
that's one long sentence.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Zeppelin said:
Yes, first lesson at sniper school: always hide in plain sight.

You're not a fucking "sniper". You're a goddamned loser hiding in a bush forcing the rest of your team to do all the heavy lifting so you can pad k/d and make "leet" shots for youtube vids.

"sniper" recons are wastes of space.

Eric WK

The_Inquisitor said:
Yeah I am trying to decide between PC and 360.

I have many RL friends getting it on 360. However I have a 560Ti and i5-2500, which I am sure is enough to get close to maxing this at 1680x1050. What do I do GAF?

This is kind of my same conundrum. All of my real life friends play on 360 and I much prefer controller to kb/m (sue me). But I have a computer that can run it well and if we're just comparing betas - the PC version is everything I hoped it would be and the 360 version is one of the biggest gaming disappointments I've ever seen, so... huh.

Buying both, but dang.

I used to play with BC2 GAF and had a hell of a lot of fun. I honestly prefer KB&M for BF after playing both on 360 and PC.

Still can't decide...
Souljiro said:
lol Haven't seen the EDO bot in a game yet...I'll have to keep an eye out for it now after watching this video.

Man that vid is cool... so good, which class has it?

By the way.. I think Support is going to be my class in this game, it's basically the new Assault and the Assault is the new Medic... Support Class KICKS arse, they get C4 as well.


Souljiro said:
lol Haven't seen the EDO bot in a game yet...I'll have to keep an eye out for it now after watching this video.

I saw one earlier in the last section of the Metro map. I was in one of the third floor window and a guy was running around with it across the street. I got shot a couple of seconds later because I actually followed it in my scope for a while instead of looking around me haha.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
ColonialRaptor said:
I dislike this comment, it's not right. Recon are part of the game, sniping is not camping, don't you think that sniping and killing guys that are potentially going to kill the guys on your team who might stop the other guys from doing the objective is part of helping the objective? THAT is their purpose to help the objective... if there are TOO many snipers, then yes that can be bad, but saying that they are camping and that they shouldn't do it... is just balls, they are in the game, they are part of the game, and they SHOULD do it because I sure as well want a good few snipers on my team watching my back and killing any dudes around me as I go for objectives. A good squad should always have a sniper sitting back and covering their arses as they move forward, spotting guys around them and killing anyone as they move forward. This is how the recon class words, but he has to camp in a good spot to do so, it is a part of the damn game man... At least, that's how I think a recon should be working.

If you're just sitting at the back of the map in a bush by yourself and not doing anything, camping... well then, I suppose that's wrong, but even still it's part of the game and killing guys on the other team still helps the objective and the purpose of the game so give snipers a break guys.

PS. I don't play recon.

All snipers think they're helping the team and all of them overestimate their importance. They're an annoyance, at best. They can't arm or disarm a fucking crate from a bush. They don't do shit and they ruin the game for people actually trying to play as a team and win.

There are some exceptions. But few and far between. As a rule, recons are garbage. (Unless they are CQB assault recons)
Evolved1 said:
All snipers think they're helping the team and all of them overestimate their importance. They're an annoyance, at best. They can't arm or disarm a fucking crate from a bush. They don't do shit and they ruin the game for people actually trying to play as a team and win.

There are some exceptions. But few and far between. As a rule, recons are garbage. (Unless they are CQB assault recons)

I disagree with this completely - why even have them in the game? COMPLETELY disagree.
ColonialRaptor said:
Quoting my battlefield moment story for the next page because I think it's cool.

I dislike this comment, it's not right. Recon are part of the game, sniping is not camping, don't you think that sniping and killing guys that are potentially going to kill the guys on your team who might stop the other guys from doing the objective is part of helping the objective? THAT is their purpose to help the objective... if there are TOO many snipers, then yes that can be bad, but saying that they are camping and that they shouldn't do it... is just balls, they are in the game, they are part of the game, and they SHOULD do it because I sure as well want a good few snipers on my team watching my back and killing any dudes around me as I go for objectives. A good squad should always have a sniper sitting back and covering their arses as they move forward, spotting guys around them and killing anyone as they move forward. This is how the recon class words, but he has to camp in a good spot to do so, it is a part of the damn game man... At least, that's how I think a recon should be working.

If you're just sitting at the back of the map in a bush by yourself and not doing anything, camping... well then, I suppose that's wrong, but even still it's part of the game and killing guys on the other team still helps the objective and the purpose of the game so give snipers a break guys.

