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Battlefield 3 | Console Community Thread | Pleasant Entertainment

What deaths? I was 1.5 KDR doing that shit. People can't get on my level. :|

Had to basically steal the tank from the idiot to drive it up to the objective BUT NO ONE WOULD GET IN TO HELP so basically got C4'ed when someone rushed up and I couldn't do shit because I didn't have backup.

Morons, the whole lot of them.

Yeah well, why were you a jerk stealing other people's tank and driving it away from the choke point?
Maybe if you had stayed around the chokepoint the team could have helped you.
Maybe if you killed a few people at the choke point, the enemies would retreat and the team would ownz.
How is anyone suppose to help/back you up if you leave them for that objective?
Why you being a lone wolf?

Tank > objective.
Tanks are suppose to stay back and own shit.
You're not suppose to just drive up and let people C4 you.
Come on, have some common sense.

Am I doing this right? x3


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Yeah well, why were you a jerk stealing other people's tank and driving it away from the choke point?
Maybe if you had stayed around the team could have helped you.
Maybe if you killed a few people at the choke point, the enemies would retreat and the team would ownz.
How is anyone suppose to help/back you up if you leave them for that objective thingy?
Why you being a lone wolf?

Am I doing this right? x3

What choke point? Dude was basically driving it forward and backwards at the bridge to our spawn. And getting nothing done in the meanwhile. Everyone else was in that hallway. Me and one other person got B but couldn't take A third set because EVERYONE ELSE was in that stupid hallway.

God, I hate summertime.

God, I hate summertime.

Wait till you see the summertime double XP weekend.

It's like summertime mixed with snail mating season awesomeness

(In all seriousness though, bf3 reddit was totally unreadable during the weekend, as everyone and their grandma was making "look ma, I got lotta points" bragging posts.)


Admin abuse is getting out of fucking hand. Evolved, Hunting, were you guys kicked or banned during that Kharg Island game? Also, every single server you join through quick match is a 500% ticket count...I think I might have to go back to Forest Infidels *sigh*
GAF servers: empty
DICE regular servers: full with a queue line of 70 people


Rebel Leader

Admin abuse is getting out of fucking hand. Evolved, Hunting, were you guys kicked or banned during that Kharg Island game? Also, every single server you join through quick match is a 500% ticket count...I think I might have to go back to Forest Infidels *sigh*
GAF servers: empty
DICE regular servers: full with a queue line of 70 people


I even stayed in it for an hour and no one joined =(


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Admin abuse is getting out of fucking hand. Evolved, Hunting, were you guys kicked or banned during that Kharg Island game? Also, every single server you join through quick match is a 500% ticket count...I think I might have to go back to Forest Infidels *sigh*
GAF servers: empty
DICE regular servers: full with a queue line of 70 people


My game actually froze... I just wasn't in the mood to reboot the system.
you need to get ERRRRBODY in there.

we populate our servers on 360 all the time, like 6-8 of us just join and wait a few minutes.

map choice also helps with this, Wake and Metro fill faster.

then again, it's easier to co-ordinate with party chat and party invites...


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Admin abuse is getting out of fucking hand.

Hah. I joined a "clan server" that only had 4 people playing Gun Game to attempt to get the top five from what Faceless said. You know what happened? Stupid owner was kicking anyone but three people from it and banning them at the same time. I sent him (forgetting his name right now I'll get back to you) a message just saying "sad" because I got mine with blood, sweat, and tears and this dude has to be a skillless pussy and kicking people but himself and two others to get it. Sad.

(In all seriousness though, bf3 reddit was totally unreadable during the weekend, as everyone and their grandma was making "look ma, I got lotta points" bragging posts.)

I've honestly stopped reading /r/BF3 because it's gotten awful in typical reddit fashion. /r/walkingdead also went that route. But that's for another discussion. I think the SunnySHUTUP!!!!.youtube and HarrisonFordWHOGIVESASHIT.gif apply there.


