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Battlefield 3 | Console Community Thread | Pleasant Entertainment


I like his videos. I need to make better decisions.

I do too. Rivalxfactor and playing with GAF has been the reason why I'm doing as well as I am. Coming from never playing an online FPS game to Battlefield 3 was difficult at first. I had like a 250 SPM and .5 KDR for the first 50 hours. Than I watched his videos, played with Olimpia and boom I'm at 783 SPM and 2.05 KDR. I hope when the next battlefield game comes out, I can get a 900+ SPM and at least a 3.0 KDR.


lol wow, some people...
I got griefed the other day; it was Noshahr CQ on the US side and someone rammed my LAV in the aircraft carrier with the AAMTRAC and parked it there sideways to block me in. I guess they forgot that the LAV's faster and I just sort of pushed it out of the way and dragged the AAMTRAC all the way into the wall next to the dock.

And then I got destroyed 'cause the entire other team had already all capped and was sitting on the edge of the water.

Hopefully, if EA let's these DICE guys make a second Battlefield game, they'll learn from this game and not make maps that are total embarrassments to the FPS genre.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Hopefully, if EA let's these DICE guys make a second Battlefield game, they'll learn from this game and not make maps that are total embarrassments to the FPS genre.


Third game released this gen if you don't count BF2:MC on consoles.

Does the SPAS-12 get better with slugs? I am using buckshot and it seems so damn inconsistent. Hitting people point blank in the chest and not getting a kill.

Edit: Also, my shotgun kills don't seem to be counting for the wrench weilder dogtag.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything

Guy is basically just talking common sense... although it's always nice to hear more people talking about playing the angles and percentages. That's the backbone of my strategy (when I'm not on super-aggressive steamroll autopilot) and I wish more players would think about it.

Does the SPAS-12 get better with slugs? I am using buckshot and it seems so damn inconsistent. Hitting people point blank in the chest and not getting a kill.

Edit: Also, my shotgun kills don't seem to be counting for the wrench weilder dogtag.

I haven't used them in forever, but last time I was messing with slugs they seemed really underpowered. I jokingly call them BB's. Haven't seen the #'s on them though. JJ is always good to ask for that info.
Does the SPAS-12 get better with slugs? I am using buckshot and it seems so damn inconsistent. Hitting people point blank in the chest and not getting a kill.

Edit: Also, my shotgun kills don't seem to be counting for the wrench weilder dogtag.

When I tried slugs on the SPAS-12 I did not like it. I do however just love it with flechette rounds. It's like holding the power of god in the palm of your hands. That combo has won me some games.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Okay, yeah it's either bugged or this is by design but:


Just did it with a 356 meter headshot. Fucking done with that shit outside of L96 kills. FUCK YOU DICE.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Okay, yeah it's either bugged or this is by design but:


Just did it with a 356 meter headshot. Fucking done with that shit outside of L96 kills. FUCK YOU DICE.

Why do you do this stuff if you dislike it so much?


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Why do you do this stuff if you dislike it so much?

Because I like to collect them all as Call of Duty said. Plus it tested my marksmenship. I missed a bunch of shots with the 12x scope but it was a good "learning" (even if I'm never slapping a 12x scope on again) experience with the L96.

I like challenging myself even if DICE's bullshit (I had that shot within five minutes with a squad mates OWN L96) rules for it is absurd.

Nori Chan

I love the spas with buckshot

had like 700 kills with it the first week of CQ then i stopped cause i wanted my knife to be the weapon i had most kills with :D


Sometimes I wish DICE never created assignments. Now everyone and their mother are trying to get those L96 kills and not even try to win or go for the objective =/


Okay, yeah it's either bugged or this is by design but:


Just did it with a 356 meter headshot. Fucking done with that shit outside of L96 kills. FUCK YOU DICE.
Where did you pull the shot off?



I don't mind people going for the achievements as long as they do it at the proper time and place; like having a +200 ticket lead and all the flags taken...THEN try the assignment. But some of the randoms today were simply disgusting; as soon as the round started they all went into L96 sniper mode not caring at all about the flags. The worse part is that these randoms are all high ranked Colonels...SMH


Time warner internet and i have opened ports like crazy.

I even have my PS3 on a static IP and it's IP in a DMZ.

When people still played BC2 I had issues logging into EA servers for 2 months. It was a nightmare, I couldn't play the game. Then it was gone, I never knew what happened or what caused it.


I even have my PS3 on a static IP and it's IP in a DMZ.

When people still played BC2 I had issues logging into EA servers for 2 months. It was a nightmare, I couldn't play the game. Then it was gone, I never knew what happened or what caused it.

Time warner was no help and Sony were even more useless, trying to get incontact with EA now.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Where did you pull the shot off?

350 ticket attack on Rush Operation Firestorm. First shot (505) was the rock a little behind and to the right (coming from attackers) side to the first crane/tippy-top of that crane.

Second was Op Firestorm Rush 350 ticket attack again on the pipeline to the last-set defense spawn on the construction site area. 351 headshot.


350 ticket attack on Rush Operation Firestorm. First shot (505) was the rock a little behind and to the right (coming from attackers) side to the first crane/tippy-top of that crane.

Second was Op Firestorm Rush 350 ticket attack again on the pipeline to the last-set defense spawn on the construction site area. 351 headshot.
Thank you for this. I've been wondering where a good place to pull this off was. You have saved me a shitload of trial and error.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Thank you for this. I've been wondering where a good place to pull this off was. You have saved me a shitload of trial and error.

