Finally, got into GAF forums. Looking forward to play with you people.![]()
They actually made the sound glitch worse with the patch...![]()
Or when you're getting locked but you only hear the noise a splitsecond before the rocket hits you. Good times.The best is when it goes out while the other team is arming or has just armed one of the MCOMs.
What did expect running into a 500% 24/7 Canal game? Good players?Morons everywhere again =/
What did expect running into a 500% 24/7 Canal game? Good players?
I'm fed up with this shit, my PS3 freezes everytime I play BF3 mp on it. Is there a way to find out if there are corrupt files on my hdd?
I'm fed up with this shit, my PS3 freezes everytime I play BF3 mp on it. Is there a way to find out if there are corrupt files on my hdd?
Do you literally mean "every time" or are your freezes just... often. Because that could be separate issues. If your game freezes every time, then something is definitely wrong, but if you're just getting frequent lock ups... well welcome to BF and Frostbite.
SQDM 500% + Double XP = BOOST MODE
SQDM 500% + Double XP = BOOST MODE
I thought you were playing Close Shitters?
Oh shit, I forgot about this.
Is double exp all weekend too?
ahaha my bad i meant CQDM
for premium members it goes all week.
My next question is why does everyone have mics but never use them? Only like 4 people use their mics all the time. I feel like I'm playing with randoms and I don't know if I'm doing the right thing or not. Actually I'm probably not doing the right thing and I probably suck but it would help if you guys would tell me that stuff instead of just being quiet. And if you want me to shutup while playing you can tell me that too and I'll shut my mic off. Because I know I bitch alot so don't be afraid to tell me.
Unless we're playing against a good team/clan I think there's no need to communicate since we usually win without any issues. Most of us have been playing together for a long time and know our roles quite well, but yeah sometimes it's nice to have some sort of communication.
Unless we're playing against a good team/clan I think there's no need to communicate since we usually win without any issues. Most of us have been playing together for a long time and know our roles quite well, but yeah sometimes it's nice to have some sort of communication.
Can the rush experts answer this question for me please? Why is it when there are two crates and the least important one goes off, everyone leaves their defensive position to try and disarm the other one? Leaving just one person defending the last crate, while they all die and make that person hopelessly waiting for their turn.
My next question is why does everyone have mics but never use them? Only like 4 people use their mics all the time. I feel like I'm playing with randoms and I don't know if I'm doing the right thing or not. Actually I'm probably not doing the right thing and I probably suck but it would help if you guys would tell me that stuff instead of just being quiet. And if you want me to shutup while playing you can tell me that too and I'll shut my mic off. Because I know I bitch alot so don't be afraid to tell me.
My next question is why does everyone have mics but never use them? Only like 4 people use their mics all the time. I feel like I'm playing with randoms and I don't know if I'm doing the right thing or not. Actually I'm probably not doing the right thing and I probably suck but it would help if you guys would tell me that stuff instead of just being quiet. And if you want me to shutup while playing you can tell me that too and I'll shut my mic off. Because I know I bitch alot so don't be afraid to tell me.
That makes sense. My only problem is that I haven't played with you guys that much and I don't know my role. I feel lost all the time and when I follow some of you guys I don't know what the heck your doing. I'm the type of person that is detail oriented.
yep, i join the game and see if anyone has the mic on. if not, i put mine on mute and we can win it anywaysvoice communication only on really serious games.
I usually put my mic on mute and listen to what my squad is saying. You and JJD talk a lot and it really does help, even if you think you are bitching. Also, if I don't have my mic on, I can still hear you through the TV, so keep talking.
Matches Feature Coming to Battlefield 3
Were taking the next step in advancing online competitive play in the Battlefield 3 community. The Matches feature will allow players to coordinate competitive multiplayer sessions with their friends and squad members. Battlefield 3 players will be able to select the time, server, game settings, and roster for their Matches creating a controlled and definitive environment for competitive play.
Players will be able to coordinate Matches for PC, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360 through the Battlelog. To coordinate a Match a player must be actively renting a dedicated server. Once a dedicated server has been selected the Match host can set the Match name, start time, game mode, team size, and map rotations.
After these preliminary decisions have been made, game settings are determined for the Match. Matches are completely customizable; an extensive list of settings including friendly fire, 3D spotting, squad-leader spawning, kill cam, health regeneration, a list of weapon unlocks that will be made available to players, and more can be set to exact specifications.
With the Match settings in place, players then select the rosters for their teams from their list of friends and platoon members. A team leader for the rival team is assigned who in turn also chooses a roster for the opposing team. With the teams set, the Match is scheduled for creation and players can begin taking their places.
Before the Match begins players may engage in a Warm-up Phase where no kills or points are counted. The Match will stay in this state until all participating players have signaled that they are ready from the pause menu.
After the Match is completed players can review the results on Battlelog. Players can see the number of rounds played, what maps were used, the team that won each round, and other relevant information.
