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Battlefield 3 | Console Community Thread | Pleasant Entertainment

All I want is my m-com defender medal and I'll be happy...

Unfortunately there are a very selective set people I'm willing to play rush defense with these days >.>

Not that I think think people can't win, I just can't stand the frustration when people leave me all alone to fend an objective.
In BC2, people would at least spawn on me and feed me ammo or rush back immediately to help when it's me vs. 5.
You would never find everyone pushed up to the super front on arica, atacama rush defense, etc. Yet people do so in BF3.


All I want is my m-com defender medal and I'll be happy...

Unfortunately there are a very selective set people I'm willing to play rush defense with these days >.>

Not that I think think people can't win, I just can't stand the frustration when people leave me all alone to fend an objective.
In BC2, people would at least spawn on me and feed me ammo or rush back immediately to help when it's me vs. 5.
You would never find everyone pushed up to the super front on arica, atacama rush defense, etc. Yet people do so in BF3.
Should play with me, lol. I'm always inside or near the MCOM room with my MAV or ammo.
Getting to 100 is crazy stupid. There's no "victory" for it like there was 50 in BC2 simply by playing too much. It's an EXP grind and unless you get mad SPM or abuse double-EXP weekends (or play Metro 24/7 like Olimpia did. *cough*) you'll never reach it.

I want to get there but I'm not bothered anymore given my connection issues. It's just not worth the time and effort.

Also tried another shooter (that I can't name but those of you on my XMB list will probably see eventually due to NDA)'s beta. And... I'm not too impressed.

bah, max rank hasn't mattered since BC1.

Dr Prob

This is a stupid post, as you guys probably already did it.

But the EOD Bot works just like vehicles/emplaced weapons in that you can lay down mines, die and then fuck about in the bot and the kill(s) will count towards the assignment.

Was grinding for that one kill (useless with the bot) and then AHA!
Has anyone else gotten level 100 for PS3 other than Olimpia? I might have to make a hard push for it starting tonight and throughout double xp week if no one else has.

I've been at 99 for a couple days now as I haven't played much. Will probably play in a few minutes and reach 100 as I have 90,000 or so to go.


This is a stupid post, as you guys probably already did it.

But the EOD Bot works just like vehicles/emplaced weapons in that you can lay down mines, die and then fuck about in the bot and the kill(s) will count towards the assignment.

Was grinding for that one kill (useless with the bot) and then AHA!

Someone mentioned this earlier, unfortunately not early enough since I had already wasted a few hours trying to kill someone in the damn thing! :)

I've been looking into getting into some matches. What time do you guys play?

PS3 GAF are not doing many late night games right now... :-(

You should try to get a little bit early! I had a few good games with the guys this afternoon. There's always a couple people playing in the evening too.

I can't really say which hour since I'm on a completely different timezone from most of you guys.

Just do like me, add people to the battlelog and log in every now and then to see if there's anyone online!


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
WTF Seks do you truly believe this?

Yes, yes I do. Since that's what he did for a week straight to jump from like 80 to 100. I saw it with my eyes in the gameplay anytime I got online. So...

Faceless said:
bah, max rank hasn't mattered since BC1.

Yeah, but in BC1 it took a week at most of heavy playing to reach max rank. In BC2/BF3 it takes a year at most to do it. Or serious point grind in grind-y maps like Metro. *cough*


Just sprung for premium but I have a question.

Do I need all the updates or is like burnout and I should delete all but the latest? (360)


Yes, yes I do. Since that's what he did for a week straight to jump from like 80 to 100. I saw it with my eyes in the gameplay anytime I got online. So...

lmao, I never played Op. Metro for a week straight. I had a period where I would play a lot on those 24/7 Metro servers right after the custom servers patch was released because it's my favorite map but never for a week straight and never to boost my rank. And even if that was true, playing those Metro rounds then actually held me down from reaching level 100 quickly since I play Recon 90% of the time and I finish 5th or 6th on the scoreboard every damn time simply because Recon it's a SPM killing machine and it's nearly impossible to get MVP with it. And the gaffers that actually play with me on a daily basis like JJ, boa, th, cod, etc. can vouch for that.

There are two reasons why I reached 100 so quickly: First, I've been holding a steady 630 SPM or so since I became a Colonel (now it's a bit higher because of the new maps in domination); and second I was laid off a few months ago so I have plenty of time on my hands.