Worse than playing 500% tickets games on metro is playing 500% tickets on big vehicle maps.

I saw a game on Kharg that took 1 hour and 20 minutes and the ace pin guy had something like only 12.000 points.


Worse than playing 500% tickets games on metro is playing 500% tickets on big vehicle maps.

I saw a game on Kharg that took 1 hour and 20 minutes and the ace pin guy had something like only 12.000 points.
I exclusively play 100% servers. I don't get how people can stand playing on a single map for over an hour. It becomes especially boring when one team is dominating and the other team is getting spawn-killed and slowly the entire team quits out.
I exclusively play 100% servers. I don't get how people can stand playing on a single map for over an hour. It becomes especially boring when one team is dominating and the other team is getting spawn-killed and slowly the entire team quits out.

Like my boy Adamsappel said last night. "200% tickets? Why? 100% means we get twice as many wins as 200%!" I approve of Adams message.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
It's worse in Rush. I was in a 150% Bazaar Rush server only because I needed the resupplies for the guns and that's the game I'm bitching about. We get down to the wire and take both crates two times. Until the last time when they dug into A and people were morons and wouldn't MOVE around.


Damn, glitchers are starting to get really annoying with the boat underneath the map deal.

damn...this guy has 64 USAS service stars...

Only? In BC2 I had 10,000+ kills with the USAS and it wasn't even the best weapon by a long shot :p
Looking forward to reach that number with the MK3A1 in BF3


How...how could you have experience getting kills with the EOD before this assignment? What were you doing??? Lol! ;-)

I've played a hardcore game with Marce and the SOD guys. It's not my cup of tea. It's to easy to kill or be killed. Medics are so overpowered in that mode since there's no health regen.

I used to mess around a lot with the EOD Bot, especially on bigger maps like Noshahr Canals. There's nothing as fulfilling as getting an EOD kill while someone is camping in a corner. It controls bad but once you get used to it it's ok. Got some vehicle kills with EOD Bot's aswell. But don't get me wrong, it's not a large amount. Now that I got the kill for the assignment, don't think I'll bother with it too much unless we're pinned back then I'll use it against vehicles.

As for weapons, I have 65 stars on A-91 with 6500 kills, then the AEK second with 49 stars 4900 kills. I think the A-91 is underrated, I never see people mention it but it's a great weapon for Engineers.


Holy shit what a perfect expansion.

I just played for, like, four and a half hours.

What a great game; can't wait for more.


I used to mess around a lot with the EOD Bot, especially on bigger maps like Noshahr Canals. There's nothing as fulfilling as getting an EOD kill while someone is camping in a corner. It controls bad but once you get used to it it's ok. Got some vehicle kills with EOD Bot's aswell. But don't get me wrong, it's not a large amount. Now that I got the kill for the assignment, don't think I'll bother with it too much unless we're pinned back then I'll use it against vehicles.

As for weapons, I have 65 stars on A-91 with 6500 kills, then the AEK second with 49 stars 4900 kills. I think the A-91 is underrated, I never see people mention it but it's a great weapon for Engineers.

I was just messing with you! ;-)

I would never be able to get the EOD bot kill legit! It's amazing to me that not only you got one, but several!

I love the A-91, when I started playing it was my favorite engineer gun. I felt really powerful when playing with it. But I can't use the same gun that much! I don't know why but I'm always changing around. I got around only 450 kills with the A-91. Haha!

Right now I'm using the the more popular guns like the M4A1, AEK-971 (Assault) and the M16A4 (Engineer) mainly because that's what the pros are using. Lately I've felt that I really should master a few guns instead of trying to know all of then. I'm a lvl. 37 colonel and I still haven't gotten more than 1,000 kills with any gun. You know the saying jack of all trades master of none...

Hopefully I'll improve if I stick to a small selection of weapons and really get used to then.

