Haha, yeah 13,000 knife kills seemed pretty incredible. 1,300 knife kills is nothing to balk at either.lol that's actually wrong, I made a mistake because I'm an idiot lol its 1300. not 13k.
His teammates must really love him.reminds me through I did see a guy who only knifed, thats all he did all match and would go 6 - 40 and he had 90 stars with the knife.
Did the game drag on for longer than usual with him demoting everyone with knife kills?one dude in gun master the other night did nothing but knife. he'd have a dozen kills a game and be last because he was still on level 1.
out of the 13k knife kills I have none are dice dog tags, but I do have a 3rd place tournament winner dog tag.
He corrected himself. He meant to say 1,300 knife kills.What's your rank?
im not even at 1000 knife kills yet...i need like 20 more
Did the game drag on for longer than usual with him demoting everyone with knife kills?
Anyone had luck getting a dice dogtag?
I think a few gaffers got them when the game was first released (Evolved, Seks)
I was mistaken... it was some bullshit preorder tag I didn't know about/recognize, and confused with a DICE tag, since it said DICE.
I was just looking around on Battlelog... holy crap I don't have a single AT mine kill in BF3. lol
I was just looking around on Battlelog... holy crap I don't have a single AT mine kill in BF3. lol
shut up and let me have my moment.
I think a few gaffers got them when the game was first released (Evolved, Seks)
Also no one online right now. So much for that 24 hour event, DICE. FFS, Bungie is better than your asses. :|
yeah they "corrected" it later that its only 3 hours. Also stalkdice.com doesn't properly work for PS3it didn't show them online even if they were.
tried to get in those servers but it was useless, and the 200 fake servers with the same names surely was not helping. If they are to host more of these events later, they really should have atleast a dozen employees playing on several big servers. now there was 3(three) devs playing and they were playing in 16 player maps or just random other servers, not even in their own...
I laughed.
Naw, it glitched. Battlelog says I don't so I believe it.
Also no one online right now. So much for that 24 hour event, DICE. FFS, Bungie is better than your asses. :|
Get double XP for a full week
Next week, we have a great treat for all Battlefield 3 players. Premium members will get double XP for an entire week, while non-Premium members get two and a half days of double XP goodness.
As always, double XP means your net gain for any round will be effectively doubled at the end of round. This goes for any map and any mode from the base game or any of our expansion packs, as long as you play on ranked servers.
Full details of the event below. We hope you enjoy it, and hope to see you online.
July Double XP event
What: Double your net score after every round
Who: All players
When: July 2-8 for Premium members, July 2-4 for non-Premium members
Starts: 00:01 PDT/07:01 UTC July 2 (click here for handy time conversion tool)
Ends for non-Premium members: 13:00 PDT/20:00 UTC July 4
Ends for Premium members: 23:59 PDT July 8/06:59 UTC July 9
Whoo for more idiots coming out of the woods and screwed up SPM changes.
Are you certain that double XP screws up SPM? The points are only added after the game ends. I haven't played that much on double xp events, but I'll try to log on BF3 stats and check on the reports to see if they count.
Anyway, double XP isn't doing anything that custom high ticket servers on infantry maps or reset stats haven't done already. SPM is fucked up for awhile now.
And I still don't understand the point of high ticket servers on big maps like Kharg. I had this 600 hundred tickets game were I was the top scoring player with just 7400 points. The game seemed to drag for an eternity.
(*stare at rockscar*)
Yeah, it's been confirmed on all major forums/bf sites that double XP screws with SPM.
SPM has always been calculated by the final score (incl award score) since BC2.
You can even check the graphs on BF3stats.
In combination with stat reset, CQD, there are quite a few of 2000/3000+ SPM kiddies running around. I don't get anything high ticket above 200%, but that's what some people prefer to play (*stare at rockscar*)
W/L and K/D are now the remaining barely-sacred stat (lol).
I am in the mood for a multiplayer shooter and thinking about getting BF3 for Xbox 360, but I would like to know if I can play without any DLC or if I need to purchase (at least most of) it to properly play on XBL.
You don't need any of it, but it's better to buy it because 1) B2K >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> VANILLA >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dogturd >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Close Quarters
and 2) Comes with guns = more unlocks = more EXP to give you for more unlocks.
CQ is only worth it for the SPAS-12, really.
I think CC was worth if for the weapons, even if I don;t really like much else about it.
That's what I was saying, but I really only wanted one weapon which is the only reason I "bought" it.
I have a question... in BF3 what do you consider the gentlemen's weapons? You know, weapons that aren't very OP and require skill to use.
In BC2 I would say the prebuff M14... or F2000 (not many people used it) or faceless' pro-tube... things like that.
In BF3 I'm trying to find a gun to roll with... something no one uses. The 870 or SPAS I think fit the bill (funny because they're shotguns, but it fits in BF3) but I'd like something that isn't a shotgun.
I gave the M5K a test drive... but I don't know. I don't want a hipfire gun. I want something that rewards ADS as I've been playing this way for a few days and really prefer it.
I have a question... in BF3 what do you consider the gentlemen's weapons? You know, weapons that aren't very OP and require skill to use.
*chooper get's hit*
*repairs chopper*
I have a question... in BF3 what do you consider the gentlemen's weapons? You know, weapons that aren't very OP and require skill to use.
AS-VAL all the fucking way.in the General class that you can use with all classes? The AS-VAL.
I have a question... in BF3 what do you consider the gentlemen's weapons? You know, weapons that aren't very OP and require skill to use.
Probably the AS VAL. It is a really good gun but surprisingly difficult to use.
Yeah... I'm working on it. I want it to be the VSS so bad, but it's its own thing. It's hard for me to adjust to the clip size, but I'm trying.
I've been thinking about playing M14 recon but that is just punishment haha...
Interesting to hear everyone's thoughts on it though.
What do you guys think of handguns?
M1911 is actually my best weapon in the game (if you combine the tactical/suppressed/reg kills) but I don't really know much about the others... never really tried 'em. I suck with the revolvers and REX (shame, cause REX was my shit in BC2) and the others I have literally never tried.
I have a question... in BF3 what do you consider the gentlemen's weapons? You know, weapons that aren't very OP and require skill to use.
In BC2 I would say the prebuff M14... or F2000 (not many people used it) or faceless' pro-tube... things like that.
In BF3 I'm trying to find a gun to roll with... something no one uses. The 870 or SPAS I think fit the bill (funny because they're shotguns, but it fits in BF3) but I'd like something that isn't a shotgun.
I gave the M5K a test drive... but I don't know. I don't want a hipfire gun. I want something that rewards ADS as I've been playing this way for a few days and really prefer it.
I have a question... in BF3 what do you consider the gentlemen's weapons? You know, weapons that aren't very OP and require skill to use.
In BC2 I would say the prebuff M14... or F2000 (not many people used it) or faceless' pro-tube... things like that.
In BF3 I'm trying to find a gun to roll with... something no one uses. The 870 or SPAS I think fit the bill (funny because they're shotguns, but it fits in BF3) but I'd like something that isn't a shotgun.
I gave the M5K a test drive... but I don't know. I don't want a hipfire gun. I want something that rewards ADS as I've been playing this way for a few days and really prefer it.
Where are the DICE official servers? Playing on a 400% ticket rush map makes a fuck ton of sense...