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Battlefield 3 | Console Community Thread | Pleasant Entertainment


So I haven't played in a bit but last night I downloaded the CC dlc and whenever I play it seems like I get stuck on something when there's clearly nothing there.


Finally put the game back in (360) and it's still filled with rented servers with high tickets. Want to grab a DICE dev and shake that stupid bastard lol. Yeesh, I hate this game now, but I had hope this would be fixed by now, so I kept it. Official Epic Battles Conquest, DICE!
I dunno if it's because I'm a fanboy or what but I love Close Quarters (played around 11hrs total so far). I am having fun with it. I have not even played a full game of any vanilla maps since I got it. It exceeded my expectations, I was expecting it to be a rocket-spam campfest like Killzone 2 MP can be at times but I was totally wrong.
RPG spam isn't too popular because of the low splash damage.

i imagine if it was BC2, people would have been running around with Carl Gustavs.

We're not arguing about map preference.
We're arguing about whether the chopper actually ever stopped BC2-gaf from defending.
Unlike now where if I see a chopper up in the air, 90% of my team would be wasting their time rocketing it.

(again, not that choppers shouldn't be taken care of, but I don't need my entire squad devoted to the task )

Yeah, seinen, metro, bazaar defense can be considered "op" under a good team.
Which only proves my point further - cause it boggles my mind when people lose on those "op" defense maps against a slightly above average team. The map design is already to your advantage, yet people still manage to screw it up. People know the recon tactic work in bazaar/crossing, yet they can't do it themselves unless the "dedicated idiot" is doing it. People know metro is annoying as hell to take back once the m-com is armed, yet I get a game where I have to lone defend while some other gaffer is out spawn camping. BS happens when people are too careless, unwilling to change class to accommodate needs, unwilling to hold the trigger, unwilling to stay near the necessary m-coms.

I'm sure you don't need me to tell you about rush defense failures.

Rush is harder now.
It's a combination of all the factors I've mentioned before.
Very few sets give you a good view of both m-coms.

Alot of kits require more thinking (AT mine no longer proximity based. Explosives can be spotted = less attention required on the road. Motion sensors no longer indestructible and deplorable at all places. )

People are much more per-occupied with vehicles (not that it didn't happen in bc2, but there's a much higher ratio of vehicle:soldier in bf3. So before at worst you get 2 tanks, now you get 2 tanks, + jets on say firestorm = vehicle whores go bananas.)

People communicate a lot less compared to bc2 .
Most of gaf don't even turn their mic on anymore. Heck, even I just give up on saying stuff sometimes, cause people only occasionally listen (when you hear me go dead quiet, I have already given up on the team.)

Finally, community in general is more aggressive than before.

after trying many different things, drop AT mines in a zig zag pattern now. it seems to work out better than other options i've tried

and yeah, i'm usually playing with my mic on mute... but i listen!!

a 500% ticket..... rush game

*bags head*

Finally put the game back in (360) and it's still filled with rented servers with high tickets. Want to grab a DICE dev and shake that stupid bastard lol. Yeesh, I hate this game now, but I had hope this would be fixed by now, so I kept it. Official Epic Battles Conquest, DICE!
gotta use the search now :/


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Wait, AT mines aren't proxy based? People have to actually hit them now?

SomethingAwfulWhattheChrist.gif DICE.


If I was the owner of that forest infidel server I would straight out ban anyone wearing a GAF tag just for showing there...

Also, who is that Old Friend guy who is always joining our games?

Codman you got me on that D-peak game in the tank! I missed a shot when I was already disabled and you landed two in a row. I was going down if my team didn't rush you. Let THN be king, you can be our Tank Emperor! Or maybe Tank Czar! Sounds much cooler! Haha ;-)
after trying many different things,
drop AT mines in a zig zag pattern now. it seems to work out better than other options i've tried

I still have the most success with slopes (vehicles driving down a sharp slope usually can't see the mine due to blocked vision, that or a fast vehicle won't be able to spot it till too late), dark spots, potholes (karkland), and train tracks. Oddly enough, I'm getting less and less "plant at mines under vehicle and wait for enemy to get in" kills.

