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Battlefield 3 | Console Community Thread | Pleasant Entertainment

I was only with you guys for the last couple of games, but man, they were awesome. These are the sorta games where I wouldn't even mind losing cus they were so much fun.

I've been playing a lot more on PC lately and it has definitely hurt my aim on ps3. These guys had really good aim. But our teamwork overcame they're shooting skills. I just wish my stupid mike with work.

Also, the helo-rocket kill on kharg island, BEST KILL EVER. I've gotten better rocket kills, but that guy was so annoying the whole round and it was soooooo satisfying.
i really should start recording all matches to make a compilation of BF moments :p

had some amazing C4 traps last night with that 500% CQDM near [A] There is a lot of traffic towards it as soon as its captured, some tactical C4 on the nearby walls are a killer! Three guys run through the corridor, shoot first one in the face with my AS-VAL, blow up the C4 to get the second guy, switch back to the AS-VAL and take out the third guy :D


It's not like the SG is a peashooter. It's just that the M4 plays the same role as the SG and it is slightly more well balanced. Sometimes that can make a difference. But you can do pretty well with the 553 too.

Frankly the engineer guns are not really well balanced IMO. The more I play the game the less I see reason to pick another gun besides the M4.

The assault class in contrast have some really good balanced guns.

The M16A4 is the best assault weapon all around.

But the AEK-971 is considerably better at close range, but weaker at mid to long.

And finally the new Scar-L is a beast at long range but underperforms at close.

Depending on the map I'll switch between those three weapons when playing assault.

Unfortunately I don't think the engineer guns are that well balanced so lately I've mainly used the M4.

If I were to give you advice I would say pick your 2 favorite weapons for each class ( 1 for close and 1 for mid/long range) and master then.

Don't try to be a jack of all trades.

I used to play with all weapons, picking a different one every now and then. But since I started using the same ones I have began to play better and my accuracy, SPM and K/D improved.
Well thanks for the post. And I would like to add that I'm New to GAF forums but I'm not new to Battlefield. :)


Well thanks for the post. And I would like to add that I'm New to GAF forums but I'm not new to Battlefield. :)

Welcome to the forum man!

Now start adding people and join us online on the game! We could have used your help on today games! :)

If you're on PS3, just click my name and my PSN user ID is there!
What does XP matter in BF3 after unlocking everything?

gotta unlock DAT GOLD COLONEL 100 DOGTAG


Oh, but that would be a logical decision. Instead, we watch a bar fill up to 230,000 and a single number by our rank increase. SO FUN.

But we have to jump through super specific hoops to unlock certain guns. Dumb.

/bitching because the truth is I just want the SG553 but I don't want to play a million hours of co op to get it... :(

getting the co-op guns is easy, especially after they lowered the requirements.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
only one of them is.

Yeah, and that's "Ninjas." Drop 'Em Like Liquid is hard, but isn't too bad because it's really no room for error. Ninja's is completely stupid because the no room for error should have some error.

Anyway: BC1 milestone of 8003 (right now, leaderboard hasn't updated) of 10,002 kills needed for platinum. I'm nearly there. >_< I just have to play a bit more often and I need to do that this month so I'm splitting time between finishing Dark Souls, BF3 (and it's double EXP's), and BC1.

(Also I noticed I'm 35,900 something in the leaderboards of BC1 PS3. Did not many people play this or did I just get mad score when it was popular in 2008-2009?)

@JJD: Stats can "back you up" for all I care, but at the end of the day the SG553 is a solid stable gun with little recoil due to the "low ROF" and that's all that matters to me. Point it at someone, tap the trigger at mid-long range and someone will generally die. Close range? Hip-fire spray and they'll die. I've gone toe to toe with M4A1's and came out of it pretty well so really the damage stats don't matter when the guns are in good hands.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Interview about Armored Kill

Tank superiority sounds awesome.
Niklas Fegreaus said:
Tank Superiority is a vehicle focused mode where large number of heavy vehicles clash in order to control key areas. It covers vast areas, so tactical positioning and precise long range firing are two very important skills players need to deploy in order to win.
Dunno if it's been done before but they need to make a map where there are 2 capture points in Conquest separated from the rest on an island maybe 100-150 clicks from mainland. Boats can of course go to the island and you can paratroop down as well obviously if not controlling the bases.


