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Battlefield 3 | Console Community Thread | Pleasant Entertainment

Rebel Leader

Most important... HE WON A WEAPON CAMMO!!!!!


I just played a Metro Rush game (why, I don't know) and we were winning and my friend and I were at the top of our team. We were at the last set, already destroyed one of the M-COMs, the other one just got armed and all of a sudden we both die. "Killed by the admin" We got switched to the defending (and losing) team right before the game ended...

I quit before the game ended, fuck that shit.
PS3: 386.81m on Kharg Island Rush.

top of far left hill by 1st set to hill behind 2nd set.

also... bail on a frogfoot just to RPG a repairing chopper? yes.

1/5 enemy aircraft via AT Rocket

edit: apparently Transport Helicopters are not AIR VEHICLES

0/5 ... DICE

Fuck yeah 526 headshot.

Got it from attackers deployment on kharg island to their defensive deployment 1.

At lest 3 other people followed me after I did it :p

And as soon as I get that I get a 572 one :D

Then I get a 578 hahaha I'm on point

looool... as soon as i got mine, i started running down the hill to PTFO, then i sent dave a PM since he was beside me trying to do the same thing.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.

*rage face.jpg*

I won my sniper headshot distance game.
But because it was 300 tickets.

U MAD, Dream? :3

Overd0ziz said:
I quit before the game ended, fuck that shit.


This community is shit and if there was a GAF Rush server, I'd use it.

Then I get a 578 hahaha I'm on point

SMH. And I thought 505m was good. :(


Never thought I'd see the day but...
MCOM defender medal get!

I'm almost done with all the medals now, the only one that will be giving me a headache is the stationary one


Never thought I'd see the day but...
MCOM defender medal get!

I'm almost done with all the medals now, the only one that will be giving me a headache is the stationary one

I think the best way to get that one is dropping mines and getting into a stationary rocket launcher.

That's how I got my stationary ribbons.
Never thought I'd see the day but...
MCOM defender medal get!

I'm almost done with all the medals now, the only one that will be giving me a headache is the stationary one

I'm officially taking 2nd place in that race now...
You only got there first because you got 4-5x more hours than I did! (excuse)
That medal will be mine sooner or later! (denial)


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
You metrosexual avatar dude.

Someone doesn't know Vanessa Lewis. :I

apparently Transport Helicopters are not AIR VEHICLES

0/5 ... DICE

this could be the worst assignment ever...

They don't count for Air warfare pins either. It's why I haven't flown in them in months
besides the fact the guns suck ass


Lately I've gotten pretty skilled with the 870MCS shotgun (racked up 5 service stars in quick order). I kind of feel bad about it, in some cases that gun seems really overpowered. I always back it up with an un-scoped .44 Magnum. You can do some serious damage to unsuspecting squads you catch off guard. I have slugs equipped with it and the range on it is pretty silly as well.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Guys just RPG little birds on Canals likea real man... I killed 6 in one day that way. Ask Dave, one was especially epic.


Truth. I die more from RPG's and tank shells than stingers. That's all helicopters.
Every helicopter I kill is either while using an RPG, tank shell or guided tank shell. I have completely given up on using stingers. Unless multiple people on your team are using stingers in unison, they are completely fucking useless. Lower player count on the consoles makes the threat of stingers pretty negligible. You're much better off using a javelin launcher if someone is designating targets.

Lately though when I get in a helicopter myself I'm getting taken out immediately by skilled jet pilots.

Here is a good comparison when looking at my weapon stats;

Hells yeah




Wow, something is really wrong with me today, my wings just don't work.

I crashed the attack helicopter 3 times and a jet once all in one round...wtf.


Every helicopter I kill is either while using an RPG, tank shell or guided tank shell. I have completely given up on using stingers. Unless multiple people on your team are using stingers in unison, they are completely fucking useless. Lower player count on the consoles makes the threat of stingers pretty negligible. You're much better off using a javelin launcher if someone is designating targets.

Lately though when I get in a helicopter myself I'm getting taken out immediately by skilled jet pilots.

Here is a good comparison when looking at my weapon stats;

Hells yeah



Every helicopter I kill is either while using an RPG, tank shell or guided tank shell. I have completely given up on using stingers. Unless multiple people on your team are using stingers in unison, they are completely fucking useless. Lower player count on the consoles makes the threat of stingers pretty negligible. You're much better off using a javelin launcher if someone is designating targets.

Lately though when I get in a helicopter myself I'm getting taken out immediately by skilled jet pilots.

I don't even get into the chopper if there's a really, really talented jet pilot on the opposing team. Luckily those guys are so far and few in between, there's no real point in fretting over them. Everybody else is mediocre, to good, and they can be dealt with by evading (strafing on their pass at you), or diving, and staying low. I've seen so many pilots crash into the ground next to me after I do a 180° on their pass. That shit is always hysterical.


Armored Kill Key Features

  • All-out vehicle warfare on four new maps
  • Includes the biggest map in Battlefield history
  • New vehicles, including tanks, ATV's, and mobile artillery
  • Bring back five new vehicle unlocks to the base game
  • Earn 20+ unlocks for the new vechicles in Armored Kill
  • New Tank Superiority game mode
  • All maps playable with all six game modes


the new 'Boom de yada' video


Armored Kill Key Features

  • All-out vehicle warfare on four new maps
  • Includes the biggest map in Battlefield history
  • New vehicles, including tanks, ATV's, and mobile artillery
  • Bring back five new vehicle unlocks to the base game
  • Earn 20+ unlocks for the new vechicles in Armored Kill
  • New Tank Superiority game mode
  • All maps playable with all six game modes


the new 'Boom de yada' video
I'm curious about the "biggest map in Battlefield history", in particular on consoles. If the map is really that big, it's going to go largely unused. Seems like a waste.


Can't wait to play those huge maps in Squad Rush mode

You know man, squad rush seems fun.

It's really tactical, you can't make many mistakes and I can see people getting exponentially better at regular rush after playing it for a while.

Search on youtube for Project PTFO. It's a squad rush championship with some well know BF3 players.

I would never try it without friends though...


Don't bother shooting at a tank if you're not going to be able to kill it in a timely manner.
Move on, cap another flag...

You're talking about that Canals game Dream?

I managed to take the tank down. But even if I couldn't do it I still think the best option would be to engage it, it's back was turned towards me, only took 2 shots.

I mean, we had spawned as the russians, but we were having a hard time.

Our team couldn't do shit and were wasting our armor (like the dumbass that parked one tank on a hill behind C, or the other one who wouldn't leave our spawn with the tank).

Then when they finally pushed they let the enemy steal our tank...

As I said we were having a hard time already, if they managed to steal our vehicles we would start to get spawn raped...

I know you complain about vehicle abuse a lot, and most times you are right, but if we had used our tanks better maybe we would have fared better...(I'm not saying we would win).
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