Haven't found a good "pattern" per say. I just lay two on top of one another to minimize the chance of them being seen.

I honestly don't understand people who lay them down in one straight line.

Wait, AT mines aren't proxy based? People have to actually hit them now?

Proximity-based AT mines was horrendously op man.
I use to just place a bunch of mines right outside of the Arica base 1 gate. The gate wall blocks the tank from seeing the AT-mine - they drive through the gate, boom.

Codman you got me on that D-peak game in the tank! I missed a shot when I was already disabled and you landed two in a row. I was going down if my team didn't rush you. Let THN be king, you can be our Tank Emperor! Or maybe Tank Czar! Sounds much cooler! Haha ;-)

We already established that he'll be called Tank Queen.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
If I was the owner of that forest infidel server I would straight out ban anyone wearing a GAF tag just for showing there...

Whenever Olimipia and you kids feel like getting out of the sandbox... *hands to head in Y* call me. Pro mode will welcome you and I'm sure that server will be thankful.

After I get this packet loss fixed. :|

I honestly don't understand people who lay them down in one straight line.

I do it partly in haste (to not get seen and have them blown up) and partly because I thought the mines were proxy based like BC2 where if someone trips one in the line it'll blow them all and kill them. No wonder I haven't gotten AT mine kills. :/
I still have the most success with slopes (vehicles driving down a sharp slope usually can't see the mine due to blocked vision, that or a fast vehicle won't be able to spot it till too late), dark spots, potholes (karkland), and train tracks. Oddly enough, I'm getting less and less "plant at mines under vehicle and wait for enemy to get in" kills.

Haven't found a good "pattern" per say. I just lay two on top of one another to minimize the chance of them being seen.

I honestly don't understand people who lay them down in one straight line.

Proximity-based AT mines was horrendously op man.
I use to just place a bunch of mines right outside of the Arica base 1 gate. The gate wall blocks the tank from seeing the AT-mine - they drive through the gate, boom.

We already established that he'll be called Tank Queen.

i dunno 100% how AT Mine damage is calculated, but it just seems like spreading them does more damage than pairing them. that, and the whole no proximity thing is why i zig zag them, though in some spots i also do a straight line. especially when trolling base exits.
i dunno 100% how AT Mine damage is calculated, but it just seems like spreading them does more damage than pairing them. that, and the whole no proximity thing is why i zig zag them, though in some spots i also do a straight line. especially when trolling base exits.

I don't know.
I haven't find the perfect all-applicable strategy for BF3 AT-mines yet, so I can only abuse the same "sweet spots" for now. That being said, a zig zag placement just isn't that appealing to me, since you'll at least need 3 mines at one place + spreading it out makes it much easier to spot. I rather take my chances with pairs and plant them at 3 spots.

Also, forgot to say, corners are great places to put them also.
I've placed them in D-peak conquest B, right behind the crate where vehicles would have to turn in to get the B flag. Gets people 60% of the time. By the time the tank spots them, it's usually too late.


Whenever Olimipia and you kids feel like getting out of the sandbox... *hands to head in Y* call me. Pro mode will welcome you and I'm sure that server will be thankful.

After I get this packet loss fixed. :|

We play Rush often too. Login more often and you'll see.


Played some good games today with gaffers. Sorry if I sucked from not playing for over 3 weeks. Also sorry for yelling at you guys to do a kit swap on metro. It was just so frustrating because we should of won by much more than we did. Anyways my aiming sucks and dawn destroyed me, but hey we won every match but one.


Played some good games today with gaffers. Sorry if I sucked from not playing for over 3 weeks. Also sorry for yelling at you guys to do a kit swap on metro. It was just so frustrating because we should of won by much more than we did. Anyways my aiming sucks and dawn destroyed me, but hey we won every match but one.

Nice to have you back! Can you hear me when I use my mic? I use a headset and sometimes the game noise drowns out the squad audio and I can't tell if the mic is picking up my voice.


Nice to have you back! Can you hear me when I use my mic? I use a headset and sometimes the game noise drowns out the squad audio and I can't tell if the mic is picking up my voice.