God damn dumb game. Should have bought Uncharted 3 instead. I thought MW had campers, this is a whole different level. Not to mention that I can't map the buttons either. I want to crouch with B, FFS.
Can't see shit on top of that. Enemies don't stand out, at all. Everything is dark and blured.

40€ down the shitter. gg


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Spot. You'll see the campers.

And why the hell would you want B to be prone? WHY.jpg R3 crouch/prone is better, adapt and you'll see.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
God damn dumb game. Should have bought Uncharted 3 instead. I thought MW had campers, this is a whole different level. Not to mention that I can't map the buttons either. I want to crouch with B, FFS.
Can't see shit on top of that. Enemies don't stand out, at all. Everything is dark and blured.

40&#8364; down the shitter. gg

Campers... lol.

Spot. You'll see the campers.

And why the hell would you want B to be prone? WHY.jpg R3 crouch/prone is better, adapt and you'll see.

CoD and all the games that mimic it have crouch on B.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
CoD and all the games that mimic it have crouch on B.

CoD also has "Tactical/Tactical Flipped" layout that mimics BF and is farrrrrrrr superior in both games. Only 12 year old boys that don't know better use that shitty layout because they want HURR MELEE quick button prompts instead of using at designed: a stealth takedown.


Spot. You'll see the campers.

All I do I spot, it's useless. Spotting isn't going to make me see the enemies better when they're prone, in the shadows, and wearing black camo.
And why the hell would you want B to be prone? WHY.jpg R3 crouch/prone is better, adapt and you'll see..

Because I've been playing with B as crouch for years now. I really don't give a shit if you think that I'm 12 for using it. I don't need to adapt to anything when it comes to button mapping, it's the game that needs to allow me to customize it.

Finding a DICE server is awesome. I don't see any. Maybe I need to buy the expansion packs, EA? I bet I do. Saw 2 DICE servers when I had CQ enabled in the filters.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
All I do I spot, it's useless. Spotting isn't going to make me see the enemies better when they're prone, in the shadows, and wearing black camo.

Yes it will. Play the game.

Because I've been playing with B as crouch for years now. I really don't give a shit if you think that I'm 12 for using it. I don't need to adapt to anything when it comes to button mapping, it's the game that needs to allow me to customize it.

Then enjoy being drop shotted constantly when you can drop shot on a dime instead of HURR MELEE SO PRO.

Finding a DICE server is awesome. I don't see any. Maybe I need to buy the expansion packs, EA? I bet I do. Saw 2 DICE servers when I had CQ enabled in the filters.

DICE servers are either all full or long gone. Take your pick.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
All I do I spot, it's useless. Spotting isn't going to make me see the enemies better when they're prone, in the shadows, and wearing black camo.

Well... as long as you're not playing on a hardcore server... with 3D spotting disabled, you will be able to see any enemy. Often before you actually "see" them, if you get my meaning. Spotting is really powerful, and frankly, if you're having trouble seeing enemies, I don;t know what to tell you. They stick out pretty well imo. And as far as campers, this is not meant to sound like a rude post, but you need to adjust your playstyle if they are a problem for you -- play smarter. Once in a while you get popped by a guy clipping into something or in a corner. It's annoying. But it really shouldn't be a problem.

Camo really doesn't matter. I wear blue camo half the time. Just doesn't really affect anything. Since the INRV nerf, the black camo doesn't grant much benefit.

Because I've been playing with B as crouch for years now. I really don't give a shit if you think that I'm 12 for using it. I don't need to adapt to anything when it comes to button mapping, it's the game that needs to allow me to customize it.

Finding a DICE server is awesome. I don't see any. Maybe I need to buy the expansion packs, EA? I bet I do. Saw 2 DICE servers when I had CQ enabled in the filters.

I think every game should have fully configurable controls... I personally prefer crouch on the stick, but I can understand your preference.

AS for servers... yeah... been a mixed bag since the update.


Played a couple more matches, 3rd MVP twice, but didn't unlock the Achievement for some weird reason.
Evolved was right, I just needed to slow down a bit and be more patient. That douche on the PT server just happened to spend the whole game looking through a window.
Maps seem too large for the amount of players allowed.

I need to play with friends.
i would kill for full controller config!!! seriously, i would do ... something ... about the ground vehicle controls, and i would make the triggers be ADS and Shoot.

and DICE, what's up with the grenade button!?!?! why does it take TWO buttons to be able to aim a grenade? why can't i just hold the grenade button and it throws when i release?