Nori Chan

Would really love to play with some gaf guys (360) and see how you guys play. If any of you guys are playing as a squad today please message me here or post.

For future reference: xGeneral Ice
Would really love to play with some gaf guys (360) and see how you guys play. If any of you guys are playing as a squad today please message me here or post.

For future reference: xGeneral Ice

You can find a lot of people on the GAF BF3 profile. Send that a friend request. Although, most of the time when I check it, I don't see anybody playing battlefield. You can shoot me a friend request.
GT: AlmostMilk


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
i dont see that as a bad thing in any way, especially when there is no proper rewards tied to it. just for fans of the game :p

What fans of the game? Those of us that put in 700 hours only to be a rank 20 colonel because they made the EXP double that of the final unlocks for all kits simply because people played BC2 because it was fun and didn't want to stop playing when they thought players would?


Press - MP1st.com
Anyone here playing experiencing some massive lag? I'm playing on PS3 and damn! It's the first time i'ts like this. I checked my ping, it's at 20-45ms with the occasional spike to 100+...in short, nothing too extraordinary.

PS3 platform by the way. I did hear PC was getting major lag, etc. a few days ago but I was unsure about the console versions.

Also, GAF server is based in which territory? I'm in Asia but I think I might enjoy playing with a few GAF people every now and then. I haz major skillz! (no kidding!). :D
Anyone here playing experiencing some massive lag? I'm playing on PS3 and damn! It's the first time i'ts like this. I checked my ping, it's at 20-45ms with the occasional spike to 100+...in short, nothing too extraordinary.

PS3 platform by the way. I did hear PC was getting major lag, etc. a few days ago but I was unsure about the console versions.

Also, GAF server is based in which territory? I'm in Asia but I think I might enjoy playing with a few GAF people every now and then. I haz major skillz! (no kidding!). :D

everyone in this thread think they have major skills -_-

oh look at the humble "tank king" :p

Should play with me, lol. I'm always inside or near the MCOM room with my MAV or ammo.
I wish more people would take a SPM suicide to do that.
Too many people just go for kills or get lured away by vehicles in rush without any thoughts of tactic *facepalm*
Reversely, people who suck at defending can't comprehend what the good enemy defense is doing, so they can't come up with anything good to counter good defenses ( other than "oh, well, let's snipe and let someone else do the work.")

Enemies crowding around a m-com/c4-mcom = good time to pull out mortar (why I say mortar should not be written off.)
Enemies all inside bazaar room = good time to slap out motion sensors + smoke + lvg.

There were so much more communicating, thinking, strategy, stay near the objective in bc2 rush, but then the community all went to shit in BF3 *sigh*. (yeah yeah, crappy rush map is one excuse, but that honestly doesn't justify people's stupidity.)

You would never see tons of people all run up to a tank in port valdez rush, arica rush, etc. Yet, people do this shit all the time in bf3. *stare at dan and that one bazaar game where he had to lone disarm 2-mcoms...*


The sad thing about BF3's m-com defender ribbon is that you have to kill the enemy when they're right next to the m-com.
That means 3 things:
1) I can never be comfortable with camping/making a deliberate setup to get them, cause I refuse to have the enemy remotely near the objective.
2) If I am getting a ton of them, that means my team is utter shit on defense. Which mean I'm usually raging.
3) Following with 2, rounds that I get multiple defender ribbons = my team is shit = lose -_-.

Can't deal.

Nori Chan

The sad thing about BF3's m-com defender ribbon is that you have to kill the enemy when they're right next to the m-com.
That means 3 things:
1) I can never be comfortable with camping/making a deliberate setup to get them, cause I refuse to have the enemy remotely near the objective.
2) If I am getting a ton of them, that means my team is utter shit on defense. Which mean I'm usually raging.
3) Following with 2, rounds that I get multiple defender ribbons = my team is shit = lose -_-.

Can't deal.

Really? I thought you had to kill the enemy while they're planting?

I really hate that, makes me feel like the only way I'm going to get it is if I'm right next to it and hear the plant noise.


Yeah, didn't know before I was in either, haha it was also on metro.
Should play with me, lol. I'm always inside or near the MCOM room with my MAV or ammo.

