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Battlefield 3 | Console Community Thread | Pleasant Entertainment


I feel bad for yelling at that one guy on D-Peak earlier today... forgot for a moment you guys had to hear that too! lol... what a dipshit though. seriously. (of course I was the one who basically got the chopper stuck in the tunnel right before, that was dumb... but demonstrated they weren't looking for it! If they were set up to deflect a rear attack we would have all died in the bird. but despite my mistake we had a solid run on the crates. had the knucklehead not burned up 5 ticktets on us we would have made the end of that game even closer)

Don't feel bad for voicing your displeasure. We had some guys on our team doing ponderous things with the vehicles. It didn't matter that you got stuck, you got it close enough for us to run inbound before the timer was up.


Seeing an unmanned Little Bird (which was commandeered by the Russian side) sitting square in the middle of the warehouse on A as I was about to die was pretty funny. It was almost like a prayer being answered.
ugh, gotta get into more games with you guys, jealously looked at my friendlist yesterday when most of you were playing in the same game :(


Damn, I've won one game out of the last sixteen. Last game was a 400 ticket loss on a 600+ ticket Donya Fortress game.

I've heard people mention something called a "close" game; I seriously don't believe such a thing exists.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Too bad DICE made it so that adjusting spawn time = unranked.

Imagine 500% metro with 10% spawn and revive time and FF on....

I would like to try that just to see how bad it would be..

I'd be willing to try it if you can get some players. I mean it's "unranked" after all. ;)
I'd be willing to try it if you can get some players. I mean it's "unranked" after all. ;)

It would have to be gaf vs. gaf. Since the community doesn't play unranked.

I mean, you're also assuming that there are people who want to play 500% Metro with 10% spawn time/revive time.

Nice! You know you keep complaining about your SPM, but it's actually quite good! I wonder were it would be if you were not defending mcoms on rush!

I complain about my SPM only in the sense that no one is going to look at my SPM and say "hey I want to play just like that dude." People are more likely to look at a high SPM and say "that person is doing the right things, let's do what he does." Hence, I can talk strategy all I want, but it wouldn't be very convincing. Especially when what I advocate will usually result you with a lower SPM than usual (not that you can't top the charts, but you are holding yourself back.) My legit SPM should be around you-evolve's range (based on bf3 stats per-game average.)

Hence also why I call things "SPM suicide", cause that's pretty much what you do when you play the m-com guarder or strong defensive roles. Especially on bazaar and crossing. On a good day, you won't even get a single kill inside that little garage.

Dr Prob

Joined a game of CQ on Khaaaaaarg. Down like 300 tickets. Enemy team (RU) has us trapped. Mines all over the road leading out, javelins coming in, chopper buzzing around, people sniping at us, our stupid teammates hiding in the spawn trying to snipe back etc.

Undeterred(!), we soldiered out through the clusterfuck of death and little by little turned the tide, eventually winning by 23 tickets. Was piloting the heli at the end and had an awesome view of our entire team descending on 'D' and laying waste to their two tanks.

When people actually work together and like, do stuff this game can be so good. Phew. Kinda drained. Going to drink some juice.
(last few games.)

Further thoughts on CQD:
I have to agree with Olimpia, the game mode is a)easy and b)more suited to someone who wants to play aggressive.

That being said- aggressive does not mean you get per-occupied with kills. At the speed of which flags get capped, you earn yourself more points capping flags and getting others who are on the move. Stand at a starway/rooftop to have a firefight = waste time and points. Teams needs to have a constant flow of movement. Sadly, the mentality of most is to become per-occupied with kills, and I find myself lone-capping in CQD much more often regular conquest.

In addition, super high ROF (MP7) weapons are actually not that useful in CQD.
Good players will take advantage of covers constantly and you don't want to be caught reloading when your clip is out.
The only exception is Donya - people just bump into each other there all the time.

Finally - get at least one recon on your squad. Assault is overrated in CQD with the amount of stupid revives out there.
A recon can at least get you a definite spawn point for easy re-caps.