Yeah I heard you loud and clear. Gonna play some pro mode later tonight if your gonna get on. Pro mode is actually becoming more fun. The only fun games I have in conquest now are either GAF vs GAF or GAF vs another good clan.


Yeah I heard you loud and clear. Gonna play some pro mode later tonight if your gonna get on. Pro mode is actually becoming more fun. The only fun games I have in conquest now are either GAF vs GAF or GAF vs another good clan.

I'm at work right now from 1800-0600 central, but my week off starts after that so I'll be on more. Yeah, rush is more fun. Those games today were kinda boring.
The free PRIMA Close Quarters Strategy guide for premium members is pretty good.

Although it is sort of ridiculous to expect people to follow through with some of the strategy in CQ. It's worth a download if you have the time.
I had an amazing round on Seine Crossing tonight. I was 89-20. 156K points. 4 medals. Unlocked 5 items for my M240B. 9 nemesis ribbons. 18 claymore kills. 2 service stars. It was like The Perfect Storm of BF3. I doubt I'll ever see its like again.

Unfortunately, it wound up being a loss. We had the match well in hand while my friend PPH2 and I were holding down D, and drawing all their attention, but once we left and tried to take C, the dominoes fell and we were outnumbered and trapped in our spawn at the end. Round lasted 85 minutes.

The free PRIMA Close Quarters Strategy guide for premium members is pretty good.

Although it is sort of ridiculous to expect people to follow through with some of the strategy in CQ. It's worth a download if you have the time.

do they go over C4ing the flags and double stacking claymores around corners?


C4 could probably use some nerfing against infantry. Something like 5-10 damage per lump sounds good.
Missing out on July 4th games...
It's so hot in my room during the day (no AC) I'm afraid the PS3 will catch on fire every time I turn it on...


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Missing out on July 4th games...
It's so hot in my room during the day (no AC) I'm afraid the PS3 will catch on fire every time I turn it on...

Can't be as bad as waiting for a dude that's supposed to show up to fix your connection and hasn't (yet, 8AM to 9PM my ass)


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
OMG did they seriously set that time frame?

Yeah. But it seems my connection is somewhat good. Let's see...

Where art forth thou, Facelessmaster? :|

Edit: nevermind. Connection is dropping. Goddamn it. :|


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
No fucking reason for this loss. NONE.



Even the fucking team wasn't using it. That whole team was made of morons. I could put a tank into position or rush to a tank to repair it and someone would run off or not get in to gun for me. WHY!?

I could put a SOFLAM up against GAF and no one would use it only for it to be taken out FIVE TIMES after I resupply it to put it back up again. WHY!?

WHY!? JUST WHY.JPGS all around!


No fucking reason for this loss. NONE.



Even the fucking team wasn't using it. That whole team was made of morons. I could put a tank into position or rush to a tank to repair it and someone would run off or not get in to gun for me. WHY!?

I could put a SOFLAM up against GAF and no one would use it only for it to be taken out FIVE TIMES after I resupply it to put it back up again. WHY!?

WHY!? JUST WHY.JPGS all around!

Yeah, I wasn't on top of my game tonight. My mind is occupied on other stuff right now lol.

I just thought I would help by reviving people since it seemed like I was walking around in a grave yard of dead bodies so often and we were getting hammered.

Not sure what everyone else was doing, but you're right, I should have switched to Engineer to take that tank out.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
We were getting hammered because no one seemed to hit the tanks until I started to. No one started to go over to the rock until I did (and then too many people did). It's "follow the leader"/lemming syndrome mostly. And then we got disorganized after that 0 ticket arm/overtime first set loss.

Also Bo and No: You see what I mean when I'm talking "musical chairs" on Caspian Babby mode? RU side: B/C/D are important. SCREW A. SCREW A! I dunno what Nostyle was doing at times going up to A but I'm running around (after hoofing it from RU base attempting to get in the chopper) to continue to bleed.

Protip: If you have 2/3 flags (of 3/4) in Babby mode, you win. You only need to hold onto them. Forget the home base of the enemy flag. FORGET IT unless they're idiots and aren't taking the other three/our majority. Ugh.

