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Battlefield 3 Beta: Info and Meetups [Over]

Oni Jazar


I've unlocked the defib like 10 times already fuck this shit the levels last forever.

JackEtc said:
Just played an hour long Conquest match on CB, only to have it close out on me. No stats kept. Awesome.

Welcome to my world happened like 4 times now.


Oni Jazar said:

I've unlocked the defib like 10 times already fuck this shit the levels last forever.
Just play metro until you level up and carry it over.
Is it just me or is Caspian Border lagging servers really badly right now? Was it always like this?

I honestly get about 5-10 FPS playing on that map, while I get a constant 60+ on Operation Metro.


gillFTR said:
Flying a jet is a fucken nightmare in this game. I knew giving engineers stinger missiles was retarded but at level 2 even more so. Now I get shot down in 2 seconds and its kind of pointless to go in a jet. Also we have to unlock IR flares and Missiles is just too stupid. So if I fly a jet with someone with those 2 unlocked I have no chance in hell even if im the superior pilot.

LOL - I shot down 4 jets and 2 Choppah's in the last game with stingers!

Saw the dude text "quit lockin onto ma jet bitcha's!" PRICELESS


MutantCyborg said:
Is it just me or is Caspian Border lagging servers really badly right now? Was it always like this?

I honestly get about 5-10 FPS playing on that map, while I get a constant 60+ on Operation Metro.

Well Caspian is a lot bigger in pretty much every way compared to Metro.


MutantCyborg said:
Is it just me or is Caspian Border lagging servers really badly right now? Was it always like this?

I honestly get about 5-10 FPS playing on that map, while I get a constant 60+ on Operation Metro.

I get a little lag, but it's not due to my hardware, definitely connection type lag. Usually when the lag is really bad on CB it'll just kick me from the game. Just keep trying, eventually you'll get a good one.
Not sure why people are asking for passwords to be PMed? Why can't it just be posted?

If it's against TOS or something, then I'll also ask. Can someone PM me a Caspian password?? :)
I just talked to a few players on the servers I was on and it seems like it was those servers. They were all complaining of low FPS or just plain lag.

I don't really know if it was an FPS issue, but I was assuming, because the scoreboard doesn't have a ping column.


Hm, there seems to be a lot of issues with this game. Especially with the 360 version. I doubt they'll have time to fix them since the game will be out in less than a month. I don't understand why they decided to do the beta this late...
After an hour of every game crashing before I can finish I have one thing to say.

Delay this pos polish it really good and release it next year.


Quote to see the password, it's out pretty much everywhere, DICE/EA better release the map because no matter how many times they change it it will always be leaked.



Zeppelin said:
Hm, there seems to be a lot of issues with this game. Especially with the 360 version. I doubt they'll have time to fix them since the game will be out in less than a month. I don't understand why they decided to do the beta this late...

Truth is the real Xbox 360 beta is the first weeks of launch. :) At least that's how BC1, 1943, and BC2 were. :p


Raudi said:
LOL - I shot down 4 jets and 2 Choppah's in the last game with stingers!

Saw the dude text "quit lockin onto ma jet bitcha's!" PRICELESS
Well the geniuses at dice thought it cool to make flares 10x harder to unlock than the stinger.


MisterAnderson said:
Not sure why people are asking for passwords to be PMed? Why can't it just be posted?
Probably because they haven't bothered reading any of the thread before they post. Password has been posted in various ways multiple times. I'd be willing to bet that a good set of search criteria on Google would yield it up on the first hit. :)
Heysoos said:
Truth is the real Xbox 360 beta is the first weeks of launch. :) At least that's how BC1, 1943, and BC2 were. :p

BC2 was like this on the PC too. It had all of the Beta bugs and performance issues until about 3 patches in that fixed them. This is going to happen to Battlefield 3 too, and I am sad. :(


Yeah I have a feeling the UMP is gonna be very popular (at least in CQC areas). Very low recoil, pretty high damage, easy to use.

Haven't unlocked the other SMGs yet so I dunno.


Zeppelin said:
Hm, there seems to be a lot of issues with this game. Especially with the 360 version. I doubt they'll have time to fix them since the game will be out in less than a month. I don't understand why they decided to do the beta this late...
I'm really worried about the 360 version, should I bail out?
Am I the only one who sometimes joins servers where teammates don't have their names over their heads and enemies who are spotted don't get the red arrow over them? You can't tell who the fuck is who... I can't tell if it's some server setting or if I'm just glitching. Is that normal?

And am I the only one who can't bind keys? It just doesn't let me bind anything, doesn't register the key or mouse presses.


moonspeak said:
Yeah I have a feeling the UMP is gonna be very popular (at least in CQC areas). Very low recoil, pretty high damage, easy to use.

Haven't unlocked the other SMGs yet so I dunno.

I've been playing primarily support. When I'm on defense I go with the PKM, when I'm on attack I go with the UMP. If you're a support player the stopping power of the UMP is a refreshing change from the marshmallows the LMGs spit out. Basically, if I can't put 6-9 rounds into the target before he puts 1-3 into me I die using LMG. Even having the drop I often lose 1v1 encounters.


I'd be in the dick
I'm sure it's just because this is probably an old build (especially since the health part of the HUD doesn't even have the heartrate monitor that was at Gamescom) but I really hope there's less tearing in the PS3 version at launch. When there are five separate regions of the screen misaligned it's insane. Worst I've ever seen. I know I've mentioned this a few times but it's more than just a pet peeve, I can't play as much as I want because it gives me a brutal headache. It's a real shame because this is the most fun I've had with a multiplayer game since Uncharted 2.