I don't want to bring up CoD, but the typical CoD TDM strategy is great here:
1)Hang out around the edges of the map.
2)Go against the enemy flow.
3)Avoid needless firefights, take another route or flank.

Rebel Leader

(last few games.)

Further thoughts on CQD:
I have to agree with Olimpia, the game mode is a)easy and b)more suited to someone who wants to play aggressive.

That being said- aggressive does not mean you get per-occupied with kills. At the speed of which flags get capped, you earn yourself more points capping flags and getting others who are on the move. Stand at a starway/rooftop to have a firefight = waste time and points. Teams needs to have a constant flow of movement. Sadly, the mentality of most is to become per-occupied with kills, and I find myself lone-capping in CQD much more often regular conquest.

In addition, super high ROF (MP7) weapons are actually not that useful in CQD.
Good players will take advantage of covers constantly and you don't want to be caught reloading when your clip is out.
The only exception is Donya - people just bump into each other there all the time.

Finally - get at least one recon on your squad. Assault is overrated in CQD with the amount of stupid revives out there.
A recon can at least get you a definite spawn point for easy re-caps.

I don't want to bring up CoD, but the typical CoD TDM strategy is great here:
1)Hang out around the edges of the map.
2)Go against the enemy flow.
3)Avoid needless firefights, take another route or flank.
Been doing this since Halo


If any regular PS3 players would like to add me I would be much obliged.

I play late at night GMT, so any UK or Euro nightowls feel free to add me and any US players if they so wish ..... I get a decent enough ping to be able to play with US gamers (thank god or Socom 4 multi would have been very slow).

Premium subscriber and a decent Recon / Support player (can turn my hand to engineer or medic as the game demands).

PSN is shifty100.


Just got back on BF3 for the first time in months and that Gun disappearing glitch is STILL there. Damn hoping they do something about it soon.
If any regular PS3 players would like to add me I would be much obliged.

I play late at night GMT, so any UK or Euro nightowls feel free to add me and any US players if they so wish ..... I get a decent enough ping to be able to play with US gamers (thank god or Socom 4 multi would have been very slow).

Premium subscriber and a decent Recon / Support player (can turn my hand to engineer or medic as the game demands).

PSN is shifty100.

As always, it may be difficult for some of the ps3 regulars to add you (due to friend list limit)

It's best that you check out the ID list and add people who matches your timezone requirements:


If people's friend list are full, just message them to see if they can clear some people off.


The major "regulars" play anywhere from 4PM - 3AM EST, which is 9PM GMT - 8AM GMT

(last few games.)

Further thoughts on CQD:
I have to agree with Olimpia, the game mode is a)easy and b)more suited to someone who wants to play aggressive.

That being said- aggressive does not mean you get per-occupied with kills. At the speed of which flags get capped, you earn yourself more points capping flags and getting others who are on the move. Stand at a starway/rooftop to have a firefight = waste time and points. Teams needs to have a constant flow of movement. Sadly, the mentality of most is to become per-occupied with kills, and I find myself lone-capping in CQD much more often regular conquest.

In addition, super high ROF (MP7) weapons are actually not that useful in CQD.
Good players will take advantage of covers constantly and you don't want to be caught reloading when your clip is out.
The only exception is Donya - people just bump into each other there all the time.

Finally - get at least one recon on your squad. Assault is overrated in CQD with the amount of stupid revives out there.
A recon can at least get you a definite spawn point for easy re-caps.

I don't want to bring up CoD, but the typical CoD TDM strategy is great here:
1)Hang out around the edges of the map.
2)Go against the enemy flow.
3)Avoid needless firefights, take another route or flank.
yeah, having ticket bleed on your side is key in CQDM. it's somewhere along the lines of 1 ticket every 2.5 seconds instead of every 4 seconds like normal CQ.

Just got back on BF3 for the first time in months and that Gun disappearing glitch is STILL there. Damn hoping they do something about it soon.

that's been happening to me MORE since the latest patch.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
yeah, having ticket bleed on your side is key in CQDM. it's somewhere along the lines of 1 ticket every 2.5 seconds instead of every 4 seconds like normal CQ.