Also, I don't know if this have been posted yet but Demize was on reedit a couple days ago discussing some probable balance changes for the next patch:

Demize said:
Here is a list of potential fixes for a future update. I've been scouring the feedback from Battlelog, Symthic, Reddit, Twitter and other places. As usual, this is not exhaustive, nor is this a guarantee we will perform these changes. Instead this is a request for feedback from our community. Currently I cannot see any substantial reason to make balance changes the weapons added in Close Quarters. The only weapon that has received substantial OP/UP feedback is the M417, which I feel is working exactly as it is intended: a good mid range run and gun weapon which lacks the long range accuracy of the MK11/SVD and has worse mobility than the SKS.

Additionally, the discussion about aim assist changes has been interesting, though I find that players are mostly commenting on should aim assist be allowed or not. Players have suggested zoom spamming over powers aim assist after the update, however the update only changed how a the assist helps a player stay on a moving target not how aim assist works when zooming. Further more the videos players have shown attempting to show zoom spamming as a valid tactic fail to actually get the crosshairs on target, as the system is designed to only assist the player and the player will need to do the rest. In fact the videos demonstrate a system which accomplishes exactly what it is designed to do. Finally, some players have worried about quick scope snipers using zoom spamming, however high zoom scopes on all weapons prevent this tactic by not including any zoom assist, the player has to do this skill shot on all his own. I recognize this is a hot topic for highly skilled players, and I feel currently the new aim assist settings provide enough assistance to players without eliminating the skill element.

On to the Changes:

A number of weapons have had their reload timers adjusted to better fit their animations and gameplay balance. For most of these weapons the gameplay timers were slightly out of sync with the actual reload animation, meaning the player could either fire before the animation was done, or had to wait longer than the animation played. Primarily this is a cosmetic change (around 0.1sec); however for a few weapons (M416, F2000, FAMAS, KH2002, MK3A1, JNG90, MG36 QBU-88, SVD, Pecheneg, SCAR-H, AN-94) this should also improve the performance of the weapon.

Short and Long reload reduced: SCAR-L, AEK-971, F2000, AN-94, AK-74, PP2000, G3A3, SKS, MG36, JNG-90, MK3A1, SCAR-H, SVD, QBZ-95B

Long reload reduced: AUG A3, 44 Magnum, KH2002, Pecheneg, L85A2, QBB-95, M1911, MP7, M4A1

Short reload reduced: FAMAS, M39 EBR, M416, PP-19, QBU-88;

Short and long reload increased: ASVal

Long reload increased: P90

Belt Fed Machine guns are now more accurate when standing and firing while aiming: M240, M249, Type88, and Pecheneg

Increased the close range damage of the UMP but reduced its damage over range. The UMP now has a sweet spot in CQB but suffers compared to the PP2000 at longer ranges.

Increased the long range damage of the PP2000 to highlight its role as a mid-range, low recoil PDW.

Increased the min damage of the M1911 to make it fit better between the Magnums and the M9/MP443

Reduced the M93R's damage and range, as it was an obvious goto pistol compared to the M9/MP443. Its recoil has been reduced for a smoother burst action to counter the reduced damage.

Increased the fire rate and reload time of the MP412 REX to better highlight the improved CQB performance over the 44 Magnum.

SG553: Horizontal recoil reduced to help make this weapon more controllable.

MG36: Vertical recoil reduced to make this weapon more controllable.

M416: Vertical, Horizontal, and First Shot recoil have all be reduced to make this weapon clearly different from the M16A3.

44 Magnum: Rate of fire reduced slightly to highlight this sidearm's role as a slow firing heavy hitter and differentiate it from the MP412 REX.

M16A3: Recoil amounts slightly increased.

M4A1: Recoil amounts slightly increased.

G36: Vertical and First Shot recoil amounts reduced.

The bonuses provided by a number of bipods have been increased: F2000, G3A3, M27, M416, Pecheneg, Type88, FAMAS, MG36

Added Burst Fire to the M5K as an available option.

