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Battlefield 3 | Console Community Thread | Pleasant Entertainment


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
So we joined some team that was stacked and dominating the server... next round we switch to make it more even and after getting their shit handed to them, they start switching gaffers over in an attempt to stack. Long story short, after some kicks, bans, and other shenanigans, it doesn't work and we eventually clear them off their own server. haha
So we joined some team that was stacked and dominating the server... next round we switch to make it more even and after getting their shit handed to them, they start switching gaffers over in an attempt to stack. Long story short, after some kicks, bans, and other shenanigans, it doesn't work and we eventually clear them off their own server. haha

felt good man.
felt goooood.


Dice is already working on BFBC3 (there was a linkedin curriculum leak some months ago), but hopefully EA/Dice are smart enough to not release another iteration of BF or BFBC on current gen consoles.

Supposing BC3 comes out near next gen launch (late 2013, but more probably early 2014) will you guys make the next gen jump early?

I think their best bet of grabbing more of COD market share is having a triple A BF experience on the release day of the 720 or PS4.

I'm not planning on buying all consoles again next gen, but even if I'm more of a playstation guy I would not resist if the 720 has a good headstart and a BF game on release.
Dice is already working on BFBC3 (there was a linkedin curriculum leak some months ago), but hopefully EA/Dice are smart enough to not release another iteration of BF or BFBC on current gen consoles.

Supposing BC3 comes out near next gen launch (late 2013, but more probably early 2014) will you guys make the next gen jump early?

I think their best bet of grabbing more of COD market share is having a triple A BF experience on the release day of the 720 or PS4.

I'm not planning on buying all consoles again next gen, but even if I'm more of a playstation guy I would not resist if the 720 has a good headstart and a BF game on release.

If DICE makes BFBC3 more like BF3 or worse....CoD, then I'll probably hold off.
While I've learned to tolerate BF3, I can certainly do without it.
It's nowhere like bc2 where I feel like I have to play every night...

Personally, I don't ever want to pay to play online, so live will never be an option (same if sony requires a subscription to play online.) Overall, it'll depend on game varieties for me.
In other words, who ever wins japan will probably get my purchase...

If necessary, I can always go back to pc.

*stare at his unloved, overclocked i5-2500k, 560ti tower*
Dice is already working on BFBC3 (there was a linkedin curriculum leak some months ago), but hopefully EA/Dice are smart enough to not release another iteration of BF or BFBC on current gen consoles.

Supposing BC3 comes out near next gen launch (late 2013, but more probably early 2014) will you guys make the next gen jump early?

I think their best bet of grabbing more of COD market share is having a triple A BF experience on the release day of the 720 or PS4.

I'm not planning on buying all consoles again next gen, but even if I'm more of a playstation guy I would not resist if the 720 has a good headstart and a BF game on release.

if it's a launch game, it would most likely be on current gen and next gen consoles.
What do you guys think of handguns?

there is no contest ;D


If DICE makes BFBC3 more like BF3 or worse....CoD, then I'll probably hold off.
While I've learned to tolerate BF3, I can certainly do without it.
It's nowhere like bc2 where I feel like I have to play every night...

Personally, I don't ever want to pay to play online, so live will never be an option (same if sony requires a subscription to play online.) Overall, it'll depend on game varieties for me.
In other words, who ever wins japan will probably get my purchase...

If necessary, I can always go back to pc.

*stare at his unloved, overclocked i5-2500k, 560ti tower*

For me the biggest differential between both games, and the best thing BC2 had going were the maps. I loved practically all Rush and Conquest maps. They were all playable and fun, and while I like all Conquest maps on BF3 I just hate the infantry Rush ones.

Dice needs to differentiate both series, and I think the best way to do that is with the maps. Hopefully they will be more open and less urban. Give me jungles, snow villages and more outdoor areas. If they focus on this I think BC3 will be as fun as the last one!

I've seen some Conquest games on Seine 64 players that looked super fun, the map looks really good with more flags. Hopefully next gen Dice will manage to give console players the same experience PC gamers have (like they did on BC2!)

if it's a launch game, it would most likely be on current gen and next gen consoles.

I thought about that and I hope they don't do it. I mean they have trouble managing, patching and even making content to the game on consoles and PC (3 platforms) imagine if they had to do it on current gen, next gen and PCs? There's no way they can handle 5 platforms...


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Dice is already working on BFBC3 (there was a linkedin curriculum leak some months ago), but hopefully EA/Dice are smart enough to not release another iteration of BF or BFBC on current gen consoles.

Supposing BC3 comes out near next gen launch (late 2013, but more probably early 2014) will you guys make the next gen jump early?