The bleed in CQDM is a lot faster. So yeah, 2.5 sounds right. Issue isn't "be aggressive" but more "keep capping flags" I've gone negative KDR's simply to continue to move around and keep the two flags we get (and then lose) to continue to bleed the other team to good effect.

That is, when I was playing that shit map pack. No longer.


Sometimes I wonder, while I'm swearing, if randoms even know how to play CQ. I mean, well fucking done, you managed to capture a C on Seine Crossing, give yourself a pat on the back, no seriously, I insist. And while you're doing that, have you considered capturing the remaining three flags with me? I mean, it can't really take the rest of you to protect C, does it? Looks like you idiots do since C is flashing.

Where are you GAF? it sucks playing as a lone wolf as most of the good players play with their teammates which leave me with "my mum didn't know the difference between COD and BF3 so she decide to get me the cheapest one, guess which?" idiots.
Sometimes I wonder, while I'm swearing, if randoms even know how to play CQ. I mean, well fucking done, you managed to capture a C on Seine Crossing, give yourself a pat on the back, no seriously, I insist. And while you're doing that, have you considered capturing the remaining three flags with me? I mean, it can't really take the rest of you to protect C, does it? Looks like you idiots do since C is flashing.

Where are you GAF? it sucks playing as a lone wolf as most of the good players play with their teammates which leave me with "my mum didn't know the difference between COD and BF3 so she decide to get me the cheapest one, guess which?" idiots.

just before the Spain vs Italy, i was playing with a friend and we had SUCH A HORRIBLE team of randoms. actually 1 random in our squad was good, but the other 9 people were so incompetent. the 3 of us could hold a flag vs 4-8 of the other team, but the rest of our team, for like 5 games in a row, could not cap a flag to save their lives. and it's not that they weren't trying to do stuff, they were just not good at it. in most games, the 3 of us were the top 3 on our side and our scores were higher than the rest of the team combined, and we got ace squad on most of the games. no matter how hard you play, you can't will the rest of the team to win. doesn't stop me from trying though...

did most of your peeps quit BF3? i mean, i know it's quite different from BC2, but there were so many of you guys back then.


did most of your peeps quit BF3? i mean, i know it's quite different from BC2, but there were so many of you guys back then.
I only have two other friends, aside from GAF, that play BF but they haven't been online in months and out of the people from GAF only Rock was online but when I joined him he was playing rush with 342 tickets remaining on Damavand Peak. Nope.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I really should take the initiative and make/buy a 100% Rush server with a few of the shit maps taken out. Too bad no one but Faceless and I,
and Dream
, play Pro mode.


I really should take the initiative and make/buy a 100% Rush server with a few of the shit maps taken out. Too bad no one but Faceless and I,
and Dream
, play Pro mode.

Why don't you just mess with Dream's server? We really, I mean REALLY should gather six or seven guys and try to populate it for at least half an hour. We can do it, and then we won't have to worry about shitty custom tickets, rules or admins. I'm freaking tired of getting kicked, banned, swapped or joining 1 hour plus games.

If we manage to do it, I'd be more than willing to donate to maintain the server. Make it a mixed one, those are fun to play you'll be able to attract all our conquest players.

If guys like that forest infidel can maintain his server populated how the fuck the whole PS3 GAF can't do the same?


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
why is my name blacked out?

Because you don't play Pro mode. ;)
Because your server isn't pro mode

JJD said:
If we manage to do it, I'd be more than willing to donate to maintain the server. Make it a mixed one, those are fun to play you'll be able to attract all our conquest players.

I'm sorry, did I stutter when I said "100% Pro mode" server? That means no babby mode
except on weekends where I may feel like dicking around and even then I'd take TDM over Babby mode
Because you don't play Pro mode. ;)
Because your server isn't pro mode

I'm sorry, did I stutter when I said "100% Pro mode" server? That means no babby mode
except on weekends where I may feel like dicking around and even then I'd take TDM over Babby mode

You do realize I don't even know what mode or maps is loaded onto my server right now?