Slightly reduced the range bonus added by the heavy barrel on the 5.56mm, 5.45mm, 6.5mm Assault Rifles.

Slightly reduced the range penalty for the suppressor on 5.56mm, 5.45mm, and 6.5mm weapons: AR, Carbine, and LMG.

Slightly reduced the range penalty for the suppressor on the SCAR-H.

The radius for maximum damage of the 40mm LVG has been slightly increased. The overall damage level and range remain the same.

Fixed the SCAR-L heavy barrel not increasing recoil when zoomed and standing.

Fixed Jets not getting bonuses on Laser Designated targets.

Fixed the AUG’s M320 smoke having an incorrectly high projectile velocity.

Fixed helicopter weapons being unable to destroy equipment with splash damage.

Increased the damage helicopter and jet rockets do to helicopters and jets and infantry.

Increased the damage helicopter gunners and IFVs do to helicopters and jets.

Slightly increased the damage of the AA vs infantry, AA is significantly less effective than even the coaxial LMG on tanks, making it extremely vulnerable. AA should be effective against a single infantryman but not over powering.

What do you guys think? I bolded the changes I thought were more interesting. M416 new go to weapon for Assaults right next to the AEK?

Overall some nice changes but no one asked and Demize didn't even mention glitches on maps like Metro or the boat one. That's a shame. I'm starting to think that those are issues that Dice simply can't fix... :-(


Guess I'd better hurry up and get the Raffica service star and then jump on the future 1911 bandwagon.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
So hummm i like Ziba Tower and Donya Fortress. DONT HATE ME SEKS!
But yeah im looking forward to Armored Kill.


Anyone that likes CQ is obviously lying. It's a piece of shit.



I barely see you play them D_D

heck, in the past 24 hours you haven't played 1 CQS map =3

Like I said in my impressions they get old quick because of its fast nature and they're only fun in short bursts which I'm fine with. The expansion works as advertised though so I don't see where the complaints are coming from.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.

What's wrong with me? No, Reggie. What's wrong with you. Go to Call of Duty if you want Call of Duty. I WANT BATTLEFIELD maps in my BATTLEFIELD.
Am I the only one that is afraid that the Armored Kill maps will be too big for the 24 player count?

I'm not so concerned with that, as it's now clearly more in EA/DICE's interest to cater to the console crowd. I'm sure they'll make adequate adjustment for the console versions.

What I am concerned about, though, is that it'll be close quarters to another extreme.
Infantry combat will be useless, you'll suffer if you can't fly a jet, recon and assault will serve no purpose, etc etc.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I'm not so concerned with that, as it's now clearly more in EA/DICE's interest to cater to the console crowd. I'm sure they'll make adequate adjustment for the console versions.

What I am concerned about, though, is that it'll be close quarters to another extreme.
Infantry combat will be useless, you'll suffer if you can't fly a jet, recon and assault will serve no purpose, etc etc.

The AC-130 is already going to ruin it on one map. Hellfire from that will probably destroy most cover and be another Heavy Metal with very little ability for infantry to hoof it if a chopper or air vehicle is in the air.


I'm not so concerned with that, as it's now clearly more in EA/DICE's interest to cater to the console crowd. I'm sure they'll make adequate adjustment for the console versions.

What I am concerned about, though, is that it'll be close quarters to another extreme.
Infantry combat will be useless, you'll suffer if you can't fly a jet, recon and assault will serve no purpose, etc etc.

Which will be a GREAT thing! Complete opposite end of the spectrum from CQ FTW!

I actually like CQ so far


it's not that hard, i did it twice!

But you have like, a degree at trolling the enemy! You're THE master at that kind of stuff! Lol!

I just got the EOD bot stuck everywhere, turned it over dozens of times, and clipped him everywhere! Once he actually started moving on his own and would not stop going in circles. That thing is a little monster.

And if I continued to try to get the kills I was afraid Dream was going to kick me from the platoon, he was getting mad because I was supposedly not helping the team, but I swear I was diverting their attention all the time, and annoying then to no end so our guys could get the upper hand! Haha!

