The Faceless Master
You can always play in DICE servers.
good luck getting a full squad into those overcrowded DICE servers all at once!
You can always play in DICE servers.
good luck getting a full squad into those overcrowded DICE servers all at once!
How do you do that, btw? Do I need to send invites from the game's menu to people on my friends list. Does the game put you in the same squad if you're in the same live party?
On the menu, press start to bring up your friends list. Send them invites via that. When they accept, they'll be in your squad. Then join a server with enough slots open.
Then proceed to do some sort of voodoo dance while praying to every deity you can think of and hope that you all end up on the same team.
Then proceed to do some sort of voodoo dance
Lots of gaffers on today, I think I counted eight. Usually lucky to get four.
On the menu, press start to bring up your friends list. Send them invites via that. When they accept, they'll be in your squad. Then join a server with enough slots open.
Then proceed to do some sort of voodoo dance while praying to every deity you can think of and hope that you all end up on the same team.
who did we obliterate?
"Don't like my rules? GET YA OWN SERVERS!"
My favorite booster, still going at it:
Seriously Dice? when will you ban his freaking ass.
good luck getting a full squad into those overcrowded DICE servers all at once!
Thanks for the link. I just reported him although I'm not really sure how efficient their report system is.
lol... fun night guys. last game we were RU on canals... and had all three choppers. haha
totally trolling them, but it was too funny not to.
Dream, I need some ammo.
Dream, I need some ammo.
Except Bkak was just trolling me, I threw 3-4 ammo kits at his face.Now you know what I mean when I say "use your kit items," eh?
PP-19 is pure trash. I really dislike that gun. Too short a clip, and too little damage for too short a clip.
Went back to the MP7 and finished it's unlocks. Other than the magazine-size it's still solid. UMP changes from BC2 has left me mixed. It's good, but I really dislike the UMP this outing. I've gotten it's unlocks so I'm done with it.
The PP-19 has 55 rounds per clip. What cha talking about? You want 100?
I don't like to hipfire, so the mp7 really isn't my thing.
Except Bkak was just trolling me, I threw 3-4 ammo kits at his face.
So next time I won't give him any.
I was running recon on metro and thinking to myself "man this doesn't feel right, why am I not getting as much kills as I use to? (was getting 1:1K/D). Then I saw that I was running the P90 instead the PP-19....switched over and bam double/triple kills return.
I'm probably one of the few (if any) people who prefer the PP-19 over the P90...
Which...doesn't make any sense to me. It's been a known fact that the PP19 is in every way inferior to the P90:
The gun has higher vertical recoil, mush shorter drop off distance, a lower first shot multiplier, and a lower muzzle velocity. It boggles my mind why I do better with the PP19.
Except Bkak was just trolling me, I threw 3-4 ammo kits at his face.
So next time I won't give him any.
I dislike both the PP-19 and P90.![]()
AS VAL all day, every day. A powerful, accurate gun, with a high RoF and is silenced.
I don't hip-fire the MP7. I ADS in close-quarters and it will generally mow people down. Highly mobile.
The PP-19 may have 55 in the clip, but what good is that when it's ADS speed is slow, it's damage is low, and it loses 9/10 gun battles because other guns do better damage?
I like the narrow iron-sights of it and the idea behind it, but it's just a terrible over-all gun all around and I refuse to touch it on the principal that it should be better than it is.
And I still prefer the P90 over all these, but that's because I abused and used the P90 in CoD4 and it's still my favorite PDW due to the iconic design of it.
I was delirious. If you'll recall, you saved me with a handgun when I otherwise would have died.
Also, I feel like I somehow let you down in the chopper. You requested a pickup, and I thought to myself, "Dream is requesting a pickup? Aww yeah, time to show off some aerial acrobatics to really impress this guy". I then promptly crashed into a bunch of containers. Hopefully that didn't put you off vehicles for good.
New camo assignments for Premium members... For the same guns.
Kinda mad but whatever.
I used to love the pp19 then I think they nerfed it and it was never the same again![]()
The AS VAL was incredibly powerful before the latest patch. And that was without extended mags. Got about 1400 kills with it. Didn't use it after the patch until recently and I'm in love with it again.I'm forcing myself to use the VAL with all classes but support (because lately I've been having a ton of fun rolling with LMG + Bipod) and I'm somewhat mixed on the rifle. It's good, but feels a little weird to me in a way that's hard to describe.
However, once I have extended mag, I think it's going to push it over the awesome threshold. They hold that unlock till the very end, so I doubt most people will grind it out and be able to get a feel for it. I have a feeling it might even be OP!
MP7 is still my favorite BF3 weapon. And I ADS with it or hipfire. Deadly either way.
I used to love the pp19 then I think they nerfed it and it was never the same again![]()
L96 my fav sniper anyways!
Oh and what's the at mine heaven on wake? I'll definitely need it.
Weapon Camos:
100 kill with F2000 (easy)
50 squad revive (easy)
25 M26 Mass kill (easy but mehhhhhh)
100 kill with SCAR-H (easy)
20 M15 AT mines kill on vehicles (I average like 1 At-mine kill every 4-5 games now....Wake conquest = at-mine heaven.)
Destroy 5 air vehicle with AT launcher (easy but time consuming, will mav count?)
100 kill with PKP pecheneg (easy)
Destroy 25 vehicles with C4 (easy)
25 claymore kill (easy but meh)
100 kill with L96 (!@#$%#!@#$&)
50 MAV spot assist (pff, get that done in one round)
350m headshot with L96 (....)
Last assignment for soldier camo:
500 kill on all kits/classes - Assault/engineer/support/recon
Is this related to the soldier upgrade being released?
Is this related to the soldier upgrade being released?
350M head shot... i'm never that far away from the action!
Haha, my longest head shot's 80m.350M head shot... i'm never that far away from the action!
I don't care about weapon camo so I'll just skip those assignments.
Haha, my longest head shot's 80m.