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
You do realize I don't even know what mode or maps is loaded onto my server right now?

I don't think I have admin there, in the first place. I'm still waiting on my ISP to get in touch with me (when they were supposed to do that today... *sigh*) about the 8% packet loss I'm getting. :/


I'm sorry, did I stutter when I said "100% Pro mode" server? That means no babby mode
except on weekends where I may feel like dicking around and even then I'd take TDM over Babby mode

I think you're listed as an admin. on Dream server, just run with it, I'm sure he won't mind.

I don't really care about game modes, I'll play whatever gaffers are playing. This game is just painful with randoms. I don't know how but BC2 was better in that regard (maybe it's because I played mostly alone before meeting you guys).

Playing with randoms (without a couple gaffers) is manageable on BF3 Conquest, but on rush it's almost unbearable.

We played rush yesterday the whole day you should have joined us, it was fun. You're still having internet issues? I'm having some as well, my provider sucks.

As someone who played mostly rush on BC2 I have grow to like conquest a lot this past few months.

It probably helped that BF3 infantry maps (metro, bazaar and seine) are just not suited to rush at all IMO. If you've got skilled teams, attackers are practically always going to lose on those maps. They're just not balanced for rush. Sometimes even an inferior team can hold a better one on specific sets (first set seine and bazaar and third set metro).

In another topic this is how you make a tank fly on BF3!
I think you're listed as an admin. on Dream server, just run with it, I'm sure he won't mind.

I don't really care about game modes, I'll play whatever gaffers are playing. This game is just painful with randoms. I don't know how but BC2 was better in that regard (maybe it's because I played mostly alone before meeting you guys).

Playing with randoms (without a couple gaffers) is manageable on BF3 Conquest, but on rush it's almost unbearable.

We played rush yesterday the whole day you should have joined us, it was fun. You're still having internet issues? I'm having some as well, my provider sucks.

As someone who played mostly rush on BC2 I have grow to like conquest a lot this past few months.

It probably helped that BF3 infantry maps (metro, bazaar and seine) are just not suited to rush at all IMO. If you've got skilled teams, attackers are practically always going to lose on those maps. They're just not balanced for rush. Sometimes even an inferior team can hold a better one on specific sets (first set seine and bazaar and third set metro).

In another topic this is how you make a tank fly on BF3!
I'll TRY to keep it short

BC2/BF3 Rush differ in this sense:
1) VOIP broken/audio issue = less communication compared to bc2.
2) Horrendous map designs on certain maps. Choke point filled Bazaar, seinen, etc etc.
3) Lack of destruction/inconsistent destruction. Good or bad, up to debate. Fact is it's different. The fact that it's all inconsistent makes people less willing to experiment.
4) False sense of security. No timer on m-com = people think they're okay as long as they just "get back on time. CoD mindset.
5) Unlike BC2, most m-com placements no longer allow for people to have a good view of both objectives at once.

5) Map design + conquest popularity has spoiled people:
Rush in general is A LOT less forgiving than conquest.
Picking needless fire fights?
Flying around in a useless transport chopper?
Preoccupy yourself with a tank instead of the objective?
Spawn camp instead of guard objective?
Go for vehicle kills instead of objectives and then wake up when you have 20 tickets?

People can do that "wake up at last moment/oh we're losing most flags now?" garbage in conquest, but there ain't no flag ticket bleed around to save you in Rush.

The fact of the matter is- way too many people are bringing their conquest tactics to rush and expect the same thing to happen. It ain't going to happen. In fact there are plenty of gaffers who are fine in conquest but are horrendous in average rush games.