HotHamWater said:

Nice shot,deserves a gif.


I put in my key on Origin, it confirmed it was for the Gamestop early preview, but the only things I see in my games are the Alpha trial and Spore (from awhile back).


gillFTR said:
Flying a jet is a fucken nightmare in this game. I knew giving engineers stinger missiles was retarded but at level 2 even more so. Now I get shot down in 2 seconds and its kind of pointless to go in a jet. Also we have to unlock IR flares and Missiles is just too stupid. So if I fly a jet with someone with those 2 unlocked I have no chance in hell even if im the superior pilot.
Yeah, this is the question I have. How are low-level players expected to level up with a jet and unlock the weapons and counter-measures needed to be competitive if the people who have already unlocked said items are taking down low-level players before they're able to do much?


They need to make the jets faster. Right now they feel like blimps with jet skins. The DICE person who said BF3 jets are faster than BF2 is full of something.


vidal said:
Yeah, this is the question I have. How are low-level players expected to level up with a jet and unlock the weapons and counter-measures needed to be competitive if the people who have already unlocked said items are taking down low-level players before they're able to do much?
dodge stingers without flares TopGun style


XxCGSxX said:
I'm really worried about the 360 version, should I bail out?

I haven't played it myself, I'm just going by some of the impressions in this thread. Personally I haven't decided what version to get. I only have a 5750 in my PC so maybe I'm better off with the 360 version. After they've ironed out the bugs that is. :p
TheExodu5 said:
The sniper scope reflection has to either go, or be very toned down. I shouldn't be seeing the reflection off a sniper scope inside the tunnels. I should only be seeing the reflection of the sniper scope if the sun is actually reflecting off of it.

The flashlights look really dumb too. I shouldn't be blinded by a flashlight outside.
Agreed 100%, the flashlight shouldn't be an all situations thing, it needs to be inside or in dark cqc sections. Outside it should not have an effect and the reverse for the sniper scope and if you are smart enough to position yourself in the shade or in shrubbery then it shouldn't reflect, the thing that should give you away is your muzzle flash AFTER the first shot not the scope reflection before, I'm not even playing as recon and I haven't yet and I don't like it I think it's unfair it's like holding up a bulls eye saying "I'm right here" fully negates the purpose of sniping. Take it out except for if you're silly enough to snipe from a sun exposed position, make players really think about their surroundings if they're going to snipe.

Being flashlighted by your team mate for a moment every 2 seconds while you're running along next to him is one of the most annoying things in the world.

There are probably other complaints that I have, but they're all just little picky things that I would like dice to do to make the game better, but it's already amazingly good. I love it so much, caspian is just so glorious, the complexity of the level is just so good, I just can't get past how good it is, those "battlefield moments" really are superb, when you get one of those moments like this one I got earlier today at the checkpoint.

Two tanks were fighting it out, I was support, has my gun mounted on bipod, all of a sudden two jeeps rock up with two guys in each, just as that happen a heli rolls in and pops the enemy tank with it's rockets in a big boom, I'm focussing my attention on the four guys trying to make their way in from the jeeps, they haven't spotted me but I move into a good prone position to cover their entry, stupidly they all run towards the capture flag in single file basically lining up for me, moments later a jet flys by and knocks out the heli and another dude comes parachuting down for our team just as the dudes on the other team round the corner where I'm lying in ambush, this attracts their attention just enough because they think they can knock him out of the sky as he chutes down, dirty bastards, I open fire and pop pop pop, knock down three of them my clip is empty however so I switch to the pistol as I jump up, the fourth guy had run past my line of fire, all of a sudden he's right in front of me, how he's gotten so close I have no idea but he's there, I quickly side step and start firing my pistol bang bang and he's down and my screen is a bit red and I'm breathing, I must be close to death, thinking phew that was close, maybe I hit him with a few rounds on the first volley with my machine gun? All of a sudden, I can't move, I shout out loud in surprise as I'm grabbed from behind and a guy stabs me in the heart and steals my dog tags... There was a fifth guy! So that's how he got so close to me, the fourth guy who came up to my face wasn't the fourth guy at all, the fourth guy is this mofo that killed me... ARG!!

All of this happened in probably less than 1 minute. Amazing, only in battlefield.

Emily Chu

Zeppelin said:
I haven't played it myself, I'm just going by some of the impressions in this thread. Personally I haven't decided what version to get. I only have a 5750 in my PC so maybe I'm better off with the 360 version. After they've ironed out the bugs that is. :p

I've seen my brother play it on a 50" 1080p screen

it looks and plays great

no dips in FPS

Eric WK

XxCGSxX said:
I'm really worried about the 360 version, should I bail out?

Me too. If they thought this was going to convert 360 Call of Duty players to Battlefield, they're nuts. This beta is a mess from almost every standpoint other than gun/gameplay.

The Gears of War 3 beta came out five months before release and felt like a retail product. The BF3 beta feels like a retail product from 2007.

At least I have the PC version to fall back on.
Yeah I am trying to decide between PC and 360.

I have many RL friends getting it on 360. However I have a 560Ti and i5-2500, which I am sure is enough to get close to maxing this at 1680x1050. What do I do GAF?
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