With Matches, Battlefield 3 players will be able to create, control, and track directly competitive online play. Platoons, friends, and rivals will be able to put their teamwork to the test in controlled environments laying claim to definitive superiority and creating new grudges.
Stay tuned for more details including a release date for Matches!
My next question is why does everyone have mics
Dreamgazer said:JJD just needs to use more references in his communication.
"left? whose left? which left?"(still love ya bro)
Can the rush experts answer this question for me please? Why is it when there are two crates and the least important one goes off, everyone leaves their defensive position to try and disarm the other one? Leaving just one person defending the last crate, while they all die and make that person hopelessly waiting for their turn.
Can the rush experts answer this question for me please? Why is it when there are two crates and the least important one goes off, everyone leaves their defensive position to try and disarm the other one? Leaving just one person defending the last crate, while they all die and make that person hopelessly waiting for their turn.
My next question is why does everyone have mics but never use them? Only like 4 people use their mics all the time. I feel like I'm playing with randoms and I don't know if I'm doing the right thing or not. Actually I'm probably not doing the right thing and I probably suck but it would help if you guys would tell me that stuff instead of just being quiet. And if you want me to shutup while playing you can tell me that too and I'll shut my mic off. Because I know I bitch alot so don't be afraid to tell me.
My problem is that when I'm playing it's usually late at night, and I live in an apartment, so rather than turning the stereo volume down and losing the ability to hear surrounding noises but having a mic....instead I wear headphones and can crank up the volume, at the expense of the mic.
You do know you can get a mic with headphones, right? There's Espot level ones that Pro players use.
What does XP matter in BF3 after unlocking everything?
Nothing really. It'd be nice if you could spend XP to unlock attachments you want, instead of having to slog through their annoyingly obtuse progression.
Good games tonight JJD, Hunting, and Dan! Same as usual...nothing but wins
Felt good to be back even if I couldn't aim to save my life, haha.
Oh, but that would be a logical decision. Instead, we watch a bar fill up to 230,000 and a single number by our rank increase. SO FUN.
But we have to jump through super specific hoops to unlock certain guns. Dumb.
/bitching because the truth is I just want the SG553 but I don't want to play a million hours of co op to get it...![]()
/bitching because the truth is I just want the SG553 but I don't want to play a million hours of co op to get it...![]()
JJD said:The SG553 is not that good though...
Except it is. You're completely wrong on it. Point in a general direction hold trigger down. Dead men abound. Probably one of the most fun carbines that isn't my BFF AKS-74U in the game.
Hey, thanks bro.What do you mean, you people?
Lol, welcome to the forums
Whoa, I always wondered why I die easily everytime I use the SG553. Oh man M4 is a beast weapon.Now that you mention it, I never thought of using the SG that way!
Seriously though, it's just my opinion.
It's not the best carbine at close range (low rate of fire), it's not the best carbine mid range (low bullet velocity and ROF) and it's not the best carbine at long range too (all other factors conbined).
It performs adequately and is usable (as most BF3 guns are), but there's better carbines at each specific role. So the SG553 is a good all arounder right? Well yeah, except the M4A1 is better than it in pretty much everything, and is the best all around carbine in the game.
So why would you use the SG as an all around carbine instead of the clearly superior M4? Only because of personal preference, because the stats don't back you up.
The SG takes more time to kill an opponent at any range considered. If you engage an enemy 1 on 1 and you both start shooting at the same time the guy with the M4 is going to drop you every single time.
I'll give you one thing though, the SG has one of the better iron sights in the game, but really who cares? There's no reason not to use optic sights except for bragging rights.
I won't say you're completely wrong because in the end subjective opinion is the only thing determining which weapon each of us should use. So if you think the gun is fun, just use it.
But if you're trying to get every little advantage in the battlefield there's really no motive to use the SG. There's a reason why you don't see it being widely used, as opposed to the 93R for example which is also a co op weapon and widely utilized.
So I'll stand by what I said, the SG553 is just not that good.
Hey, thanks bro.
Edit :
Whoa, I always wondered why I die easily everytime I use the SG553. Oh man M4 is a beast weapon.
Why did you guys quit?? My connection dropped in the results screen but I was going to rejoin for that Kharg Island game ;(
It was one of my most fun BF nights ever.
First, a whopping 12 vs 6 disadvantage win against two clans with freaking level 100s everywhere...12 on fucking 6!! (for 80% of the match at least)
Second, Kharg Island ass kicking
Third, impossible comeback on Damavand Peak
Fourth, one of the hardest Op Metro rounds I've played ever. Even though we won by a lot of tickets we had to bust our asses off to keep them away from Charlie. Man, it was so annoying but somehow we did it
Fifth, one of the most annoying rounds in BF ever. They had all the damn choppers and were annoying the crap out of us.
Man what a fun night, that clan kept us focused for the entire duration of all the rounds but it goes to show that when GAF plays together and puts effort it's hard to stop us.