I'm not so concerned with that, as it's now clearly more in EA/DICE's interest to cater to the console crowd. I'm sure they'll make adequate adjustment for the console versions.

What I am concerned about, though, is that it'll be close quarters to another extreme.
Infantry combat will be useless, you'll suffer if you can't fly a jet, recon and assault will serve no purpose, etc etc.

Playing Kharg, Caspian and Firestorm as infantry can be fun if the other team is strong enough to fight back. Hopefully the new maps will be like that too.

If vehicles are absolutely a must, Dice should at least made one available to every player. And I'm not talking about jeeps!


Well, my days as a 360 player have come to an end. I have decided to get a gaming pc, therefore I'm migrating to the dark/better/master side.

I want to thank lostsupper, odysseus, and have at you for the 60 hours of fun I had at their side. Good games.

EDIT: 5.12 w/l ratio. notbad.jpg
I really don't mind people kicking others from their server to make room but killing me, forcing me into another team seems something EA should get a hold off. Also I don't really see the "fun" in playing 10 members of the same clan versus a bunch of random 80% level 10-20 people. Must be a tough life if they can't win in an even team. Well got banned so I can't run into that situation again :)

PS: Gun Master sucks - 75-99 damage dealt and someone always ends up snatching away my kill and after round 3 it gets pretty unbalanced with pistol versus P90 and stuff.
But you have like, a degree at trolling the enemy! You're THE master at that kind of stuff! Lol!

Pfft. I killed faceless in a GAF-only match last night. If I can do it, anyone can.

Just kidding, face. Please don't take my tags.

And if I continued to try to get the kills I was afraid Dream was going to kick me from the platoon, he was getting mad because I was supposedly not helping the team, but I swear I was diverting their attention all the time, and annoying then to no end so our guys could get the upper hand! Haha!

I think there's something to be said for camping an apartment and getting at least one squad so pissed off they concentrate all their efforts on revenge. The trouble comes from everyone else on the team seeing that's where the action is and wanting to come get a piece, instead of noticing that (at least) four guys have taken themselves out of the game and flags are undefended.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Well, that round sucked.

We were even and then Evolved and Call of Duty left thereby unbalancing us and then we were suddenly out numbered. And then the rest of the team was full of morons that wouldn't spread out to defend. Hell, even when we were starting/even they didn't spread out to be even. It was only after I started to lay hell fire that someone came to A to join the one other person that joined me there (after I revived them with the fallen medic kit) then rock joined and everyone else came over and I'm like "FUCK SAKE" *runs to B* *people come to B* "FUCK SAKE" *runs to A* Finally we get spread out and started to trap them and then YOINK TEAM IMBALANCE. :|

Game started to lag two rounds before that, but I stuck around only because there was GAF people. After that round? Yeah, I had to turn the game off because my hip fire was mysteriously missing balls touching close enemies. God, my fucking connection need to be fixed within the week or I'm going to rage. :|


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Well, that round sucked.

We were even and then Evolved and Call of Duty left thereby unbalancing us and then we were suddenly out numbered. And then the rest of the team was full of morons that wouldn't spread out to defend. Hell, even when we were starting/even they didn't spread out to be even. It was only after I started to lay hell fire that someone came to A to join the one other person that joined me there (after I revived them with the fallen medic kit) then rock joined and everyone else came over and I'm like "FUCK SAKE" *runs to B* *people come to B* "FUCK SAKE" *runs to A* Finally we get spread out and started to trap them and then YOINK TEAM IMBALANCE. :|

Game started to lag two rounds before that, but I stuck around only because there was GAF people. After that round? Yeah, I had to turn the game off because my hip fire was mysteriously missing balls touching close enemies. God, my fucking connection need to be fixed within the week or I'm going to rage. :|
That RUSH sever was set up with too many tickets. Those games are way too long. Not fun.
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