PS. I don't play recon.
seriously...no one cares!


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
ColonialRaptor said:
I disagree with this completely - why even have them in the game? COMPLETELY disagree.

Good question. I ask myself this every single day.
ColonialRaptor said:
Quoting my battlefield moment story for the next page because I think it's cool.

I dislike this comment, it's not right. Recon are part of the game, sniping is not camping, don't you think that sniping and killing guys that are potentially going to kill the guys on your team who might stop the other guys from doing the objective is part of helping the objective? THAT is their purpose to help the objective... if there are TOO many snipers, then yes that can be bad, but saying that they are camping and that they shouldn't do it... is just balls, they are in the game, they are part of the game, and they SHOULD do it because I sure as well want a good few snipers on my team watching my back and killing any dudes around me as I go for objectives. A good squad should always have a sniper sitting back and covering their arses as they move forward, spotting guys around them and killing anyone as they move forward. This is how the recon class words, but he has to camp in a good spot to do so, it is a part of the damn game man... At least, that's how I think a recon should be working.

If you're just sitting at the back of the map in a bush by yourself and not doing anything, camping... well then, I suppose that's wrong, but even still it's part of the game and killing guys on the other team still helps the objective and the purpose of the game so give snipers a break guys.

PS. I don't play recon.

I didn't mean to insinuate sniping=camping, even though so many snipers do it, it's hard to make the distinction. You're right, snipers are best at giving out cover fire, it's what they should do. But that guy in the video just looks like he's cherry picking enemies from an obscure, out of the way spot, with no thought of giving his teammates any cover fire.
That's fucking awesome Col. Raptor. -- Also, Squad Spawning needs to go. After some time with conquest, I can safely say, the beacon is sufficient enough. Squad Leader only spawning needs to be shoehorned in if needed. Seriously. Tired of taking on entire squads (occasionally happens during prolonged gunfights, they pop out of each other's asses, add a beacon to the equation... fuck that). Omnipresence ftw (fail). Fucking BF version of Horde mode sometimes. Doesn't happen ALL the time, but when it does, its fucking annoying.

JackEtc said:
I think I need to get a flight stick.

What do you guys think of the [video] quality as well?

Try out the 360 controller? ..people seem to like using that as well if it turns out a Joystick isn't your thing.


Teknoman said:
I put in my key on Origin, it confirmed it was for the Gamestop early preview, but the only things I see in my games are the Alpha trial and Spore (from awhile back).

Anyone? Even after refreshing "My Games" it doesnt appear.


BrLvgThrChmstry said:
Try out the 360 controller? ..people seem to like using that as well if it turns out a Joystick isn't your thing.
Been trying it, still getting used to it. It's alright so far.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I haven't played the beta, but I find sniper in any game boring as shit. In general I loath slow, defensive play style. Watching people, even assault, camp behind cover and slowly peak out for half a second only to dart back and piss their pants makes for such lame gameplay videos.

I'm that dick head running around like a lunatic.


computers putin' said:
More like stop camping and help your team play the objective

He was, he killed the dude who was camping and shooting all the nubs that were ignoring him.

You need people to pick off those guys.


ColonialRaptor said:
Man that vid is cool... so good, which class has it?

By the way.. I think Support is going to be my class in this game, it's basically the new Assault and the Assault is the new Medic... Support Class KICKS arse, they get C4 as well.
Ah good news for you. Apparently Support has the EOD bot.
legacyzero said:
Bitching about snipers doing what snipers do?

= First world problems.

How the hell else would a sniper work? :/

Snipers should totally get up close brah. Give them some awesome heat seeking shotguns my man, and bonus points for 360 spins and no-scopes.

Bring back spec ops.


Sniper actually has a very good incentive to move up in BF3: mobile spawns. They set up the beacons that allow soldiers to spawn ahead in the field without needing to spawn on a squad member.
For new page. These issues are getting a tad infuriating:

MisterAnderson said:
Am I the only one who sometimes joins servers where teammates don't have their names over their heads and enemies who are spotted don't get the red arrow over them? You can't tell who the fuck is who... I can't tell if it's some server setting or if I'm just glitching. Is that normal?

