Kicked from my first server lol 24/7 Metro dominating with the SKS and iron sights 
*stare at all you high ticket, 24/7 metro people with disgust*
Kicked from my first server lol 24/7 Metro dominating with the SKS and iron sights![]()
*join knife only game*
"admin is watching" warning
*get shot*
*realize everyone is shooting*
*stare at all you high ticket, 24/7 metro people with disgust*
Word is the SKS is pretty overpowered, post-patch.
I joined a friends game
Thats what I was testing lol The guy said he banned me because "no snipers" when there were at least 2-3 on his own team
So I learned to fly today. How do you hover when you're flying a helicopter though? Tried using a little bird on Damavand Peak but I got fucked up hard because I couldn't aim while flying.
I hate high ticket games
118 minutesThat metro game was longggggggggg. Also the other team was not that good, and made it feel even longer. I like metro but 1750 ticket metro server no thank you.
118 minutes
Fuck that...( I wasn't there the whole game)
Any change to the ticket amount should change the preset to custom
I was on for most of that game just to get disconnected at the very end >.>
Oh well, at least I got 3 or 4 sniper rifle ribbons out of it and I'm getting close to the medal. Speaking of medals I got the suppression one already...getting those suppression ribbons is damn easy now.
It was only 61 minutes.
Yeah suppression ribbons are super easy now, and I love it. I still haven't gotten a MCOM defender ribbon though.
Wow, how do you keep your focus playing that long?
Ohh Dear God, you can't even filter out the official EA servers with normal rules.
This is fucked.
No seriously, what is going on here? How do I play with just the normal rules set/maps?
1)If anything, GAF matches tends to be less intimidating than playing with randoms, since you can expect your buddies to back you up.
2)There's no specific requirement to fly helo/jets in GAF. Just do what you feel you're best at. The official server is prety much empty most of the time too, so feel free to practice your flying there.
3)Knifing is only a straight kill when done from behind.
4)My most played class is recon. I don't have a single sniper kill, and I can't snipe for the life of me. Don't ignore the class as if it's sniping only.
Check the server owner
Wait, I have to go into each server and check them 1 by 1?
There used to be so many DICE servers.
Wait, I have to go into each server and check them 1 by 1?
There used to be so many DICE servers.
Wow, fuck this game now. Seriously. On the PS3, the server browser is full of "only this map" or "1000% tickets".
Even quick match is now useless.
What the fuck just happened? Quick match just randomly chooses one of these browsers now? It does't even bother putting you in a normal server?
This is fucking terrible. Why is no one talking about this?
Go to server browser.Wait, I have to go into each server and check them 1 by 1?
There used to be so many DICE servers.
Wow, fuck this game now. Seriously. On the PS3, the server browser is full of "only this map" or "1000% tickets".
Even quick match is now useless.
What the fuck just happened? Quick match just randomly chooses one of these browsers now? It does't even bother putting you in a normal server?
This is fucking terrible. Why is no one talking about this?
edit: Wow, quickmatch just put me in a game with 1200 tickets.
I know, I know.
Go to server browser.
Look for Epic Battles server.
It was only 61 minutes.
Yeah suppression ribbons are super easy now, and I love it. I still haven't gotten a MCOM defender ribbon though.
Are you serious? That damn thing can take out a helicopter in one shot, if the pilot has no idea how to land it. I tried using it to see how effective it was; you're pretty much guaranteed a kill on it now.
I purchased the Back to Karkand Maps tonight but they are not showing up when I search for a game online, is there something I'm missing?
Dang. I need to get away from MW3 for a while and thought about picking this game up and I see all these issues. ...sigh
Would I be at a REALLY big disadvantage getting into the game this late?
Dang. I need to get away from MW3 for a while and thought about picking this game up and I see all these issues. ...sigh
Would I be at a REALLY big disadvantage getting into the game this late?
I see the squad system still works great when joining a server...
Sorry tn2007, didn't feel like dealing with it.
Quickmatch put me in a RUSH map with I dunno how many tickets (I used to think that RUSH mode was always gonna have 100 tickets for the attackers no matter what? Obviously not) but goddamn we were going for 60 minutes (the hell, these are "quick"matches?!) I actually managed to do my best game ever (which is not much since I suck), even an incredible (for me) 3 kill streak on 3 (!) minichopper thingie (dunno the name, lol) EACH one of them with 3 guys on board with my trusty MAW, which is like winning the lottery for a newbie: finally the match come to an end (we lost) and... disconnected. So I didn't get SHIT. No points boost, no ribbons, stats... Nada.
This was super frustrating. First time it happens (got disconnected 3 times in 9 hours of MP but always after 5 minutes or so) and yet it's already putting me off the game, if something like this happens again, I might give up already. It's already difficult enough playing with people who've got the best weapons/perks and shit AND are very skilled, coming to BF3 this late into the game, but going out empty handed after 80 minutes with that performance... I'll be playing with that bug in mind from now on, with the fear of "EA servers not available". Ugh. :/
Yeah, cryin' like a bitch -_-
There's no altitude lock like there is in Halo Reach. Angle back to stop your decent, then level off as best you can. Reading the dials that are in front of your face help a lot.
Kicked from my first server lol 24/7 Metro dominating with the SKS and iron sights![]()
Don't worry about it dude, it's all good. Sorry about the disconnect on Gulf of Oman. I think we would of won if the game didn't freeze. It didn't even let me switch teams either.
On an other note it took me 343 hours and 23 minutes but I have FINALLY made it to the 2.0 K/D ratio club woo woo!!
Awesome sauce!!
I like the custom servers but they are a bit overboard with them. The search functionality needs to give us more finite control.
The attack Heli's now have the structural density of an eggshell. They are too easy to take down and take too long to respawn.
So yeah..
Quickmatch now gets me 700 ticket TDM games and there's seemingly no way to turn custom servers 'off' in search.
as long as it's you that got disconnected and not the server that crashed, you still get everything you earned before the disconnect.