Really? I thought you had to kill the enemy while they're planting?

I really hate that, makes me feel like the only way I'm going to get it is if I'm right next to it and hear the plant noise.

Enemy can be right next to the m-com, not planting and it still counts.
So it still counts if you kill them immediately after they planted also.
Not exactly sure what the post-buff radius is...assuming there is any...

C4ing the m-com is a good way to get it if you're not comfortable watching the m-com. Although again - I don't personally do that unless the enemy team is good/my team is utter shit. That or situations where I know I can't rely on my team to guard any m-coms (1 man defense team.) In addition, alot of people suck horribly at the tactic. People either place it blatantly on the screen,or they blow it up way too soon. (you have to time it a few seconds when you see an enemy running toward the m-com. Especially so if you're relying on the mini-map to time your trigger.)

Now, I wouldn't recommend anyone to go out of their way to get the ribbon (a.k.a. camping.)
Although personally I prefer to always have some sort of view on the m-com. So if I can't directly see the m-com at all time, then I expect to at lease see it on my mini-map w/ motion sensor. So for example, you would almost never see me outside of the range of A-B on Kharg...(most people should be able to testify for that.)

Of course, this tactic isn't for anyone. Like I've said before, I'm usually raging when I'm doing exceptionally well on rush, cause in the ideal world I shouldn't be getting any kills at all.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
there is about 8% packet loss when I ran the test

This is after they fixed the connection apparently.

WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRGARBLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEe. I wanted to do double EXP today but I have to wait until Monday when they continue to test. FFS.
Whoa whoa whoa. There is only one true tank king and that is this guy.

1) We all know the platoon stat ranking is not accurate.
2) We all know SPM is a messed up stat now.
3) You two can go fight it out for the title.

In fact, I say we should have a private game of firestorm where you two can fight it out.
Winner is named "Tank King" and loser "Tank Queen".

Best of 4.

Let me know when you want to arrange it.

Betting pool is open.


In fact, I say we should have a private game of firestorm where you two can fight it out.
Winner is named "Tank King" and loser "Tank Queen"

Fine by me.

I say we do best of 3 on 3 maps. Operation firestorm khrag island and Caspian borders. Oh and let's do it with no perks to truly see who is more skilled.


This is after they fixed the connection apparently.

WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRGARBLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEe. I wanted to do double EXP today but I have to wait until Monday when they continue to test. FFS.

Double xp doesn't start til Monday.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Fine by me.

I say we do best of 3 on 3 maps. Operation firestorm khrag island and Caspian borders. Oh and let's do it with no perks to truly see who is more skilled.

I think picking specializations is pretty important... they're in the game. It's part of it.

Vanilla would be interesting too, but specs are more interesting, imo...

Btw. Winner gets to play me, TANK GOD. >:/


I think picking specializations is pretty important... they're in the game. It's part of it.

Vanilla would be interesting too, but specs are more interesting, imo...

Btw. Winner gets to play me, TANK GOD. >:/

No, you should do a helicopter battle with the patriot and JM to see who is the best.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
No, you should do a helicopter battle with the patriot and JM to see who is the best.

I think heli pilots are only as good as their co-pilot. Well, that might be pushing it, but you know what I mean.

However, I think if we really wanted to do heli-battle, it should be in the little birds. There are two of them on Canals. The AH's are not equal imo... Cobra is so much more maneuverable.


What about bKak?

One of the best pilots I have ever gunned for. And I did it only on one or two games. Dude left me really impressed. Wish I could fly like that.


Hahaha Rebel you chicken!

Loved the gif, I see you perfectly as the little yellow chick holding the pad, and THN as the raccoon thing with the angry face!

Also if you guys ever do this I don't care, I'm joining the game just to watch, I swear I won't spot anyone. :-D


One of the best pilots I have ever gunned for. And I did it only on one or two games. Dude left me really impressed. Wish I could fly like that.


Hahaha Rebel you chicken!

Loved the gif, I see you perfectly as the little yellow chick holding the pad, and THN as the raccoon thing with the angry face!

Also if you guys ever do this I don't care, I'm joining the game just to watch, I swear I won't spot anyone. :-D

Same here, bKak has the chopper down.

The raccoon loses on that gif. So your money is on Cod?
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