Just think about how we play rush in BC2.
Would you find everyone out of the base in Arica set 1, thinking my tank can kill anything?
Would you find everyone off the island on isla inocentes, thinking they can all run back in time?
Would you fire on a tank that is driving far far away from the objective on arica rush?
Would you fire on an enemy that is clearly running away from the Nelson Bay houses?
Would you spawn camp on nelson bay without the trees torn down/clear line of sight?
Would you play white pass rush without a recon motion sensor, even if recon is your least favorite class? (maybe you would, but I sure as hell wouldn't)
Would you find 4+ people off to steal enemy vehicles on Atacama desert defense?
Would you leave the m-com on Valparaiso third set, so you get a chance to destroy that "annoying tank" on the hill? How about that blackhawk?
Would you spawn engineer 24/7, just because atacama is a vehicle map and that seems to be like the only choice?
Enemy just drove a damaged jeep into Arica set 1. Would you and your entire squad of engineers devote their time to repair that piece of junk over the objective?
OP chopper is circle strafing on oasis set 1. Dumbo is telling you that 4 guys are approaching the m-com. Would you choose to take out the chopper first and ignore Dumbo?
Would you give up all hope just because you see a really good circle-staffer? Was Oassis OMG UNPLAYABLE?

Let's face it. Rush is much harder than BC2 now. If you wouldn't do all that bs in bc2, why do I keep seeing people (in general and gaffers) do it in bf3?

If you ever find yourself doing any of this shit, you're guilty of what I'm saying above:
Spawn camp on metro defense set 2, paying no attention to the map.
Find yourself down stairs in metro defense set 3, even though the m-coms are armed, and still not moving.
Noticing there's no setup and not spawning recon on crossing defense set 1, thinking someone else should do it.
Fly that useless chopper around doing nothing on dpeak attack set 3.
Still running up the hill of dpeak defense set 2, even though the enemy been arming the m-coms more than once.
Driving the tank out of the base on Tehran highway defense set 2.
Aimlessly repairing a jeep on dpeak, while enemy is bombarding the m-coms.
Finding yourself in dpeak defense set 4 in a tank, and drove it out of the cave.
Park a tank miles away, thinking that firing at a m-com = good enough defense.
Not getting out a tank to attempt a disarm on the last m-com in game.
Leaving the proximity of bazaar rush defense set 3 for a tank/knife whatever.
Sticking on the main route of Wake rush, picking vehicle fire fights, instead of sneaking through the beach lines.
Leave anyone lone guarding a m-com, while you're at a point so far away from the objective that they can't even spawn on you upon death.
Leaving only one person in base during Kharg Defense set 2.
Putting anyone in a situation where they have to do 1vs 5 + disarm m-com.
Putting anyone in a situation where they managed to armed 2 m-com on their own and choosing not to spawn on them for a vehicle instead.


Wow man, what a long post.

I'll be more brief.

I have no issues with rush, except on those 3 maps I mentioned. I don't even think that rush it's that much harder than BC2 now, it's just that the map design on those 3 particular cases is horrible for this game mode.

Whenever I'm playing rush and any of those 3 maps shows up I just feel like leaving.

And that's pretty much it.

also, defense spawns further from the M-COM in BF3

That's not a big issue most times, defense is overpowered specially on those 3 maps I mentioned. The play area on maps like bazaar not only are small but Dice prevents attackers from exploring a lot of routes with out of bounds walls. With such a small map why can't I roam freely and keep defenders on their toes worrying about being flanked? Dice tunnels the game flow though a series of choke points and long hallways on those maps.

The first set of Laguna Presa is probably bigger, or about the same size as the whole Bazaar map. You could attack both moms from any side you wished.

The problematic mcoms on any map on BF3 rush are the ones that give only 2 options for attackers.


I just got this game a few weeks ago coming off a long MW3 binge. This game is insane, I love it! Waaayyy better than Call of Duty! Having a real good time playing this game (when things go my way).

One question though, is Premium worth it? I mean I paid for Call of Duty Elite and as it turns out it's cheaper to buy the DLC after it comes out for everyone than it is to pay upfront and have early access. Trying to save money here.