At least we won but I dunno what the hell people were doing at times on C because I'm the only one going up to C at times.

Also on Caspian C is most important to take. Whoever has C has height advantage on most of the map.

Edit 2: Also I'm disliking the JNG. It sucks as a sniper it sucks as an assault. It's bolt-action screws it on the close-range and the scope sucks for sniping (or I'm terrible with the 7x chevron, either/or) at range. Just a terrible default choice for the gun all around.

I never asked for this: Server clearing edition.

bKak: One thing: I know you love the medic class, but in Rush it would be nice if you changed your class as the situation dictates. No one going for the tank and you noticed it? Switch to engineer, spot and fire it. If you hassle it, it lays off the team and can get other engineers on it.

Also your kit items: I seem to see a lack of healing, maybe you're using the LVG and that's nice and all but there's times when I need healing and it'd be nice if someone on GAF (*cough*) used their heal kit.


bKak: One thing: I know you love the medic class, but in Rush it would be nice if you changed your class as the situation dictates. No one going for the tank and you noticed it? Switch to engineer, spot and fire it. If you hassle it, it lays off the team and can get other engineers on it.

Also your kit items: I seem to see a lack of healing, maybe you're using the LVG and that's nice and all but there's times when I need healing and it'd be nice if someone on GAF (*cough*) used their heal kit.

Well, if you said something, I'd have switched. The M320 is great for clearing out corridors on Bazaar. Olimpia had a clutch tank theft, we'd have lost if it weren't for him.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Well, if you said something, I'd have switched. The M320 is great for clearing out corridors on Bazaar. Olimpia had a clutch tank theft, we'd have lost if it weren't for him.

Yeah, Olimpia stealing it was nice, but you throwing a pack into that room would've helped as well.

I'm just saying: Keep in mind a kit/class change depending on the squad make-up and situations. You're not a bad player, I'm just saying: It'd be nice if you changed your class now and then and threw a refill box out for those of us alive if you have a moment and die between spawns and the like. *shrug*

Also: I'm not sure if you noticed but I switched my kit to yours (or some fallen medics, forgetting), revived you, switched back and went for the tank all in the span of three seconds: Do some of that. Not while under fire (obviously, I was a bit crazy on that one) but if you can switch to a kit that revives when you aren't and it isn't a hectic situation, do it.


Fun rounds tonight with Woodwerd. Really pissed I didn't get quite enough points to overtake them both combined, though.

Now that consoles have rented servers, what we need is for the scoreboard to show individual player ping the way it does on PC. At the moment if a server gets laggy, the poor sods with 'foreign' sounding names end up getting kicked for fear that they're connecting from far away countries on really high ping connections and shitting up the server for everyone.

I don't know if having high ping players connect is as big a problem for North American players as it is for some other parts of the world, but if you guys could like/follow/comment this at the EA Get Satisfaction page maybe we can get the DICE guys to add it:

lol MVP and yet you still lost. WTF was your team doing!?

hey we were playing some Rush matches yesterday and man were both teams besides Gaffers useless :p if we were attacking we would decimate the map in 5 minutes. On defending they could not get the first set of Mcoms from us.


Hey team, do something, please.

My team spend an entire match neither getting kills nor capturing flags. My friend and I stuck to trying to capture B and C after seeing our team was being particularly useless in that match. Every time we captured one of the two middle points the other one would be recaptured by the enemy. I really have no idea what our teammates were doing. :/


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
1 vs 3 gaf battle+.
squad insisted that waiting for tank is the smart thing to do.

I tried.

I know that feel, bro. JM and I got split from GAF and it was a nightmare because they had the tank and LAV and I was just a lowly SOFLAM...
I know that feel, bro. JM and I got split from GAF and it was a nightmare because they had the tank and LAV and I was just a lowly SOFLAM...

Oh, I wasn't having much hope winning the game anyway.

Just find it sad that I got the MVP pin out of it.
makes me look like a stupid try-hard.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
They actually made the sound glitch worse with the patch... :(
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