Yeah, and that's "Ninjas." Drop 'Em Like Liquid is hard, but isn't too bad because it's really no room for error. Ninja's is completely stupid because the no room for error should have some error.

Anyway: BC1 milestone of 8003 (right now, leaderboard hasn't updated) of 10,002 kills needed for platinum. I'm nearly there. >_< I just have to play a bit more often and I need to do that this month so I'm splitting time between finishing Dark Souls, BF3 (and it's double EXP's), and BC1.

(Also I noticed I'm 35,900 something in the leaderboards of BC1 PS3. Did not many people play this or did I just get mad score when it was popular in 2008-2009?)

@JJD: Stats can "back you up" for all I care, but at the end of the day the SG553 is a solid stable gun with little recoil due to the "low ROF" and that's all that matters to me. Point it at someone, tap the trigger at mid-long range and someone will generally die. Close range? Hip-fire spray and they'll die. I've gone toe to toe with M4A1's and came out of it pretty well so really the damage stats don't matter when the guns are in good hands.
c'mon son, Ninjas is infinitely easier than Bullseye. INFINITELY!!! AND YOU KNOW THIS!!!!!!!!

people played BC1, just not as many people as BC2 or BF3.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Played a couple more matches, 3rd MVP twice, but didn't unlock the Achievement for some weird reason.
Evolved was right, I just needed to slow down a bit and be more patient. That douche on the PT server just happened to spend the whole game looking through a window.
Maps seem too large for the amount of players allowed.

I need to play with friends.

Playing with friends is key. And not getting too frustrated at the game. Lately servers are prone to stacking... and most games are unbalanced. So I just play. Try to win like always, but I'll take some consecutive losses waiting for the sever to balance out a bit. Win some lose some.

Campers do not bother me for the most part. It's actually a legit way to play if you're trying to win the match. So long as you're in the thick of it and not setup somewhere far away from anything important, just trying to get easy kills.

Imo the only campers that really annoy me are those on my own team! And worse, in my squad. Mostly because they don't help. And if they're in the squad, then it's one less guy you can spawn on to get back in the fight. But servers (in every shooter) are full of guys like that... it's not just battlefield.

In BC2 the maps didn't feel too large or empty. But they do sometimes in BF3. I blame jets. Take an infantry map in BF3 for example... lots of fights taking place, and contacts all over. But on larger maps, add the normal vehicles and then jets on top of it... eh... hey it's fun if you fly jets, I guess. But not so much if you want to fight it out on the ground.


I'm perfectly capable of defending flags and MCOMs without sitting my ass in the same position for the duration of the match. I call that camping, if you think that's OK, good for you.
There is a difference between camping and defending though.

Unfortunately, the way the maps are designed, certain places you just have to camp to be most effective.

Like the first set of Bazaar. No one will ever say "anyone who stays in the m-com room is a camper/crappy defender and should get outside immediately."

I mean, unless you're stupid.

I'm perfectly capable of defending flags and MCOMs without sitting my ass in the same position for the duration of the match. I call that camping, if you think that's OK, good for you.

Feel free to tell me a more effective strategy to defend Crossing Rush set 1B without having a guy proning on top of the crate to guard the front door and a recon guarding in the garage, with motion sensors and spawn beacons, while watching over the 2 back doors.

Camp for kills = lame
Camp for objective = do it if necessary.
Played a couple more matches, 3rd MVP twice, but didn't unlock the Achievement for some weird reason.
Evolved was right, I just needed to slow down a bit and be more patient. That douche on the PT server just happened to spend the whole game looking through a window.
Maps seem too large for the amount of players allowed.

I need to play with friends.


you do.

I'm perfectly capable of defending flags and MCOMs without sitting my ass in the same position for the duration of the match. I call that camping, if you think that's OK, good for you.
it's an objective based gametype. as a defender, you're supposed to defend the objectives. it's called defending, not camping.


it's an objective based gametype. as a defender, you're supposed to defend the objectives. it's called defending, not camping.

You can defend without standing still on the same exact spot for minutes. I can understand snipers doing it, that's the point of long-range weaponry, but not guys with M16s.
The dude was playing TDM anyway, there were no objectives other than kill the enemy. He just crouched inside the building looking outside the window and getting easy kills. It's annoying.

Feel free to tell me a more effective strategy to defend Crossing Rush set 1B without having a guy proning on top of the crate to guard the front door and a recon guarding in the garage, with motion sensors and spawn beacons, while watching over the 2 back doors.