I just got this game a few weeks ago coming off a long MW3 binge. This game is insane, I love it! Waaayyy better than Call of Duty! Having a real good time playing this game (when things go my way).

One question though, is Premium worth it? I mean I paid for Call of Duty Elite and as it turns out it's cheaper to buy the DLC after it comes out for everyone than it is to pay upfront and have early access. Trying to save money here.

Which version of the game you bought? Regular or Limited?

If you already have access to the Back to Karkand expansion you could probably just buy the DLC individually if you wish. Premium exclusives are just weapon skins, early access do DLC and events (like the double XP week we're having right now).

If you have the regular edition of the game and don't have Back to Karkand yet I'd say Premium is worth it. 4 of the best maps of the game and some new weapons, and you'll get the newly released DLC Close Quarters which is a battlefield twist on the COD formula plus more new weapons. If you come from a COD background you'll probably enjoy it.


Which version of the game you bought? Regular or Limited?

If you already have access to the Back to Karkand expansion you could probably just buy the DLC individually if you wish. Premium exclusives are just weapon skins, early access do DLC and events (like the double XP week we're having right now).

If you have the regular edition of the game and don't have Back to Karkand yet I'd say Premium is worth it. 4 of the best maps of the game and some new weapons, and you'll get the newly released DLC Close Quarters which is a battlefield twist on the COD formula plus more new weapons. If you come from a COD background you'll probably enjoy it.

Yeah I keep seeing the DLC guns when I play, they definitely know how to keep a player interested. I like that but what I'm really want to know is if I'm going to be ripped off or am I actually saving money by buying Premium?


Thinking about premium as well, since the playlist is so advanced now that if you only have launch maps your server choices are extremely limited.

Like before, other then the gun glitch im down for getting into BF3 again.


Yeah I keep seeing the DLC guns when I play, they definitely know how to keep a player interested. I like that but what I'm really want to know is if I'm going to be ripped off or am I actually saving money by buying Premium?

If you don't have Back to Karkand, you'll be saving money.

You'll bet getting 5 expansions (with 4 maps each) for 50 bucks. 10 bucks each.

If you do have Back to Karkand you'll be getting 4 expansions for 50. 12.5 bucks each.

Each expansion will be sold separately for 15 dollars, so if you buy then at release without premium you will pay 75 dollars (counting the already released Back to Karkand and Close Quarters). Eventually they will be discounted but do you really want to wait for that since you're already starting late?

Back to Karkand and Close Quarters each brings 10 new weapons to the game, totaling 20. There's some good guns in there, but you can do fine with the ones in vanilla Battlefield 3. Many pros believe that the best guns are still available in the regular edition. The new ones are just a nice bonus.

As I said Back to Karkand features some of the best maps of the game, Close Quarters is a different beast. It features small infantry focused maps, there are no vehicles.

The next expansion Armored Kill will bring 4 big maps, and some new vehicles.

If you guys are gaming on the 360 and manage to get some promotions when buying MS points you can get Premium really, really cheap.

You can do fine with the vanilla game, but if you want more variety the new content will be good.
Leaving the proximity of bazaar rush defense set 3 for a tank.
i'm allowed to do this one. it's in my contract.

The first set of Laguna Presa is probably bigger, or about the same size as the whole Bazaar map. You could attack both moms from any side you wished.

The problematic mcoms on any map on BF3 rush are the ones that give only 2 options for attackers.
oh man, the first set of Presa was fucking amazing! wide open from a map perspective, so many angles of attack, so many moments. AT mines in the river or on the beach, fuck BF3!


oh man, the first set of Presa was fucking amazing! wide open from a map perspective, so many angles of attack, so many moments. AT mines in the river or on the beach, fuck BF3!

That's what I miss from BF3 rush... :-(

So much fun, I freaking loved rushing the mcoms in the second set with the jet skis and flanking the enemy from behind. Sure I died a couple times from mines, or someone would park the LAV on the river, but most times I managed to sneak by.

Some new maps don't have this issue, but overall spawns are so protected in BF3 that they end up trapping the players either on offense or defense.