And am I the only one who can't bind keys? It just doesn't let me bind anything, doesn't register the key or mouse presses.
I dont mind snipers as teammates. There is a very good use for them and it adds an element to the game. The problem comes with trying to take out a sniper even if you know where they are. Obviously they have the advantage at distance, and closing in on them can take quite awhile and pulls team members off of their goal to an out of the way spot to deal with them.

The best solution to snipers is to come up with an effective way for a non-sniper to be able to attack a sniper at distance. This would put a premium on snipers staying mobile. I've always thought that a great weapon for the BF games would be to add in a laser guided bomb for the jets. But make it so the laser has to be on target for a certain amount of time to hit accurately. Say 5 to 10 seconds. This would be the perfect counter-sniper weapon. Not sure which class that would fit with though, maybe engi?


HotHamWater said:
Snipers should totally get up close brah. Give them some awesome heat seeking shotguns my man, and bonus points for 360 spins and no-scopes.

Bring back spec ops.

What the hell is this? Modern Warfare 2?!



computers putin' said:
More like stop camping and help your team play the objective

Dude, your life will be so much easier once you realize that there will always be people like these in random public games and that there's no point in wasting energy complaining about it. Even if you manage to convince one to better his ways there will be ten others ready to take his place. Learn to handle them instead. Learn where to expect them.

People will play the game according to their own rules as long as the game itself permits them to do so. Sure it sucks that not everyone plays the objective but that's kind of the first rule of online multiplayer.


thanks for the laugh
EatChildren said:
I haven't played the beta, but I find sniper in any game boring as shit. In general I loath slow, defensive play style. Watching people, even assault, camp behind cover and slowly peak out for half a second only to dart back and piss their pants makes for such lame gameplay videos.

I'm that dick head running around like a lunatic.
don't play red orchestra.
Dmax3901 said:
Anyone else who has been playing RO2 finding BF3 quite jarring?

Bullet sponges?

I've not really had a problem with bullet sponges, but I'm constantly hitting 'T' on Caspian and trying to prone with ALT...


I haven't even played the beta that much but I am already sick of Operation Metro. I tried to get on a Caspian Border server but it seems that's a tough nut to crack...real busy. It's a fun game but with this current map it really isn't "Battlefield" to me. I guess I will wait until they open up Caspian Border to all of us plebs.


Dmax3901 said:
Anyone else who has been playing RO2 finding BF3 quite jarring?

Bullet sponges?
Ro2 was built that way though. 1 shot 1 kill most of the times. But RO2 is a tactical shooter through and through.

BF3 leans more in the arcade direction.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
cdyhybrid said:
He should be charging in and knifing people obviously!

Recons don't like getting called out for their selfishness or uselessness... they are the bottom of the battlefield barrel.

legacyzero said:
Bitching about snipers doing what snipers do?

= First world problems.

How the hell else would a sniper work? :/

Just a question... do you play Battlefield? I mean, do you have a lot of time in the games?

Also the first world problems thing is getting obnoxious. Next banned meme I hope.
HotHamWater said:
Snipers should totally get up close brah. Give them some awesome heat seeking shotguns my man, and bonus points for 360 spins and no-scopes.

Bring back spec ops.

because it has to be one extreme or the other right?


JackEtc said:
I think I need to get a flight stick.

What do you guys think of the [video] quality as well?

This looks familiar...




I think my fellow pc-gaf members can attest to the ability of a good sniper on metro for both attacking and defending. Just sitting back helping pave the path to victory. At least on the first section anyway.


Evolved1 said:
Recons don't like getting called out for their selfishness or uselessness... they are the bottom of the battlefield barrel.

Just a question... do you play Battlefield? I mean, do you have a lot of time in the games?

Also the first world problems thing is getting obnoxious. Next banned meme I hope.
Sure I do. What it seems you aren't just limiting this to Battlefield games, but more about snipers in general. Just saying. Snipers are snipers. I know it sounds dickish, but this is one of those "adapt or die" things.


Spl1nter said:
I think my fellow pc-gaf members can attest to the ability of a good sniper on metro for both attacking and defending. Just sitting back helping pave the path to victory. At least on the first section anyway.

Yeah so I'd like to play with you guys.


TheExodu5 said:
Sniper actually has a very good incentive to setup a mobile spawn on their favorite sniping position in BF3. They set up the beacons that allow soldiers to spawn to their favorite sniping spot.

Fixed for reality.

I've been playing Recon with the PP-2000. Punching through enemy lines and setting up spawn points. I haven't even tried using a sniper rifle because I fear being spotted by the glare.
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