Dream it takes forever to type XMB messages and I was in the middle of a game. I replied as you were logging off, but basically: i'm not playing with gaf anymore. you guys don't need any help to win. i'd rather play with people who are behind and outnumbered. i don't believe in spawn camping and just running up the score on people. i've never been that guy and frankly i'm ashamed to have started doing it in BF... i only join the gaf games because I know it will be an uphill climb, since gaf is very good and pretty much always has the other team on the ropes. but that Kharg game is a good example of why i'm not playing with you guys anymore. it isn't sporting to pummel an undermanned team to the point they can't even get into their vehicles because they're being tanks shelled from afar and strafed by jets. i'm not telling people how they should play, i'm just not going to take part in it. i'd rather play against.
that last game you joined me... where we took a team that was being decimated and snagged a victory despite the odds, that was more fun than any game I've had will gaf in months. we helped that team win and that felt really good.
Well, first of all, you of all people should know that I don't like spawn camping in rush at all.
I don't even like moving away from the objective.
In fact I am going to say I'm the epitome of "watching m-com"
forever alone while yelling at every freaking person to get back in *sigh*.
So I am a bit hurt that you lumping me into that category.
Second, I was going to join you in the Kharg round, but then I saw JM joining you and thought you would be okay. I didn't notice that he switched until very late in the game.
Third, I'm aware that you're unhappy with gaf and wants to play merc whatever.
Hence, why I joined you on the canal game and attempted to switch side.
If you need me, not necessarily as a team member, but to buff an enemy team - hey I'm okay with that.
Finally, and I've said this before - the only thing I hope you don't do is to become someone who think "All victory is my glory, all loses are other people's fault. No more room to improve." And this isn't going to be solved even if we play together, cause 90% of the time gaf still says "randoms fault completely."