Finally my game froze on an horrible game, instead of a good one! Thank you Dice!
Sorry Evolved, Hunting and Rock I just couldn't get back at that game, out team was too bad...
I don't like it because the name was from the game at all
It doesn't bother me much but I like posting gifs =3
Decisions.......... decisions
All you need to do is to get the regular gaffers to sit in there for 4-5 minutes, the server float to up and we'll have more people.
That or you can rename it into any of the following:
"500% metro, rank up fast all the time."
"BF3 AWESOME SERVER N00b welcome"
Make it hardcore, and simplify the name, something along the lines of this this, which coincidentally is the server I primarily play on, since it's always busy.
We've tried simplifying the name before.
The fact of the matter is no one is going to browse 20+ pages down to look for a 0/24 server.
Also, why hardcore?
Class balance is all wrong in that mode for bf3.
Yeah, that's what I ended up doing.have you checked ebay for points?
Make it hardcore,
YESSSSSSS! I got the ACW-R. I played like shit, spamming rockets on Operation Metro but I did it. I'll never have to do that again.
It took me only 2 minutes to get an EOD Bot kill since I have had experience in getting kills with that before. Now to get 100 carbine kills for the MTAR-21.
donePlease, take my server off of the OP.
Don't like me calling you that? Change your name.
Or I can change it to CODfish, Cash on Delivery, ...
I hate when you're out of your ammo and some support guy is running around ignoring you while you're screaming at him all the time. I just need some fucking ammo, man.
When I'm playing support, I always make sure to resupply others.
it's easy to get top 5 in gun master when 4 people are in the game.
I hate when you're out of your ammo and some support guy is running around ignoring you while you're screaming at him all the time. I just need some fucking ammo, man.
When I'm playing support, I always make sure to resupply others.
it's easy to get top 5 in gun master when 4 people are in the game.
B2K >>>>>>>>>>> Vanilla > Dogshit > CQC.
I am thinking of buying Premium but are all the expansion packs confirmed to be multiplayer? B/c if any of them are single player I will buy all future DICE games used in protest.
I am thinking of buying Premium but are all the expansion packs confirmed to be multiplayer? B/c if any of them are single player I will buy all future DICE games used in protest.
Were gonna play CQ today and youre gonna love it!FTFY. You're welcome, Fersis.
Also idiot tank drivers are hazardous to your wins.
I dunno what's happened in the past two months but the little I've played on my (still shit) connection has been eye-opening. It's like the mouth of hell has opened and complete and utter MORONS have invaded the game.
Really? Because people just suddenly joined the one I played in.. Which screwed me up. Unless you mean you get the assignment complete on being in the "five" and not finishing top five.To get the achievement, I don't have the assignment unlocked yet
I hate when I'm a medic, my teammate is on 1% health, I throw him a medpack, and he runs away ¬¬
I like that now the icons show when a teammate needs something, and flash when he is requesting for it. But really, we need a message in the task sections, where the game shows you "A has been captured" that says something like "vixlar needs ammo"
I played a couple of matches in the new maps:
Ziba Tower > Donya Fortress > Operation 925 > Scrap Metal
My problem with Scrap Metal is that its too hard to read. Maybe its because i played only one match?
i thought it was easy to get top5 anyways as long as you are in the game from the start. Some weapons are not about speed but just luck though, especially the snipers and the grenade launcher.
Why are the new maps always empty (as of yesterday afternoon)? Is this happening for anyone else?
Because no one wants to play dogshit maps and modes. :3 They'd rather vomit than play a Call of Battlefield clone.
Anyway, got the SPAS-12, which opens up the dogshit 1 top five in gun game win shit.
Then I gotta do engineer for that stupid EOD bot kill unlock. :/
Have you played the maps?
If so, why the hell did you buy them?
Yes, and they're all complete shit. Rocket spam, C4 spam, shit spawns, etc. Like everyone with a brain feared
Uh, because I wanted the guns like I've stated millions of times?
CQ's sucks shit. Whoever likes it should get back to Call of Duty since that's pretty much what it is.
Yes, and they're all complete shit. Rocket spam, C4 spam, shit spawns, etc. Like everyone with a brain feared
Uh, because I wanted the guns like I've stated millions of times?
CQ's sucks shit. Whoever likes it should get back to Call of Duty since that's pretty much what it is.
I like the Ziba Tower map a little bit... if gun master had an opposite progression (best to worst) I'd probably play that a ton.
Dreamgazer said:Now, deal with it.
i thought it was easy to get top5 anyways as long as you are in the game from the start. Some weapons are not about speed but just luck though, especially the snipers and the grenade launcher.
FTFY. You're welcome, Fersis.
Also idiot tank drivers are hazardous to your wins.
I dunno what's happened in the past two months but the little I've played on my (still shit) connection has been eye-opening. It's like the mouth of hell has opened and complete and utter MORONS have invaded the game.
it's summertime.
ugh these 5000% ticket maps are SOOO long. i can't hold up my concentration that long, plz!![]()
5-5-5-5 THOUSAND? O_O
I think he means 500%. He joined Me who joined Olimpia on Conquest in B2K. I joined mostly because it was B2K maps. Needed to wash the taste of shit out of my mouth.
Yeah, well... Summertime needs to strengthen their minds. Costing me wins when I'm the one that SOLO ARMS and then holds a place FIVE DAMN TIMES with the laying a grenade grenade launcher that came with CQ.
Only to lose because EVERYONE AND THEIR MOTHER STAYS AT THE FUCKING CHOKEPOINT AT OUR SPAWN instead of going AROUND and screwing the defense in the ass AFTER I ARM AND ANOTHER PERSON ARMS THREE TIMES only for the defense to quickly disarm.
You think anyone sees how many times you armed the m-com at the end game screen?
No dude, they just see how much of a loser you are with those deaths.
Win/loss? That stat means nothing.
Besides, don't we got like 500 tickets or something? Why do you want to end the game so quickly? Just arm that stuff like when you have 10 tickets left.
Am I doing it right? x2
5-5-5-5 THOUSAND? O_O