I think their best bet of grabbing more of COD market share is having a triple A BF experience on the release day of the 720 or PS4.

I'm not planning on buying all consoles again next gen, but even if I'm more of a playstation guy I would not resist if the 720 has a good headstart and a BF game on release.

SMH. HarrisonFordWHOGIVESASHIT.gif about the CoD market. I bought BC1 and thought it was better than CoD4 because it was doing things different from CoD (read: less shit spawns *because they're mostly your fault
too bad they ain't your fault in Close Shitters
, better maps, ...) and here they are dumbing Battlefield down to appeal to Joe Calladoody to get their sales when BF was selling fine on any platform it released on.

How about DICE does their own thing, balances the destruction to where it isn't totally broken go back to their B2K-level of map design and call it day? I guarantee you that'd bring in more people than shit like Close Quarters does.
so, Nuketown is the most popular Blops map? i remember how one time i even commented about how it was around the same size as the B flag capture zone on Arica Harbor CQ.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
so, Nuketown is the most popular Blops map?

If it is, then it just goes to show how out of touch with the 12 year old ADD CoD kids I am.

CoD4's maps >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CoD series maps (with the exception of maybe CoD1-2 but that's debateable)

Rebel Leader

If it is, then it just goes to show how out of touch with the 12 year old ADD CoD kids I am.

CoD4's maps >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CoD series maps (with the exception of maybe CoD1-2 but that's debateable)

My god... I still think that CoD4's maps were absolutely brilliant
If it is, then it just goes to show how out of touch with the 12 year old ADD CoD kids I am.

CoD4's maps >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CoD series maps (with the exception of maybe CoD1-2 but that's debateable)

yeah...as if the bf3 community is any better.

That being said, anyone up for 64 PLAYER METRO, 500% TICKET , PC MAST...oh wrong thread....


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
I have always been terrible at CoD... even the WWII originals, but my nephew was like a prodigy and I'd watch him play sometimes. I thought the maps in CoD4 were pretty interesting, and actually kind of liked the game even though I was bad at it. I liked the previous games too. But CoD4 introduced the perks and killstreaks and that's about when the whole thing went off the rails (imo) because it basically started buffing people who were better, and after CoD4 it just went a little overboard. I'll never be good at them, just because I'm wired to play a different way, but the new games... I don't even want to be good. I really dislike this most recent entry. I play with my cousins sometimes, and I just don't really understand the appeal.
Have any of you guys been experiencing bad lag/rubber-banding across multiple servers over the last week or so? Not constantly I mean, but coming and going?

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Have any of you guys been experiencing bad lag/rubber-banding across multiple servers over the last week or so? Not constantly I mean, but coming and going?

I was playing on a Euro server last night with Doziz and I didn't have that issue (I'm in Illinois). Sometimes I had noticeable bullet lag, but that was it.
COD4 maps were very well designed, almost Counter-Strike level of thought went into those ;D It's a shame if Nuketown is the most played one because it really is just one big room where everyone has an average lifespan of 5 seconds. But sure i get it, ive played Action Quake and i know what its about :D but that should not be the main game mode, so to speak.


SMH. HarrisonFordWHOGIVESASHIT.gif about the CoD market. I bought BC1 and thought it was better than CoD4 because it was doing things different from CoD (read: less shit spawns *because they're mostly your fault
too bad they ain't your fault in Close Shitters
, better maps, ...) and here they are dumbing Battlefield down to appeal to Joe Calladoody to get their sales when BF was selling fine on any platform it released on.

How about DICE does their own thing, balances the destruction to where it isn't totally broken go back to their B2K-level of map design and call it day? I guarantee you that'd bring in more people than shit like Close Quarters does.

Well Dice obviously gives a shit. Maybe I wasn't clear enough, I'm just saying that giving people a BF game on day launch on the next gen consoles is a better way to grab COD costumers than making expansions like Close Quarters.

People are much more willing to experiment a different game in the beginning of a new generation. A lot of people could be introduced to BF that way.

Guided missiles and javelins are too powerful agianst helicopters... and you don't see them getting nerfed now do you?

Are we playing the same game? Javelins are so ineffective they're barely being used. Guided missiles are just the way they should be.

The 93R does more damage in a burst now than a Magnum. It has to be nerfed. Everyone is using it for a reason.
Well Dice obviously gives a shit. Maybe I wasn't clear enough, I'm just saying that giving people a BF game on day launch on the next gen consoles is a better way to grab COD costumers than making expansions like Close Quarters.

People are much more willing to experiment a different game in the beginning of a new generation. A lot of people could be introduced to BF that way.