Is Rush really harder? I get on so many teams that just hand the enemy the win that it's really hard to actually tell if the maps or game modes are any good or not.

I am pretty surprised that the first B on Seine hasn't been moved, though, 'cause Jesus Christ.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
also, defense spawns further from the M-COM in BF3

That shit is annoying at times, but I had a good effect on ignoring B in Seine first set (shock and horror when I generally don't) and catching people off guard flanking from way behind to where the LAV couldn't catch me by the time I snuck around.


Yes, yes it was. In BC1 AND 2. Deconstruction >>>>>>> Oasis.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
by camping waaaaay back but sticking on the objectives.

Best moment was G17C Suppressor (the one with laser sight)-ing two defenders attempting to disarm. Take one out, the other (a Brazillian) didn't even notice and went to disarm. KILL. CRATE TAKEN. MOVE UP.
TheSeks said:
Yes, yes it was. In BC1 AND 2. Deconstruction >>>>>>> Oasis.

We're not arguing about map preference.
We're arguing about whether the chopper actually ever stopped BC2-gaf from defending.
Unlike now where if I see a chopper up in the air, 90% of my team would be wasting their time rocketing it.

(again, not that choppers shouldn't be taken care of, but I don't need my entire squad devoted to the task )

Wow man, what a long post.

I'll be more brief.

I have no issues with rush, except on those 3 maps I mentioned. I don't even think that rush it's that much harder than BC2 now, it's just that the map design on those 3 particular cases is horrible for this game mode.

Whenever I'm playing rush and any of those 3 maps shows up I just feel like leaving.

And that's pretty much it.

That's not a big issue most times, defense is overpowered specially on those 3 maps I mentioned. The play area on maps like bazaar not only are small but Dice prevents attackers from exploring a lot of routes with out of bounds walls. With such a small map why can't I roam freely and keep defenders on their toes worrying about being flanked? Dice tunnels the game flow though a series of choke points and long hallways on those maps.

Yeah, seinen, metro, bazaar defense can be considered "op" under a good team.
Which only proves my point further - cause it boggles my mind when people lose on those "op" defense maps against a slightly above average team. The map design is already to your advantage, yet people still manage to screw it up. People know the recon tactic work in bazaar/crossing, yet they can't do it themselves unless the "dedicated idiot" is doing it. People know metro is annoying as hell to take back once the m-com is armed, yet I get a game where I have to lone defend while some other gaffer is out spawn camping. BS happens when people are too careless, unwilling to change class to accommodate needs, unwilling to hold the trigger, unwilling to stay near the necessary m-coms.

I'm sure you don't need me to tell you about rush defense failures.

Is Rush really harder? I get on so many teams that just hand the enemy the win that it's really hard to actually tell if the maps or game modes are any good or not.

I am pretty surprised that the first B on Seine hasn't been moved, though, 'cause Jesus Christ.

Rush is harder now.
It's a combination of all the factors I've mentioned before.
Very few sets give you a good view of both m-coms.

Alot of kits require more thinking (AT mine no longer proximity based. Explosives can be spotted = less attention required on the road. Motion sensors no longer indestructible and deplorable at all places. )

People are much more per-occupied with vehicles (not that it didn't happen in bc2, but there's a much higher ratio of vehicle:soldier in bf3. So before at worst you get 2 tanks, now you get 2 tanks, + jets on say firestorm = vehicle whores go bananas.)

People communicate a lot less compared to bc2 .
Most of gaf don't even turn their mic on anymore. Heck, even I just give up on saying stuff sometimes, cause people only occasionally listen (when you hear me go dead quiet, I have already given up on the team.)

Finally, community in general is more aggressive than before.



I dunno if it's because I'm a fanboy or what but I love Close Quarters (played around 11hrs total so far). I am having fun with it. I have not even played a full game of any vanilla maps since I got it. It exceeded my expectations, I was expecting it to be a rocket-spam campfest like Killzone 2 MP can be at times but I was totally wrong.
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