Camp for kills = lame
Camp for objective = do it if necessary.
I have no idea what Crossing Rush 1B is, but I've played objective-based games for a long time and never had to camp to defend objectives. I walk around the vicinity, using cover and moving slowly. Could be that I'm an idiot and just don't know how to play games.
I don't see the point in looking for a spot to lie down for a bunch of time and shooting people as they come.

People standing still after arming an MCOM to make sure it blows up, I'm OK with. Everything else just annoys me.
I'm perfectly capable of defending flags and MCOMs without sitting my ass in the same position for the duration of the match. I call that camping, if you think that's OK, good for you.

I don't see anyone defending "sitting in the same spot for the duration of the match." The point is if you're holding down a strategically valuable position, you're safe and clippin' fools, why would you relocate? "Boredom" and "so I'm not camping" seem like the only answers, and they're both pretty weak, strategically.

And I'm not acutely familiar with all the maps, but I'm pretty sure most every "window" location can be blown the fuck up. Shoot a rocket at the wall, there won't be a window anymore.
You can defend without standing still on the same exact spot for minutes. I can understand snipers doing it, that's the point of long-range weaponry, but not guys with M16s.
The dude was playing TDM anyway, there were no objectives other than kill the enemy. He just crouched inside the building looking outside the window and getting easy kills. It's annoying.
sure, it's possible to defend without standing still in the exact same spot for minutes, but it's also possible to just sit there and wait. i mean, that's where the objective is, so that's probably where the enemies are going to end up visiting!

I have no idea what Crossing Rush 1B is, but I've played objective-based games for a long time and never had to camp to defend objectives. I walk around the vicinity, using cover and moving slowly. Could be that I'm an idiot and just don't know how to play games.
I don't see the point in looking for a spot to lie down for a bunch of time and shooting people as they come.

People standing still after arming an MCOM to make sure it blows up, I'm OK with. Everything else just annoys me.

Seine Crossing, Rush, 1st set, M-COM

you can find me, i'll be the recon prone on top of that container behind the M-COM, spawn beason on the adjacent platform, motion sensor nearby, shooting anyone that comes thru the front door.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Holy shit:

Reply from bytes=32 time=1050ms TTL=48
Reply from bytes=32 time=1356ms TTL=48
Reply from bytes=32 time=1112ms TTL=48

Fuck this connection. >:| Going to have to call them AGAIN not even two days later. FFS.


Holy shit:

Reply from bytes=32 time=1050ms TTL=48
Reply from bytes=32 time=1356ms TTL=48
Reply from bytes=32 time=1112ms TTL=48

Fuck this connection. >:| Going to have to call them AGAIN not even two days later. FFS.

I'm having connection issues with my ISP too for about three weeks. Most annoying shit ever. At least I can still manage some games every now and then. :-(

I'll probably call then on monday, my biggest fear is that I really don't have an option when it comes to internet provider. There's only one company offering it's services in my area. If they can't fix it I'm screwed...

Also I don't know why campers bother so many people. I always thought it was easy dealing with then. But to be perfectly clear, I would not even call camping defending the objectives in a battlefield game.
Damavand Peak 2nd set, 1 M-COM armed, 0 tickets... 2nd M-COM gets armed, 1st gets disarmed, 1st gets re-armed, 2nd gets disarmed, 2nd gets re-armed, 1st gets destroyed, 2nd gets destroyed. looooooooooooooooool
yeah......I had to shoot down the mav the was in our dpeak base like 3-4 times......annoying as heck.

Nice game guys.
Sorry that I didn't switch side on the seine game. Didn't realize you guys were outnumbered till the scoreboard popped up.

20 more m-com defender pins to go...

Welcome to BF3-PS3-GAF, HCG.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
rvy said:
I'm perfectly capable of defending flags and MCOMs without sitting my ass in the same position for the duration of the match. I call that camping, if you think that's OK, good for you.

He thinks Seine Crossing first set B/Bazaar first set B, last set A/Metro Third Set B is possible to defend without camping the room with ten people in there!

9 kill streak with SAIGA on medic train reviving each other?


so good!

He thinks Seine Crossing first set B/Bazaar first set B, last set A/Metro Third Set B is possible to defend without camping the room with ten people in there!


seriously, once the enemies outnumber you in there, how do you plan to get back in before the m-com is destroyed!?

Rebel Leader

I killed an admin who was sniping from their home bade and killing the chopper pilot from the other base and got banned
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