Personally, launch titles are always "games that are there to show off console tech, but rarely that polished"

So to me, I rather they hold off on BC3 or the next CoD installment. Better yet I rather they launch with an "upgraded bf3" (w at least 48 player option) and then release BC3 when they're familiar and comfortable with the systems.


Are we playing the same game? Javelins are so ineffective they're barely being used. Guided missiles are just the way they should be.

The 93R does more damage in a burst now than a Magnum. It has to be nerfed. Everyone is using it for a reason.

Yeah Javelins are useless against armored vehicles. Takes multiple hits to kill, which is ridiculous considering the risk you take with lock-on time. Helicopters can be one-shot-kills though at least.

What irritates me most is the TV Missile on attack helicopters. It's controls are very janky, and when you FINALLY make a direct hit on a tank, all it does is disable it. That fucker should be a one hit kill, no questions asked.

Rebel Leader

Yeah Javelins are useless against armored vehicles. Takes multiple hits to kill, which is ridiculous considering the risk you take with lock-on time. Helicopters can be one-shot-kills though at least.

What irritates me most is the TV Missile on attack helicopters. It's controls are very janky, and when you FINALLY make a direct hit on a tank, all it does is disable it. That fucker should be a one hit kill, no questions asked.

anything guided shouldn't be a 1 shot kill against helis

I have not used TV missiles so no comment...
wait a minute...... what did that 1 lock on thing in BC1(?) do against tanks? those Binoculars things recons had where you can lock on to a vehicle

Found them

If TV missile controls similar to these... they should do the same damage


Has anyone else gotten level 100 for PS3 other than Olimpia? I might have to make a hard push for it starting tonight and throughout double xp week if no one else has.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Well Dice obviously gives a shit. Maybe I wasn't clear enough, I'm just saying that giving people a BF game on day launch on the next gen consoles is a better way to grab COD costumers than making expansions like Close Quarters.

Yes, and it's obviously showing in how shit BF3 has turned out after they nearly had a perfect game that simply needed better balance (and nearly had it: sup anti-air missiles... OH WAIT WE GIVE YOU UNDER THE RADAR TROLLOLOLOLOLOLOL) instead of a "call of dookie"-ification.


Personally, launch titles are always "games that are there to show off console tech, but rarely that polished"

So to me, I rather they hold off on BC3 or the next CoD installment. Better yet I rather they launch with an "upgraded bf3" (w at least 48 player option) and then release BC3 when they're familiar and comfortable with the systems.

That's actually a cool idea! I would buy a PS4 BF3 if EA don't sell it at full price and I don't have to buy premium again!

Yeah Javelins are useless against armored vehicles. Takes multiple hits to kill, which is ridiculous considering the risk you take with lock-on time. Helicopters can be one-shot-kills though at least.

What irritates me most is the TV Missile on attack helicopters. It's controls are very janky, and when you FINALLY make a direct hit on a tank, all it does is disable it. That fucker should be a one hit kill, no questions asked.

Choppers are so strange now. As a gunner more than half of my guided missiles are not registering head on hits and the machine gun is not damaging armor as much as it should.

They also nerfed the pilot rocket damage a bit. I'm really not a chopper pilot so I'm not complaining as more often then not I'm on the receiving end of all that firepower but I think Dice just don't know how to balance it without making the choppers too overpowered.

It's funny how some people still use the javelins to engage tanks close range. I just laugh when I notice a engineer 15 meters away from my tank trying to get a lock on...

They had a buff on the very first patch when they disabled tanks with just one shot. Since then they have been nerfed a little bit, but I'm still using smoke since then. Canister shells, smoke and proximity is the best all around tank setup.

Overall I just don't see many advantages running with javelins. You're unable to use then against infantry or to blow cover, and it's advisable to only engage armor with a certain distance. RPGs are much more useful IMO.


Had some good games with Olimpia and Boa this afternoon, but I still can't understand the idea behind a custom ticket game on the big vehicle maps...

I understand that on metro, I mean it's all about the points right? But on the big maps we have played some 30, 40 minutes games were the top scoring player didn't even break 10.000 points, so what's the purpose?


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Oh man... you can't even trust colonels to be good in this game anymore.

Couple very unfun rounds I just played.

Cause I can.
*smokes his cash cigar*
Seriously though, my old P4 desktop wasn't cutting it for the usual task anymore + I felt like building something.

That and I also figured all the blah blah blah pc-gaming hype might win me back again.
It didn't.

*saves his rants about modern pc gaming development for IRC*


Oh man... you can't even trust colonels to be good in this game anymore.

Couple very unfun rounds I just played.