It'll still be trial and error. You'll be using the 12x scope on the L96 to pull these shots off and even then it's hard to gauge drop (at least to me) because the tracer is small/disappears at times.

Also the pipe-line is like first set to second set to last set. Issue with this assignments requirements is that you think "that's a long shot" is generally below the requirement (315 meters). Like Tehran second set end/cliff with the building with stairs is 215 meters from there to A. You could probably do B but that's not going to get you more than maybe 245-300 meters. Still below the requirement.

In fact, I think Operation Firestorm is the only map you can pull these crazy distances off within a reasonable level. Unless you outright set up stuff (roof of Oman second set "hotel" to carrier) you won't go beyond 800 meters in Operation Firestorm.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
no, i mean i shot down a chopper with an RPG on Damavand and got 1/5 on air vehicle kills

Nice, but that doesn't help me any. Those air kills are the next hardest thing that I feel is going to be impossible for me to pull off it doesn't count MAV or Stingers or both.


Nice, but that doesn't help me any. Those air kills are the next hardest thing that I feel is going to be impossible for me to pull off it doesn't count MAV or Stingers or both.

I think it won't be that difficult. Join a Canals GAF game on conquest, I'll spot the choppers with CITV Station on the tank and you can take then away with the javs.
Does the SPAS-12 get better with slugs? I am using buckshot and it seems so damn inconsistent. Hitting people point blank in the chest and not getting a kill.

Edit: Also, my shotgun kills don't seem to be counting for the wrench weilder dogtag.

gotta use an engineer

Nice, but that doesn't help me any. Those air kills are the next hardest thing that I feel is going to be impossible for me to pull off it doesn't count MAV or Stingers or both.

i'm guessing that Stingers count too...

edit: Stinger doesn't count.
i'm guessing that Stingers count too...
When they said AT launchers I would have thought that meant only RPG/SMAW and Javelin. If IGLA/Stingers count then that'll be much easier than I was anticipating...

The ones that I'm going to find very annoying are the claymore and mine ones. I never use either and feel that the claymores are a cheap tactic, and that I'm letting my team down if I'm an engineer who can't even fix my own team's vehicles.
Time warner's Ubee modem, no router. NAT2

The problem with alot of those modem/wireless router (Ubee) combo types is that they usually can't handle port forwarding well.

To save you the long instructions - try and see if you can borrow a normal router from someone, preferably from one of the more well known manufacturer (Cisco, D-link, etc.) and hook it up to your modem. Have the DMZ set to the router's ip and then have the router DMZ to your PS3.

Essentially a router behind a router.
It's the setup I have to use also.

In fact, here's a video with a ubee modem also:


The problem with alot of those modem/wireless router (Ubee) combo types is that they usually can't handle port forwarding well.

To save you the long instructions - try and see if you can borrow a normal router from someone, preferably from one of the more well known manufacturer (Cisco, D-link, etc.) and hook it up to your modem. Have the DMZ set to the router's ip and then have the router DMZ to your PS3.

Essentially a router behind a router.
It's the setup I have to use also.

In fact, here's a video with a ubee modem also:

Thanks I will have to try this tomorrow.

Following EA's suggestion I forwarded these ports TCP: 80, 443, 9988, 10000-10100, 17502, 42127 UDP: 3659, 14000-14016.

And managed to get through 2 games.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Well, that was weird. Was offered a "veteran account, so you'll still have your F2000" for my account on PSN in BC1 just a few minutes ago from a "HuRiCaNe-Psycho." Didn't tell him to fuck off, though I should've. Reported him to Sony (yeah, fat load of good that'll do) and then blocked him. Going to change my password to be safe.

Edit: Looking at his account he doesn't have BC1 platinum nor much time spent in the game. I should've laughed in his face (well, PSN message) and told him to fuck off.


if anyone's still wondering where to get the L96 kills, maybe this will help you: on canals the bullet will drop about one mill dot from carrier to the container-waterfront (A), using the 8x scope. you'll have to play a bit with the height depending on the enemies' and your position, but it's all within +/- one millimeter of the 1st mill dot (less, actually).

hope this helps, for the C4 kills i don't have a tipp, but a challenge for you: raid the enemy airfield: fly one of your jets into the enemy base (i suggest caspian, playing as US and landing in the backyard of the airfield, landing in the hills), park your jet next to the enemy's, plant C4, get the hell out of dodge and wait until your C4 markers take off. only downside to this: you can't hear/see the other player when he get's blown up by C4 in mid-air.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
havent played in ages, feel so cheated by Battlefield premium, fucking bullshit am i paying another 35 quid to play the game i already paid full price for


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I don't know what the video said, but the simplest way to do it (assuming you don't care about media sharing to the ps3) is to just hook them all up, dmz everything.

Doesn't matter the brand.

I dunno how to DMZ. You mean "port forwarding" in general? I think I've done that but my connection still goes up and down on signal speed during the day. It's pissing me off because my ISP is all "it's fixed" and I'm like "THE FUCK IT IS."

Nori Chan

Fuck yeah 526 headshot.

Got it from attackers deployment on kharg island to their defensive deployment 1.

At lest 3 other people followed me after I did it :p

And as soon as I get that I get a 572 one :D

Then I get a 578 hahaha I'm on point
Fuck yeah 526 headshot.

Got it from attackers deployment on kharg island to their defensive deployment 1.

At lest 3 other people followed me after I did it :p

And as soon as I get that I get a 572 one :D

Then I get a 578 hahaha I'm on point


*rage face.jpg*
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