Where did you go on Bazaar? You were there for a few and then you left. Hunting Beast joined towards the end and we ended up snatching victory from them.
anything guided shouldn't be a 1 shot kill against helis

I have not used TV missiles so no comment...
wait a minute...... what did that 1 lock on thing in BC1(?) do against tanks? those Binoculars things recons had where you can lock on to a vehicle

Found them

If TV missile controls similar to these... they should do the same damage

TV Missiles control worse.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
You're on PS3 right?

Yeah PS3. Too bad the consoles can't play together. That would be really fun.

boa said:
Where did you go on Bazaar? You were there for a few and then you left. Hunting Beast joined towards the end and we ended up snatching victory from them.

Yeah I joined the game and my squad was kind of annoying. We take alpha immediately and then we take bravo. I saw that you were at charlie. So we have all the flags but I notice alpha is blinking behind us. I relay this information to my squad at bravo (which is clear as day on the minimap) and warn to turn around and help me... I get run over by 3+ support guys and then watch in the killcam as he knifes my squadmate. :/ When I go to spawn the entire squad is dead and we're losing bravo. Ok, spawn with me on my beacon guys, since I have one hidden at bravo. They spawn at alpha. I spawn bravo and get killed since most of their team is there.

At this point I notice there's like 9 million tickets and I'm not in the mood for pulling weight for the entire squad. Maybe if we were teamed up, I might have stayed, but your squad was full-up.

So I jumped around servers for a bit before turning the game off. I'm to the point now where I always try to win, but I don't have to win... I can still have fun even in a loss as long as the team is making an effort or isn't totally dumb. But that was hard to find earlier. I had a game on Caspian with a bunch of high lvl's and it was pretty sad how the game was flowing despite their experience.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Yeah PS3. Too bad the consoles can't play together. That would be really fun.

Yeah I joined the game and my squad was kind of annoying. We take alpha immediately and then we take bravo. I saw that you were at charlie. So we have all the flags but I notice alpha is blinking behind us. I relay this information to my squad at bravo (which is clear as day on the minimap) and warn to turn around and help me... I get run over by 3+ support guys and then watch in the killcam as he knifes my squadmate. :/ When I go to spawn the entire squad is dead and we're losing bravo. Ok, spawn with me on my beacon guys, since I have one hidden at bravo. They spawn at alpha. I spawn bravo and get killed since most of their team is there.

At this point I notice there's like 9 million tickets and I'm not in the mood for pulling weight for the entire squad. Maybe if we were teamed up, I might have stayed, but your squad was full-up.

So I jumped around servers for a bit before turning the game off. I'm to the point now where I always try to win, but I don't have to win... I can still have fun even in a loss as long as the team is making an effort or isn't totally dumb. But that was hard to find earlier. I had a game on Caspian with a bunch of high lvl's and it was pretty sad how the game was flowing despite their experience.

Yeah, maybe one day....


Yeah I joined the game and my squad was kind of annoying. We take alpha immediately and then we take bravo. I saw that you were at charlie. So we have all the flags but I notice alpha is blinking behind us. I relay this information to my squad at bravo (which is clear as day on the minimap) and warn to turn around and help me... I get run over by 3+ support guys and then watch in the killcam as he knifes my squadmate. :/ When I go to spawn the entire squad is dead and we're losing bravo. Ok, spawn with me on my beacon guys, since I have one hidden at bravo. They spawn at alpha. I spawn bravo and get killed since most of their team is there.

At this point I notice there's like 9 million tickets and I'm not in the mood for pulling weight for the entire squad. Maybe if we were teamed up, I might have stayed, but your squad was full-up.

So I jumped around servers for a bit before turning the game off. I'm to the point now where I always try to win, but I don't have to win... I can still have fun even in a loss as long as the team is making an effort or isn't totally dumb. But that was hard to find earlier. I had a game on Caspian with a bunch of high lvl's and it was pretty sad how the game was flowing despite their experience.

Yeah, I didn't get a chance to switch squads to join you and when I did you had already left. Then my squad, who where from the same clan (82nd) all quit, leaving us undermanned. Luckily the other team was just worried about holding Bravo and we were able to bottle them up.

That Caspian Border Rush game we played the other night was great, I still can't believe we won that one. The other team had the last mcom saturated. I really didn't think we were going to get it. Great game!


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Getting to 100 is crazy stupid. There's no "victory" for it like there was 50 in BC2 simply by playing too much. It's an EXP grind and unless you get mad SPM or abuse double-EXP weekends (or play Metro 24/7 like Olimpia did. *cough*) you'll never reach it.

I want to get there but I'm not bothered anymore given my connection issues. It's just not worth the time and effort.

Also tried another shooter (that I can't name but those of you on my XMB list will probably see eventually due to NDA)'s beta. And... I'm not too impressed.
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